Sagittarius Horoscope | Weekly Tarot for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychicslive.com.au today we’re here to bring you your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days and I hope everybody’s well thank you so much to all our beautiful subscribers all the new subscribers all the beautiful comments and the the resonating comments thank you make us it makes my job all worthwhile even though I love being here with you helping you every week um let’s go in a different Sagittarius Place energy for Sagittarius don’t stop don’t stop what you’re doing Sagittarius whatever it is that you’re doing don’t stop you’re on the right path you’re on the right Journey don’t stop something that makes you happy don’t stop something that you’ve started I don’t know what that is yet and we’ll get into it and find out in the near future so don’t stop what you’re doing because in the near future you’re going to see that that’s exactly where you’re meant to be or that’s exactly what you’re meant to be doing there’s a calling here for you Sagittarius that you’re on the right track if you’re in doubt whether you’re doing something that you should be doing the universe is saying I’m watching what you’re doing and don’t stop because that is going to be what brings you the conclusion and the happiness that you’re after

reflect on your priorities have a reflection of what you want for your life reflect on where you want to be in one year’s time two years time five years time reflect on what’s important to you and how what you’re doing is making a means and an importance in your life reflect on everything around you that’s important being grateful for where you are today and standing the processes you’ve been through and how that made you who you are today speak the world into being speak your world into being is remain with a positive vibe a positive attitude that’s going to bring positive people and influences into your life if you sit there and say this always happens to me I can never find love I can never move forward I’d never get a chance I’m not lucky or you’re going to remain there for quite some time until you find the day where you change that vibration change the way you see things and look at things in a different way

attracting positive you need to be positive bring in the positivity into your life allowing that positive vibe to vibrate to those people around you because very quickly you’ll see that your circle of friends and people that you know will be very different they’ll be vibrating on your vibration what else do we have for Sagittarius place Sagittarius face thank you temperance

what else Harmony bringing Harmony and healing into your being finding your peace Eight of Cups walking away from situations that no longer serve you for some of you here you’re wanting to find your peace you’re trying to find a balance between what you want and what it is that you need to do but in a way that’s going to bring you peace and Harmony you’re now walking away from situations and people and surroundings that no longer serve you that no longer bring you the happiness that you need Two of Pentacles for for a long time you may have been in doubt about what you stood for where you were going what you were doing and what it is that you wanted to do but and you still may be in a decision process right now but I’m very very aware here that someone here is weighing up all their options weighing up all the possibilities looking at different options different possibilities to what you were looking at before allowing yourself to look at things differently seven of swords for many of you you went through some hard times some hard battles that you had to fight even if they were internal battles only you went through battles that you needed to acknowledge and you needed to grow from The High Priestess it’s not by mistake that there is a lot of knowledge here that comes to you your guides and your mentors your angels are all trying to help you see that you’re bigger and better than what you made out yourself to be they’re making you look at things in a different manner speaking your world into being is they’re guiding you and asking you in a roundabout way and I don’t know if you feel this Force around you but now you’re starting to think why am I starting now I’m understanding that I need to vibrate positive in order to attract positive I need to do things that are good for me and write for me despite what others think and feel I need to be comfortable in my decisions and in my actions despite what others are saying Queen of Wands Sagittarius you are taking control you’re taking control of what once was where do I go what do I do what is there out there for me you are now getting very clear indication and perception from your guide your mentors and giving you that strength to look for where you want to be look at different things that you couldn’t see before you now see things a little bit more clearer of why things weren’t taking place of why you were feeling the way you were feeling the seven of Wands you’ve battled through some hard times in the past you’ve battled through not only mentally but physically you battled through some times of being very unsure about who you were and what you stood for and where your motivation was going because I feel that some of you here weren’t even motivated to get out of bed in the morning you are very unsure mentally and physically about where you were going the Knight of Cups Sagittarius if someone here is looking for a new partner then I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re leaving a current location or a current relationship or a city or a place and you’re being guided to a new era and you love that comes into your life a new person that’s going to show you things that you didn’t see before or you never experienced before but there is someone beautiful coming here into your life

The Hermit for many of you you took time out of life and you saw things truly for what they were even though there were some doubts about what you should and shouldn’t do to having that time out to get your perspective right on where you saw life and where you wanted to go made you that much wiser and that much more confident within yourself that you have what it takes to move mountains you are powerful and the time that you took out to spend on getting to know your inner self again was worthwhile for many of you here I do feel that you had a guide or a mentor helping you through this process to gain your confidence back to do things or someone someone that came into your life brought into your life by your guides and your mentors to give you a different outlook on life

look at that the moon the magician and the world a cycle that comes to an end of being unsure for many of you here you were battling with being unsure what to do you even doubted yourself for many times there I’ve doubted myself of what I’m capable of of what I’m capable of finding is there love out there for me is there a purpose is there a mission that I’ve come here to do the end of a cycle of being unsure I feel that many of you now are finding your magic again finding your magic of who you are what you’ve got to offer and vibrating in a way that’s going to only attract positive people into your life

let’s see what Leia namaj has for you what have we got Sagittarius please thank you ah Prosperity Sagittarius Prosperity the fish Prosperity do not give up on what you’re doing remember don’t stop exactly do not stop you’re on the right path you’re doing the right thing believe in what you’re doing and got new skin the snake transformation State can also stand for being con being dealing with conniving people but in this this reading here it’s not it’s you finding your internal abundance and changing who you are and the way you see things becoming more aware of your capabilities becoming more confident in who you are and forming beautiful bonds the ring look at that you are going to find some beautiful people in your path you changing your vibration is going to bring not only stability into your life but bring your stability all all over in your relationships in your work life in your self-being you’re going to find your stability


for somebody here and look at that the Lily you finding peace and Tranquility in your life again you understanding that everything that went in the past stayed in the past now it’s in the review mirror now you’ve got your windscreen use that to go forward no more looking in the review mirror unless it’s just to go back and check of learnings that you learned from past situations but no pain

the Sith you cutting out things and people and situations that no longer fit your vibration today the vibration of low energies of low expectancies of no of questioning your ability and your confidence that’s all gone it’s you cutting all that out and saying from here on in I know who I am I gain my internal power again and take control of my life and don’t allow anybody or any outside influences via me from believing in who I am

very powerful Sagittarius very powerful the change of skin don’t stop

relationships for Sagittarius plays relationships what have we got for a lot okay Retreat it’s time to disconnect from the world for those of you here that have got partners and your relationship was a little bit Rocky it’s time to take time out time out from all the chaos of work responsibility chores all that sort of thing and reunite with your partner alone especially if you’ve got children you work you’ve got chores you’ve got a household to look after it’s important that you take time out to have that special date that special weekend away to reignite the passion back into that relationship more relationship or Sagittarius stay optimistic about your love life positive thinking and faith will bring you Romance Sagittarius because past relationships didn’t work or past people that came into your life didn’t work stay optimistic remember that vibration we spoke about it’s about you not stopping a positive vibration keep it going be positive for yourself because then you’ll attract positive people into your life and the last two is express your love so go ahead and make make the Romantic gesture and chemistry there’s a strong magnetic attraction here some of you are going to meet somebody that is going to be very charismatic very passionate and very upfront your the chemistry that you find when you meet this person is going to be like nothing else you’ve had before they’re going to spark a flame within you that you didn’t even know existed you’ve never had that flame been lit before it’s important that some of you here Express how you feel for that person that you’re going to meet someone with the chemistry it may be someone that you never saw yourself with and all of a sudden they’re going to ignite something in you and you think wow I never thought that person to be my type but I feel so comfortable I feel safe I feel in peace when I’m with that person the chemistry is going to be strong as well for others of you that are in a relationship it’s important that you express how you feel that you tell your partner how they are a valuable piece of your life that you tell them all the good qualities that they have it’s important that you express how you feel because sometimes we can get it carried away with everything else that’s important in our life and we forget that the simple things that are said and done mean the world to somebody

okay let’s say any final energies that we have for Sagittarius final messages for Sagittarius place Sagittarius if you resonated with this then perfect let me know and and if you know Sagittariuses that need to hear this please send it to them and thank you okay first card Darkness many of you are coming out of darkness and finding your light you’ve come out from times of questioning of doubting of not knowing and now you’re finding your way you’re finding your light it will take time but you’re going you’re on the right path that’s why they’re saying don’t stop don’t stop and in the near future you’ll see that this path lead you to where you’re meant to be

there is gratitude it’s important to be grateful for all the things that happen to her in in our lives all the changes that take place in our lives it’s important that even the good that even the bad with the good we need to be grateful for because for some reason that bad experience or that bad relationship or situation has made us who we are today we now know what we don’t want we now know that that’s a red flag so even if things are not positive they bring something to us that we need for further for further changes realization for many of you you had given up on knowing that there’s a life outside of the world that you are in and now this realization is there is more to life than what I thought there was I isolated isolated myself for way too long I isolated how I felt and what I thought and now I see the world as a different place a different a different door to my being a different door that allows me to enter a new world of me seeing things differently being different in what suits me to be

I hope that that’s made sense there Sagittarius for somebody here and if like I said if you know someone that needs to hear this please pass on this message as it’s important that we try and help others that need help lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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