Pisces Horoscope | Powerful Tarot End Of December 2023

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for End of December 2023

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For End of December 2023 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have for you for the next 7 to 14 days one message please for Pisces hunger Pisces why are you hungry you’re hungry for something there’s something something that you want something that you’ve been waiting for it’s like you’re waiting for this one thing and you’re calling out for it it’s this big hunger within your soul and your spirit that you’re waiting for and here that’s all you think about you wake up in the morning and you think about this you go to sleep at night and you think about this it’s like there’s a a a hunger for movement a hunger for something to happen for someone to come into your life for an opportunity to arise whatever it is it’s a hunger that you can’t wait for like an answer a solution let’s see what we have with the

tarot for Pisces Why is Pisces hungry let’s see within the next 7 to 14 days what this says for you what are we talking about here for

Pisces the five of fire which is a battle it’s like you’re you’re battling something you’re you’re wanting something so bad that inside you you you’re in a constant battle you’re in a constant battle to find an answer to find a solution to a certain thing it’s like you you want something so badly and you’re you’re at the point where you just want things to happen you want answers you want Solutions you’re feeling this anxiety you’re losing sleep over it there’s an internal battle or a battle with someone that can make this happen but isn’t making this

happen the five of water look at that you got five and five Pisces look look up 55 there’s going to be an answer there for you look up number five angel number but 55 is going to be important for you 55 Angel Number look that up and see what that message is for you here you’re praying you’re wishing you’re hoping that something comes towards you whether that be a person an opportunity or something that you’re hoping for you may have had a fight with somebody and now now you’re waiting for that person to turn turn around and come

back or it could be a situation that you’re hoping

happens the six of water you’re waiting you’re waiting in hope that this person or this opportunity presents itself you’re you’re waiting to take it take it on and give it the love that it deserves

you’re ready to take this opportunity this person back what are you waiting on Pisces please let me know sorry it’s getting a bit can’t see those cards desire it’s an internal desire of yours to have this happen it’s an internal desire your F your feeling so you’ve got hunger and desire like they’re big strong words Pisces let me know in the comments I want this to come into my life put it in the comments and put it out there to the universe there is something here that you’re hoping happens there is something here that means a lot to

you the child it’s like this this is something new it’s like you’ve either started a new relationship and you’ve had a fight and you’re waiting for that person to call you message you or give themselves to you or it’s an opportunity that you’ve had that you’ve wanted for quite a long time you’re just waiting for this to happen you’re praying that this new opportunity comes your way this new job offer this new project whatever it is it means a lot to you it’s not something small it’s something that if this was to happen you’d be exstatic

the two of water which for for some of you it’s a relationship or it could be something else and a relationship but here you’re W waiting in anticipation for this special someone to return to come back and there may have been a a there may have been discussions or a conclusion that’s still not finished and you’re waiting for that person to come back or that situation to represent itself that


knowledge knowledge you’re you’re using your intuition and you’re learning of how things work it’s like you’re gaining knowledge in regards to this person or this situation in the whilst you’re waiting as much as it’s it’s an anticipation that want to be over it’s teaching you something it’s teaching you patience it’s teaching you that not everything comes around

quickly that there’s patience required here there’s belief you’re gaining knowledge that you didn’t have before maybe this person is testing you like no one else has tested you before maybe this situation is meant to come to you at the right time and not your time so you are gaining knowledge in the weight in the anticipation in the wanting this so

badly pardon me sorry masculine and feminine one sec

Pisces let me just have a

drink do you know what I just got there some of you are not speaking up that chakra the fifth chakra which manages your voice your communication is stagnated it’s like you’re keeping something inside that you need to get out you need to get out what you are thinking what you’re feeling it’s like you’re you’re stopping this communication from happening but here masculine and feminine is a time of you finding your balance between being rational and emotional it’s about you know whilst you’re waiting and you’ve got this hunger for this thing this person this situation it’s about finding the balance of rationality and emotion if you’re too emotional you’re you’re going to feel you’re going to catch something like a flu or you know your your immune system will be down because when we’re so emotional and stressed that’s when we we capture all these germs all these viruses and it shows up in your body when we’re too rational we’re playing on our on our mind and we’re driving ourselves crazy so there’s a need here for balance between the two that’s what they’re saying to you

Pisces a lot in your head you can’t stop thinking about something you can’t stop thinking about this opportunity this situation this person it is doing your heading you are continuous ly thinking about this this opportunity or this person this thing it’s something that doesn’t leave your mind but here Pisces it’s important that you as much as it’s hard I know my love I know but here is a time for you to let go you know sometimes we can’t control everything especially when we’re when when we’re waiting waiting for others to act or another person to make the move it’s out of our control so here it’s about getting the uh balance between rational and emotional and to get out of your head because why I always say this whilst our mind is our most powerful tool it can also be the thing that destroys

us and the more we think about things the worse becomes the more we put emphasis on it look at the bottom of the

deck this is the two of swords and this is scales look at that can you see those scales it’s you finding the balance if not everything is Black or White there’s a lot of gray in between and this is you aligning your chakras and understanding that what is out of your control you can’t do much about so you just have to wait and patience is going to be your key

here I’ll pop that there so you can have a look at

that wow okay let’s see what lad has I just want three cards please for lad and then we’ll close it off with the last message for

Pisces so Pisces whatever you’re going through my beautiful one is patience you’re going it’s going to be okay look at that it’s a master number the key the key to success the key the answer you’re waiting on the solution is going to take place so I don’t know what’s eating at you Pisces please let me know in the comments if it’s not too priv it but the key is going to arrive you’re going to get your answer your

solution two more please Thank you new part look at this Pisces come on have faith have faith 33 Master number 22 master number the key and the New Paths There Is A New Path for you Pisces please believe believe get out of your head if you can stop thinking about things you can’t

control and believe that there’s going to be a new beginning for you A New Path a new relationship a new opportunity it’s

coming it’s

coming two Master numbers where’re with you Pisces that’s what the universe is saying your guides and mentors are saying to you we are with you that’s the spirituality coming through look at that you may have to make some decisions number two is decisions and the clovers not everything is straightforward but but there’s going to be two options for you and out of those two options you’re going to need to decide what’s best for you if it’s a person there’s going to be options that you talk about in the relationship if it’s an opportunity you may get two but whatever it is there’s going to be decisions communication needs to happen remember the fifth chakra I felt it straight in the throat it’s like you’re holding back from saying what you’re feeling and what’s bothering you and look at that I feel here Pisces that a woman somehow somewhere is going to be the key to your answer and your solution there’s a woman behind whether it be a a a relationship

ship a boss a mentor a guide someone is going to help you and I do feel a huge feminine energy here so some it could be a friend could be a sister could be a mother someone is going to help you through this


okay last but not least let’s see what we’ve got oh wow Archangel Michael wants to

talk I’m I’m going to put this back cuz I haven’t mixed it but it says no it is not yet time remember we talked about patience number 20 look at that anyway let’s put it back if it’s meant to come out it’s going to come out again but that flew out so it’s not yet time they want you to know just be patient your time is going to be right and our our time is not the universe

time okay Pisces

please Pisces for those of you that it’s a relationship don’t give up on love just because you may have had an argument with somebody and you’ve been praying for that to be okay it’s going to come don’t give up on love for those of you waiting on an opportunity don’t give up on what you love because it’s not happening straight away there’s someone here that either loves what they do or loves someone or loves or wants to fall in love don’t give up on love whether that’s a an opportunity a person a situation whatever it is it means a lot to you a relationship you cherish can be healed allow me to clear the way for forgiveness so that love can Thrive again so Archangel Michael is saying to you just stick in there don’t give up whether that’s a love for what you do a a love for somebody or a love in regards to a certain situation don’t give up and on the bottom of the deck is trust the GU guidance you’re receiving archangel Uriel has blessed you with a brilliant Epiphany I am also present to clear away your worries so you can trust your Divine guidance have faith and trust that the answers the New Paths are here remember I said to you there’s a huge spiritual presence here the Master number 22 and 20 and 33 look those numbers up with 55 there’s an answer here for you Pisces I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of love and light thank you so much all the best let me know in the comments


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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