Pisces Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 4, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast for 2024

FREE Yearly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today today we’re going to do your forecast for 2024 so we’re going to start it off with three energies first then we’re going to do from January to December with the Leno M deck uh which is also known as the Gypsy deck and also um we’re then going to complement it with tarot we’re then going to give you a message right at the end just to overall 2024 message okay let’s go Pisces messages sorry energies for Pisces for 2024 First Energy for Pisces Message in a Bottle Pisces there’s going to be a message that comes through to you in 2024 and that message is going to bring you a lot of stability it’s going to be a message that you’ve wanted to hear for quite some time so in 2024 you’ll be getting news of something new something coming your way and it may be that it’s coming from another country another city another state as there’s water involved here it doesn’t necessarily have to be a message that’s coming from you but there is a message on the way to you from another distant place city or country second message please for Pisces second message for Pisces building blocks in 2024 you’re going to spend a lot of time building a foundation building a foundation to your goals to your dreams something that you want to build and 2024 is going to be a lot of that building it’s going to be building your um even your the way you think the way you see things your motivation your determination your courage Your strength it’s all building building those foundations that are going to be pivotal to help you through 2024 and Beyond last message for Pisces please last message for

Pisces thank you community Pisces in 2024 you’re going to be able to help people in the community with your knowledge that you’ve gained with the determination that you’ve had you’re going to be an example to others in the community or you will be helping other people in the community find a way find answers find Solutions you’ll have a lot to do with Community work or you’ll be working as part of a community to achieve what you want to

achieve it’s you you jelling together with a group a community a purpose you all have the same purpose in achieving

something okay let’s see what the lad has for January through to December I’m going to put all the cards down and then we’ll go into it and discuss it okay I’ll try and be as quick as possible in the meantime subscribe like and comment January for Pisces please January thank you the whip number 11 which is a master number you’re cutting something out of your life that no longer serves you February there you go on your way you’re on the way to a new start a new place a new start to a new love life a new career a New Prospect a new project February March let’s go a new home you may even go to a new home a new workplace a new office a new something new here that that represents new to you a new place a new country April May May please for Pisces May tranquility and peace you find your peace and Tranquility in April sorry in may now we want May the new the child and the new in May June two now of Pisces pleas oops I’ll take the first one the fish Prosperity

abundance in June you find your abundance in June you find your that things start to pay off you start to see things that you’ve been working so hard coming through beautiful the bouquet in July I a gift an award something that happens August August for Pisces place a garden August

September New Paths in September

October October the moon October November November the PES November thank you the anchor stability December the last month December see what we’ve got for December the lady perfect Okay so we’ve got all the months there let’s let’s um put the tarot with it just so it explains each card because as that it’s got many meanings and and there’s very big meanings to them but we’ll just complement it with the tarot okay Pisces for January with the whip no too many there’s too many many cards I’m only taking one Pisces the whip in January thank you Solutions look at that perfect February what have we got for February with the

horse Epiphany Pisces get ready March what have we got for March for Pisces sorry see Mar of Pisces six of Ariel beautiful March April April April for p whoops April I’ll take the first one the two of

Michael April okay may may what have we got for

may may please May thank you the king of

Gabriel June please June what’s the fish for June the fish the whe The Wheel of Fortune

beautiful July please with the black a oops no too many oh look at that wow I’ve got to take those two they’re telling me to take it that means something so you’ve got the sun and the emperor there okay I’ve taken both July August what have got for August thank you the Knight of Gabriel August September please the

empress October what have we got for October please October October thank you another perspective okay October November please what do we got for November New

Beginnings wow and December please oops change your life look at that Pisces okay let’s start in January in January you’re going to cut things out of your life that no longer serve you you’re going to be very very aware of what no longer serves serves you or is part of your life and that means people situation Communications places anything that no longer serves you you’re going to cut that out and find solutions to your new changes everything that you have found um as a new solution to what you want to do and where you want to go you need to cut things out in order for you to be able to move on leave behind any past traumas any past hurts any past anything you go with a clean slate and you find your solution to all the changes that you wanted in your life that’s January okay in February you are going and you’re going with full force you’re going to fit into somewhere or go to somewhere new it’s new it’s a new beginning here number one is a new beginning and there you’re going to have a huge spiritual growth you’re going to understand how you’re not alone that there are people and mentors and guides beside you guiding you to the right paths you are going to get answers through meditation so make sure that if you’re ever unsure about anything that comes through that you’re not understanding or you need to make a particular decision that may impact your life that you meditate because there’ll be answers There For You especially when there’s New Beginnings meditate take your time and really calm that mind and get in tune with what your intuition is telling you Pisces you are hugely high in intuition so use that beautiful intuition of yours to guide you through the New Paths new ideas new processes okay so that’s February so I do feel that that message in the bottle that we spoke about is going to come in either December or January for you and the new Solutions begin you get the solution you’ve always wanted okay in March you’ve got a possibility moving to a new place a new country new suburb a new city it is things that you’ve wanted and now they come through you find beautiful people in this place they’re going to be giving and loving and you’re going to feel at peace in this place it’s like you’ve been there before your spirit may have been there before in past lives but it’s like wherever you’re going to go in March it’s like this this place that gives you a lot of um Peace peace and Tranquility within you you’re going to feel like you know this

place okay in April we’ve got decisions that you’re going to make you you’ve made either you’ve made decisions or you’re going to make a decision that’s going to bring you a lot of peace and Tranquility this may be that you know you’ve made the right choices you’ve gone to the right place you’ve taken on the right job you’re with the right person things that you’ve decided or you’re going to decide is going to bring you a lot of tranquility and peace so whatever it is that you’ve decided or you’re going to decide is where you’re going to feel comfortable that’s all part of you building your blocks building your foundation here as well in um May in May you either start something new but you start things that are new with a big picture the king of Gabriel is very driven this new that you’re part of this new group this new Association this new job this new relationship this new place anything that is new that you’ve taken on you’re going to feel like you belong there you’re going to feel like you’re part of a group you’re part of a foundation you’re part of something that is working together and that’s part of that Community you’re going to be accepted into a community into a group into a social scene into something new that you’ve started and you’re going to feel at peace and know that you’ve made the right

decision in June we’ve got the prosperity and the will things start to turn for you Pisces you start to see more abundance come your way may it can be people beautiful people coming into your life but it also can be all those hard yards that you’ve put in now start to come out you get noticed you get publicity you get looked at people want to know you people want to be part of you people want to work with you people want to go out with you it’s like everything turns and your life now becomes what you dreamed of Once Upon a Time you dreamt of living this life and the opportunities that come your way are going to be endless so you Chang the way you did things in the past you change who you are in but you you’re true to yourself and that in turn will bring positive influences into your life positive um Prosperity into your life in all ways not only financially but and finance fish is finances so it’s going to bring you a lot of abundance in that area but it’s also going to bring you a lot of recognition a lot of people wanting to know you wanting to be with you so that’s June in July they told me to take two cards and that’s not by mistake in July you are going to be noticed there’s going to be an offer or something that happens that comes to you by someone of huge importance and they give you a gift an opportunity a raise a a a promotion anything like that but it’s going to be from somebody that has that thinks that you are wonderful they see the light in you they see the possibilities in you and they see that you’ve got more to offer than what they imagined so you’re going to get a gift in July from someone that’s hugely important and thinks the world of you so here you may get a promotion you may get more money you may get um more possibilities an opportunity of a lifetime here it’s something that’s super special from someone super important and that can be a boss that can be anyone here but it’s someone that that matters to you someone that matters that that you’re noticed okay in August in August you’re going to feel on top of the world you’re going to feel like you’re ready to Take On The World you’re going to be at peace with yourself you’re going to take time out but you’re also going to have a passion for something that you do the more you do it the more passionate you will be the more you get involved the more passionate you will be it’s like you are meant to be in this place at this time it’s something that really touches your soul and makes you want to achieve more and more and more you’ve also gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the past and and for that you’re going to be grateful you’re going to be grateful that you’re you’ve been looked after this is going to be a time where you take time out to go into nature and just appreciate the beauty of nature the beauty of what abundance is all about and be so grateful that you’ve been given this opportunity you may even travel to other cities or states for certain for certain things in September you’re going to be given A New Path or you’re going to work out a new path that you want to conquer here the empress is all about abundance it’s about your creativity is being rewarded you’ve been shown different paths and here 22 is a master number it’s you being in touch with who you are being creative about what you want and setting New Paths and new goals and new dreams for yourself and you’re going to do that quite creatively you’re going to think about where what’s next where do I need to go next what do I need to do next in October Pisces there’s something happens in October that you question you may question whether you want to change or not you may question what your you may question about the changes that happen why they’ve happened and how they’ve happened and this may be a time that you question yourself about how don’t you know Pisces sometimes when you’re on a high you’re on a high but when you’re on a low you really go on a low you may have dealt with people with negative energy here or you’ve had to make a change for some reason but the change is actually to prepare you for something bigger and better however in October you’re going to doubt that this change is going to be good for you or you’re going to CH you’re going to doubt whether you can make this change and and do it perfectly and they’re saying that’s all about your perspective how you look at it will determine how good you’re at it if you accept change without fear and self-doubt you will achieve what you want to achieve you need to be different and you need to see things differently you need to change your perspective about what’s going on around you the changes that are happening go with the flow and make it the best of each situation that you are given so that is in October in November you find your feet again you find your stability and there’s New Beginnings I wouldn’t be surprised Pisces if in uh in November you get a new proposal someone offers you something new and someone offers you more stability than you’ve had in the past More Money More purpose it’s starting a whole new life somewhere else with something else or with someone else so here it’s you finding stability finding a better stable place or a stable relationship that’s going to give you that courage and be the cherry on the cake to the life that you’re living so in November it’s like you find your ground you find your stability you find your purpose you find that you’re more comfortable today in this new beginning than what you’ve ever been before and you may find a partner that brings a lot of stability a career that brings a lot of stability it’s New Beginnings that’s going to bring you stability in December there is a change in your life it could be that you meet someone new Pisces here or something about a woman in your life changes the way you look at life and here it’s either you’ve been introduced to a new partner you’ve been introduced to someone new that changes your life you see this person as a drive to be a compliment to your life or you find this person charismatic and interesting and you want to be part of that person’s life for other Pisces it could mean that there’s a female in your life that um could go through something and that changes the way you look at life you start to realize that life is too short and that there’s so much that you need to take on and not take for granted that you need to be grateful for that you need to look at life in a different way in a different shape in a different form this could also be a a woman that has changed your life or has been there beside you to help change your life whatever it is Pisces a woman plays a big role in what happens in December and that change in your life embrace the new embrace the new opportunity the new relationships the new everything just embrace it and and take it as this is what is meant for me this here is a purpose and a reason with this woman with this energy with this place okay last message for Pisces Pisces you’ve got such a beautiful new new year in 2024 don’t and I and I put in capital letters don’t doubt yourself don’t put yourself down now is the time for you to pick up pick yourself up put that chin up in the air and don’t let anybody anybody allow you make you make you put that chin down and head down ever you are your master you are the person building those blocks don’t give up on your dream don’t give up on your focus and more than anything in 2024 Pisces don’t give up on that belief on that goal on that dream you follow that to the tea you’ve got everything here guiding you to that to be the best that you can be and that came out quite strong because that’s what they really want you to hear it’s really strong here in fact I’m getting really hot too so one more one more place one more message for Pisces thank you let go of the need to be right Pisces sometimes it’s not about being right that matters it’s about having peace in your life you’re going to meet people from different backgrounds you’re going to meet people that you don’t agree with you’re going to meet people that have different opinions to you and see things differently at the end of the day it’s all about letting go of the need to be right all the time when you need to put your opinion out there then absolutely do so but know when to call it know know when to back away and listen know when people are trying to help you rather than um you seeing that as a criticism sometimes people say things to us or they do things to us which in turn makes us stronger more determined and more courageous to fight whatever comes forward for us in life so at sometimes Pisces it’s not about being right it’s about listening and only taking what taking bits and pieces from people all around the world that can teach you

something Pisces I hope that you got a lot out of this reading because you know what it’s one powerful reading and for those of you that didn’t find the power here save this video and come back each month to see how that’s playing out for you lots of love and light like Pisces thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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