Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot For December 2023

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month Of December 2023

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live we’re about to do your December horoscope and here we’re going to go into three parts which is one we’re going to have a look at the energies that come through for the beginning mid and end of December then we’re going to go into the tarot and that we’re going to do in each house um of the zodiac chart so that will be a very um length of your you know career income love life all sorts Health everything is in there and then the last message here is going to be just the last message that we have for December overall so let’s get started let’s go what are the three messages I’ve already mixed these but I’ll just mix these again one more time okay let’s see what the messages are that come through for Sagittarius energy for Sagittarius for the the beginning of December please energy for Sagittarius beginning of December thank you fear fear Sagittarius what are you worried about what are you scared about at the beginning of December some of you here may be worried extremely worried about something or have a fear in regards to something whether something’s going to happen or whether something doesn’t happen but there is a fear here that you hold very deep down so Sagittarius I don’t know what that first one is but I’ll ask the tarot to give me a bit more explanation on that fear I had this card for somebody else and I don’t know who it is so check your moon and your ascendant sign okay mid December what have we got for mid December thank you patience it’s something that you need to be patient about in mid December it’s going to test you a little bit Sagittarius and what the universe is saying is please have patience things will all work out you’ll see the solution to the problem that you’ve got or you’ll have the answer that you need for now just stand still and don’t make any moves and just wait until things start to change things start to become clearer for you okay what’s what are we having at the end of December festive season and holiday season for some or for all but festive season isn’t for everybody so what have we got for the end of December blossoming by the end of December you’ll see things blossoming you would have had answers to your questions solutions that come through to problems that were worrying you you start to feel the festive season you start to you start to feel the pleasure and beauty of the holiday season it starts to all Blossom anything that you are worried about anything that you are scared about you’ll see that nothing is there to worry about and nothing was ever there to be scared about so everything will solve itself at the end and that’s a mask number 33 so all the solutions and the answers that you looking for are going to come through okay let’s see what we’ve got for each house of the zodiac for you so house one is about yourself how do you see how will you feel in December about certain things how will you be feeling in December overall and anything that’s worrying you what is that okay what is house one for Sagittarius please for December house one on self look at that Sagittarius for many of you you want to be moving forward making movements wanting to plan forward ahead you want you’re looking ahead and not looking back for many of you you’re just looking one way and that’s forward let’s get this done let’s go through this let’s get that sorted let’s go head-to-head with whoever we need to order to sort things out you’re you’ve got this internal power and strength to move ahead and sort out anything that was stopping you at one stage or scaring you from um doing anything you’ve got a movement forward there so you’re definitely going to action something um in December and that’s you wanting to do this wanting to sort it out okay so let’s see what else we have for second one is income and finances what have we got for your income and finances income and finances please for Sagittarius house two page of Wands look at that the page of Wands and that’s you looking forward planning ahead knowing what you’re going to spend your money on knowing how you’re going to get some money for those of you that are unemployed you’re going to make some forward movement here to find a new job get yourself more sorted and and with financial stability that you’ve been wanting to there’s answers and solutions coming through look at that light at the end of that wand it’s you finding your Solutions finding your answers to the problems in your finances and maybe that’s that fear here but whatever it is it’s going to be sorted Sagittarius you’re going to find the answers and the questions that you had how’s your communication going to be in December that’s house three communication for December how’s that going to be what’s the communication for December going to be like for Sagittarius please thank you tiring you’re going to be exhausted in December from having to meet so many people do so many things and also you’re going to um be exhausted from all the communication that’s going to take place all the social events you need to attend to everything that happens around that time you know that crazy period of Christmas or the crazy period of of the holiday season it all takes a toll sometimes on you and I feel here that many of you are going to be exhausted from the year that you’ve had you’re going to come to the holiday season and go oh oh wow I’ve just been through a war and back you know so it’s going to be a time of you recuperating your body your energy and your mind totally exhausted Sagittarius totally exhausted okay give me one sec one sec

Sagittarius all right so then we go onto sorry the fourth house which is the home what have we got for home for Sagittarius please home for Sagittarius thank you what have we got for Sagittarius for home has for thank you a magician look at that you are creating your magic you’re going to be in control at home you’re going to be in control with what’s going on in the home you’re going to have everything you need and you know exactly what you need to do you’re going to organize your home you’re going to organize your social events you’re going to organize time off you’re going to reorganize your home so it’s ready for the coming year it’s like you’re going to do a big spring clean at home and reorganize everything so everything is in place when the New Year hits so in December I see you um reorganizing things making things um beautiful and and clean and ready for the new year to come in okay your our next house is House of romance which is the fifth house fifth house is that came flying for some of you you’re going to stand firm in your relationships you’re going to speak your truth and some of you will even be starting a new relationship for some of you you’re going to start you’re going to be true with with what how you feel and you’re going to be speaking very rational about what you want in your relationships how you feel in your relationships and you’re going to be very Forefront with what you want in your relationships so very sure of who you are what you want and how you’re going to get it for those uh that are AR not in a relationship you may um start something new but it’s going to be something that you’re going to take your time with and think very rational you’re not going to be emotional and throw yourself in it’s going some to be something that you’re very calculated about okay Health what have we got for health which is house six house six for Sagittarius perfect you’re standing strong here you know what you need to do you’re standing firm with what you believe in in regards to your health you know what you should eat you know what you should be drinking um you’ll be very hydrated you’ll be looking at your diet over the festive season you’ll stand stand firm and you’ll know if I overeat on this day then I’ve got two days that I need to watch what I eat you’re very Qui you’re standing quite strong in your health Sagittarius I don’t see any major dramas there no major dramas in your health and partnership and friendship next partnership and friendship in house seven what have we got for Sagittarius in house seven Partnerships and friendships and this doesn’t is not necessarily romantic this to be just normal friend look at that you’re going to have a lot of love around you Sagittarius in December friends are going to be giving and you’re going to feel the love you’re going to feel that you’re part of a beautiful Community if you’re in a partnership with someone with work or anything that you’re doing you’re going to see that be very fruitful in December it’s going to bring a lot of financial stability and abundance into your life if you’re in in um friendships that they’re going to be valuable for you it’s going to be a time where friends stand by you and friends will be part of your life a big part of your life and those of you in a partnership then that’s going to be prosperous okay what else have we got then we’ve got house eight which is intimacy and Joint resources intimacy and Joint resources so what have we got how intimate are you going to be in December how’s eight please thank you you’re not sure really it’s it’s a give and take it is going to be a bit of a give and take in your intimacy it’s going to be a bit good and then not so good it’s going to be a part of um you’ll have your good days and your bad days so to speak and your intimacy and your joint resources so if you’re sharing things with people doing things with people it’s it’s going to frustrate you at times but at other times you’re going to see the benefit of that so some people will be a great benefit to you others will just weigh you down um as far as intimacy goes you’ll give and take there’ll be good days there will be bad days like all I guess so house n which is Adventure and higher education are you going to learn anything in December are you going to go on any Adventures do anything new house eight please for sagittary thank you you’re feeling pretty blocked at the moment with thinking about new adventures you’re not sure what to do you want to learn things but you’re not sure what you want to advance in things but you’re just still not sure what you want to do you feel like you’re stagnated in many cases and in your in your day-to-day life you’d like to learn more do more and experience new things but you just feel like you’re being tied down either due to responsibilities that you have right now or it’s a time of being real really unsure about what you want to do and if you are sure what you want to do you’re feeling blocked and held back by by responsibilities by things that don’t allow you to to do what you want to do okay so then we’ve got the 10th house with just career what have we got for career in the 10th house for Sagittarius please for December 10th house oh thank you that was quick you’re evaluating your career right now there are people that want your job and I don’t know if you know but people want what you’ve got you’re balancing out the pros and cons to being in this career for a long time and you’re balancing the you’re doing a balancing act in your job right now and other people would love to have your job or other people want things want a lot from you in that job and now you’re weighing up whether you’re happy there or you’re not whether you try something new or you don’t it’s more like a balancing act should I stay should I go they expect so much of me and they want so much from

me okay and then we go into long-term wishes and networking what are your wishes and your networking Sagittarius house 11 place for Sagittarius house 11 which is networking and future wishes long-term wishes what are you wishing for Sagittarius love that’s all you want you just want to be loved you’re looking for things you’re looking for networks and meeting people that are just going to bring love into your life you don’t want any fights any chaos any drama you’re over all of that you’ve had a piece of that already in your life if not more than once and now you just want to find someone that’s going to love you for who you are share Beautiful Moments with you go to dinner go to movies do things together and just a appreciate one another for who you are that’s all you want that’s your your dream that’s your wish Sagittarius what do you holding it in your unconscious mind which is house 12 what is it that’s affecting you or what is it that youve put on the back burner and you’re not saying what is it that you’re hiding deep down and some people bury this because they don’t want to think about it or they’re not ready to action it but something that’s been worrying you for quite some time and you haven’t actioned yet so what’s in your unconscious mind Sagittarius house 12 thank you savings savings and security for you it’s all about saving money being secure being stable and financially stable in in your life it’s very important for Sagittarius here to keep saving to keep putting pennies aside to keep working hard and saving for a rainy day that’s in your unconscious mind that’s what makes you tick that’s what you’re worried about it’s about I need to have enough money so one day one I can retire or two I can do whatever it is that I want to do without money worries and three I need to have enough financial stability where I don’t need to worry all the time how I’m going to pay things how I’m going to be able to do things so Sagittarius in your unconscious mind it’s very much about finances okay so we’re going to do now an overall overall message for Sagittarius please here for the month of December what have we got for December for Sagittarius we got for Sagittarius for the month of December thank you see your seeds grow Sagittarius whatever you plant Sagittarius now is a time where you’re going to start to see your seeds grow and if you haven’t planted any ideas or seeds of what you want to achieve now is the time to do it spring if you’re in um if you’re in a place of wanting to do things and you’ve got all these wishes and dreams and goals now is the time to start putting things into place start looking at what you need to do to achieve your goals and your dreams start looking at how things are going to work out start thinking about what you need to do in order for you to be able to sew your seeds later on in life what is it that you need to do now for you to have the benefit of it

later okay well Sagittarius I hope you’ve got a lot out of that lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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