Pisces Horoscope | Weekly Tarot for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarotreadingslive.com and psychicslive.com.au [Music] okay let’s see what we have for Pisces thank you Pisces for all the beautiful subscriptions and all your feedback thank you it’s so much appreciated lots of love and light your way let’s go what have we got for Pisces please thank you no Pisces I don’t know what it is that you’re doing or what you’re thinking of doing or I don’t know what this is but no is very strong here what’s a no

what are you asking the universe forgiveness

something that’s happened and they’re saying no and forgiveness is the answer here so for some of you here you may have met someone or been dealing with something that you don’t see fit and they’re saying no but you need to forgive in order to move forward something that’s not right but requires forgiveness in order for you to move forward okay what else have you got thank you think it through whatever it is that you’re doing or something that you’ve got in mind they’re saying just wait Pisces think it through New Moon in Gemini use your intellect Gemini is very much known for for their intellect and very much known for thinking about things rationally not emotionally they are very rational about making their decisions they know what they want and they think of things through right to the end the answer is no so if you had an idea here of something that you were going to implement they’re saying think it through it may not be the time and the place right now to do that and forgiveness what do we got for forgiveness please

honor your feelings Pisces here they’re not asking you to forgive somebody else they’re asking you if to forgive what you went through finding forgiveness for yourself for some of you you’re blaming yourself here for going through a certain period for going through a certain situation you’re blaming yourself for not seeing it earlier or for not doing things differently and they’re saying honor your feelings forgiveness is Paramount for you to be able to move forward forgive yourself because at that stage you made the decisions that you knew best there and then what’s happened since then has is different now you need to let go of the guilt or anything that you’re holding in re yes okay you need to let go of anything that you’re holding any bad feelings just towards somebody else or about yourself in order for you to move forward honor how you felt at that time understand that your feelings were genuine at that time It also says forgive yes forgive somebody for what they did not because you forgive them themselves but forgive them in your heart because you need to honor your feelings of you need to understand why you felt the way you felt when that happened and you need to understand that you’re a your your right to feel the way you did but forgiving that situation as a whole whether it be them you or the actual situation in itself allows you to honor your feelings and move on does that make sense I don’t know if that’s going to make sense to somebody but that’s the message that was coming through very clearly and they made me go back and repeat that the Forgiveness part okay let’s say what have you got for classes

let’s say passes

let’s see what else we have let me just get these cards right before I mix things

this guy flying with the energy they go flying in some end up one way and the other way okay Pisces Place mixing for Pisces think here

this forgiveness may be to be to do with the relationship needing to forgive someone that you’ve broken up with

but forgive them not by telling them you don’t have to go out and tell them just forgive that that process is now over you learned a lot and you’re going to leave that in the past where it belongs and you’re going to move on honoring your feelings of you felt the right way you felt everything you felt was right someone’s either someone’s making you feel guilty for the way you felt but don’t you felt what you felt was right that’s what they’re saying what you felt was right Pisces please just the king of Wands

you may be dealing with someone in a fire sign which is Aries Scorpio and I feel that it’s very much an Aries or a Scorpio here

Aries Scorpio or Leo but I felt more the Aries Scorpio why do I feel that

eight of swords

one more one more thank you

yeah the death card Pisces there is no mistake here you have come through a battle in the past without without doubt that the person I’m connecting with here has gone through a battle in the past you’ve felt like you couldn’t move forward you felt stuck in a situation with someone or in a situation or group that you needed to free yourself from you felt that you couldn’t move forward from this case or this situation or this person and now the transformation that is taking place around you and within yourself is making you now understand what you need to do to move forward you may come in contact with someone that’s an Aries or score or a Scorpio and there is Scorpio or Leo look at this the hangman upside down the hangman usually comes that way it’s come this way you now see things very clearly that you weren’t seen before for a crisis here I feel that through the situations that you’ve gone through through everything that you’ve been through you now see things clearly for what they are or you will in the next one or two weeks think it through foreign

king of cups for some of you you were locked in a relationship and you couldn’t see a way out of this or you’re you’re in a situation and someone came and gave you a hand to get out of this situation but I do feel that some of you here were in a situation in a relationship with someone that’s um a Pisces a Scorpio or a cancer Pisces Scorpio or a Cancer and you felt that you were blocked in this relationship now you’re starting to see things clearly now you’re starting to see what you need to do to move forward tell me if this issue advice is

the seven of Wands it’s now transformation time it’s now just it’s now the time to stand your ground with the people or the personal situation that you went through stand up and tell them how you felt and not only that but think it through don’t do it in an Abrupt way and maybe right now is not the time think it through when you’ve thought it through then go and do it but until then no think through what you’re going to say and how you’re going to come across because that can make all the world of difference and forgiving this person is only to set you free from that energy that made you feel that you couldn’t move you couldn’t breathe you felt suffocated in that situation or a relationship and that could have been with someone that um that was a cup of energy which is obviously your self Pisces a cancer or a Scorpio

okay let’s see what else we have for you you might have fire signs very strongly in your um in your chat which is Aries Leo or Sagittarius as well you may have that in your sign the Queen of Swords make no mistake this is you sing clearly now what you need to do even in a relationship you now see clearly when you speak your truth to this person that you may have been involved with Pisces and this is remember a fire sign so Aries Leo or Sagittarius you may have been dealing with someone like that you now see them for who they truly are and you’re going to speak your Truth for some of you here you may have Libra Aquarius or Gemini in your in your chat because you’re here with your sword up in the air which is an air sign you’re stating very clearly what you think you’re being very very firm into what you believe in and what your opinions are of this relationship and you’re not going to allow this person um to push you over or make you feel that you don’t count anymore that you’re stuck in a relationship that you’re you’re stuck there because you’re you can’t do without them of course you can they’re just feeling a little bit a little bit unsure now because you’re starting to stand up for yourself a transformation that’s what it is you’re going through a transformation Pisces the seven of cups you’ve made some decisions and choices in the past and that has led you to believe that you now have the capability to move forward without this person the five of Wands you’ve had enough of all the fighting you don’t want any more fighting you don’t want to be in this situation of not being able to move forward you are now ready to take the choices and the decisions that you need to make to get yourself out of this situation or out of this area or away from this person whatever it may be the Ace of Wands the Queen of Pentacles and the lovers look at that there are going to be there is going to be a decision that you’re going to make or there are two offers coming towards you in regards to financial abundance this you’re going to have to make a decision on you’re going to need to stand firm with a decision that comes forward for you in with two choices someone gives you two possibilities or two opportunities and from those you’re going to need to evaluate what’s good for you financially and what’s good for you mentally and physically

Pisces make no mistake there are changes here more now than ever think it through before you act say no if you have to and forgive yourself and others but don’t let them know about it if you don’t want to but forgive so that you can move forward honor your feelings don’t push those feelings aside people made you feel a certain way someone or a situation made you feel a certain way and that is okay you need to accept that you felt that way and all was fine and all was right at the time okay let’s see what else we have what have you got Leo

let’s see what Leo has got for us

thank you Crossroads many of you here are still at a crossroad and you’re done you’re not remember I said you’re going to get two options here and those two options are going to be brought forward to that’s going to put you at a crossroad you’re going to need to decide which path to take for others of you you’re at a crossroad you don’t know where to go right now but you’re going to take time out when you honor your feelings and you find your purpose and your reason you’ll know which path to take the writer there is absolute movement here at the crossroads you’re going to decide which path to take and you’re going to go so I feel that this is someone leaving a certain position a certain place a certain relationship something but you are moving away from something that was not good for your health your mental health your physical being or things that made you feel that you were blocked and couldn’t move the tree that is growth stability and growth and for your health I feel that many of you are going to improve your health once you leave this person this location or this situation okay you’re going to find your happiness again Pisces you’re going to find happiness again once you make this move it’s now your time to make this move and make it with certainty don’t look back look at that the prosperity the fish you have got everything coming towards you that move that they’re asking you to make the universe is putting you at a Crossroads where it’s your choice you’re in a the prices I’m connecting to here is in a situation I need to get out of and the universe is saying we’re giving you two choices whichever you choose is up to you and I feel that once you make that choice not only will your health your mental health your stability and your physical being improve but your finances are going to improve and look at that you’re going to find your Tranquility in peace after all the torment the torture the the weight lifted off your shoulders you’re going to find your peace and your tranquility beautiful I love that Pisces time for change time to say no and time to find your place of Happiness of prosperity children your love life is being affected by children for some of you here you’re giving importance to Children more than you are than you are your family and sorry than your partner you’re giving more attention to your children than you are your partner and that’s affecting your relationship their your partner is feeling a little bit isolated so if you’re married with Children um just know that your partner is feeling a little bit left back um isolated from your love and that they would love some of your attention as well that will improve your relationship I don’t know who it’s going to be for but someone needs to hear it um release your ex the time has come to clear your energy release your past Pisces release the past whether it be love wherever you’ve been what you’ve done anything that’s in the past needs to stay there release your ex if they’re your ex that’s because they don’t belong in your path anymore they came for a reason and a purpose to either teach you pain or love or passion but what they taught you they were meant to cross your path to teach you that so that you move forward knowing what you want and what you don’t want so although people do cross our paths for not such a good a good feeling it can be that sometimes we need to let go of that because they were meant to cross our paths but then go there’s someone else out there for us flirt extend your light-hearted energy to others it’s okay to be flamboyant it’s okay to look at life in a more playful way you know when a child is playing they don’t care about what happens next they they stay in the moment they live for now they live for today they live and appreciate the moment they’re in and that’s what the universe is trying to say to you don’t plan too far ahead don’t when you meet someone don’t think is this a partner for marriage live the moment leave the moment and enjoy it foreign

a couple more energies for you and then we’re going to close off I hope this message has come for the right people surrender look at that surrender to your wants and needs surrender to the Universal Power above surrender to your guides that are guiding you through surrender and don’t fight the changes don’t fight what’s happening around you know that everything has a purpose and a reason for some of you here you’re saying no to a possibility or an opportunity that is going to take you to a place of prosperity of happiness of abundance

Beauty see the beauty that life has to offer see the beauty in the decisions that you make see the beauty in everything around you take the time out to just appreciate the beautiful things around you and fruition we said this Pisces make no mistake you are about to complete a cycle that needs to end for you to go and find what’s meant for you there is a beautiful path ahead once you allow yourself to live and love and learn without hesitation without fear and without pulling back

and on the bottom is resistance look at that you’re resisting change you’re resisting making decisions you’re resisting certain things in your life that is making you stay where you are open that hand and let go of that resistance you’ll see that things come into your life and go out of your life for a purpose and a reason and they leave so new things can enter your life that new people new situations new socials everything new can enter when others leave Pisces I hope that makes sense to somebody here please send this to another Pisces that needs to hear this and lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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