Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June

by | Jun 16, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into


you okay Sagittarius so let’s start your reading thank you so much for being here we’re going to start off with some energies energies for Sagittarius pleas energies for Sagittarius thank you what energies would you like to bring in for Sagittarius please for the month of June 2024 time for an appp it’s time to take time out Sagittarius it’s time for you to take it easy sit back and re-evaluate where you are and where you want to go in life it’s now time for you to rest a lot of your you’re are tired you’re exhausted and it’s now time to give that mind and that body some peace and tranquility and and sleep really delve into the the sleeping bit of it because I feel here that that’s bringing agitation to most of you a lot of you are agitated because of the lack of

sleep what else have we got for Sagittarius please what energy so in June it’s important that your wellbeing is Paramount above everyone and everything else make sure that you take time out to rest clean it up it’s time to clean up your surroundings clean up your home with only things that you use and want clean up your area even have a look at who your friends are who you can trust who you can’t trust it’s like a huge cleanse for you Sagittarius in June it’s a time for you to evaluate what you need and what you no longer need in your

life and bringing growth it’s going to give you stability doing this is going to bring you more of a stable mind a stable way of thinking let’s see what cards come up here so card card number one for Sagittarius please let’s see what we have for card number one for Sagittarius it’s that one there and that is about your career for card number one card number two is going to be about relationships and card number three is going to be about your finances so card number one is here we’ve got the will of Fortune and that Wheel of Fortune my deck here is mostly standing up but it came upside down but I’m going to read cards straight way it’s time for change it’s time for change in your career for some of you here you’re giving everything that you have to your career you’ve been pushing it at both ends you haven’t had rest and now it’s time to to take a step back pushing yourself to that extent isn’t going to bring you everything you want because you’re going to be frustrated you’re going to you’re not going to get the best out of yourself when you’re super tired so there are changes required in your career for some of you here you may feel that you need to change your career because it’s taking over your life and you’ve had enough of um it not giving you enough time that’s what I’m getting there that there’s changes required what else do we need for career for Sagittarius please thank you seven of Wands protecting yourself protecting yourself from out outside forces protecting yourself and your energy from people who just want more and more and more from you and I feel here that you’re giving it everything you’ve got however your um appreciation and your consideration isn’t being taken into account so it’s you protecting yourself now is time for self-love Sagittarius especially in your career you may have goals and that you want to achieve and a career that you want to pursue a project that you’re really involved in but now it’s time to make changes to that you can still do what you’ve got however protect yourself from people around you from people who may be jealous of you and from people who are negative around you there’s some negative Source here around your career the devil look at that it I feel here that some sagittarians are really emphasized on material things you want to achieve so much in your material life that you’re forgetting about your health Health your well-being and your mental health more than anything else tell me if this makes sense to you is this how you’re feeling because it’s time in June for you to protect yourself from outside forces and also from people who want all the time from you Five of Swords many of you have got headaches all the time many of you can’t think straight you’re exhausted you’re tired you want to make a CH change but you’re just too exhausted to even think about it what else have we got here for career the temperance weighing up what’s important weighing up what is it that’s important to me if something happened to me tomorrow what would happen What would happen to my projects to my career to my business how is what I’m doing is that affecting me in June it’s a big wakeup call for you Sagittarius and what it talks about here is someone here is working extremely hard to get the results and what they’re saying is results will come in time you need patience you need to persevere but with Clarity with balance with um perspective the correct perspective of what’s needed from you and what you need for yourself

the queen of Cups selflove it’s time to unwind it’s time to take a step back it’s time to go on a holiday it’s time to take time out it’s time to realize that if something happened to you tomorrow what would happen in your career in your business or your projects self-love self-care your well-being is above all else above material things above money above everything else what’s the what’s the point of having a lot of money or having a lot of things if your health is not

right big wakeup call here Sagittarius is this you did you need this message have you been pushing it at both ends look at that it’s a look at that your self- sabotaging yourself it’s time now to move forward and look at what is is happening around you look at the self- sabotaging the what you’re doing to yourself it’s like I don’t have time for myself I don’t look after myself I don’t eat properly and I don’t sleep well and when I do go to sleep I toss and turn thinking thinking about how I can make things work how I can change things it’s time to take a step forward from that and find your

light hope that makes sense there for your career Sagittarius let me know in the comments um if this makes

sense card number two for Sagittarius please card number two for Sagittarius time to clean up what you’re doing Sagittarius as far as your career goes let’s see what happens in your relationships for Sagittarius please Sagittarius

okay main card is the Three of Wands someone here is looking looking for someone who’s special looking at what they want in their life who is it that is going to complete me who is going to add to who I am today what do I want and where are they where can I find this special person where is my soulmate a lot of questions here about looking forward and looking to where you can go where can you find them the other thing here with with your um relationships he Sagittarius is for some of you here you’re wondering are they out there and you may even decide to travel and I I feel here that you’re at a time in your life where traveling is applicable to you like traveling is what’s going to bring and expand your area of not only looking for somebody but feeling good about

yourself working too much look at that what’s what’s stopping you from finding that beautiful person is you not taking time out you’re not taking time out to even see who’s around you you’re not taking time out to go and have a drink at your local club or your your local pub you’re not taking time out to go out and um have a good time working is not going to bring you someone unless you meet them at work or you could meet them at work for someone here you may meet someone through your work or while you’re working

the empress the creating creating opportunity creating opportunities to meet people creating opportunities to give yourself the love and care and nurture that you deserve but also if you want to start something new that Now’s the Time to go out there for somebody else here you are definitely going to meet someone at work make no mistake there is definitely going to to be something that starts at work and whilst you are looking elsewhere it’s right underneath your nose it’s like someone at work that you may have been good friends with or or someone that comes into your work a new employee someone that comes to deliver something to your work it it’s going to be like an instant look it’s going to be like an instant um chemistry there passion like it’s it’s going to be unexplainable when you see this person you’re going to know so some of you will meet them on a holiday some are going to meet someone at work but there’s definitely something new on the horizon for you in

June Ace of Swords you think a lot about what you want in your life you think a lot about that imaginary partner what they would be like what they would say how they would dress where they would go you you you imagine how they would treat you like a princess or a prince and you have all these great thoughts but sometimes you get too much into your head that they’re saying here don’t have any expectations let go of those expectations because where you least expect it is where you’re going to meet them sometimes you envision and think so much that you lose yourself in your thoughts and you don’t open up to the possibility that someone could just be beside you or Next to

You Queen of

Pentacles there’s two scenarios here that I got straight away that they said and the first one is you’re you’re more concerned about your financial status than a relationship right now or you have been as much as you think you want a relationship you’re actually not performing or going out there to get that relationship you’re more focused on your material things your financial stability rather than finding someone new and even though you you do want someone deep down you’re not projecting that or you’re not uh actioning things that you may meet somebody for someone else here um there’s a thought here of you want someone with money you don’t want someone that you that’s going to come and not be self self-reliant you want someone who’s very aware and very in tune to who they are financially and

instability the Two of Wands and at night or in the afternoon when you get home this is you looking out thinking when am I going to meet that person where are where is this person where do I have to be in the world to meet this person is this person here are they on the other side of the world yes for some of you they’re in another country in another city in another state but for others you’re going to meet them through work and June is going to be a very big eye opener for you Sagittarius in all areas so far look at that some of you here are very all you do is you want to find someone who loves you you want to find someone who you can share your time with you want to find someone who you can call yours and who you can share special times with go to dinner with go to the movies and this upsets you cuz you see yourself alone but the reason for that is what I’m going to ask you next Sagittarius is how much are you doing to meet that right person are you putting yourself out there are you overworking and not having time to go out and enjoy yourself are you um looking in the wrong areas that’s all things that you need to think about your heart wants to be loved and you want love but here you’re sitting here by yourself very disappointed and disillusioned with your relationships from the past and with finding someone new for someone here you are heartbroken by somebody who left you alone and abandoned when you didn’t see that coming and what they’re saying is that feeling that pain needs to be left behind you can’t start a new chapter if you haven’t totally closed an old one does that make sense Sagittarius to somebody here let me know in the comments if this is

you okay card three so card three is finances how are you in your finances two of swords for someone here you don’t know it’s like you’re a little bit lost and you don’t know what to do with your finances you don’t know how to get more or you can’t see how you can grow your business your project or where to go to get more financial stability for some of you here you’re not seeing where you’re spending your money there’s money comes in and it goes back out and you’re feeling like you’re being um attacked by bills and by wants and needs that you can’t sort of keep up with your finances I don’t know how many people that’s going to relate to but you’re struggling a little bit with your finances and that worries you quite a lot but you’re actually not seeing what you’re doing with your money and what I mean by that is what is is it that you need and want that you that you don’t really need you that you just want because the wants are going to be in question here you’re going to have to question what do I need versus what do I want let’s see what else have we got for Sagittarius for finance please Finance ace of cups I feel here that for some of you you may be spending a lot of money with loved ones and you may be out of sorts it’s like I want to give but at the same time I’m F I’m struggling to make ends meet and as much as I want to give to my children and my family or whatever it is that you’re here you’re not having enough money here to to do all the beautiful things that you want to

do the Moon the Moon is you looking at um and being worried about the finances someone here is extremely worried about their finances you’re scared that you’re not going to be able to make the make um ends meet at the end of the month or at the end of the week you’re scared uh and you have a huge fear of not having enough money all the time it’s like you live in a constant fear of not being able to afford certain things that you

want king of cups

for some of you here you may um the king of cups is someone who you you spend your money on emotional stuff you spend your money on things that make you happy and that you love but at the end of it you’re not calculating or budgeting correctly which leaves you in a place of despair of worry of

fear or you’re spending it with loved ones look at that self-sabotaging it’s like you you’re not thinking clearly about how to manage your finances you’re not thinking clearly about how you can make things work how you can budget things where you need to save the things that you love

the magician you’re going to need to find your magic in your finances Sagittarius it’s like you’re going to need to sit down really look at what you’re spending your money on how much is coming in and if you don’t have money right now and you don’t have money to spend with those that you love you’re going to need to find a way or a job to get that money either you create your own business or you have um a business on the side that you sell at markets or you sell on the Internet or you sell something that you make but I feel here that you need to start planning ahead of what you want to do this is saying here that someone here needs to really look at their finances look at budgeting their money correctly only buying what they really need and all coming up with areas of um areas of work or a a new project or a new business that you can create that’s going to give you more

money it’s time to move forward look at that I feel that some of you here are leaving a situation of the time is over of how much I spent the time is over um of me just spending willy-nilly or not having the finances that I need need I need to go and look for new things that are going to give me a new advancement so I can move forward with my life what I’m doing right now is not bringing me enough money or enough financial status to do what I want to

do does that correlate to you Sagittarius let me know in the comments if that is you but it’s time to clean it up it’s time to clean up what you don’t need around the house sell that sell things that you haven’t used and you haven’t wanted um for a while and sell them make them into money um come up with something new but cleaning up is all part of this clean up anything that you’re not using anymore that someone else can get a lot out of all right final messages for Sagittarius the final message for Sagittarius please what do we have for Sagittarius in June not the right time so something here you may be in despair or you may be worried about something not working out as quick as you’d like or something hasn’t taken place or something hasn’t finished as as as much as in the time frame that you had planned and here they’re saying it’s not the right time just wait the right time will come right now it’s not the right time so I don’t know what it is that you’re doing whether that be in career Finance or relationships but the right time will come look at that big happy changes there are big happy changes coming your way what didn’t happen in the past was because it wasn’t the right time so you’ll find that in June things start to happen things start to have movement you start to see your World opening up doors opening up opportunities opening up get ready Sagittarius that’s why they’re saying have a nap and clean it up it’s time for you to rest from where you’ve come from and clean up the mess so you can be begin a New Journey clean up anything that no longer belongs in your

life one more card please one more

card it’s up to you the only person that can change your circumstances is you you’ve got the will you’ve got the power and the determination to make the changes it’s up to you what you do with it and when you do

it okay we’re just going to get two cards from the animal spirit just to give you a little bit more insight two cards from the animal spirit to Sagittarius

please look at that transformation is beautiful look at that it’s now time to transform your being to transform what’s happening around you to transform your world into what you want it to be be who you want to be and make the changes you need to make that’s going to make you feel better the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly that’s [Music]

huge what else have we got for Sagittarius please last message time to heal there you go it’s time to heal time to to rest time to make it happen but you need to rest first June is going to be a period of you evaluating what’s important to you and where you want to go next it’s not a time for huge action it’s more of a time to take a step back from what you’re doing and really evaluate what’s important what you want what you want to get rid of in your life what you don’t want to keep and what’s what what you will keep and what you do want to attract into your life Sagittarius I hope that’s made sense lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye


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