Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024

FREE Yearly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello welcome Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today we’re going to do your horoscope for 2024 today so the way we’re going to do that is I’m going to do three energies and then we’re going to go into the lomad Tarot deck complement all of those cards from January to December with the actual tarot at the end we will do one message for Sagittarius okay let’s go Sagittarius remember General reading and save this video so you can come back during the um months and see if any of those comprehend with what you’re going through okay Sagittarius energy one please energy one for Sagittarius thank you deep knowing in 2024 you’re going to know deeply what you want to do there’s going to be a sense of comprehension there’s going to be a sense of knowing exactly what you want to do you’re going to see things differently behave differently have different attitudes to certain things and you’re going to have a certain certainty about situations and people in your life it’s like a deep knowing of who you are what you want and how much you want second energy please for Sagittarius thank you Treasure Island you will find your Treasure Island in 2024 amazing things are going to take place and you’re going to see that situations opportunities open up in 2024 so don’t give up Sagittarius if you’re looking for love then you will find that if you’re looking for new careers new ways of making money you’ll find that it’ll be a very it’ll be a a year of you knowing what needs to be done in order for you to achieve a a huge amount of um intuition will come through for you Sagittarius and 2024 is ruled by Saturn which is the Justice everything that that you’ve put in is what you’ll get back so make sure that you give good so you can get good back but it’s a year of expansion it’s a year of truth it’s a year of standing up for what you want one more okay please one more energy for Sagittarius thank you

time to let go let go of things that no longer serve you let go of people that no longer bring happiness in your life let go of situations that you no longer want to be part of it’s you reassessing what is good for you and what is not what you want to keep and what you don’t what you want to leave and what you you want to keep in your life it’s a year of looking for what makes you happy letting go go of things that no longer serve you situations people careers Family Life anything that no longer serves a purpose in your life or brings you the happiness that you want it is time to go time to set yourself free from burdens set yourself free from things that hold you back okay let’s see with l no M from January to December forward Sagittarius please what have we got for Sagittarius

is Sagittarius January to December January please thank you we’ve got the key I’m going to put all the cards out and then we’ll go into it Sagittarius okay February February for Sagittarius February thank you the dog beautiful March March for Sagittarius the mountain I co April for Sagittarius April now that’s two cards one at a time please April for Sagittarius please April April thank you the child beautiful new things coming through April May May thank you the anchor finding your stability May June June for Sagittarius please Sagittarius it’s going to be a beautiful year for you the paths July July it’s like you’re turning the key here July the whip August August Sagittarius please August thank you the letter beautiful September September for Sagittarius the garden October for Sagittarius please October October for Sagittarius thank you the tree November Sagittarius thank you the lies and December last card for the Len M deck thank you the bou beautiful Sagittarius you have got amazing cards here more than every other sign that I’ve done so far and I’m not far from the end okay let’s see what we have with the tarot we mix it the sagittari arus please Sagittarius what have we got for Sagittarius please key what would you like to tell me about the key for Sagittarius thank you five of Raphael the dog for February thank you the Knight of Gabriel March the mountains the mountains for Sagittarius March thank you nine of Ariel beautiful like that April April oh too many too many too many April for Sagittarius please

April the seven of Michael May for Sagittarius please to many May thank you 10 of Gabriel the 10 of Gabriel

then June June Sagittarius please thank you king of Gabriel beautiful beautiful July the wh the wh place thank you the sun perfect perfect

August August with the letter the letter the star and the garden place for September thank you the seven of Gabriel and October thank you change your life look at that and November I love this reading three of Ariel and December please December

December peace Sagittarius can I just tell you this is probably the best reading I’ve done so far for 2024 we had other other signs that needed to watch a few months but I feel that every month here is going to bring you something that’s great you start off in January with the five of Raphael everything happens for a reason you’re going to get an opportunity that comes out of nowhere in January and that’s going to be a master number there 33 is the universe is giving you something that you need to change your life it’s going to be like you’ve been given the key to a treasure that you couldn’t see remember that one the Treasure Island it’s an opportunity that’s going to bring you a lot of success and here everything happens for reason you’re going to understand now in January why things didn’t happen the way that they should have in the past you’re going to understand why people didn’t work out why situations didn’t evolve why opportunities didn’t come through everything becomes clear in January and you get given an opportunity of a lifetime in January for you to change the way you saw things before or the way things presented themselves to you you before beautiful so we start January very strong so if you are looking for a new job Sagittarius January it’s going to be a new relationship you’ll find that beautiful person a purpose and a reason you’ll find it in January answers Solutions come through here in February the night of Gabriel it’s time to take action someone that’s very dear to you and a close friend may come to you with new news of a new opening a new um thing that they’ve they’ve got or they’ve they’ve found out news that comes through that allows you to move forward you may have someone that helps you through a certain period of your life or helps you see things in a different way shape or form it’s a friend that will guide you to the answers and the solutions that you need to solve any issues that are that need to be resolved it’s all Force ahead and you’ll get that beside a really good friend of yours so friends are going to play a big part and it could be someone in the family that’s also your friend okay in March you’ve gone through some hard times in 2023 and now here your dreams are coming true you start to see the sun you start to see Things fall into place people coming towards you you have this vibration of love and abundance and everything starts to come and be attracted to you you’ll see that in March you have more opportunities more people coming towards you new Social Circle new people you meet from being in different places but everything starts to have answers everything starts to have Solutions you find that light at the end of the tunnel after going through some really really hard times okay in April you start something new this could be that you start a new job or you start a new process or you start a new fitness regime it’s something new that you want to start and it’s something that you you now choose what path you go down something new presents itself to you that makes you realize that there’s more than one path that you can choose from there’s more than one way to do things there’s more than one answer to your problem the solutions are coming through now and you find that whatever path you want is going to bring you the new to you you need to review any details that you have with new contracts new agreements anything to do with paperwork now is the time for you to look at that very carefully anything new that presents themselves or you starting a new life look at the documentation that you need to sign if there is any documentation if you’ve left a relationship and you’ve decided to go on your own and start your new life on your own then there’ll be propositions there for you you can either go this way or that way but whichever way you want to go and you sign make sure that you uh really pay it special attention to the fine

print okay in May Sagittarius you find your stability again if you’re in doubt about what you should be doing and what’s there for you and what works for you ask your angels to help you find the answers pray or just talk just talk to the universe if you’re religious then that’s great pray pray to your higher higher being pray to God to BHA to Allah whoever that may be if you’re not religious speak to your angels and your guides and mentors which we are all given that the day we are born ask them to give you the guidance and the vision that you need to find your right paths ask for people for your for guides and mentors to show you where you need to go so you can regain your power your internal voice again and your stability so it’s time to ask Sagittarius if you’re in that state so any time that you’re letting go of anything that you you’re not sure of or you’re making a Headway and leaving something behind ask your guides and mentors to give you the strength to give you the guidance and show you the right path okay in June you are picking New Paths you are in control now of what you want you’re looking at things on a bigger picture in June you’re going to start to plan where you want to go what you want to do and what’s good for your life 22 is a master number you’ll be in control of what happens next you’ll be in control of the decisions that you make you’ll be in control of picking where you want to go what you want to do and what’s good for you and what’s not you will have a very very clear perspective of where you want to go you’re also going to be in a place of being determined to achieve something you’re going to be determined to make things work help others and you’re going to be an inspiration ation for many many people Sagittarius people will look up to you or will look at your path and say if Sagittarius can do it I can do it

too in July Sagittarius you see very very clearly what is good for you and what is not you will gain a deeper knowing by July of who you want to keep in your life who you don’t want to keep in your life things that need to be removed move from your life circumstances situations locations people anything that is no longer good for you will be very very clear to you in July and you will make Headway and that’s all part of you also looking at your new paths and being in control of your destiny month to month things will tie in together but in July you have a very very clear understanding of what is good and what is not Things become so clear to you as day and number 11 you will have no hesitation in making the cuts that you need to make in order to improve your situation or your

life in August you get a message that’s going to be pivotal for for what you want to do there’s going to be a message that’s sent to you and that’s going to be a message that you’re going to see very clearly what happens next what you need to do next all the solutions the answers are there in August through this message that you receive whether it be a letter an email a WhatsApp um an SMS whatever it is is going to allow you to see things so clearly that you’re going to absolutely be sure of where you’re going and where you’re

heading okay in September we’ve got the garden and seven of Gabriel you may be challenged by some you may make some decisions in September and some people of the family your partner friends work colleagues bosses they may question your decision they may question you and say why are you doing that or why you going to think about that but Sagittarius you need to do what’s right for you very clearly you’ll make decisions about different um Social Circles that you’re in different friends um wanting to do things differently wanting to be part of a community everything here will be you claiming back who you are and your personal power you being part of that Community or being part of that Social Circle because you want to some of you here may even change religions change what you believe in change in what how you see yourself change the way you look change there will be changes in September that are going to be part of your you of you finding yourself of you knowing who you are and where you want to go when you let go of things that no longer serve you you will know very clearly who you are and you’ll feel comfortable with that and even if others judge you or question you you won’t listen to any of

that in October you find your foundation after everything that you’ve been through in 2023 in October 2024 you change your life for the better you you gain a sense of who you are you gain a sense of what how strong you are the power that you hold within and you make changes for a new life a new foundation and a new way of doing things and seeing things the change in your life is going to be tremendous and it’s going to be a new vision about what you want and where you want to go for some some of you you may even change locations decide to live overseas in another city in another state doing something totally different in your career it’s a big change in your life in October and that’s you making the changes you making the

call in November you’re going to find peace you’re going to find that after everything that you’ve done and gone through and after all the cleaning up that you’ve done in your life with people situations career relationships whatever it may be you’re going to find your Treasure Island it’s going to be a time of you recognizing that you needed to go through certain circumstances you needed to go through quite a few hurdles to get where you are today but you’ll have a very clear understanding that where you are is where you were meant to be where you want to be the peace and Tranquility that you get out of all your learnings throughout the year and in 2023 is going to set you in a very peaceful place hence that December by the time you get to December next year it’s absolute bless there is the bouquet which is opportunities it’s being grateful it’s being happy it’s being abundant it’s being the the both okay is all about you looking at your life and going wow I’ve achieved what I’ve set out to achieve I’m in such a beautiful place now that I have got my peace my tranquility and I am happy with who I am and where I’m at right now so Sagittarius what a year it is it’s a year of growth it’s a year of success it’s a year of you finding yourself and it’s a year of abundance and letting go of anything and anyone that ever held you

back beautiful you this is the best reading I’ve done for 2024 there was quite a few signs there that that are still going to have challenges in 24 but Sagittarius if this is you congratulations and I wish you all the best for 24 make the most of it because from here it looks like a brilliant year ahead yeah is there going to be bumps along the way absolutely but what would life be without any bumps really boring so there are going to be a few bumps along the way but nothing that’s going to take you off your focus your course your knowing of who you are your knowing of where you want to go last message for Sagittarius please successful year Sagittarius wise one grow within your current situation you seeing things that you didn’t see before you seeing things that you couldn’t see before because you weren’t looking you weren’t taking a step back and analyzing everything and everyone in your life so grow within your current situation you’re going to grow as you go through this year you’re going to grow and see things that you couldn’t see before and you will be one wise person at the end of 2024 many things that changed people that left or you walked away from situations that you changed that everything had a purpose and a reason for and that’s going to be very very clear for you in December Sagittarius with that I want to thank you so much lots of love and light your way and all the best thank you

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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