Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for November

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 3

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 3. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-forecast-for-november-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days thank you for being here thank you for all the beautiful subscriptions follows likes and comments on the videos I so appreciate it thank you for those of you that are here today I want to say thank you and remember it’s a general reading it’s not going to resonate with everybody check your moon and ascendant sign and release the energy if this one doesn’t resonate okay what have we got for Sagittarius please Sagittarius thank you time for a nap time for a nap Sagittarius what else have we got

cocreate chopping wood and on the bottom of that we’ve got Yang look at that power New Beginning here [Music] Sagittarius okay Sagittarius the first thing I need to to say to you is this for many of you here you’re not happy with where you’re at what you’re involved in or where or who you’re with it’s something here that needs to be sorted out for some Sagittariuses here it’s now time to take a rest take time out walk away from what is really bothering you and take a step back from that I want you to take a step back from what’s annoying you hurting you and is not good for you take a step back from it and take time out it’s time for you to evaluate what you’re going through who you’re with what you’re doing and where you’re going it’s time now to find your stability for some of you here you’re very instable at the moment in a situation or in a a circumstance with either somebody or in something that you’re not happy with and the universe is saying it’s now time for you to take time out away from that it’s now time for you to distance yourself from the worry that you have if you can you need to take time out because you need to be able to take time out if you’re going to see things for what they truly are you’ve got an Al here Al see things that no one else does you need to re-evaluate Where You Are and what got you here and taking a step back from this is going to allow you to see that there are other doors that can open other opportunities you haven’t seen before and and a change that you can only make the minute you take time out sometimes when we’re too close to everything Sagittarius we can’t see clearly what got us there what we’re thinking and how we’re reacting to things the minute we walk away from that situation and look from an outsider in we start to see things that we didn’t see before we start to see that there is other opportunities there are other avenues there are other paths that we can try that we can do to get us out of a situation that we see ourselves in

and that may require you to cut people out of your life distance yourself from people that brought you instability situations that brought you instability it’s now time to do your cleanup and chop wood and what that means is it’s now time to be real true to who you are and really look at things for what they are and what they present themselves to be look at people and really valuate are they true and are they a blessing in my life if the answer is no then distance yourself away from those people look at situations that you see yourself in are you happy being in those situations do they bring you peace and Tranquility if the if the answer is know you need to cut those situations out of your life there’s going to be a lot of cleanup so to speak in your life if you are to cocreate and recreate the life that you want you need to you’re going to need to be you’re going to need to take things out of your life and people distance yourself away from people that don’t allow you to be who you truly want to be that don’t allow you to be who you truly want to

be and this is where Yang comes in once you do that Sagittarius cuz the only person that can do that is you only you can evaluate your life only you can make those decisions in your life no one can tell you to do that but it’s very clear here in the tarot that it’s saying this is what the problem is Sagittarius what are you going to do with it the minute you do those things you’re going to find that you find that light at the end of the tunnel that ball of fire is you you are going to have a new purpose and a new reason A New Beginning you’ll have a very clear understanding of what’s gone wrong and where where or how it got to you got you to where you are today and here and now you need to focus on the here and now don’t worry about what happened in the past the past is the past and that’s why it’s called the past it needs to stay there the here and now is what counts the changes that you make three and two is five which is change the changes that you make here and now are what’s going to take you to the new life the new beginning that you

deserve I hope that makes sense Sagittarius let me know let me know if you’re one of the ones that have to clear things and people out of your life in order for you to start new let me know in the comments what have we got for Sagittarius thank you wow nine of G Gabriel stay determined and move forward be prepared for any possibility environmental activism it’s you making your own paths it’s you creating paths that were not there before because you couldn’t see what needed to happen this time out is so important Sagittarius for you to see New Paths that you need need to make for yourself new ideas new thoughts new

beliefs no longer is this past a part of you six of Michael it’s the light at the end of the tunnel breathe a sigh of relief and make new plans relocation or

travel I’m not going to say anymore we’ve already said it so I’m not going to repeat that everything we’ve spoken about is in this card

here only you can make that change Sagittarius Knight of Michael time to move quickly choose logic over emotion sudden changes many of you were invested into someone or something or a situation or a career emotionally take taking that time out and stepping away from it understanding that what it was bringing you was nothing that you wanted or nothing positive in your life the minute you take a step back and analyze the situation or the relationship you’re going to see that I need to change this I need to change the way I feel about this I think about this I react to this it no longer serves me it no longer has purpose in my life I need to let it go chopping wood that’s what it’s about it’s about you making those changes and making them with rationality not

emotional on the bottom of the deck two hearts dedicated ated to creating something wonderful Kindred Spirits don’t give up on those you love you may find Sagittarius that the people that love you are right beside you the people that bring you positive energy true energy are right beside you you need to be confident enough to speak to someone of importance in your life and let them know how you’re feeling allow them to help you find that light at the end of the tunnel if you say to me Marie I don’t have anyone I can count on and I don’t have anyone I can speak to or nor do I want to speak to anyone then my advice would be to you this look yourself in the mirror and tell that person that’s looking back at you what you want and what you’re feeling it’s important part of the healing process and the cleaning up process is you getting out exactly how you feel to the truth the true core of the problem of the situation and the best person to do that with is yourself look at yourself in the mirror and tell that tell yourself in that mirror how you’re feeling how what you’re

thinking because you know that that will always be safe with

you time to let go time to clean up time to be true and time to recreate the life you’ve always

wanted Sagittarius place what if it oh Justice it’s only just Sagittarius you owe it to yourself more than anyone in this world to be as true as you possibly can be you owe it to yourself to take time out and be as honest with yourself and as true seeing things for what they are seeing people for what they

are there you go there’s the change look at that the change that you need to make the change that awaits you Sagittarius make no mistake if you don’t change anything you’ll be forced to change something because the universe is saying you cannot live this way feel this way or think this way you need to change what is hurting you what is not good for you and where you are right now or who you’re with right

now the change is coming in that light at the end of the tunnel needs to be found by

you with that you’re going to find your abundance you’re going to find that your self-confident doubles and triples you’re going to find your inner strength and your belief and who you are again you’re going to realize that you don’t need much or anyone to make you feel Prosperity abundance and loved as much as you can do that for yourself clearing the paths is only going to bring you a lot of prosperity because sometimes we block our prosperity and we block what what Meant For Us by hanging on to things with low energy and low

vibration one more card

please with that Sagittarius I say Amen it’s the end of a cycle that no longer serves you that’s when you’re going to find the light at the end of the tunnel when when you close that door when you close that torment that worry when you move away from those people that don’t bring you anything positive that’s when you’re going to find your Jewel that’s when you’re going to find the light at the end of the tunnel and be able to create your new world your new beginning your new life

we’ve got some work here Sagittarius to do what are we got two cards with Le noad please you co-creating your life that you want a man for some of you it’s a relationship this man could also be a woman it’s just an energy here but this is a person for someone it’s you moving away from a particular person it does doesn’t need to be a relationship a love relationship it could be any relationship but this is you moving away from somebody that is bringing this negativity putting an end to this relationship friendship

[Music] partnership to find your stability your inner strength and your power again Sagittarius the the minute you make that change you’re going to see that things change look at that forming new bonds forming solid bonds from here on in being with people that you want being in situations that you like forming bonds that are true and positive don’t give up don’t give up on that cleaning on that thoughts and look at that new place you may even move homes locations or careers one last message please for Sagittarius thanks one last message for Sagittarius thank

you trust in higher forces trust that your guides and your mentors are guiding you through this you’re not alone trust that God Buddha Allah is behind you you’re not being forced to look in a different way by mistake you’re being encouraged to change your situation because the way it is now is no way to live or to

have and on the bottom of that deck what did I say the protection Guardian guardian drop your Shields drop your shield and allow yourself to see situations and people for what they truly are drop those Shields of protection against putting up with negativity because you won’t need those Shields anymore the minute you’re true to yourself the minute you put yourself in the best possible place location or with the right people or person

drop your Shields is going to be right at the end after you’ve cleaned up everything that needs a big clean up Sagittarius I hope this makes sense to somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way and thank you for being here [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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