Pisces Horoscope | Psychic Forecast for October 2023

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Monthly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Monthly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello Pisces forecast for October 2023 for Pisces horoscopes for Pisces for 2023 in October thank you so much Pisces for being here today my name is Marie Rose for tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your forecast for October a couple of things one if this reading doesn’t resonate with you remember to release the energy and check your ascendant and your moon sign because this is a general reading however for the month of October I’m using quite a few oracles and Tarot to give you a clearer indication and for some it’s one definite message for others I’ve had two or three messages come through so it may resonate with you along the reading so stick with me until the end as there may be a message there for you okay Pisces energy oops okay you’re not mucking around proud of yourself Pisces in October you need to be proud of yourself not only have you conquered things in your life which you never imagined you would but be proud of how far you’ve come it’s important that through challenges that we go through through achievements that we have through situations that we go through that one day we sit down and we think wow look at where I started and look where I am today be proud of that moment take time to recap not the bad but recap where you’ve come from and along the way yes you would have had challenges there’s no way that someone can grow and someone can achieve and not go through challenges that is just impossible anyone that’s achieved anything in their life or anyone that has created Something Magic has gone through huge amounts of ups and downs nothing is ever smooth sailing nothing

so it’s important to be proud of who you are ground yourself Taurus is an earth sign you need to ground yourself take time out in nature to do that recap of where you’ve come from where you started and where you are today

because you should be proud of yourself Pisces and relax I feel that some of you here may be have gone through quite something sorry something quite traumatic or something that challenged you time and time again for some of you here you may have gone through experiences that I tested your patience tested your fate tested your strength and now they’re saying now with the new moon coming Pisces not only have you been tested and you passed not only have you give been given challenges and you conquered those and not only have you had to grow and and expand that knowledge and that experience but now it’s time to relax and enjoy your achievement enjoy where you are today enjoy your moment today don’t look don’t worry too much about what happened and how you could have changed it you couldn’t have changed anything because you went through what you had to go through to get here so now it’s time to relax not look back with regrets not look back and think how you could have done it differently no no this is time for you to understand that everything you went through there was a purpose and a reason let’s see what other energy we have for Pisces please energy for Pisces thank you blessed and yes you are Pisces be proud of yourself and you are blessed that’s a master number this doesn’t come for everybody Pisces 22 is someone that set out a challenge and didn’t give up through through rain through a storm through Wind Through hail you came out at the other end

you’re blessed through your hard work you’re now receiving the blessings of what you’ve created loyal hat for some of you here you have done it with loyalty with honesty or you’ve had someone beside you that has always been loyal to you always been a blessing in your life

let’s see what the tarot has and where this story will go for some of you you’ve had the support of people people around you that always believed in you more than you believed in yourself

and although you’ve got that blessing now you’ve also had loyal Hearts beside you

Pisces you’ve made choices you’ve had challenges and you’ve had decisions that you’ve had to make to get here

and some of those choices weren’t easy some of those choices and for some of you you went through broken hearts you went through a broken heart period where you may have are broken up in a relationship lost a marriage lost a relationship lost someone very important in your life had to move away from loved ones but all those sacrifices all that pain is now going to be compensated Pisces

the six of Wands look at that that’s the victory card Pisces for those of you that don’t know that’s you winning the battle you winning Above All Else it’s you winning a battle of broken hearts choices that you had to make that broke your heart sacrifices that you had to make that broke your heart but you win in the end and in October there’s going to be a blessing come forward for you that’s going to make you realize that all those hard work so all those choices and hard work were all for a purpose and a reason as much as they tore you apart it was a blessing it’s going to be a blessing

and look at that the hangman comes upside down usually The Hangman’s like that where and that means that you’re in a position of not knowing where you’re going not knowing what you’re doing but it fell this way you know exactly who you are today you know through the experiences that you’ve had that you’ve had to do what you had to do make the sacrifices that you’ve had to make make the choices that you’ve had to make to get to where you are today

nothing’s been easy nothing nothing comes easy passes and you know that after the broken heart disappointments sacrifices it’s now time for rest it’s now time to take time out to enjoy the rest after the battle enjoy the timeout of you having to make sacrifices having to go through pain

you win this battle but you’re exhausted you’re exhausted even though you know where you are and who you are you’re exhausted it hasn’t been an easy path

and the car that wanted to fall there was just stored by your things look at that the Queen of Swords you took the Approach at times of I am not giving up I will cut everything and anyone out of my life to be on my own if that’s what it takes I will distance myself from my loved ones I will make the sacrifices I need to make to win the battle that I’ve set myself out to to achieve the victory card and the sword held high is someone that knows exactly who they are and where they’ve come from where they’ve come from you may also be dealing with a female around you that gives you strength and celebrates this Victory with you and it could be someone in that is either an a Gemini Aquarius or Libra you may have that very big in your chart or you’re dealing with someone like that in your life with those characteristics of not putting up with rubbish you’ve had to think about things rationally sometimes forgot about the emotional when making decisions

the Six of Pentacles and it fell upside down the reason this card fell upside down I can tell you now is you’re measuring everything at one stage Pisces you were you were budgeting your last cent you were budgeting to make ends meet and there were people here trying to get what you what was yours people were stealing what was yours ideas positions knowledge ideas sorry I said that and that came up like that it’s over that period of people stealing what’s yours is over you know who you are today you’re not going to allow that to happen anymore

you’re setting yourself up for a beautiful happy relationship in abundance in peace and in tranquility that’s what you want now after the broken hearts in the past and you’ve rested you’re very now understanding what you want and what you don’t want in your life what type of person you want and what you don’t want in your life and you’ll cut them out very quickly if they’re not the person that you want but you know what you want to achieve and you’re going to find someone with an absolute loyal heart to you look at that you’re going to be blessed in many ways Pisces not only financially but an abundance of companionship in love in peace and in harmony

and look at that the Knight of Pentacles you’re on your way to a new beginning to a new place to a new adventure and an adventure that’s going to pay you make no mistake Pisces I don’t know what it is that you’re doing here but this is an achievement of you winning the Battle of getting what you want and what you set yourself out to get you’re cutting things that no longer serve you anymore and you’re on your mission now for a new beginning A New Path of abundance and tranquility and in the process you’ll find that special loyal heart that you are looking for along the path that’s you releasing yourself releasing yourself from the past and releasing yourself into the future with open arms open heart and allowing yourself look at that the star everything becomes clear now you’re going to shine when you release that old energy that no longer serves you

Pisces that is beautiful you find it your major look at this there is beautiful news coming your way for some of you here if you wanted a baby you may get pregnancy news of someone either you expecting a baby or someone in your family expecting a baby but there is some good news coming through it doesn’t have to necessarily be about a baby you’re going to get some good news in October thank you

you’re ready to go the new beginning the new life the new Love the new life

setting yourself free Pisces

oh there’s your peace and Tranquility look at that finally finally through everything that you went through not only did you grow number three but now you find your Tranquility your peace your place of being where you’re meant to be

wasn’t easy a new place for you for some of you you’re going to a new home you’re going to change locations a new country a new place a new suburb but I do feel that there’s movement here in your home

and look at that the decisions you make are going to bring you the good fortune that you so deserve

make no mistake Pisces October is the start of an abundance in your life uh you you draw a line in the sand and you accept all the beautiful things that are coming your way

energy for Pisces Place energy for prices wow wow tell me in the comments Pisces tell me tell me where you’re coming from where are you seeing me from this video you’re watching are you in the US whereabouts in the US are you in Canada are you in India Pakistan Philippines Australia where are you at let me know angels of the universe look at that look at that Pisces that’s you on your new path the universe is yours the world is your oyster the world is your oyster the angels of the universe are with you you are not alone don’t ever think for one minute that you’re alone and keep talking to your mentors your guides and your higher creator whoever that may be whether that’s God Mary Buddha whoever it may be keep connecting with your the Spiritual Beings keep connecting with the universe your mentors and your guides they will never leave your sight they’re helping you through your journey Pisces with that I want to wish you all all the most success start in October lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here today thank you Pisces

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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