Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies then we’re going to go into the tarot then we’ll bring in the lard to compliment and lastly but not least the moon which we’re still in the moon um energy until March 2024 which then will be Saturn and I just wanted to let you know I know I mentioned it last week but with Saturn Sagittarius what you give is what you’re going to get back try and lift that vibration even if you’re going through a hard time at any time during the year as we all do but try and see why it’s happening or understand it to a certain point um but try and see with Saturn it’s a Justice it’s a Justice energy and what you give is what you get and what you put out is what you get more of back so if you’re vibrating in a negative energy then more of that is going to come back yeah so we want to bring as much positivity as we can into our lives in 2024 but let’s see what we have for you for the next 7 to 14 days Sagittarius please thank you blossoming Sagittarius blossoming it’s you finding light look at that 33 it’s a spiritual number it’s you finding peace tranquility and light to a certain situation it’s like you’re feeling at peace right now you know where you want to go you know what you’re doing and you’re starting to Blossom even though you you may not have got to your final destination with something or someone you know that it’s coming along nicely it’s it’s on par it’s a plan that you’ve put in place that you can see working

out what else do we have for Sagittarius please thank you Darkness you may have been in a place of Darkness or you’re still in that place of Darkness but whatever you’re facing right now or you have faced Sagittarius there is blossoming coming through for some of you you may still be in that Darkness as everybody is in a different Journey on a different Journey with different with different um goals purposes

reasons it could be someone here as well that has finally got answers to a solution that took them to a place of Despair it’s like now I’m starting to see movement I’m starting to understand I’m starting to get myself together again I’m starting to get myself up again from a place of emptiness a place of solitude a place of no meaning like there was very little that you were excit of a


creation it’s like Sagittarius you know what feeling I’m getting here it’s like you lost yourself there for a while it’s like you lost your purpose and your reason for what you were doing or what you wanted to do you may have tumbled you may have fallen but you are about to get creative and pick yourself up again for some of you you may have lost your job you may have lost something of importance to you maybe a loved one a job security something here broke you something here put you in a place of despair of

loneliness but you’re now going to create something from that you know when we really near hit rock bottom we come back a totally different person and I do feel Sagittarius a huge energy here of I may have been in a place of Darkness yes in Every Which Way but now it’s up to me to create the life that I want the life that I deserve and pick myself up again and start creating doing what I do best creating abundance creating Prosperity through my skills my knowledge my determination my will to win I need to Blossom again I need to feel myself


tell me if you’re feeling this Sagittarius is this you I’ve already mixed these cards but we’ll keep going Sagittarius what else do you have for Sagittarius there’s a lot of ples you’re starting to M Sagittarius after this Darkness this ples and Creations that steal await you the Knight of Swords I need to be strong again and I need to let go of everything and anyone that crossed my path that no longer belong in my path I need to Fly Like an Eagle and see life for what it truly is accept things in life for what they truly

are seen the truth in

everything the Eight of Cups I’ve been disappointed and now I look to the Horizon to find my new I I want to find a new life a new career a new relationship I need new there’s more for me out there I need to find it and I go in

truth oh for some of you it was a love life that took you to that Darkness it was someone that you cared about you loved you cherished and they broke your heart and gave you empty promises and with that you walk away but you walk away with dignity and TR truth and truth cutting out a person a situation that no longer serves

you for some of you here you were feeling like there was you couldn’t move forward you even lost interest in creating things in doing things you lost interest in getting up in the morning you felt like there was a blockage there that you couldn’t get past this Darkness took you to a place of feeling that you were blocked you isolated and no one understood what you were going

through you know it’s a bit like you need to be my shoes to understand how this has affected me

this person here that you’re walking away from for those of you that are walking out of a relationship could have been an earth sign which is a Virgo a Taurus or a

Capricorn or you’ve walked away but you’re taking with you what is yours you may have walked away from a situation or a relationship but you are going to get what is yours your financial

stability you’re not walking away with empty

hands you’re going to find your stability a new place a new job a new relationship a new life A New Beginning a New Beginning for some of you you’ve made a choice to leave maybe a job or a certain project or a certain career and start something totally new it’s a decision that you’ve had to make because of circumstances or you couldn’t do what you were doing before or you were let go from your current role they dismissed you so you went through a place of Darkness trying to find yourself again and there you are the hermit this is no mistake you took time out to gather your thoughts in this Darkness the hermit thinks in this Darkness the hermet finds themselves

again you took time to understand the truth and what had happened

and your current and your situation you dealt with that

situation the end of a cycle that no longer serves you that’s the world the world Sagittarius the end of a cycle that no longer serves you people that no longer serve you or fit into your life situ situations or a career that’s ended new adventures for you now Sagittarius New Life new [Music]

meaning for some of you you are looking at your empty cups here thinking I’ve had so many promises and so many deceits

lies betrayal

now the universe says don’t give up on love don’t give up on new career don’t give up on you you’ve got so much more to offer both in love and in your career don’t give up just because they didn’t work out just because other situations or people didn’t work out in your life they weren’t meant to work out for you because here is the person or the thing that you

need look at this it’s no mistake Sagittarius look at you you’re the emperor the one that creates the one that owns their space that knows who they are that knows what they want a Creator a Creator a a dominates their field is is fantastic at what they

do is a master of what they

do you’re now going to create amazing things

Sagittarius what else do we have for Sagittarius here

please did I tell you it was the end you’re now going to bury things that no longer serve you feelings that no longer serve you the old you is gone the old you putting up with situations that you put up with for so long you’re not going to do that anymore your attitude is going to change who you are changes what you did no longer belongs to you who you are with no longer deserves a place in your heart it’s you closing doors to start new a an end of a cycle remember the cycle ends you’ve you’ve done your lap around around the block now it’s

time friends you’re going to have have some really good friends you can count on and you’re going to reassess who’s really my friend who stays and who goes cuz I no longer want to be part of people that are not there for real I want truth now I want real whether that be a partner people in my job Associates

career people that are with me now are going to be the real ones I learned a lot in my darkness I learned a lot whilst I was in darkness and now I find my new paths I’m going to master what I’m going to do make no mistake the New Paths the new life that presents itself the new creation you creating a new life

this ending as much as it took you to Darkness it’s going to you’re later on you’re going to see that that was the best thing that could have happened because not only did you change while you’re in your darkness and you changed in the way of what you want and what you’ll never accept it made you realize

that I will not accept that ever in my life again I will never deal with that in my life again because I’m not going to allow myself to accept nothing less than what I deserve this ending has brought you a lot of knowledge and it’s going to bring you a lot of Peace believe it or not a lot of learnings it’s going to bring you situations that now you know are meant for you you know look at that that’s exactly what I had here I was I was just thinking you know when you say if I hadn’t broken up with such and such I would never have met the love of my life or my soul partner that’s exactly what I get here or had that job not let me go I would never have found this beautiful job that I love so much things all happen for a reason this Darkness came to awake the creation and the

blossoming this had to happen for you to realize how creative you are how much you deserve and what you deserve is different to what you are accepting [Music]

the bear it’s now time to stand strong make your New Paths know where you’re going and who you are you’re now the bear you’re not the little ant with respect to all beautiful little ants you’re not the little possum with all respect to all the little possums you’re now the bear the one that knows their stuff that has experience things that has taught them that they can dominate their own path that they can dominate their own future and they don’t depend on others to create their future for them or their happiness

Within you’ve learned now that the only the only person that you can count on with certainty 100% is you and with you you’re going to use your creation to create your new life the clouds are gone Sunshine’s coming through now for a long time I had my heads in the clouds hoping that things would change couldn’t see what was going on around

me but that all changes

now for some of you you find a beautiful person and this is a female that’s showing you here but this is a a feminine energy which is emotionally involved and attached someone of great importance to you whether this be a friend a mother a sister a a spouse a partner a daughter someone is going to stand by you and help you through this if you’re still going in that Darkness for others you found who your true friend

is sometimes Sagittarius you know the feeling I got here sometimes we take for granted special people in our lives because we’re too busy with everyone and everything else but when we hit rock bottom because this is for someone that did hit rock bottom you find that that person that you didn’t really you loved to death but you didn’t really know the meaning of their love for you you found that someone that had your back no matter what you went

through you’re no longer going to put up with small things that don’t matter anymore the people that talk behind your back the people that judged you the people that gave you their opinions that weren’t even asked for you’re making the changes

now you’re no longer a mice you’re a bear with new intentions New Paths new

prospects the changes are coming and there you go you’ve had to cut a lot out and you’ve learned a lot because that’s a transformation number that’s a spiritual number number 11 everything you’ve cut out in your life was there for a

reason now it’s time to whip everything back into shape find yourself again and start creating and bringing the blossom back into your

life what’s the last message we have for Sagittarius place this is beautiful Sagittarius I could be in this energy now for a long long time like it’s a an energy of I may have been through a lot but you know what I’m at peace with who I am today clear your mind clear your mind after that hard travel that hard position of the darkness clear your mind have a clear understanding of who you are what you’ve been through trying to see why things happen the way that they did and you may not see it right now but remember I said to you you’re going to look back and think I understand now why things took place because had that not happened I wouldn’t have had this opportunity to meet this person to change

jobs go wild go wild Sagittarius let your hair down and go and have a good time full Mo moon in Leo it’s now be the the Beast of the forest be the be the biggest that you can possibly be be who you came here to be the master of Your World of your path be the biggest you can

be look this look at the bottom of the deck push through any insecurities are there going to be insecurities absolutely you’re finding yourself again you’ve changed so much you’ve gone through so much there’s always going to be insecurities there for anyone that’s crossed that Darkness path but what you need to remember Sagittarius is I’ve got this I know I’ve got this because I don’t become the bear with New Paths for no reason look at all the blue here look at all the blue in these cards Tranquility Prosperity

abundance you may also deal with someone in the water sign which is Pisces Scorpio or cancer so you may have dealt with someone that’s those signs or you’re going to deal with someone that’s going to open paths and help you on this path Pisces Scorpio or

cancer the end of a journey of going through that Darkness now you find yourself Sagittarius I hope that this has helped somebody lots of love and light thank you

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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