Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month of December 2023
FREE Monthly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-november-2023/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live today we’re going to do your December horoscope now the way we’re going to do that is we’re going to do the first um uh energy for the beginning of December mid December and end of December then we’re going to the tarot which will be all the houses in the zodiac chart and what comes up for you in December with all the areas in your life and here a last uh bit of advice for Pisces or a card that will uh give you an overall feel of what December looks like for you I hope you enjoy it let me know in the comments if you do let me know if you do like this sort of thing and if it doesn’t make sense check your ascendant and a moon and your moon sign as there’ll be a lot there that um will be worth your while okay I have already mixed these cards and let’s see what we have for for Pisces please what’s the energy for the beginning of December for Pisces thank you beginning of December for Pisces thank you the void what are you missing Pisces there’s a void there there’s something there that you’re missing or something there that you’re you’re thinking about the past maybe or something that’s missing down deep in your heart and soul something that you want to start but you you can’t seem to get on top of it something that that leaves you empty in some area of your life that’s how you’re going to start December but I’m sure it can only get better than that it’s a new beginning it’s the dark moon but the Dark Moon becomes light so don’t worry about that what’s your mid mid December going to be like Pisces what’s the mid December going to be
like peace look at that peace there’s going to be a a lot of Peace around you you’re going to feel at peace with yourself with those people around you with your decisions with everything that’s happening around you mid December is going to bring you a lot of Tranquility a lot of Peace a lot of honor and a lot of um peaceful times overall you’re not going to feel uh an anxiety you’re not going to feel the the void that you’ve been feeling you’re going to be peace with concluding things starting things uh everything’s going to fall into place by mid December what’s the end of December look like for you end of December thank you nourishment look at that you’re going to feel at the end of December that things are just looking up don’t give up on anything that you’re working on don’t give up on your goals and your dreams everything’s going to come into place you’re going to to feel like you’ve got the world in front of you and the world for you to tackle so don’t despair at all even though you start off December in a bit of a void situation you’re going to very very quickly change that throughout December opportunities situations will change throughout December let’s see what we have for each house of the zodiac chart of the astrology chart sorry okay what have we got for Pisces in house one which is all about yourself what how do you feel about yourself unsure in in December you’re going to feel a bit unsure about where you’re going what you’re doing about decisions that you need to make whether you want to go whether you want to stay whether you want to be a part of that whether you want to be a part of something else it’s going to be all about decisions in your in yourself you’re going to decide what happens next in yourself you’re going to decide what’s best for you so making decisions that’s going to be very very good for you income what’s your income look like in December income which is house two for Pisces place in December house two income for Pisces December there’s a calling there is something that’s going to come to you either it’s going to be the time and the place for you to action something that you may have been waiting for something that you’ve wanted to to do or something that you’ve wanted to put into place or you want something to happen there’s going to be a calling in December a calling for you to stand firm and believe in who you are there’s a calling for something that’s going to take place it’s now time Pisces the time has come that’s what it’s saying to you the time has come in your finances the time has come for you to [Music] be comfortable with where you’re at in your finances and your your your planning your income there’s going to be something that takes place that’s going to make you feel like now is the time that I see it all come together that I’ve planted all the seeds and now this calling says it’s time now to collect what you’ve worked so hard for okay Communications what’s Communications going to be house three beautiful you’re going to know exactly what it is that you want you’re going to communicate very effectively very mature and you’re going to know exactly where you you it is that you want to go your Communications are going to be very much about moving forward you’re you’re not messing around anymore you know what you want you know what you need to go get and your Communications are going to be very direct because the king of Wands is all about moving forward all about making things happen so you’re going to be thinking very rationally about things and not so much emotional you’re going to want to move things forward and you’re going to want communication to flow freely in December very upfront and very direct very headon with how you feel and what you want okay home what does your home have for December houseful houseful home oh oh two two Pisces I’m going to take them because they’re say to take it so at at home you’re going to feel at peace you’re going to make some decisions in regards to where you live and what you do but there are going to be two choices there about where you go and live you may have two choices about staying where you are or moving to somewhere else you’re going to have all the tools and everything that you need to make that decision and make that decision um with certainty it’s like you’re going to have certainty about what you want and you’ve got everything that you need to make those decisions so it’s not like you’re Miss missing out on something no it’s like you’ve been given an opportunity or you’ve been given um choices to make and you’re going to make them very accurately and very precise in what it suits you okay let’s see romance what have we got for romance romance which is house five for Pisces house five for Pisces romance thank you what have we got for Pisces thank you decisions Pisces you’ve got two options in Romance for those those of you that are looking for romantic Partners there may be two partners that stand out two people that stand out not sure saying two partners I should say two people that stand out that you need to choose from obviously you can’t have both Pisces well you could but that’s not the right thing to do by either one of them but you’re going to need to decide out of the two people that you’ve met who it is that you want to continue with for those of you that are married in your romance you’re going to have different options that you do together you’re going to plan things to do in December and you’re going to make choices between A and B what you both want what you don’t want and that’s going to be something that you communicate in your
romance you’re going to have options in December Health what does your health look like Pisces in December what does Health look like which is house six house six for Pisces beautiful everything’s fine no problem there then the only thing here there might be one or two Pisces that have um hear about health issues to do with some family members but apart from that overall you’re going to have good health you everything’s going to be okay everyone will be okay you don’t need to worry about anyone but in your health just make sure you look after after yourself make sure you look after your mental health your physical health and that you remain uh confident and happy okay what have we got for partnership and friendship anyone that’s got partnership here or friendships what are they look like in December house seven house seven for Pisces please Partnerships and friendships for house seven what’s the card oh Pisces if you’re in Partnerships with anybody or you got friends you’re going to realize in December that some friends are not worth keeping people people that you’ve thought were your friends you end up finding out that they weren’t they were only there for a good time not a long time some friends put a mask on and that’s going to be revealed to you in December you’re going to choose who you keep in your life and who you don’t who you keep partnership with who you keep friendships with and very very very upfront you’re going to know who you can trust and who you can’t trust there are going to be friends or one friend at least that’s going to leave leave you quite hurt and quite um shaken by something that they do or they say so be very very careful with friendships there in December Pisces put stand back and look at people for who they are not what they’re making out to be there are friends there or Partnerships that you shouldn’t trust or they’ve got other other intentions and friendship with you is not one of them so let’s have a look at house eight intimacy and joint joint things that you have with others what is your intimacy house eight for Pisces for December please that’s eight for Pisces thank you keeping things to yourself in your intimacy and um and being with others things that that you share with others you’re going to keep with yourself you’re going to keep that very close to your chest you’re not going to discuss with other people uh when you go out on a date how that all works you’re not going to discuss with people what’s happening in your life you’re going to be you’re going to remain very quiet and very subdued as far as others are concerned sharing information is not always wise especially when you’ve been let down by friends that you thought with friends that’s going to make you very aware that you can’t trust everybody you can trust some people but they’re very few and far
between Pisces we know very quickly who our friends are when the going gets tough who’s there helping you or who’s there guiding you who’s there by your side to pick things
up okay Adventure what have we got for house seven Adventure house seven adventure for Pisces for oh two okay you’re going to you’re going to want some Adventure you’re going to want to learn new things Pisces in December there’s a movement forward for you you there is a new place or something that teaches you something different that you don’t know right now there’s going to be an opportunity for you to learn new things an opportunity for you to take on a new adventure it’s move forward and don’t look back remember as much as it may be something little right now you may feel that you may be offered something small or something not as big as what you’d like or not what you would have imagined but go forward is the answer here because that little can turn into very big so don’t don’t sometimes judge things by what they seem right up front have a look at the opportunity have a look at how this can help you in future and have a look at whether this is worth
taking so anything there that’s an adventure or that you want to move forward with okay career what does your career look like in December career which is house 10 for Pisces Le what does a career look like for Pisces thank you transformation the death card Pisces you’re in part of a transformation from what you’re doing now to what you’ll be doing very soon there’s a change here you’re transforming from where you are to where you want to go you no longer want to put up with certain things that you’re dealing with right now and you may choose to leave this location leave this career and move to something else it’s part of you putting to bed what no longer suits you cutting ties with things that don’t work for you anymore it’s time for you to move on it’s time for you to experience new things and move forward with and experience different places different people different things for some of you here it’s time that you’re going to call what you’re doing right now it’s time for you to put yourself out there and experience new things coming through okay what have we got for wishes what are your wishes in December Pisces what are your main wishes for December for long term just to be loved to be Lov to give love to be in a beautiful place of pleasant surroundings to be accepted to be honored and to be in a place of just Prosperity really prosperity in love in abundance it’s just finding good friends finding someone to love or love you and being being in a a place of it you want December to share love and give love really and you want to feel that love and in December I feel that a lot of you
will okay your final what is the unconscious what’s in your unconscious mind that you either put to the back and don’t want to think about or you don’t want to face it right now or you don’t face it because you don’t have the time and energy to deal with that what is it that’s in your unconscious mind unconscious mind for Pisces thank you money money you want to be in a very comfortable place financially with abundance that you can call your own you want the stability and you work extremely hard to get here in the back of your mind that’s all you’re thinking about it’s if I can only get myself above water and accomplish what my goal and dreams are I know I can be prosperous I can have the abundance that I need but I need the financial backing for me to be able to move forward and do what I want to do so finances are a constant thought in your mind and that that is going to change so that void is not going to be void anymore remember the nourishment that also brings abundance and peace and love your way let’s see what the final message here is for Pisces please final final message for Pisces please thank you final message for Pisces final message for Pisces thank you connect with your emotions Pisces connect with your emotions how do people make you feel how do opportunities make you feel how does your career make you feel how does your family make you feel how do you feel about yourself and and if any time it you’re sad about something you need to understand what makes you sad and cry if you have to but understand why you feel that way it’s about you connecting with how things make you feel what is it about that person that situation that makes you feel that way and understanding how people or how situations uh bother you or how they impact how you feel because the minute we understand and connect with our emotions we then start to understand not to allow other people to um it’s like we we we can then have control about how we react to things and here it’s saying connect with your emotions this is a water card oops sorry Pisces this is a water card here so this is you Scorpio and cancer make sure you connect with how you feel understand it and be okay with it how do things make you feel how do people make you feel Pisces I hope you got a lot out of that reading please let me know in the comments if you’ve liked that lots of love and light your way and all the best take care
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)