Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023
FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your uh reading for November 2023 I’ve chosen a different way to do that today and we’re going to go through the whole 12 houses of the zodiac uh astrology chart and see what that has for you in November remember to visit the video during November as things can happen at the beginning in mid or at the end of November so let’s see what we have for Sagittarius remember if you want a private reading all the details are below in the description below okay Sagittarius what have we got for you in November oh main energy for November Divine guidance Sagittarius what a beautiful beautiful card it’s the search for meaning in life consider an alternative approach surround yourself with wise teachers or friends it’s you allowing yourself to get in touch with the Divine what’s the meaning of life that you have right now where have you been what have you achieved where do you want to go to and what do you want to achieve what are your goals and your dreams here Sagittarius November usually is a month where all zodiac signs um have this urge to look back at what they’ve achieved in 2023 and start planning for what they want in 2024 and you’re very much in tune with that energy it’s you now in search of meaning of life that you want to live so it’s you looking at what you’ve achieved where you’ve been and where you want to go to that’s going to be November for you and that’s a overall intention but let’s see what else we have for Sagittarius please for November what else do we have for Sagittarius for November please thank you why you’ll be asking yourself why in November why am I where I am why have I done what I’ve done why did this work out this way why did that happen why did something not happen what do I need to do why is it that I’m in this place why is it that I’m feeling this way there’s going to be a lot of questions for you um Sagittarius in November and remember that we’re going through a an eclipse right now in Taurus which means that you’ll question a lot about where you’ve been where you are now and where you’re going to but more so you’ll be doing that you’ll also be looking for change number five here is change see number five here on top of this card so there’ll be changes that you’re wanting to make to find the answers to why things happened the way they did okay let’s see what we have for Sagittarius in self how are you going to be within yourself in November 2023 self for Sagittarius please wow there’s a bit of uncertainty a bit of I don’t know if you’re feeling this way Sagittarius but I get here a feeling of um anxiety maybe uh nervousness a little bit jumpy tell me if in the comments if that’s how you’re feeling right now okay Sagittarius for self how are you going to be in November you yourself you’re going to be fine in November Sagittarius you’re going to do some soul searching but you’re going to be quite happy you’re going to go into the social scene you’re going to be p of celebrations in November you’re going to have family celebrations Festive Celebrations and things that happen November so overall you’re still in a good mood you’re still vibrating that good social environment mood okay money what’s money look like for Sagittarius house two house two is money so what does that have for Sagittarius November house two for November for Sagittarius please thank you there are two no one just one just one thank you okay I’m going to take the two they told me to take the two sorry okay Sagittarius this is you in November for some of you you’re going to feel like you that there’s no way up you’re going to feel that you’ve been in this financial constraint for quite some time now but guess what in November you’re going to get a new opportunity that allows you to change your financial status money for you is going to change in November and although you may be feeling this way right now or some of you are in this state of feeling in despair that you’re finding it hard to make ends meet you’ve got bills piling up and you’re not making any money to combat those bills in November you’re going to find a solution There’s an opportunity that comes to you and you’re going to take that with both hands and it may not be the ideal opportunity but it’s an opportunity that you’re going to take to to get you to a place of stability and get you out of this place of misery and um of Despair really so in November there’s going to be a change an opportunity that comes through for you Sagittarius okay what have we got in um in communication communication for Sagittarius please house three house three for communication for Sagittarius November beautiful look at that what you give out is what you’ll get back really in communication so if you communicate then people will communicate back if you don’t want to communicate then that’s okay too but you won’t get much of that back whatever you put out is what you’ll get in the way you talk to people what you say is the way they’re going to react back to you that’s basically what that’s saying so there is there is an opportunity for you to communicate and find abundance for you to plant your seed in order for you to get what you want and get the financial stability so for those of you that are struggling with money right now Now’s the Time to go and search for help or for opportunities that bring you that Financial stability ility communicating is going to be key to get you out of that position so communication overall is going to be what you put out is what you get back in all right how are you going to be at home house 4 it rules the house so what are we going to have for Sagittarius for home house 4 in November house 4 for November for Sagittarius you’re going to stand your ground there’s things around the house that you know you need to fix you know you need to do you know you need to say so standing firm on certain things around the home is going to be important to you getting things done getting things fixed you’re going to make things work you’re going to have this I need to get this done I need to do this you’re going to find that urge to want to combat anything that’s outstanding in your home okay romance what have we got for romance for house five house five is romance for Sagittarius for November please how
far the page of Swords you’re going to think quite rationally about a new start in Romance for some of you here you may meet someone but you’re going to look at that someone and think are you are you being real is what you’re telling me true are you a person that I should get to know so you’re going to think about a new romance that comes into your life a but you’re going to think about that quite rationally you’re not going to get too emotionally involved right now in November you’re going to do some
searching searching about who this person is questioning who they are what they believe in what their morals are seeing how they fit into who you want
seeing if they tick your boxes it’s it’s all going to be about the mind you’re going to really give it some thought about is this person the person for me or will they bring me uh what I want in my life okay the next one is Health what’s Health like for Sagittarius health and routine Sagittarius have SE place for Sagittarius in November thank you health okay okay for some of you here Sagittarius there’s an issue you may be going through an issue with your health you’ve tried quite a few things and you don’t seem to get on top of it for some of you it’s debilitating you you you you feel like you your every muscle in your legs hurt you’re tired you’re exhausted and you’re exhausted of trying to find a remedy to deal with a certain situation in your health what the universe is saying don’t give up there’s two Alternatives here Sagittarius you are just not seeing them right now because your back faed to them be have an open mind to different things trying different other things to see if they help so don’t give up on things that you’ve tried yes they haven’t worked and that’s fine but don’t give up because there are two things in particular that are going to help you with this
issue okay what do we have for relationships overall so relationships and Partnerships which is house seven house seven for Sagittarius please Partnerships cast seven in November for Sagittarius please thank you the star beautiful you’re going to see things clearly in your relationships with other people some relationships are a blessing in disguise in your life but some relationships your going to find out either things that you didn’t know about these people or this person or there’s going to be something that’s revealed to you in November about someone in particular in your relationships and that could be in your family it could be with a partnership that you have it could be with someone that’s around you but it’s part of your relationships could this be to do with your romance yes it can so you may find out something or something becomes clear to you in November
okay what else do we have for Sagittarius for finances and debts and Joint resources what do we have for house eight house eight for Sagittarius please for November house eight debt and resources freeing yourself from debt look at that Sagittarius remember I said to you there’s going to be an opportunity that frees you from from that debt especially for those people that were feeling like they couldn’t get up well now you’re going to free yourself from that debt in November so please don’t give up keep going there’s always a solution to everything and here you’re going to find an opportunity or an answer that’s going to free you from the debt or the joint resources that you’ve accumulated over the
time an answer will come through okay house n spirituality and Adventure let’s see what your spirituality how you’re feeling deep within that soul of yours and the adventure what is it what is house nine for Sagittarius November please house nine for Sagittarius thank you The Wheel of Fortune for some of you here you are going to Crave Adventure in November and you’re going to find Adventures that really bring blessing in disguise to your soul within you’re going to feel that you need to do things at Adventures that are going to bring peace into your soul and your spirit you getting in touch with what’s important in life you’re changing things to allow time now to spend that time meditating doing a yoga class joining a a gym going to a church a synagogue a mosque anywhere you want to go you’re going to change in November and make time for you to broaden your spirituality for you to get more in touch with your guides your mentors and your
Divine allowing that peace to come within Divine guidance remember we had Divine guidance I feel that some of you are going to connect with your Divine guidance asking for them to show you a new path to give you the strength to get through anything and you’re going to really get in touch I’m getting Goosebumps get in touch with with another dimension asking your guides your angels and your mentors to help you through a certain situation that you may be going through November okay career what have we got for career for Sagittarius house 10 house 10 career oh Sagittarius you’ll Master anything you do in November You Know Who You Are you know what you want you know how to get what you want you’re a master you’ve got a lot of experience a lot of knowledge and in November that’s not going to be any different you’re going to be very much in control of what you do and who you are and for those of you that are looking for work and an opportunity to work you are going to master quite a few interviews so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more than one coming through for you but you will feel that you are in control now of your destiny this search for a new meaning on life is going to be the huge energy that you carry with you in November okay friendships overall friendships what have we got for house 11 in Sagittarius please thank you Knight of Pentacles look at that you may have friends that help you financially Sagittarius you you may have one friend in particular that notices that you need help financially and they will give you a l a hand at lending you money to get you out of a certain situation for some friends here they’re always there when you need them for others you’ll be looking at that as well and but overall you’ve got some good committed friends that are there to help you with whatever it is that you need even financially so don’t be afraid to ask don’t forget the pride ask if you need to for that helping hand because it’s there okay what are you holding inside UN in your unconscious mind what are some little secrets that you hold within that you may be aware or may not be aware unconsciously you may think of something and you may not understand it um or not even know that it’s there so let’s find out what’s house 12 for Sagittarius unconscious mind thanks house 12 for Sagittarius for November what’s in their unconscious mind Victory that’s all you want you have a battle that you need to win and you’re not going to you’re not going to give up until you win this battle Sagittarius whatever it is whatever in your life you’re striving for whether it be to get yourself back up back on your um back on your feet financially secure whether it’s in a relationship whether it’s in a goal or a dream that you’ve got you’re not going to give up and you’re going to you’re you’re craving this victory in your life and and with this Divine guidance you may just get the answers that you need to make it happen and I really do feel that in November that you’re going to get a lot of messages come through for you from your Divine guidance so look out for duplicate numbers and then look them up in Google under for example if you see 22 which is a master number and you keep seeing 22 a few times when you look at your phone or you look at your time then go to Google and put in 22 Angel Number there’ll be a message for you so every time you see duplicate numbers which has been happening to me quite a lot and I don’t I’m not a Sagittarius but if you see duplicate numbers go and have a look in Google and put that number Angel Number there’ll be a message there for you so deep down Victory is your outcome that you want and you are very gungho on on creating that victory for something for a goal or a dream that you’ve had for quite some time all right message for Sagittarius please overall message transform and unveil your gifts you’ve got gifts Sagittarius that you’re not using you’ve got gifts that you’re not believing in it says here transform and unveil your gifts you’ve got gifts that you’re not using or sharing with others that may just want that may just need your services may just need your advice may just need you to be part of their organization unveil what you do and you’re good at because you will transform your life the minute you do that you’ve got beautiful qualities that people are wanting you just need to believe in yourself and transform what it is that you need to transform what is the final message that we have in Romance for Sagittarius romance card for Sagittarius for November 2023 thank you it is safe for you to love remember I said there’s some someone here that’s using their rational mind to sus someone out whether they’re going to be good for them or not well here you’ve got a card saying it is safe for you to love open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all so for those of you that are in doubt there’s your card it is safe for you to love it’s only a matter of you opening your heart again to love and be loved allow yourself to be part and receive that highest energy of them all Sagittarius I hope that this made sense to somebody here come through in November and check these cards again as I’m sure they’ll make more sense as we go through November lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)