Pisces Horoscope | Powerful Tarot For December Week 1

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces today we’re here to do your horoscope for the next week so within the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with an energy here and then we’re going to do two lots of tarot and then we’re going to have a message at the end so let’s go and get this done I’ve already mixed all these in Pisces energy so let’s see what we have for Pisces please what does we what do we have for Pisces energy please for this week and the next 7 to 14 days my name is Marie Rose from the tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me Resurrection Pisces it’s time for you to Blossom like a Lotus does out of nowhere you’ll get a message or something happens this week that allows you to Blossom in something and you’re going to feel this happiness and fulfillment this week in the next one to two weeks you’re going to know exactly where you stand after some hardship you’ve come out of nowhere and or this message comes out of nowhere that gives you a new a new Resurrection it’s like you’re being res resurrected to start something new be something

new okay Lotus beautiful that’s the first and it’s a 22 number Pisces which is a master number PES please the second

energy lifeblood lifeblood you were in a state where you you know how this water is all stuck here and it’s not going anywhere for in one is change you all of a sudden start to feel that change start to smell that change and then comes an opportunity that takes you out of where you are right now now and put you in a situation of you being able to Blossom and see things start to happen around you the vibe the mood the attitude all changes Pisces this week There’s lifeblood to a situation that you thought was not going to work out there’s lifeblood coming in to something that you thought was the end of an error an end of a cycle one more please for Pisces is thank you imagination use your imagination and don’t give up in whatever it is that you’re doing you may not be able to see things right clearly at this point in time Pisces but as the week and the fortnite comes on you’re going to see things a lot clearer than what you do today just don’t give up keep focused keep tuned into what your goal and your dream is and don’t give up and the bottom of the card we’ve got nourishment you need to nurture yourself you need to look after your body you need to look after your possessions you need to look after what’s important family love happiness fulfillment nourish who you are where you are and nourish give your body and your mind and your soul the nourishment that it needs the love and care and nurturing that it needs it’s time for you to look after yourself Pisces great to look after everyone else but it’s important that you look after yourself okay let’s see what we’ve got with the tarot please for Pisces thank

you Pisces thank you so much what have we got for Pisces please what’s the

Resurrection The hangman upside down you now start to see things blossoming and all your goals and dreams start to come through for some time there Pisces you were upside down which is the nature of this card yeah and you couldn’t see things but now you’re starting to see things in a different manner in a different way you’re starting to understand why things are taking place the way they are you’re starting to understand how things work and you’re starting to understand that you internally have more power than what you imagine ined your mind is your your it could be your your most your mind is your enemy but it’s also your power so are you going to use that mind of yours as an enemy or as your powerful source to get what you want you’re going to see things very very clearly this next week or two things are started look at this that’s no mistake that they came under under the life blood things need to go for others to open you’ve been given an opportunity here a life blood for you to make things work it’s a life blood that’s going to take you to another place another area and success is going to come through you’re putting to bed things that no longer suit you moving away from situations and people that no longer have a position in your life that all they brought you was chaos and torment you’re putting all that to bed now and moving forward to a new life a new lifeblood coming through for you to

enjoy Resurrection is the death card Pisces Resurrection you’re being resurrected imagination imagine how powerful and how successful you can be your family has your back you are nurtured you’re cared for this is is an abundance card both in family and financial status so it’s up to you now what your imagine what your imagination lets you achieve it’s up to you how far you want to dream how far you want to take things how focused are you Pisces are you going to give up or are you going to refocus and know where you’re going are you going to know what it’s going to take are you going to put all your efforts into making this work

Pisces it’s a time for you to use your imagination to make things work on the bottom we’ve got the five of Pentacles this is someone that’s coming come from a hard time of financial of um Financial scarce trying to make ends meet and not being able to a place of unemployment a place of sadness a place of loneliness a place of sacrifice you need now need to nurture yourself out of this position you now need to know that you are worth more than this and you’ve got more to give than what what you’ve got right now you need to believe that the only person that can change this and give yourself nourishment is you Pisces it’s up to you now what you do with what you’re given it’s up to you what decisions you’re going to make the focus you’re going to change the attitude of conquering you know the Lotus doesn’t come from anywhere the Lotus appears out of nowhere you’re seeing things a lot clearer now so what are you going to do with that Pisces what are you going to do with that are you going to be the Lotus or are you just going to let it go let those dreams that you’ve worked so hard for let those sacrifices that you’ve made what are you going to do are you going to be that Lotus that appears out of nowhere and conquer is anything that’s thrown at them you’re being given a lifeblood here it’s up to you to end things that no longer serve you and give your life and your dreams and your goal that lifeblood that it needs use that imagination think big bring in big if you think small that’s all you’re going to get if you thinking big that’s what you’re going to attract so Pisces it’s now up to you you up to you what you’re going to do with that what else do we have here for Pisces please what energy do we have here Pisces you’ve got everything that you can imagine to make things work it’s about you now seeing things truly for what they are not allowing others to make the calls on your life not allowing others to tell you what you can and can’t do and how much you can achieve Pisces please what else off for Pisces thank you the king of Wands you take your throne again Pisces you believe and you are ready to conquer you are ready to make decisions that are going to take you forward you are ready to take that position of being in charge of your destiny take that position of being in charge of making your goals and your dreams become reality it’s up to you now

Pisces what else have we got for Pisces please Pisces thank you the Knight of Pentacles where you’re going is going to be prosperous what you’re doing is going to be successful you need to believe and you need to get that sword and shield and protect yourself from other people from circumstances that don’t allow you to go forward and put to bed anyone and anything that needs to get out of your life think po negative energies that are in your life right now you need to move away from those you need to believe that there’s going to be an end to this negativity that’s in your life right now you need to believe that there is only one way and that’s forward Saturn is taking over now it’s in your sign right now in this point in time it’s going to ask you for truth and for endurance you’re going to be tested but you’re going to win you just need to believe Pisces you’ve been thrown a Lifeline

here Pisces please what else have we got for

Pisces imagination and the 10 of Pentacles place there is abundance here use that imagination to create your abundance Pisces you have fought a battle and you’re ready to move forward you’ve fought a battle that left you with very little imagination but now it is time for you to regain recoup and refocus what is your goal and what is your dream don’t allow others to get in between that don’t allow other people’s opinions

judgments to interfere on your path that you need to go yes you are going to have to fight off some people fight off some situations and you’ve done that for quite some time now it’s time for you to let go of that and think big think I am capable and I deserve my Prosperity I now see things clearly and I know I deserve to get what’s coming for

me no more are you going to live the life of the five of Pentacles of loneliness of despair of depression at times of questioning your worth allowing others to tell you who you are allowing others to tell you what you’re worth what you’re capable of no no no no Pisces no one has that permission no one has that permission unless you give that to them

and on the bottom of the deck you have the ace of cups for some of you you’re going to meet someone very special that’s going to fulfill your life that’s going to give you the care and the nurturing and the nourishment that you deserve and that you’ll appreciate and a beautiful love that comes into your life to compliment you not to make you you make you they compliment

you Pisces it’s now time to take charge of your life of your dreams of your goals and don’t let anybody fight out fight off anybody that challenges you on

that last message for Pisces please last message for Pisces Pisces we’ve got all the December and 2024 forecast out please visit your sign as there may be messages there for you step out of your comfort zone the north nod the universe is nodding you to say Pisces it’s time to leave that comfort zone and follow that path that we’re showing You Follow that dream that you want so much follow that goal that you’ve sacrificed yourself for so long step out of your comfort zone do if you’re scared go even if you’re scared things only get lighter it’s like when you start a new job everything seems hard everything seems impossible but when you know your job you do it and you do it well if you’re afraid you need to battle that if you’re worried you need to battle that too believe in who you are and step out of that comfort zone that you’ve got right now the only way we grow Pisces is to get out of our comfort zone and the universe is so strong here it’s saying Pisces now is the time we’re giving you an opportunity that you’ve asked for what are you going to do with

it tell me in the comments what you’re going to do with it Pisces tell me if this is you coming out of a battlefield coming out of a sacrifice coming out of now starting to see things for what they are no more messages for Pisces one more message for Pisces just one more please one more message for Pisces what’s something that’s got to really understand thank you look at that conclusions are within reach remember I said to you that things need to end for others to begin conclusions are now Within Reach you’re being given an opportunity of a lifetime that’s full moon eclipse this has been in the works since our last eclipse at the end of October which was in Scorpio this thing that you’ve wanted may be there for quite a long time your dream your goal you may have had that for quite a long time but you’ve had to face hurdles you’ve had to make sacrifices but it’s concluding now Pisces it’s coming to the Forefront now are you going to get out of that comfort zone and be this Lotus that flourishes or are you going to remain in this battlefield a battlefield not with others but within

yourself Pisces let me know in the comments if this can resonate lots of love and light and check your moon and your ascendant sign from Marie Rose to you lots of love thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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