Pisces Horoscope | Powerful Tarot For November Week 1

by | Nov 5, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-november-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and it may not resonate with everybody but for the people that it does then it was well worth the reading remember to check your moon and your ascendant sign if it doesn’t res I’ll just pass the message that comes through and it’s obviously for someone that needs to hear it so if that’s you fantastic let let me know in the comments if you resonate also Pisces I would love you to be part of our beautiful Channel if you haven’t subscribed subscribing liking and commenting are free and you would help the channel immensely reach millions and millions of other people that need to hear it we’re nearly at a thousand so your help would be much appreciated lots of love and light okay Pisces what have we got for Pisces please message for Pisces thank you come to the edge Pisces come to the edge more

please loyal

heart what else have we got for Pisces happy happy and on the bottom we got poised beautiful Pisces what a beautiful start this is the universe challenging you to take a risk this is the same as the fool in the tarot where it says take that RIS risk come to the edge and see what’s over the edge because we want you to take a risk with something that you’ve been wanting to do something that you’ve been asking for is coming your way now it’s up to you to come to the party come to the edge and see what else is out there for you realize that what you’re living right now is not the be all and end all there’s more to life and more in this world to offer you if you just take that risk and come to the edge you may also find that you’re going to find someone this week or in the next week or two that brings you solutions to issues that you’ve had things that were worrying you situations that were worrying you now you’re going to find someone that sees things the way you see them believes in things the way you do and sees eye to eye with you for some someone here you’re going to come across someone and this could be someone in your relationships or your love life or it could be someone to deal to do with Partnerships in work in um situations as a whole but you’re going to meet someone that sees things the way you do that understands what you’re trying to achieve understands who you are loyal heart is someone that will stick by you in situations so if you come to the edge Pisces if you take that risk you may just find that what you worried about is exactly what’s being given to you going to that edge would mean that you meet someone or find someone that is very much parallel to who you are and thinks very much the same as what you do whether this is a job whether this is a relationship you’re going to meet someone that speaks your language and understands your feelings and thoughts which then is going to make you quite happy for some Pisces here you may have been worried about a situation or about a relationship that has come into your life or someone new that you’ve met but once you realize that this person thinks like you understands you and likes you for who you are and is loyal to you for is loyal to you you’re going to find that you’re going to find this immense happiness within that finally you’ve met someone that understands you finally you’ve met someone that sees what you see and has brought you the key to success that you need in this situation or with this person some of you have been asking for this for this thing to to come through for this person to come through some of you have been wanting to meet someone exactly like that and because now you’re going to realize that you’ve met this person business-wise or in a relationship or that crosses your path it’s going to make you extremely happy and with that comes poised you’re going to feel that you are finally balanced you are finally at a place of peace PE and Tranquility this new meeting of these two people makes you happy and relaxed and tranquil and this is all because you took a risk you’re taking a risk in a relationship or you’re taking a risk in this work environment or in this project or in this other person to be on par with

you perfect let’s see what the tarot has for us for Pisces please we’re cutting here for Pisces thank

you for some of you here it was a decision that needed to be made you were at a standstill and didn’t know where to go but I feel that now you’re going to find some answers and those answers are going to take you to places that you never

imagined or make you feel like there’s there’s a future ahead now that you can see things brighter what have we got for Pisces please come to the edge what are we talking about what are we talking about for Pisces come to the edge what is it that you’re trying to tell them come to the

edge seeing things for what they are Pisces now you’re going to see the light it’s going to be very very clear to you when you come to that edge that that’s the step you needed to take for some of you here it’s going to be like you found the light at the end of the tunnel you now feel more secure about this relationship or this opportunity or this partnership taking that risk is going to not only help you mentally and physically but it’s going to make you realize that that was a key that was missing that’s what you needed I need to hide that a little bit Pisces because that’s got a bit of nerdity and not because I’m prude but because YouTube cancel videos with nudity what are we talking about loyal heart show me the loyal heart this beautiful person that comes into your life that is going to be on par with who you are for some of you it’s a relationship absolutely look at that it’s someone that is going to sign to be in a contract with you Pisces the hant talks about contracts it talks about uh um bonds it talks about creation together um it it talks about marriage it talks about you signing paperwork with new contracts that come your way you are finding that this person may be the person that you want to marry it may be this is the person that I want to form a partnership with and I’m more than happy to sign a contract to be part of this so Association or be part of this place or be in partnership with these people or create a project with these people or this person it’s something that comes to assure you that what you’re doing by you making that decision and seeing things clearly that you now are going to enter into an agreement with this new person that you now are going to be formed as a bond for some somehow this is going to bond you together in order for a purpose a purpose is in one getting married so there may be Pisces here getting married but there may be Pisces here signing new contracts starting new jobs um forming new Partnerships starting new projects starting new associations with other people but there’s paperwork here involved with that Pisces all I say to you if it’s paperwork involved to do with something then just check all the Clauses and all the fine print there if there’s any make sure that everything’s above board especially if it’s a work contract or a project contract or an association or joining something what’s happy happy for Pisces what are we happy happy about a new start look at that a new adventure a new start a new going forward you’re ready to take on this challenge you’re ready to move forward Pisces this happy happy is going to allow you to start something new something that you’ve always wanted to do something that’s going to take you further this partnership is a partnership that’s meant to be it’s something that’s going to take you forward take you to places start new project start a new career path with these people with this person with this Association I don’t know what it is that you’re doing tell me about poised what does pois mean what are we poised

about Two of Wands you’re going to be you’re going to feel comfortable in making decisions you’re going to feel comfortable with the paths that are presented to you for some people here this could be a start of a new contract that you sign with a new employer with a new promotion that you’re getting but this is going to allow you to make other decisions you’re going to look forward and see New Paths created for you if this is a relationship you’re going to see that your path the decisions that you make together are going to lead you to different paths but you’re going to feel for I don’t know how many of you were feeling uneasy but this is like saying Pisces now you’re going to know the the minute you take that step and you come to the edge it all starts to happen it all starts to form the new partnership new contracts the happiness that brings you the new beginnings of new projects new advancement moving forward finding your tranquility and the paths start to open up for you it’s like this piece of the puzzle was missing you know it’s it’s like you found the piece to the puzzle that was missing I don’t know how many of you felt that way let me know in the comments okay what have we got for Pisces please come to the edge and the star come to the edge and the star sacrifices Pisces many of you here went through some sacrifices and you now are going to take that risk that takes you out of the sacrifice the position I feel that some Pisces are in a position of sacrifice or you’ve made sacrifices to get here you haven’t it hasn’t been an easy path where you sat on the couch and ate popcorn and watched movies this is Pisces that have worked extremely hard and sacrificed a lot in their life to get to this point of coming to this Edge coming to the edge didn’t just happen overnight a lot of sacrifices were made you’re going to find your light Pisces you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel here with the star some of you may be dealing with an aquarius as well cuz a star here is about being brought to you let’s see what we have with the hierophant and the loyal heart what are we talking about there what type of contracts or um things are we talking about there for some of you here too you’re going to be very grateful to to your higher Creator whether that’s God uh Allah um Buddha whoever it is that you you follow and treasure and with your heart you’re going to be very grateful with that you’re going to find peace within this within this organization or within this partnership that you’ve formed that you’re going to be very grateful for the help what have we got for the Hier and the loyal heart a message look at that you’re going to receive a message from someone of importance of importance to you and for some of you here you may receive a proposal a proposal of contract of employment a proposal in marriage a proposal that comes your way a message a message that is sent to you that’s going to make the difference a proposal that is given to you that’s going to be very very important and I feel that this is a a a partnership or or a a a relationship that’s going to form a bond that’s going to be very spiritually blessed You Were Meant to cross this path this person was meant to cross your path for happy happy and Ace of Wands look what you you get a new beginning we spoke about that see how these things speak the same language but they’re three different Decks that I’m using here there is a new beginning Pisces a new moving forward whether it that’s to do with relationships or something that means a lot to you you are moving forward a new chapter a new alliance a new purpose and a new moving forward with a new project or new relationship but this is moving forward with

certainty what have we got with poised and Two of Wands what have we got with poised and Two of Wands please poised and Two of Wands for Pisces what a beautiful story Pisces it all comes Pisces by taking the risk no one is successful without taking calculated risks just because the tarot says that that’s what you know is the ideal situation in this situation doesn’t mean you need to do it this will give you what it sees and how it comes across but your free will is what’s going to make it happen the tarot can’t make you do things the tarot can’t make you make decisions or see things a different way what it can say is this is the picture Pisces this is what we’re showing you what you’re going to do next is totally up to you it’s free will look at that five which is the mice here Pisces be very very careful that with the changes you remain very quiet there’s a lot of abundance coming for you there’s a lot for you to learn but the one thing that here they’re saying is be very very careful because smice can be sneak and someone may say things to you or try to get information off you about the changes that you’re making be very aware that there’s always going to be people around us that are pests or come across as pests or they want to know more they come to get information to then take with with them to either one talk about you or two spread that that news of changes that you’re making very important that whatever happens Pisces here stays here and whatever your next moves are that they become your next moves with nothing said to anybody else the only people that should know is very very close to you or this person that you’re forming this bond with if it’s a marriage then eventually obviously everyone’s going to know if it’s a new job than everyone’s going to know but don’t discuss things with people until it’s solid until you’re sure until things are taking place until you’ve made the decisions that you’ve had to

make okay Pisces let’s go what else have we got for Pisces and Pisces with anything in life it’s important that you only discuss with others what need what they need to know or that you don’t say too much um because sometimes people can spoil our paths by either one wishing us bad or talking bad about us that energy is then vibed into to our way which then can change the way things turn out okay last message for Pisces please one message for [Music] Pisces one message for pces pleas thank you

take time to reflect Pisces it’s now time where you reflect on where you’ve come from on what you’ve done how much you’ve achieved what got you to this place at this time reflect back at where you’ve come from and where you are today and that that alone if you’re ever unsure about yourself look back or don’t actually don’t look back to to take back any energies that weren’t so good but reflect on what you’ve been through to get here these sacrifices didn’t come out by mistake remember I said to you the Pisces I’m connecting with isn’t a Pisces that was sitting on the couch eating popcorn watching movies this is a Pisces that has sacrificed a lot felt a lot lost sleep could have been in painful situations at times felt alone all the things that it took you to get here reflect and be grateful for what you have but also be grateful for the experiences that you went through be grateful for the sacrifices that you’ve made because they were all learnings and they were all what got you here today Pisces sometimes we go through things and whilst we can’t understand why we’re going through them our hardest times are what make us the strongest so whilst we’re going through the hard times it is hard to take it is hard to deal with but when we look back and reflect at who we are today and who we were 5 years ago that’s going to be your story that’s going to show you how much how much you’ve done how far you’ve come and who you are today that you weren’t back then and with that Pisces thank you so much for being here lots of love and light and I hope this has helped somebody thank you [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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