Sagittarius Horoscope for May 26 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello Sagittarius how are you today thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re here to do your reading for the next seven to 14 days and we’re going to do the gym forecast as well so look out for boats okay what have we got for Sagittarius please for the next seminal anxiety Sagittarius some sagittarians here are feeling anxiety anxiety within themselves reassessing where you are in your life reassessing the relationships you have in your life right now asking yourself is this the career I want to follow is this what I want to be doing in two or three years time a lot of you are thinking about certain situations in your life and how they’re impacting your life some sagittarians here are thinking about whether the relationship that they’re in is worth having because it’s causing them a lot of anxiety and a lot of stress and a lot of turmoil in their life others here are asking themselves where I’m where I’m working is that benefiting me is that where I want to be in five ORS or ten years time I’m not following my dream I need to be following my dream you’re going to be reassessing where you are right now and where you want to go and that’s causing a lot of anxiety
oops too many cards one more cards Place one more cards thank you a man holding a coin for my for a lot of you you’re asking yourself about a new project a new career or a new business that you may be wanting to open and you’re really worried about the finances what if it doesn’t work out for some of you you’re questioning your ability you’re questioning um whether that is a good business to be part of whether it’s an it’s a good business to start a project with and number four and three is seven which is don’t give up the universe is saying you’ve got something very valuable in your hands believe in who you are and don’t give up number seven is don’t give up so you’ve you’re holding something in your hand Sagittarius for some of you that I’m connecting with you’re holding something valuable in your hands make use of what you’ve got use your intelligent your intelligence and your intuition to to A New Path that’s going to make that valuable gift you’ve been given a lot of money
it’s going to make you a lot of money so for some here we’ve got quite some are questioning there where they’re at who they’re with and where they’re going whilst others are questioning what they’ve got right now is that going to bring them the fortune that they want is is what they’re doing going to be worth their time and effort let me know in the comments Sagittarius let me know in the comments foreign
are going to find your way to this new beginning you’ve got a hunch that what you’re doing right now is going to work the universe is saying follow your hunch follow that hunch of your Sagittarius because there are possibilities of abundance in your life you just need to believe and you don’t give up if something’s not working working change it change it but don’t give up on it so for those of you that are questioning that there’s there’s some news for you
[Music] four of Pentacles keeping something very close to your chest suffering by yourself here this is some sagittarians that are going through a hard hard time finding it hard to discuss how they’re feeling with others keeping secrets within themselves that only they are willing to deal with on their own not not wanting to share with others what it is that’s tearing them apart or not being able to share with others what’s tearing them apart for the fear of losing people in the process or losing situations in the process you’re reassessing your life but holding things very close to your chest for others here it could be that you’re holding something that’s very valuable to yourself
away from others and away from situations that can hurt you
holding holding something very close to you
what are you holding Close to You Sagittarius what’s going on for others from for other sagittarians here they’ve just said that here it’s some of you are really worried about your financial stability and you’re you’re watching every penny that you’re spending that time has made you realize that you need to put away some money for for a rainy day
and for others that’s causing you anxiety not having enough finances to cover all the expenses that are coming in
the nine of Cups you are going to find your treasure you are going to find your way out of this situation you are going to find answers that allow you to leave this situation of anxiety you are going to be able to open up your arms once again Sagittarius and find the joy that you deserve and this is the joy of finding someone important to you
for those of you that have come out of a relationship there will be new beginnings you’re not going to be left alone you have a fear of being left alone and you’re not going to when you least expect it that’s when you’re going to find it so don’t look for it go about your life building your life building your prospects doing your thing and when it’s time it’s going to be time for some of you you’ve walked away from situations or a relationship that was doing you no good you’ve walked away from something that tore you apart
and cause that anxiety and pain and look on the bottom of the deck for a lot of you you’ve gone I’ve got a few sagittarians here I’ve got one one lot of sagittarians that are going that have gone through a toxic relationship a toxic um area in their relationship and they’ve left that they’ve walked away from it without question it was causing him anxiety and that you walked away from that I’ve got another and this here is all about that feeling alone feeling that you don’t belong feeling that you don’t have somebody to share your life with or share somebody to be able to talk to I have another lot of sagittarians here that are going to start something new a new project that they were doubting and and here the universe has said do that for others here you’re going through it’s financial difficulty and here you’re feeling the the the loneliness of not being able to find the money you need to make to to make ends meet you’re feeling here that you’re alone in a situation and you you don’t want to discuss that with anybody some of you are scared to tell people of how much you’re in financial difficulty for others you’re you’re worried about discussing debt your debt with anybody else you’re feeling alone and you’re keeping things to yourself and not allowing others to help you fear of are the same or fear of being judged
but you will walk out of this situation Sagittarius you will walk out of this situation and you’re going to find your light again you’re going to find people that love you you’re going to find people that value you and you are going to find an end to this this and financial difficulty just don’t give up don’t give up number four and three is seven do not give up
[Applause] you’re going through a hard time right now absolute but it’s it’s only a short period I mean the universe is saying I need you to understand that it’s only a short period sometimes we need to go through some hard times look at that here here you’re feeling alone and with no question with no answer sorry to your question but right here you’re not realizing that there’s a key there’s a key right there that opens that door that allows you to get inside into the warm instead of being out in the cold there are opportunities coming for you or there is an opportunity that you need to take something that is right close to you that you haven’t seen yet look at all the opportunities around you look at all the possibilities around you the people around you that can help you because all you need to do is put your head up there realize there’s a key and get yourself inside into warmth
there is an answer coming through
more information for Sagittarius thank you whoops all coming out
the Knight of Cups A New Beginning gaining confidence again Sagittarius gaining confidence again in yourself the Eight of Cups you’ve gone through money problems we know that for the sagittarians here that I’m talking to that have gone through financial difficulty yes you have but eight is strength and power do not give up here do not give up the death card New Beginnings things end so that others can start everything that you’ve been through Sagittarius for the ones that I’m talking to whether it be in financial difficulty or the relationship difficulty things are going to transform themselves now the death card comes to say enough of the old New Beginnings ahead you’ve gone through the process that you had to go through now we’re bringing you new beginnings the seven of Wands there are going to be frustrations or there have been a lot of frustrations that have caused you that anxiety but now is time for you to go and find your new you’ve been through some challenging times the eight of Pentacles finding the new job that you’re looking for for those of you that are financially struggling you are going to find your new job you’re going to be in a new place that pays you better and or for those of you that don’t have a job you’re going to find a job within the next one or two weeks you provided you’ve put your resume out there and you’ve applied for a job you will get answers that you’ve got that job things are about to turn you’ve got that key you just need to find it
and the Seven of swords the plans you’re going to start making plans you’re going to start putting things into place look at that seven and seven and eight and eight look up 88 lookup eight also look up 77 and seven they have got messages for you Sagittarius there foreign let’s say what Angel the universe is going to bring you Sagittarius for those of you that have gone through a hard time things are about to change you’re going to see some changes in the next book one or two weeks and let me know let me know in the comments if this is the change you want angel of soul mates hello hello look at that look at that angel of soul mates Sagittarius I told you that some of you are going to find a love some of you are going to find a new person that becomes your soul mate some of you are going to find that person that makes you grow the angel of soul mates is going to bring that to you for those of you that have gone through that toxic relationship or that disappointment you are getting help the universe is going to send you some help and number three is growth you’re going to grow Sagittarius you’re going to see that life starts to change things start to change and a different outlook on life you will have angel of Dreams look at that pay attention to your dreams there’ll be answers in that in the next one or two weeks the angel of Dreams comes to pass you messages on how to get out of your situation number one and zero is ten which is completion if you plus those together it’s completion and New Beginnings you will get answers that you need in your dreams pay attention to those and as though you will get answers from the universe someone is there to help you Sagittarius without doubt stay strong stay true and more than anything believe things are going to change lots of love and light your way bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)