Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot For December 2023

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and here we’re going to do your uh reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the energy cards and then we’re going to into two tarot and then we’re going to finish off with a message from the Moon deck I hope everybody as well just wanted to let you know that we’ve also done your horoscope for December that’s all there and we’ve also done the horoscopes for 2024 energies so if you feel that you’d like to know more the it’s there on um it’s there for you to see on our channel so let’s see what we have for Sagittarius please Sagittarius I’ve already mixed these with the Sagittarius energy so let’s see what comes out for Sagittarius please thank you first listening listening is going to bring you a lot of learning and a lot of growth Sagittarius in the next one to two weeks one and two is is three which is growth and listening the dolphin you know the dolphin listens to Predators when they’re coming and they stand very very still there’s going to be Vital Information that someone talks about or you hear on the news or you hear something on social media that could make a difference to you in some way shape or form or could give you an idea that will be very profitable it may be an answer to a an answer to a question that you’ve been battling with or a solution to a problem that you’ve been facing but whatever it is listening is going to be key in the next one to two weeks what else do we have for Sagittarius

please no I’m not going to get it if it doesn’t fall I’m not going to pick it up

no initiation it’s you getting yourself out of a situation that you’re in and starting something new you may be in a situ situation that you don’t like or with people that you don’t like or with a partner that you don’t like but you’re going to initiate something that’s new and it’s going to allow you to see things differently feel things differently and want to be different through this listening you may just it may just be the key for your new initiation something that get get said that you you

hear may start a new idea or be the answer like I said before to something that you want to

start Sagittarius please what else have we got for Sagittarius thank you

Sagittarius they threw it at me Community you’re going to work as part of a team or do something that the community needs and wants that’s what the power in this new idea or this new thing that you’re doing or who you’re going to be with it’s it’s going to be part of a community or serving the community or you’ve got a product that the community needs that’s going to bring you a lot of power and strength to your product and to you as a person it’s you sharing your knowledge you could even be sharing your knowledge to the community sharing your gifts of what you know what you’ve leared you may be teaching people things you may be spreading the news about something or you’ve got a product that people want whatever it is that you do it’s you getting out into the community in a different format a different way or doing something differently I don’t know what that is let me know in the comments if this is making sense Sagittarius for someone here it’s going to make sense but it’s like you you hear something and then you start to understand that you need to either one do do it differently or introduce something differently something that’s different and that is what the community wants or you’re reaching out to the community it’s something like that it’s to do with product or or knowledge it’s something that you’re sharing with others and you’re going to get a pivotal idea from something that you

hear don’t know what that is on the bottom adaptability it’s you adapting to the new the new way of doing things it’s you finding stability two and four is stability it’s you adapting to the new way of marketing the new way of presenting the new way of speaking the new way of selling your product maybe you’re going to um come up with with a new website or a new way of promoting your product online a new website that allows people to purchase from you

online a a new way of marketing on social media something it’s something that you hear that makes you start this new thing about you taking what it is that you do to the rest of the world I hope this makes sense Sagittarius I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but for someone here they’re going to understand it okay what else have we got in the tarot what else have we got for Sagittarius please thank you Six of

Pentacles more cards please I want to say the whole line before I go into it yeah the

lovers the Two of Wands I’ll tell you why I’m laughing oh look at these look at the there’s no mistake here Sagittarius I’m connecting with an entrepreneur here or someone who is taking their business or what they do to another level no mistake your adaptability to to to today’s society in the way things are done are going to bring you Prosperity without a doubt look at

that Sagittarius I’ve got here you’re weighing up your options and from what I feel here you’ve got very limited money to Market what you’re doing or what you’re trying to put out and for some of you here you need to make a choice that’s going to work you’re making a decision do I go this way or that way do I do this or do I do that careful with what you’re doing because other people are trying to take your idea so be very careful that you trademark anything that’s going to be amazing you you uh trademark your name or your your product or who you are but you make it very or everything that you put out onto social media brand it brand it with your name so people don’t take your images that’s what they’re saying to me I don’t know what that means you’ll know what it

means and maybe the listening is coming to this reading but it is an idea that you’re going to and here you’ve got decisions and New Paths that you’re going to have to make there are decisions here on which way you’re going to take this and you’re going to be looking at two different paths two different options two different products two different ways of promoting your product or promoting your Channel or promoting your your voice or promoting what you’re

teaching but what whatever it is make no mistake that these changes are going to bring you a lot of success a lot of

success Sagittarius you may be dealing with someone of an earth sign here cuz there’s a lot of earthy stuff here and the Earth signs are Virgo Taurus and Capricorn you may be working with someone of that nature with that with that in their horoscope or you have got that strongly in your stars in your astrology chart Virgo Taurus and Capricorn very earthy

here for some of you here in the next one to two weeks you’re going to come out of a cave that you’ve been in for quite some time after a relationship that left you in a lot of hurt and pain and you’re going to meet someone that takes you by surprise and shows you passion and love and this person is going to be genuine about how they feel you’re going to allow yourself to come out of that cave of hating the opposite sex or the same sex whichever way you go and here it’s you coming out of the cave and and and giving love a second chance you may meet someone in the next one to two weeks that brings you out of this Cave of not having faith in love they’ll show you that there is

love I need to say that that’s that’s obviously for someone here for a reason let’s see what else we have for Sagittarius please what else do we have

Sagittarius thank you choices look at that whatever it is that you listen to whatever it is that you’re weighing up it’s going to allow you to have choices it’s going to open up a new world where you can expand and get to more people all around the world you can even introduce new things do things things

differently Sagittarius

please Sagittarius

please stand firm stand firm believe in who you are believe in your product and do it with a certainty and and stand behind what you’re doing and stand firm with who you are understand that you have got what it takes to make it work and believe in yourself and what you’re doing because if you have that belief anything is going to be

possible for those of you that have met someone new you may stand firm to begin with whilst getting into a new relationship in in afraid that this person may hurt you or may cause you the pain of your last Sagittarius you need to let that go not everyone is painted with the same paintbrush not everyone is the same although I understand your firmness and your guard your guard against getting being hurt you’re going to get to a stage where you need to show some vulnerability allow that person

in but you will do that when you feel it’s right no one can tell you when that time is right apart from when you feel it’s

right you are going forward with a new project A New Beginning a new way of seeing things a new way of doing things I’ve already explained that that’s you on your horseback ready to go and your Galloping you’re excited you you’ve regained passion into what you do and you’ve got this passion to take it out to as many people as you can you’re going to realize that this community is in need of you and your

product you’re going to get out of a state of feeling blocked and not knowing which way to go this is you leaving this position of not being able to see a solution not being able to see an answer not being able to to move in any direction you’re now going to let that go the minute you adapt to the new way of doing things the new way of putting yourself out

there which in turn look at the bottom of this card is going to bring you a lot of healing and regeneration look at that Sagittarius it is not a mistake whilst you felt in that position there it’s about to change the minute you grasp and the minute you hear what you’re meant to be to hear you will change exactly what needs to be changed in order for it to be

prosperous and bring you what you deserve for all your hard work and effort Saturn is 2024 ruling and Saturn brings justice so if you do good if you put in good that’s what you get back so I feel that someone here has worked extremely hard just wasn’t sure about how to get it out there how to do things differently but the answer comes here you find a solution within the next one to 2 weeks let me know Sagittarius if you have already found it and when you find it come back to this video and let me know does this resonate with you are you the one waiting for this answer this

solution I’m just going to show you the card Prosperity lies ahead I have no doubt Sagittarius you’re about to make a change change that is just going to be the difference in your

Prosperity don’t let your past hold you back remember I said for those of you that are going into a new relationship that you’re standing firm and putting up your walls so you don’t get hurt look at this card don’t let your past hold you back remember not everyone is the same not everyone is painted with the same paintbrush you’ve got the power and the will and in time I understand Sagittarius in time when you feel it’s right show some

vulnerability Sagittarius I hope that this has made some sense to someone here remember to like comment so this video can be shared with many others that need to hear it lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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