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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 4, 2023
FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces how are we today today we’re going to do your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have we’re going to start off with an energy then go into two tarot well one tarot and one Leno Mart and then we’re going to go into um a last message from the um Moon the Moon cuz we’re still in the Moon moon sign we’re still ruled by the moon in 2023 up until March 2024 that’s when it changes to Saturn now with Saturn coming in Pisces um just be aware that with Saturn it’s important you keep your vibration up as much as possible even through Downs um anything that you go through because Saturn is the type that tests you and if you fall in energy or vibration it actually dishes out more of that so it’s more of an acceptance here it’s more of a Justice here what you give out is what you’ll you’ll get back so just be very aware of that okay let’s see what we have for Pisces energy for Pisces please what energy do we have for Pisces the first sovereignty taking control of what you want in life and where you want to go being assertive this is a card of I know what my world needs to be I need to create and I need to change things that are stopping me from creating my dreams my goals and my vision so it’s a card of you are taking control of the reins and really looking at where you want to go what you want to do who is it that’s going to be in your world who isn’t making decisions fear fear came up Pisces and that is for some of you here you’re actually quite scared to make changes it’s like you’re in a safety blanket see how here she’s in her own little egg and she’s quite safe there you’re scared to get out of where you are right now or or make changes or create uh not chaos but create movement in in in fear of what others are going to say of what others are going to how they’re going to accept your changes how they’re going to react to your changes it’s like I’ve got this Mission I want to I want to achieve I’ve got this thing I want to do but I’m also scared one if it doesn’t work out but two how that’s going to be accepted with other people
trust the universe is saying trust your instincts trust that everything has a purpose and a reason trust that this feeling that you’re having this feeling of wanting to control and find your world it hasn’t come for by mistake the feeling that you have of creating your world is meant to be trust that what your instincts are telling you is is right trust that you’re being protected by your guides and your mentors trust that anything that opens up for you any change that comes your way was always meant to cross your path so don’t doubt who you are don’t doubt why things are happening and don’t doubt that something’s coming to your life for a reason all right what else do we have here what else do we have in your tarot Pisces what else have we got here thank you so we got for Pisces today give me one sec Pisces one
sec apologies this is what happens when you’re videoing for real and in real life things do happen and I just had to close the door cuz my dog decided that it was time for him to come in okay so let’s see what we have for Pisces he’s here for your reading too Pisces very insightful what have we got for Pisces
please three cards please thank you so we’ve got here the eight of Pentacles something that you’ve been working extremely hard on
Justice and the Two of Pentacles Pisces for for some someone here you’ve been working extremely hard at a project and it could be a dream a goal that you’ve had however something’s going to take place within the next 7 to 14 days and it’s going to be something that you deserve something an opportunity that comes your way and it’s just it is justice that you get this opportunity however you’re in doubt whether you want to take this so even though you been working extremely hard towards something you’re now questioning whether you want to take the next step or not you’re questioning whether this is a real opportunity whether this opportunity is going to take you to where you want to go whether this opportunity is going to take you anywhere for that
reason it’s like you’re in doubt in regards to something that you’ve worked extremely hard at and all of a sudden and the door opens and you don’t know how to take that it’s like it’s been a goal and a dream of mine to do this for quite some time and now that I get the opportunity I’m questioning whether one is it right for me two do I make that decision and go because I feel that it involves travel you might have to travel for work or you might have to go to another country city or state but whatever it is that’s coming forward for you is is asking you to move make movement there’s movement required here for you let me know if this is you Pisces what else have we got for Pisces what other information do we have for Pisces the strength card beautiful what else have we got the five of
Wands and the eight of Swords Pisces there may be a situation that someone here is in that is um in the justice system it could be a court battle that you’re going through a divorce and an agreement something that’s happening right now in your life that is challenging you and this is for other people not the opportunity one but this is also a situation of you’re um dealing with something in a court case and it’s it’s getting a little bit ugly it’s like you need to be strong and believe that there’s going to be an ending to this although you can’t see anything right now and you can’t see a solution coming out of this situation keep your strength because it although you may fear that it won’t work out it will trust that the process is taking place for some of you here it’s like you’re you’re um in a justice system with somebody or you’re you’re finding your Justice you’re finding your reason you’re finding your purpose you’re finding your your rights it’s like you’re looking for your rights this is my right I need this I I I deserve this keep the strength keep the strength that you have because you you’ve worked extremely hard to get to a certain point you’ve worked extremely hard to make things work and now this here comes to challenge you how strong are you Pisces are you willing to fight the battle I know you can’t see right now where you’re going but are you willing to fight the battle till the end because and this is why we’ve got the fear card and the trust it’s like you’re fearing the worst can happen you’re fearing that something’s not right and that someone’s taking you for granted here but they’re saying trust trust the process trust that everything’s going to be okay we’re right behind you and we’re going to help you get through
this that’s not for everybody it’s for someone that’s going through the justice system what else have we got for Pisces The Chariot you’re going to move forward with a plan with something that you want wanted to do something that’s important to you it’s moving forward even though you may not feel right now that you can see results stick in there you’ve worked hard you’ve found out all the information that you need you’ve put so many hours into something whether that be a project or a career but you’ve dedicated yourself so much so that now an opportunity opens up or even though you can’t see it right now and you’re going through an internal battle as well you’re going to see that things start to open up look at that the four of
Wands I feel that it could be to do with a child for those of you going through the justice system it could be to do a battle to do with the children like who’s going to keep the children who’s going to have what days with the children this could be a divorce case here that is still in the Cor in the courts deciding who gets what and when keep at it don’t give up the six of Cups the the children again look at that it’s definitely got to do with children here so someone here is going through a battle and you’re absolutely fearful that you may lose your time with the kids that you may lose days with the kids or the court will go against you and not allow you to see your children you’re not sure how that’s going going to go and you can’t see a Way Forward however the universe is saying just hold on tight look at that hold on tight and don’t give up fight till the end as us mothers do for their children we fight to to the end with all our strength and all our force that could just be for one or two people for everyone else here it’s an opportunity that you’re going to to receive like I said before and you’re worried about moving forward in case it doesn’t work out where you are right now is not for you you are you are at a point where you need to get out you want to get out you want to manage those scales and get peace and stability back into your life and where you are right now is not allowing you to do that however you are going to find you your your place where you’re meant to be and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the Queen of Swords which is you are going to need to make some rash decisions and what I mean by that is take the emotions out of it any decisions that you make make decisions with your mind rationality be rational and know that white and black there may be some gray there but look at that and don’t get emotional about things look at things for what they are when we bring our emotions into it sometimes we lose ground because they’ll say oh you’re way too emotional your way to keep the emotions out of it because the emotions can sway you to do things that your intuition is telling you not to or your intuition is telling you to go somewhere but because you’re thinking about emotionally you’re you’re mixing it all up so what they’re asking you Pisces is to whatever situation you may be in here whether it’s work whether it’s a court case whether it’s to do with your children or something that’s going on right now in your life use your rationality that’s what’s going to take you to making the best decision possible and trust that things are going to work out don’t don’t look at it in a negative perspective there is a there is a process here that you’re following believe in it and see it right to the end Pisces okay what else have we got with Glen M for Pisces please what else have we got the
Clover making decisions fearful of making the wrong decision The woman there may be a woman here involved that you need to trust or maybe a woman here is supporting you in something and look at that the Rings for some of you here it could be just for one or two people you’re worried about you may be getting married and you’re going to form this beautiful bond which in your heart you know is the right thing to do but you’re fearful what if it doesn’t work out what if this marriage doesn’t work out what if I commit to somebody for the rest of my life and it doesn’t work out the way I planned they’re saying trust Pisces for those of you that are questioning whether you should get married or engaged trust the process Trust your intuition and listen to that for others it’s forming a bond it’s like you’re forming um you may be involved with a woman that you go to a job if you’re looking for a par if you’re looking for a job right now you may be interviewed by a woman or a woman brings you an opportunity and that opportunity seems too good to be true and you’re deciding do I take this or do I not is this going to be a good relationship is this going to be a good partnership are they going to take me to where I want to go to to achieve the goals and and the changes that I want to make in my
life okay what else have we got for Pisces please what else about for Pisces so there’s a few messages here Pisces the clouds you’re doubting what decision to make for some of you here you’re you’re not sure due to fear which way to go what path to
take this there’s a lot of uncertainty here look at this there’s a couple there’s a
man Pisces there’s also something here about you may have met somebody and you’re just not sure whether to keep going with this relationship or not for some of you you’re scared because of what you’ve been in your past relationships but the universe is saying trust your intuition you can never go too far wrong if you listen to your inner voice trust your intuition and if it doesn’t work out you can always walk away but we always have to give someone else an opportunity not everybody’s going to be like your ex and look at that move forward for those of you that were doubting whether to get into a relationship or get married or engaged there you go it’s a new beginning don’t give up on that relationship it’s a new beginning it’s a new love affair it’s a new relationship it’s a new partnership it’s a new bond that someone is forming here whether that’s relationship based or career based Trust trust that the Universe has got your back trust that things are happening for a reason and trust that everything is in place sometimes we no no one has guarantees of anything when you start something new but the thing is here Pisces that if you don’t go you will never know for some of you here you’re cutting you need to cut the doubt out your indecisiveness is because there’s so much doubt that you need to remove there’s so much doubt here about yourself about what you’re going through about if things are going to work out is this the right path to take am I making the right decision you’re questioning a lot
Pisces take time out Pisces to think take time out I feel here that I’ve got a very confused Pisces tell me if this is you the key look at that this relation if you are in doubt those of you that are asking a question about relationships guess what there you go look at that things don’t happen by mistake you’ve got the female you’ve got the male and you’ve got the key it’s that’s the key to success that’s the key to you this person may just be the key that you’ve been asking for the wish that you’ve had the dream partner the soulmate you’ve been asking for give it a go Pisces you will never know if you don’t give it a go so if your if your question is about a relationship here then just know that it it looks positive from where I’m standing but at the end of the day it’s you that needs to make that choice you need to feel comfortable in making that choice for someone here you are going to start start a new partnership this could be a new proposal a new career or something that comes to you and it’s a bond that you’re going to have with this person it’s the right thing to do this gentleman or male masculine figure is coming to offer you a position and it could be that position that you’ve been working so hard so hard for it’s like a promotion a proposal a project that someone’s going to ask you to be of have faith that nothing is led to you that doesn’t have a purpose have faith that this partnership is a bond that’s been brought to you by your mentors and your guides and the higher Creator nothing happens by mistake Pisces people that cross our paths cross them for a reason good or bad but you’ve been working extremely hard you’ve had a dream and a goal that you want to achieve you you want to make the changes so I’ve got a Pisces here remember I said to you a door opens and now you’re in fear of whether this is for you or not well there you go that’s it there that’s the proposal that you get that’s saying it is what you want Pisces it’s what you’ve asked for and on the bottom look at that whether it’s a job a relationship or anything you were doubting whether you’re in a court case it’s all going to work out number nine it’s the end of a cycle of suffering it’s an end of a cycle of questions it’s an end of a period of working extremely hard being with someone meeting someone or fighting for something now the resolution comes now you they’re saying it’s the end of a cycle nine is the last one 10 is one when you put it together it’s the beginning of a new cycle it’s
there Pisces I don’t know who I’m speaking to here What scenario you’re in whether it be work relationships or whether you’re in a court case here in a battle with somebody have faith lose that fear and trust that things are all happening for a reason and a purpose let’s say the last energy for Pisces please last energy for Pisces thank
you Pisces work through your feelings work through your feelings take the time out that you need to to work through how you feel how it makes you feel what you’re going through what you want jot it down do all the pros and cons listen to that beautiful intuition of yours cuz you’re very intuitive
and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got nothing so there’s no other message look at that the card that turned is upside down so I’m not going to turn that back usually we’ve got a card that’s turning up the message is work through your feelings because that’s going to be your key to the strength to the faith and to losing that fear you’ll understand that there’s nothing that you need to fear and have have the the vibration and the thought of everything is going to work out the way it should it’s Justice here remember it’s Justice and it’s right Pisces I hope you got a lot out of that lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)