Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 4
FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 4. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-november-2023/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today thank you to all the beautiful subscribers and let’s get into your reading for the next 7 to 14 days my name is Marie Rose for those of you that don’t know me and today we’re going to do your forecast like I said for the next 7 to 14 days plus or minus a few days either way let’s see what we have for Pisces thank you energy for Pisces Pisces abundance look at that you’re going to find abundance comes through this week something that you’ve been hoping for something that you’ve been wishing for comes through to show you how fulfilling life can be how rich life can be and this is not only material things it could be love meeting new people being in new surroundings and finding your ability to get a new job find new prospects start a career a project that’s going to bring you [Music] abundance let’s see what else we have beautiful first beautiful start
Pisces Beginnings look at that Beginnings you’re going to make some decisions and these decisions are going to be with New Beginnings you’re going to have a few opportunities come your way or you’re going to know what it is that you need to do but with beginnings and abundance I do feel that you’re opening the door Pisces to something that’s going to be very fruitful in your life everything starts small but from that small everything becomes big if you allow it you believe in it and you thrive through
it beautiful how beautiful is that Pisces and on the on the bottom we’ve got action you’re going to have to make some some decision this week to start new something that that’s been weighing on you or something that’s offered for you which gives you two paths three paths whatever it may be it’s an opportunity that requires action you’re going to need to action it and go with
it okay let’s see what the tarot has for Pisces what a beautiful new beginning to a reading and look at the card that’s up on its own is The Wheel of Fortune which is change that’s the only card here that was upside down look at that it’s no mistake that there’s going to be changes that come in this week in the next 7 to 14 days you’re going to start to change things or things around you are going to start to change and I feel that it’s definitely for the better there’s abundance there it’s not by mistake that these three cards sit here in front of me I could close CL off your um your reading right now because it’s
superb pardon me sorry Pisces please what else have we got for Pisces thank you abundance and
Beginnings P can I finish your reading off right now this is the victory card this is you being victorious in something that you’re you’re been waiting for or you’re being a part of or you’re starting something new make no mistake there is a change knocking on your door and it’s going to be victorious it’s either you’re going to be taken by surprise or this is something that you’ve been hoping for wishing for and working towards it could be a promotion Pisces it could be a new opportunity it could be a new it’s something new in your life it’s a new beginning a new beginning to a new world you’re leaving the old as you know it and going to a new place of prosperity of abundance of Happiness it’s like it’s like you’re turning the page of this chapter you’re finishing off a chapter to begin
another what beautiful cards look at that the Knight of Pentacles you’re ready you’re ready you’re ready to start this new thing you’re you’re ready to start this new project this new career this new path that you’ve chosen you’re ready to start something new you are ready ready and willing to go oh look at that for some of you you’re looking into the Horizon thinking I have found my light My Wish has come true I know now where I’m going I know now what I’m doing it’s no mistake that the page of Wands is here to be begin something new something that drives
them there is no mistake here Pisces get ready get ready are you ready the Queen of Wands Pisces for some of you here you may be dealing with a female that’s got Aries Sagittarius or Leo in there as their star sign there’s a lady here or a f femine figure that offers you an opportunity of a lifetime that offers you a promotion offers you to be part of a new project a new company but there’s something here to do with this this energy it could be a male as well but they have very very much female Tendencies and that could be an Aries a Leo or Sagittarius it’s definitely a fire
sign or you have got that in your chart but I do feel that this is a an energy it could be a male or a female but it’s an energy that comes in and offers you an opportunity a brand new opportunity that’s going to be victorious for you and it’s no mistake look at this new beginnings it’s New Beginnings financially you’re going to feel stable you’re going to feel content it’s a new beginning you’ve been hoping for and it’s a new beginning that’s going to bring you a lot of victory and look at that the page of Swords make no mistake that you are you are going to stay true to your decision it’s going to require you to make a decision like I said before but you’re going to know what it is that you want you’re going to know what to do when this opportunity knocks on your door it’s something that you’re got you’ve been waiting for and you may even have to stand up to other people people that don’t agree maybe with your decision people people that don’t want you to move on people that want you to stay where you are or people that don’t believe you deserve to go forward but be in your truth Pisces speak your truth be your truth you deserve everything that you’re receiving that sword is about to ra be
raised you’re going to know you’re going to be true to who you are and you’re going to know that this is the time something about a look at this it’s no mistake it’s no mistake it’s definitely a project it’s definitely a career it’s definitely an opportunity of a lifetime it’s definitely an opportunity that will take you to a new place a new location a new city or a new country it is a beginning of a new en Adventure an Endeavor that you’ve been waiting
on there’s no mistake here Pisces it’s coming coming it’s coming and you’ve either received it already or it’s going to be very very soon very soon make no mistake what else have we got for Pisces
please get ready open that door be in a positive frame of mind bring it in
nicely Pisces I don’t think I need to say anymore I’m just going to put all the rest of the cards out there’s the sun you’re not only going to feel warm about this decision and this move and this new you’re going to see things that you haven’t seen before you’re going to see things a lot brighter in your life a lot lighter more stability more financial stability it’s going to bring a lot of sunshine into your life for those of you that are not in a relationship you may also meet a new partner and this new partner is going to be very wise knows exactly what they want and knows how to get it and that partner may be that this new person that comes into your life it could be to do with career but yes it could also be to do with relationships and this person may be the Aries the Leo or the
Sagittarius nine of Cups you cele ating your success your Endeavor your new adventure look at this be careful Pisces that people are going to put their hand out and people are going to want some of your abundance people are going to um be jealous about what you’re conquering about what you’re achieving but be very very careful with people around you that want to take stuff off you that doesn’t belong to them people that want something something that you’ve got be very
careful and this could be information it could be Financial but here my love you need to rest you need to rest before this knocking comes you need to put to bed the worry that you’ve had in the past and allow yourself to rest now this is a new adventure it’s just not a something small a little move a step sideways or a step forward or a step back this is something that’s going to improve your life as you know
it it’s not going to be the same anymore Pisces this adventure this new Endeavor this dream and wish look at that you’ve battled to get here you’ve had to fight and lift your swords at times to cut people out cut situations out you’ve had to battle it’s like you’re exhausted now you’re exhausted it’s you’re putting your swords up now and thinking I don’t have to fight anymore I’m now at peace with my decision I’m now at peace with my new path the path that I’ve chosen to take on I’m at peace with myself now I don’t need that constant battle I don’t need to do that anymore because I found my magic and you are your magician you’ve come out of a time of turbulence or you’ve been through a time of turbulence you’ve been through a time of despair of depression anxiety for some a time where you couldn’t get up you’re exhausted and you couldn’t see a way up or the light at the end of the tunnel but you’ve created magic you’ve believed you’ve had faith and you’ve battled everything you’ve had
to now Pisces this is a different ball game here this I can’t tell you how amazing this reading is please put in the comments please put in the comments if this is you if you’ve had the opp look at this you’re going to form a very prosperous Bond or some of you are getting engaged here but whatever it is do not give up two and five is don’t give up don’t give up in the belief don’t give up on yourself don’t give up on your dream don’t give up on your goals don’t give up on finding that beautiful relationship it’s there you’re going to form some beautiful beautiful
bonds New Path decisions that take you to new places decisions that show you how much the world has got to offer you decisions that you’re going to take that may move you to another location another city another suburb but it’s going to be decisions that you’ve been waiting for and you’re going to feel at peace with those decisions that you make for some of you you may be moving to a place of uh a lot of nature around you and and connect with that nature connect with that nature because you’re not going here by mistake there’s a purpose and a reason why you’re going to this place and look at you for some of you you’re going over water you’re traveling but one thing that’s going to do is going to bring you growth number three is growth it’s going to make you grow a lot see a lot experience a lot and you’re going just with that growth become a different person Al together have a more clearer understanding of who you are and what you want
Pisces one last card for Pisces I love it Pisces seriously that is one beautiful reading there is not one bad card there at all at
all and I don’t pluck these cards out as you see I I um shuffle them all the time stand your ground whatever hardships you went through whatever hardships you’re going to face now face on because I do feel pises that there are going to be people that question you question your motives your moves your decisions stand your ground it is about you here nobody else don’t let others opinions get involved don’t let other people’s judgment worry you don’t let other people’s attitudes bet shake you at all don’t betray who you are stand true to who you are stand your ground in what you believe in in what you want and who you are full
stop look at this ignite your passions with the fire Guardian it’s now time to ignite your passions Pisces whether that being your relationships career projects anything that you want to do it’s time to ignite it ignite it with passion determination and above all believe in who you are and stand true
always Pisces with that reading all I can say is amen and thank you for letting me share with you this amazing amazing reading lots of love and light thank you so much
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)