Pisces Horoscope | Psychic Forecast For October 2023

by | Oct 19, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For October 2023

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces how are you today thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com for those of you that don’t know this is a general reading today and if this doesn’t resonate release it back to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign oh Pisces nervous there wanting information you want some information waiting on an answer I don’t know what you’re doing but there’s someone here that’s anxious Pisces um also I wanted to very quickly tell you that if you want one of these readings like I do as this one’s a general but if you want one for a personal reading for yourself all the details are in the description below okay Pisces energy the Pisces

place look at that Pisces White Witch be the light be the light and the example to others be the light in your own life rather than look at negatives always look at the positives feel that light inside you shine shine and be the light you came here to be you see things in a different way to others you understand things you hear things in a different way to others what this is saying is be the light in every

situation sometimes we need those people you know you’ve got the transformation of a beautiful butterfly here look at that transforming giving life to other others giving information to others being the light in other people’s life for some of you you may have experienced certain things that people struggle with and here the the universe is saying be the light to others that struggle that are struggling or have struggled or will struggle in their lifetime for some for some Pisces here you’ve been given a knowledge and a a an intuitive power within to know when someone’s down to know what to say at the right time and be in the right place very intuitive White Witch that’s not just someone within you you may not even know you carry this gift but you’ll always have H an understanding of what it is that someone wants or what is some what someone’s going through Stargazer see the sights higher here Pisces is saying it’s don’t look at things on a lower level reach for the stars and see the impossible make the impossible possible does that make sense you have got a gift and something within you that you can reach for the stars and make any dream or goal that you set your mind to happen things will happen for you you’ll fall in the right path at the right time you’ll be in the right place at the right time you’ll meet someone at the right time in the right place it’s you taking the light and being the light and set your sights higher because you are capable of doing more than what you’re currently doing or seeing things in a more Amplified way way than what you’re seeing them right

now does that makes sense Pisces I feel that for some Pisces here you may be looking at your life or a situation that you’re in and you’re just looking from a lower perspective you’re doubting yourself you’re looking at it in a negative way you’re you’re in a depressive mode maybe or or anxious about something and what they’re saying is is I don’t think you know who you are because you are capable of bringing anything that you want your way if you just look at it differently and aim for the Stars that’s all that’s needed be the light take light to people to locations to surroundings to groups be the light you came here to be the lovers Archangel Raphael make choices from your heart deeply emotional commitments The Power of Love allow yourself to love and take love to others make choices that you really want to make your heart will tell you where it’s happy your emotional commitments will tell you if you’re happy there or not the p Power of Love is another level Al

together seven of Gabriel stand up for what you believe in have confidence claim your personal

power Pisces what did we just talk about this is a Pisces that is doubting themselves without a doubt I have no doubt in that this is a Pisces that’s questioning their ability how good they are what what they’re meant to be doing are they capable of doing that they’re questioning themselves they’re doubting themselves they’re scared to move forward they’re scared what if what if what if forget the what ifs Pisces you’ve got I don’t think you understand your power that you have within not the EGO power no this is not about you being better than everybody else this is about you using your intuition and your soul and your heart to talk to you what is it that you want what is it that you want to achieve what is your goal what is your

dream and when you start to give love to yourself and understand how capable you are that’s when you’re going to be the

Unicorn the beautiful horse that

flies stand up for what you believe in have confidence claim your personal power don’t let other people put you down don’t let other people tell you what you can and can’t do don’t let other people create your path and tell you where you should be and where you shouldn’t be Pisces it’s now time to stand up for what you believe in you’ve got the power you’ve got the strength you’ve got the knowledge the only person here holding you back if you’re being held back is you and I’m sorry Pisces you know I love you but I need to say it how it’s coming in at because the cards they’re showing me here are just not small cards they’re not for someone small that’s going to wait for things to fall in their lap they’re not for someone that’s going to feel sorry for themselves or victimize their their situations there’re for someone that a go that can dream believe and move mountains if they have to do what it takes to get them to the platform that they belong that they want and that they’ve always dreamed of being on what else have we got the Judgment the call is here Pisces they’re calling remember I said this is a huge message like they’re bringing this message for someone to wake up and stop stop self-sabotaging themselves stop feeling like you’re not capable stop doubting your capabilities and who you are and what you

have these cards are not small

cards the Stargazer see your sights higher and be the light Pisces there is there’s one more card in that pack that I love and that’s the teacher but apart from that wow wow

wow you got the Page of

Cups the four of


and the king of Pentacles look at that Pisces when you realize your capabilities when you realize your gift when you realize how powerful you can be and how you have the capability of changing your current circumstance you’re going to have New Beginnings that take you to another level you’ve got here from the four of Pentacles to the king of Pentacles do you see the difference here it’s you all being tied up and not knowing what to do next not believing in who you are playing small small fish you’re being a small fish here and then comes the shark the Beast of the ocean

that knows who they are knows what they want and knows how to get it and they’re not going to allow anybody to stop them from being the best that they can be for someone here you may also get a message within the next week or two about an offer that’s going to take you to that next level that’s going to take you from where you are right now to a position of empowerment abundance and happiness that’s probably going to have to be kept secret for a while it’s not something you’re going to want to discuss with everybody and only your immediate immediate love loved ones but there’s a there is a calling your time has come your time for this success and to reach for those stars have come so what are you going to do Pisces are you going to stand up for what you believe in have confidence and claim your personal

power wow you never stop amazing with Pisces I love your readings I get lost in them there you go there’s the offer there’s the offer there is an offer coming to you and it’s coming make no mistake there is an offer here for you the calling has come and the time has come if you have tried to do things in the past and they haven’t worked out just know that it wasn’t because of your capability it wasn’t because of who you are or how you did it it was because the timing was not right the calling is now here it is going to take place for someone here you you’ll be given a proposal a job proposal a new contract a new possibility a new opportunity that’s going to take you from the four of Pentacles To The King The King are you ready

Pisces the King of Swords you’re going to think about this quite rationally it’s not you may get two or more offers and I’ve got here you could have three offers but it’s going to be something that you’re going to be very rational about you’re not going to use your immaturity here and your emotions here you’re going to use the King of Swords approach which is a very rational and down thee line approach is it right or is it wrong is there things I need to worry about is there not you’re going to want to know all the information you need to know to make that

choice to make that

decision the Queen of Wands look at that you may have someone around you that has um that’s a fire sign and that fire sign is um Aries Leo or Sagittarius or you may be dealing with someone to that extent you may also have an offer that comes to you that’s been brought to you by a woman or an energy a fire energy or someone that is an Aries Leo or

Sagittarius I feel here that there’s a couple here this offer comes to you and then you’ve got some they’ve got two people here I feel that the first person here may be an a Gemini an Aquarius or a Libra and here I’ve got the fire sign which is um Aries Leo or Sagittarius so somewhere somehow these two people which are presented by a man and a a woman are going to have an an impact on your proposal or your opportunity that is given to

you don’t know what that is look at this this opportunity is going to allow you to take a leap of faith Pisces for some of you here and this is what I love for some of you here you get this offer and you’re going to say I am going with all that I have which isn’t much which isn’t much one small bag and me and I’m off to conquer the world and reach the Stars you’re not even thinking too much about what in a year’s time or two years time looks like no no no I need to take this option I’m going to take this leap of faith and this this adventure and this opportunity that I’ve been given I’m never going to be be the king of Pentacles in financial abundance if I don’t make choices that are going to take me to the top or take risks that may take me to the


wow there is something in the air here and please tell me in the comments Pisces if you can resonate with this story the king of Pentacles yep it took its time to get here I feel that this is is something that you’ve been waiting on for quite some time it’s very slow it was very slow to come but make no mistake the calling is here and the offer is here it did take time to get here but it came with certainty and with truth and look at you you’re going to use that opportunity that strength to take the options that you need to take okay make the decisions you need to make and go in the direction that you need to go in because you know what it is just the universe says to you it is just it’s Justice it’s Justice here that you have what you deserve you’ve worked extremely hard you’ve been knocked about you’ve been tricked you’ve been lied to now this is Justice happening right in front of you you and for you it is

just this is like I said to you this is not coming to someone that’s been sitting on a couch eating popcorn and watching a

movie come on Pisces if you tell me and I you know what I felt this before if you say to me that you are not worthy or that you don’t have the capability or that you are too scared or that you are not sure

please the emperor is powerful the emperor is the king of all Kings and you you here are been given an opportunity of a lifetime an opportunity that’s going to not only give you the financial abundance that you want but the stature the recognition and the the internal power of self-belief know who you

are you will know who you

are you will know who you are people will know who you are I feel that the role that you’re going You’re about to take or you’re about to do or something to the next level that you’re about to undertake is going to put you in that position of flying high above all

else being the best that you can be set your sights higher and don’t go for little bits that they give you you may remember I said to you here that you may get three offers if not three to at least do not go for the one that is don’t go go go for the one that makes your heart sing go for the one that’s going to help you reach those stars go for the offer that is higher than your sights set your sights higher don’t look for the mediocre don’t look for the it’s okay it’ll be all right look for the amazing the Magnificent the enormous opportunity that comes your way even if that scares you do it because it’s right use your strength to make it right you’ve got the power and the strength you need you are capable more than capable of achieving what you came here to

do obviously this reading is not going to resonate with everybody but whoever it resonates with you will know you will know because you’ll feel every passion of this reading you’ll feel every word of this reading and you’ll know that it’s time to make a move and take the opportunities that knock on your door but not little ones the biggest the biggest don’t doubt here attraction you attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully you are going to be attracted to different people whether it be in where you are now or this new Journey you’re about to take on there’s going to be attractions you’re going to be an attraction you’re going to attract people and people are going to attract

you no more oh one more message for Pisces okay and I’ve got to go get it Pisces I had to get up to get get this card I had to get up to get this card love yourself first so get up from where you’re sitting get up from the load that you’ve put yourself in get up from that anxiety the stress the depression get out of that state because you are better than you can ever imagine love yourself first makes you more romantically attractive there’s someone here that’s doubted themselves and I felt this to begin with you’re doubting yourself you’re questioning yourself

you’re going for the low going for the little the little crumbs you weren’t made for crumbs Pisces you weren’t made for crumbs you need to be an example to others that never thought they could you need to be an example to others so they see that if you can do it they may be able to do it and give them hope and a dream set your sights higher than what you’re setting them right

now Pisces I hope someone here can really really really resonate with this story because it would be a shame if I had done this and no one gets this message please share this with other Pisces please like the video and this will go to other people that may need to hear this lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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