Sagittarius Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023
FREE Sagittarius Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Sagittarius Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hi Sagittarius how are you today I’m not sure my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live I’m not sure if you’ve seen the shorts but we did have two energies that I drew for each star sign for the next six months prediction and for you we’ve got the first one which is storm warning and number 10. so when we get this card Sagittarius it is a time where you may face some challenges in the next six in the next six months however there may be one challenge that really challenges you but 10 it is over you need to go through this storm warning for it to finalize you’re at the end of it so anything that’s been worrying you that’s been stressing you out that’s been bringing anxiety into your life then just know Sagittarius that this is the end of that cycle you are going in to a new cycle here the one in the horse here comes to say get ready get on that horse because you’re about to take off to a new life a new era that you have worked so hard to get to many of us here some there are some sagittarians here that are putting a finalization to a relationship that they were in they may have been with someone who was toxic manipulative and to some extent narcissistic you’ve gone through that experience and you are at the end of that you are putting an end to that lifestyle that you so lived and despised that is now going to come to an end you’re going to start new very soon and in the next six months if you haven’t done so already and got out of that situation then you will the other thing is for those of you that are looking for jobs or you want to change your career because you are so not happy where you are then that’s going to come to an end as well get your resume out there there is something new for you and it’s something that you are going to love it’s going to see that heart there with number one it’s New Beginnings you are going to start something new there is new coming for you but before you move on sagittarians for all of you that have gone through hardship whether that be in relationships or career or in your business just know that that cycle is ending now [Music] let’s have a look at the Tara and see what that has for us let’s see what the Tara has for us thank you there may have been a lot of fighting in this relationship or this place of work however that’s not going to happen anymore you’re putting an end to that cycle explain this storm warning place thank you finding New Paths you need to go through that storm and complete it before you go and look for New Horizons and New Paths to follow [Music] storm warning place but Sagittarius thank you I feel that for some of you it was to do with work and I feel that some of you weren’t getting paid enough for what you were doing or for some of you this is a relationship that you’re now fighting for what is yours you’re leaving and that relationship and you’re leaving it we’re knowing that you are going to be financially secure it is going to be something that you’re going to accumulate from that relationship or it’s something that is owed to you from that job that you’re leaving
so through that storm warning there is going to be a benefit to you to do that Sagittarius for all of you that were doubting whether you should do this or not I feel a lot of you have made up your mind a lot of you know that you’re going to be better off without this situation you’re going to be better off without this person in your life you’re going to be better off out of this employment that drains you and brings you negative energy that you can’t deal with anymore a lot of you have been in this position for quite some time and now you are at wit’s end this is where it ends in the next six months you are going to end this situation and you’re going to start all these new things so for those of you that have been suffering through this war this storm it’s now coming to an end what’s number one what’s the new beginning New Beginning for Sagittarius thank you more Justice You’re Going to balance who you are when we go through a storm warning Sagittarius here this is saying that you are out of um position as far as feeling um balanced and now this new beginning is going to bring you balance it’s going to bring you fairness it’s going to bring you what you deserve and it’s going to put you in the place that you’re going to feel secure and peace no more storms you’re going to take a leap of faith you’ve got to the stage in your life where you you have said to yourself the only person that can change this is me and I need to put things into place to make this happen I need to look after me and despite what others think what what their opinions are what their judgment is this is a decision that I need to make and I need to make that by myself I need to take this leap of faith I need to make things work for me I am tired of putting up with this storm in my life I know what’s owed to me I know what I’m going to get out of this I need to find the path that I need to take in order to put away this storm no more will I allow this storm to rule my life and in the next six months a lot of sagittarians will be going exactly down that path
if not a group at least one yeah look at that I had two cards here I wanted one you’ve got what it takes to make it work you’ve got everything you need to put into place anything to make your a surrounding secure you are a master at what you do you know exactly what you need to do you’re very in tune you’re very intelligent you’re very organized and you know what you need to do Sagittarius in this case whether it be career or relationship it is now time for you to use all your skills your power and your determination to get out of a cycle or a position or a situation or in a relationship that no longer serves you it is time for you to love who you are you have been disappointed you’ve been broken-hearted through this situation and you’ve been in absolute pain knowing that other people could treat you this way and now is enough time now if you say enough is enough and it’s time for me to move on broken heart I’ve already got it can’t get worse than that
and on the bottom is the moon for some of you here you have soul-searched you have reached within your soul and known what you need to do you may have taken your time to do it out of fear out of uncertainty out of respect for those around you for some reason you felt that you you couldn’t do that because you’re going to disappoint people well now it’s got to the stage that it doesn’t matter who gets disappointed by your actions who you um who you were scared of you’re not scared of anymore and you’re going to take that leap of faith and do what you’ve got to do to release your soul to give you that peace and security that you so desire and Sagittarius so for many of you here leaving a relationship may be that that exact thing that you need to do believing that job is going to be exactly what you need to do you’ve got new beginnings here there’s new people coming into your circle there is new possibilities New Opportunities new partners awaiting you when you want to however I feel that you’re going to balance who you are first you’re going to put everything into place first after this storm and you’re going to take the leap of faith and take on new things that you love and only what you agree with and what you want to do is what’s going to take place no more are you going to listen to others their opinions their judgment you’re going to do what’s right for you
see what the moon has tell us what kind of Sagittarius expect for the next six months
look at that step up and Lead it’s a new moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a huge strong sign it is time for you to step up and lead the way you want to live it it’s time for you to get out what no longer get out of your life what no longer serves you it’s time for you to step up and be the person you want to be grab your power back to you and go with all the force and might you have within you so to Terrace you are no pushover so when you’re determined and you know exactly what you want to do there is no stopping you so get that power that you need and that determination to change what you don’t like in your life at the moment and to change the situation or relationship that you’re in
one more card please what can Sagittarius expect for the next six months [Music] thank you one card please there’s going to be a lot of um turns tosses and turns throughout you finding yourself but you are going to find yourself attend to the details look at all the details especially if you’re going through a breakup a divorce or getting out of a job make sure that they can’t come back to you with anything that any contract that you signed your will out in your own right to leave at any time and that if you’re in a relationship make sure that you secure all your things and make sure that everything’s in place so you know what needs to be said and done when the time comes attend to the details that you need to do to make sure you when you leave this situation whether it be your job or a relationship that you’re ready to stand on your own two feet once you’ve left this situation make sure you plan ahead you put things in place you get a new job you have somewhere to live until you leave and when you leave you know where you’re going and what you’re doing so the small details are going to be very very important don’t sign anything until you’re absolutely sure that you you agree with every term and condition do not not sign anything you don’t understand get clarity before you do that and look at any fine print that’s there that you need to be aware of foreign let’s find out what other cards we’ve got from the Leona the stalk finding your power and your strength again the stalk talks about endings it talks about things that have been on your mind on your mind for quite some time it talks about you looking at where you’re at right now and being very strong and powerful to overcome those difficulties those barriers that you might face or those paths that don’t seem so clear right now
[Music] oh Chase the bear you may have you might have got you may have to go ahead to head with some people but don’t lose your stability believe in who you are and what you stand for and be as strong as a bear and don’t let people override you or your opinions or take you for granted anymore that timing has ended now Sagittarius now this group of Sagittarius or this person is going to be stronger than ever about what they want and where they’re going
you are going to find some loyal friends that are going to help you reassess where you’re at where you want to go and you can count on a few people there to help you through this you can count on your family but most importantly there’s one specific person that you can tell things to that are always going to have your back that person is going to stand side by side you you’re not alone this could also be a mentor and a guide that’s guiding you to stand up for yourself and number nine is you’re going to reassess who’s important in your life and who’s not through these situations and through this difficult time I’ve used putting an end to the old and beginning on you you’re going to very clearly understand who’s got your back and who doesn’t
and the key spiritual number 33 this is a master number Sagittarius you’ve been given an opportunity to leave a situation that is dragging you a situation that no longer serves you a situation that only brings chaos into your life you’ve known this for a while but like I said before due to fear or uncertainty you haven’t found it within yourself to make that change the key is here now you turn that key you’ve got the key to leave this particular situation or relationship anytime you want and change your life this is a change it’s a change for the better wow let’s say the final message we have for Sagittarius for the next six months please what would you like to tell Santa tell us for the next six months thank you so much thank you one can’t Community power and strength lookup eight and 88 you’ve got a lot of eights in your reading look up eights and have a look and see what that angel is trying to tell you but the community is right behind you whatever it is that you’re doing you’re going to find support in the community you’re going to find support to people are going to help you through this situation whether it be legal whether it be a new home whether it be giving you a new career new job a new opportunity you are going to find that there are some amazing people that help you in the community
foreign this new beginning is going to be a change for even one Sagittarian here it’s going to be a change that you’ve been waiting to find you’ve been waiting to get out of and now in the next six months Sagittarius you’re going to find that power you have within you you’re going to find that strength and you’re going to find a community that is right beside you and a very loyal friend of that
Sagittarius I hope someone needed to hear that don’t forget to put yes in the comments below if you want to be part of that reading that I’m giving away that’ll be announced in August for others that need a personal reading I’ve got it we’ve got discounts for July only so if you want to be part of the free reading that I’m doing at the end that we will draw please put yes in the comments below it’s important you put yes because out of those comments we’re going to put everyone in a draw and that’s who we’re going to pick the two from thank you so much lots of love and light thank you Sagittarius bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)