Pisces Horoscope | Powerful Tarot Insights for November

by | Nov 2, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023

FREE Monthly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re going to do your November horoscope Pisces and doing that I’m going to use the 12 houses of the zodiac astrology chart to tell you where you are in each area of your life and what comes up in November for November 2023 remember it’s a general reading check your moon and your ascendant sign and if you’d like a private personal reading with myself via Zoom telephone or a video link that I can send you uh privately then you can book all of those and the details are in the description below okay Pisces what energy do we have for Pisces energy for Pisces for no November oops change your life Pisces change your life is what’s coming for you a sudden Revelation that offers Freedom Break Free of procrastination embrace the opportunity that change brings so for some Pisces you’ve been procrastinating about making a change you’ve been procrastinating about how to do it what to do you’re not sure about what to do in some cases or you may be scared to make that change for some people they’re scared to make a change and um you know and that holds you back in November though you’re going to want to change your life number seven is don’t give up so you’re you’re going to have this urge for a change in life in November and that’s going to bring CH that’s going to bring it to the Forefront from a sudden Revelation that offers you Freedom so there’s something that you find out in November that changes your perception and your perspective on how to change your life something that was holding you back is now revealed and you now get the inkling of what you need to do to change your life beautiful let’s see I love that energy Pisces let’s see what else we have for you here what are the energies we have for Pisces please energy for Pisces one more please using a different Oracle deck what is it thank you orphaned for some of you there’s a a feeling of loneliness of not being paid attention or you’re feeling that you’re all alone in a certain change that you’re making you want to make a change but you’re feeling that you’re all alone in this change you’re feeling that there’s no one there for you to talk to properly or you’re feeling that you’re not getting the support that you need to make this change some of you are feeling really alone and feeling like there’s there’s something missing however in November there’s something that you find out there’s something that you will find out that will make you realize that you’re really not alone that things have happened for a reason and that reason can be so that you feel confident enough to conquer anything in your life on your own maybe parents or someone has given you the free will to do what it is that you want and normally that would have been great as a child or as a teen however that’s also giving you a sense of do people really care when in reality yes they do they absolutely care about you and that’s why they’re doing it because they want you to fly they want you to use your wings to get to the look look at that see that person there they they’ve got Wings on look that angel there is you waiting to fly your wings but Unsure how to do

it wow okay let’s see what we have for all the areas for November 2023 for Pisces first house is all about self how are you feeling in November you yourself house one self for Pisces in November 2023 please self house one oh I got two okay I said take it there’s a story here okay so Pisces here I get someone that is a knight of Pentacles so you may enter November as a knight of Pentacles someone that has the goget someone that has the determination someone that is financially okay not not a lot of money but you’re not bad you’re not imp poty yeah however you want to transform yourself in November from being the Knight of Pentacle to being the king of Pentacles and that’s someone that is sure of their finances secure in who they are abundant in finances and their capability of drawing more finances to themselves someone that is a lot better off and wealthier than the Knight of Pentacles so you are determined in November to find ways to grow your financial income and that might be through changing jobs taking on another job or starting a project that is very dear to your heart that can bring you more finances let me know in the comments if this resonates with you that you want to go from being the Knight of Pentacles to the king of Pentacles in November Pisces remember also too that November is a big month of change the reason for that is that many people get to all zodia are in this but they get to November and they think what have I achieved this year what am I proud of what do I still need to achieve and what plans do I need to put into place for the coming year so it’s more of a transition month and I feel that you’re starting to get into that mode of transition I’m a knight of Pentacles but my reality is I want to be a king of Pentacles I want to be secure I want to be sure of who I am financially in security and stability let’s see what money house two house two what does money have for Pisces in November how does pisces money look like in November with house two thank you oh beautiful Pisces beautiful you’re going to change something in November that’s going to bring you more money and whether that’s a new job a new opportunity a new project there is more money coming into your life in November you’re going to start to feel like you’re in between that King and that Knight and that is very very possible for you to become that King you can smell it and you can feel it but an a great opportunity comes to bring you money in November communication how is Pisces going to be with house three communication house three for Pisces in November please communication how is Pisces communication going to be thank you eight of Swords you’re not really knowing how to communicate in November a lot of Pisces here are going to feel that what they want to say they can’t say or they’ve been told not to say you’re going to feel like that you want to communicate but you’re being held back from being the true person that you are there’s something here about communication you’re feeling like you’re bound and you’re you can’t see a way through to communicate what you truly feel there’s a blockage here in your communication and I don’t know why Pisces but and maybe this is comes back to the orphant maybe because you feel alone because you feel like you’re on your own which you may not be you may be physically but not not emotionally people really care about you or you are or have been an orphan in the past which has has stopped your communication you you find it hard to communicate with others but I I don’t feel feel that here I feel that it’s someone that feels that they are alone and the communication is being blocked for some reason and it could be to do with your childhood when you were a child were you were you told to be quiet all the time were you told to keep your opinion to yourself were you told or taught that you only speak when you’re asked to speak you know there were there were times like that Pisces in people’s lives and there were parents that were like that so I I don’t know if that’s from a childhood but for some reason in November you’re finding it hard to

communicate or something happens I don’t know there’s there’s something there that you’re not saying how you feel there’s something there that is stopping you from communicating your true intentions your true feelings okay house full home what’s your home like in November did I drop one no house what is your home like in November Pisces House Full House full which beautiful look at that there’s new things coming into your home there’s Prosperity coming into your home for those of you that want a baby that may be coming into your home too you might either find out that you’re pregnant or you will give birth to your first or second or third or fourth child whichever number whichever number they are in children that you have but in November for some Pisces you will be giving birth for others you’ll be finding out that you’re pregnant and for others you’re going to recreate the way you live your home you may change things around to suit you you may have a wardrobe change uh uh redo your your home but you’re co-creating something you’re giving birth to a new area this could also be a new home for you Pisces and it could be that you move to a new home a new location where you’re going to be a lot more creative a lot more abundant in what you

do and it’s something that is going to be transformative whatever it is around the home it’s going to transform who you are how you think what you do okay romance for Pisces please what have we got for house five Romance thank you justice romance is not going to be great it’s not going to be bad it’s going to be stable it’s not going to be something that you’re focusing so much on in November you just want stability in your romance and your happy with things going with the flow you don’t want chaos you don’t want arguments you don’t want too much over the top romance you’re not you haven’t got time for that and you’re not wanting that you just want things to be stabilized and in harmony peace that’s what you want in your romantic life you just want things to be stable on an even platform let’s see what we have for health Pisces C house six for Pisces in November House s for Pisces which is health and

routine Pisces Eight of Cups for some of you here it’s about time that you start looking after you and here although you’ve had some issues there’s nothing great in your health to the Pisces that I’m communicating with you may have some little issues and niggly bits saw muscles or you’ve got a couple of issues that can be controlled but they’re nothing major overall your health and routine is pretty good you do do some Fitness not a lot but enough to keep you going and enough to keep the blood flowing so here I don’t find that health health routine is a problem for you in November what have we got for house seven which is relationships house seven for Pisces in November please house seven relationships oh that one flew out [Music] M Pisces and this doesn’t mean romantic relationships which it can yes it can also mean relationships in your family relationships at work relationships with friends relationships overall in November you may find that one relationship whether that’s with your partner your friend someone at work or something breaks your heart and brings you disappointment I don’t know who that’s going to be Pisces but for some reason one of someone in a relationship that you hold will disappoint you or will um they’ll there’ll be pain on your side there’ll be tears even so someone will disappoint you with something that they say or something that they do that you weren’t expecting and that can be in romantic relationships it can be in family relationships it can be with your friends that you hold relationships with but or it can be with work friend relationships somewhere someone will disappoint you in

November for some of you for some of you you will feel that and this is why we’ve got the orphan card that you need to for some of you here it is saying that you may feel orphaned after this heartbreak that who you thought you could count on disappointed you and you feeling alone isolated and very much in pain with sadness I’m sorry to say that Pisces but you know I’ll always tell you the way it is something may take place that breaks your heart it could be news that you hear you may hear of some news that disappoint you and that’s in your relationships so it could be family could be like I said before could be any relationships that you hold but something happens in one of your relationships or your Partnerships that takes you to that orphan feeling the orphan feeling of I’ve lost this beautiful beautiful person and friendship and partnership and relationship that I admired and loved so much and I’m hurt for some reason okay sorry about that Pisces but I have to say what comes up in November come back and have a look at the cards and see if they resonate obviously it won’t resonate with everybody with everybody like I said before okay let’s have a look at your house eight which is your finances debt and Joint resources okay Knight of Wands for some Pisces here you’re going to start something new you’re going to start something small but with debt I don’t think that that’s going to be a major problem I think you’ve got a little bit of debt or things that you want to buy that you’re not being um you don’t have the extra money to do that but I don’t think that it’s any anything major you’re keeping on top of your bill bills you may have at one stage one bill that may be over overdue but you’ll pay that very quickly after that I don’t think that you’ve got any major worries here as far as your debts and Joint resources are concerned okay house nine spirituality how are you with your spirituality adventure and Higher Learning House nine how are you Pisces in November with your house n spirituality learning Six of Swords and the Six of Swords is you leaving a particular location or a particular place that gave you a lot of unrest you’re leaving a location that messed up or or made you feel uneasy and that that um didn’t help your spirituality of finding your peace and your love within so I feel here that you’re now leaving somewhere that was no good for you when you leave this place you’re going to find yourself again Pisces you’re going to reinvent and re get get reconnected with your spirituality right now I feel that where you’re at is testing your spirituality is testing your peace and your inner strength once you leave this place which I think you will in November it’s allowing you to go to a new place to find peace and Tranquility which you so need okay let’s have a look at your career which is house 10 career for Pisces house 10 in November 2023 please thank you the hangman actually that fell upside down so I’m going to take it as an upside down card here Pisces you are going to see things more clearly now in your career you’re going to see what needs to change you’re going to see what you need to do differently you’re going to see that you’ve got the power to change where you’re at at the moment for some here where you’re at is no good for you personally and mentally and physically and here I feel that some Pisces are going to make Headway to finding a new place a new change of life change of life here a sudden Revelation you know and I really feel that that’s to do with your career I don’t feel that anything else is holding you back here apart from your communication and maybe this this feeling of you know how here I said you’re leaving a place that that’s bringing you a lot of instability which is affecting your spirituality that’s also so affecting your communication you’re finding that in this place you’re not able to speak your truth you’re not able to say how you feel you’re worried that if you speak up that you’ll lose your position you will lose your credibility you will they will make fun of you or that they will judge you for saying how you feel and that’s not something that you’re wanting to do excuse the snoring in the background cuz that’s my dog having a sleep okay what else do we have friendships how do your friendships look house 11 house 11 is friendships beautiful there’s a calling for you here Pisces for you to broaden up your horizons as far as your friendships there’s a change here coming for you there’s a calling here to say Pisces it’s now a good time to have a look at all the friendships you have in your life what is it about those friends that you like and which are the friends that that you don’t like so much that don’t bring you a lot of uh Harmony into your life what are the friends that you have to worry about and what are the friends that you want to keep for life there’s a calling here for you to be true to how you see your friends and are they going to come with you in this change of life or are they going to be left behind Okay Pisces the last house is your 12th house which is yours you Ru the 12th house let’s have a look at your unconscious mind what do you secretly think about or you may be where aware aware of it or you’re not ace of cups you just want to find love a lot of you here just want to find a new love you want to find things that are going to fit in with your life you want to find the Bliss of being loved and giving love and for for many of you here you crave that love and if you’re with a partner that doesn’t show you that love and romance you are still craving that so deep down inside I have a beautiful sensitive Pisces that just wants to be loved and wants to give love that’s all they want there’s nothing more in their life that apart from the finances which they want to they want to reach the top here love will complete Del you add an extra element of beauty to your life and I do feel that in November you’re going to think of that more in your unconscious mind as much as you say or some of you may say I’m not ready for a relationship I’m not ready to start a relationship or start something new you’ll surprise yourself because deep down I really feel that that is what you want and I don’t know if you’re trying to push that that feeling aside so you can conquer other things materialistic but there is a need there and a want of on subconsciously that you want to be loved and find that love okay what’s the main message for Pisces please for November 2023 main message for Pisces please what’s a main message for Pisces main message for Pisces please thank you two cards Pisces two cards they sent me for you let’s see first one is the water Guardian which is you connect with your emotions it’s okay to feel down it’s okay to have a good cry it’s okay not to feel the best every day don’t feel the pressure to be at your top every day but connect with what is making you feel that way when you’re sad connect with what’s making you sad and understand that it’s okay to be sad about that there’s no shame or horror about having a good cry Pisces whether you’re a male or a female you need to let that out let the hurt out let out what is stopping you from being able to communicate how you should and how you want to everything that we bottle up when we don’t communicate is something that gets bottled up and we need to allow that to be released so if you need to have a good cry or a good shout or you need to go for a run to get out all this anger or all this thing that’s inside you then do it get in touch with the emotions that are affecting you and and if if if it’s a good cry then do it because that’s going to be part of your change and look at that shedding old skin look at this new life and shedding your old skin make no mistake that there’s a change here for you Pisces an absolute change coming through in November through something that happens through a revelation it is going to free you from thinking the way you used to being the way you used to and you’re going to share that old skin what was is no longer going to be who you were you’re no longer going to be the way you look at things you’ll see things differently you’re going to change your perception and your perspective on a lot of things and feeling orphaned is part of changing that you’re going to understand that the changes that are coming through are going to allow you to to understand that feeling like you were orphaned at one stage was only to prepare you for what the what’s coming next for you the the it’s like here you’re going from remember we spoke about this you’re going from being a knight to a King now that’s going to take some strength courage determination self-belief you don’t go from being a knight to a King just by hopping and skipping over it takes a lot to grow and I feel that in November this shedding of the skin is going to prepare you to become that King I hope that makes sense Pisces to most let’s see one last card for energy for your relationships oops worth waiting for Pisces Divine timing is at it at work in your love life life so Pisces for those of you that want to meet someone new and you’ve given up because you don’t think that there’s someone out there for you then when you least expect it that’s when it’s happening and you’re going to have this thought of that was worth waiting for you were worth waiting for that new person that you meet you’re going to say to them you are worth waiting for or if you don’t tell them you’re going to think it because the universe doesn’t give you just anybody it gives you the person that they feel that you deserve so you may meet someone amazing and beautiful and although you you had given up on love or you had said that you didn’t want love but deep down we know that there’s a need here for love you will meet the person that you’ve been looking

for Pisces I hope that makes sense lots of love and light your way and all the best come back in November and have a look at what goes on and have a look if any of this corresponds to what’s going on in your life in November lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here thanks Pisces [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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