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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast Horoscope for June Week 4 2024
Pisces FREE Monthly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For June Week 4 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics Pisces we’re going to do your reading today thank you to everybody that’s subscribed that’s commented that’s liked the videos my pure gratification goes your way so thank you so much Pisces let’s see what we have coming for you this next few weeks the tower
wow a change something changing let’s have a look what else have we got the sun oh dear look at that Pisces when I first saw the tower I thought oh dear there’s going to be some chaos there’s going to be some upheaval in your life there’s going to be some un settlement there’s going to be some anger but very quickly then came the Sun so it’s not by mistake that something has happened in your life to bring you to the realization that there’s more to life that you need to experience there’s a new way there’s a new path there’s a new life for you awaiting you nothing happens by mistake sometimes we go through some tough times but that’s so that we find the right path that’s meant for us when we are doing something that’s not right for us or we don’t feel comfortable in that’s because it was never meant to be for us and so then we get redirected into a on Into A New Path which might mean that you either one lose your job and it might seem like it’s the end of the world but very quickly you get another one and the one that you get is the one you’re meant to be
five of Pentacles for someone here you’re feeling disillusioned you’re feeling like youve this is a pure example of someone who has lost their job or broken up in a relationship but in essence that breakup that uh break of cycle is meant to to come your way and and it’s meant to come your way to take you out of that place something or someone was not right in your life and I feel that someone was either in a relationship or in a job just for the sake of being there it wasn’t something that was totally fulfilling you and now with the five of Pentacles you’re feeling alone you’re feeling abandoned you’re feeling um disillusioned with everything but my feeling look at that my feeling here is that you’re about to embark on a new life on a new experience with a new person in a new job something that’s going to be creative something that’s going to bring you a lot of Happiness it’s a birth she’s pregnant here it’s like you’re giving birth to a new life you’re starting something new nothing comes by mistake Pisces nothing that ends in our life doesn’t end for no reason it ends because our cycle has ended there at that point or it ends because it’s no longer serving Us in any way shape or
form wow okay one more card
please the nine of cups You’re about to go into a beautiful loving relationship a job that’s going to appreciate you you start your business and it starts to turn around you may have been going through some hard times with money with with your business with your career in a relationship but this new that’s coming in after everything that you’ve been through the sun is there to bring you the the strength that you need to keep going even though you may feel right now that you’ve got your back against the wall that you’re fighting you’re fighting the tide it’s like you’re swimming against the tide and it’s taking a lot of energy out of you a lot you’re exhausted and some of you are losing faith but before you know it something new comes here and it’s something new that was always meant to come to
you there you go the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new a chapter needs to end in order for us to start something new it’s the end of a period of your life that you struggled a period of your life that you weren’t living your truth a period of your life that didn’t bring you the Fulfillment the happiness that you wanted or
deserved sometimes we stay in things for way too long because we’re scared of the unknown of what else may come but make no mistake this is not there by
mistake okay Pisces let’s see what else we have with the other tarot while I’ve got you Pisces we’ve come we’re doing a new reading at the moment which is an audio reading all the details are below so if you want a personal audio reading you can find out how that works Down Below in the description I record an audio reading for you and you alone after I get some information off you and then I look at your next 12 months how that’s going to look and I also um give you the opportunity to ask three main questions that you want to ask and I do that all via audio and I send that to you via WhatsApp which means that you will always have that reading you can look back on it if it doesn’t make sense now and you can have that for you to listen to throughout your the the next 12 months so if that interests you all the details are below all right what else do we have for Pisces please look at that Pisces Pisces what did I say look at that the mother remember I said to you the pregnancy there’s pregnancy here for one Pisces alone here you may have been trying to fall pregnant and every try every time you fell pregnant you could hold the baby and you kept losing the baby so now is a good time now Pisces to try again your fertility here is hugely strong in the next two to three weeks the ferality is strong so if you want to have a baby Now’s the Time for everybody else this is the birth of a new project a new career a new job and a new relationship remember I said to you that everything changes this this Tower didn’t come to cause you chaos it came for you to realize that you deserve better you deserve more and here we’ve got the child what does a Child mean new the child is new it’s a new adventure it’s a new career it’s something that’s going to bring you a lot of Happiness something that you’ve been wanting and asking for this is the birth of a new path for you for some of you it’s actually a real New Birth a new child that comes into your life that child that you’ve forever wanted wanted in your life it it arrives it’s here you’re either giving birth or you’re going to fall pregnant for everybody else this is a new beginning it’s a new adventure it’s something that you deserve and it’s not by mistake that the sun is right here than you that this is right underneath the sun the sun is bringing you what you
deserve sometimes we don’t understand when things happen but they happen for a reason Pisces and this is your reason look at that the choice at the moment you may be feeling abandoned lonely back up against the wall not having enough money to pay your bills or you don’t know how you’re going to put food on the table with no money you’re going to have choices you’re going to have New Paths that come your way you’re going to have an opportunity here that presents itself to you to get you out of this situation of feeling that you can’t move forward that everything is falling apart around you you’re going to have choices Pisces and look at that the Ace of Earth which is the Ace of Pentacles a new beginning and not only a new beginning a beginning that that brings you the prosperity allows you to be your creative self giving you the abundance The Joy the happiness of something new you’re going to start nothing is bom State pises nothing ever is and look at that on the bottom of the deck we have the four of water which is your card here and it’s it’s what this is saying here Pisces it’s time here after this world has finished here the end of a cycle there’s the Chariot look at that it’s not by mistake that a cycle is ending for you to move forward you’re going to start to see things for what they are for too long you may have stayed in a place like we said before because you felt that you needed to stay there or you had to stay there or or you’re obliged to stay there for financial reasons but now you’re going to see things for what they truly are and it’s no mistake here that when you look in the mirror now when you look at the circumstances where you’ve come to where you’re going you’re not going to see the same you’re going to see how odd things look now you’re going to ask yourself how did I deal with that for so long
beautiful Pisces I’m loving that I think it’s fantastic let’s get three cards from Le no M please everything you’ve lived up until now it’s about to change make no mistake look at that the star don’t give up Don’t Give Up Before Time Don’t Give Up On Believing don’t give up on yourself don’t give up on Bel that you can achieve anything you put your mind to everything is going to become clear and not only that it’s going to bring you a lot of peace and Tranquility which you haven’t had in quite a long
time that Tower was quite welcomed in this reading it needed to look at this the new beginning I’m not even going to go there because I’ve explained that already this is just confirming exactly what we’ve spoken about it’s a new beginning Pisces the new beginning you’ve asked for you’ve wished for the new life you’ve asked
for and this may involve something in your home a new home the end of a cycle at the end of a career the end of a uh a job that you were doing that didn’t bring you much happiness the end of a cycle of um not being appreciated the end of a cycle of not being looked at and valued for who you are and what you have to offer It’s The End Pisces you’re on to your new now don’t look back whatever you do don’t look back have the experiences owledge the experiences that you’ve experienced throughout your path and what didn’t work work out was not meant to work out because now is the correct time for this to work out now is the correct time the timing is Paramount and here the universe is saying it may not have worked out before Pisces you may have been in an area of your life or in a place that really brought you to your knees in a lot of cases but now that the new is coming you’re going to appreciate it so much
more you find your tranquility and your peace and with that is going to come growth where you’re going what you’re doing is going to make you grow inside and out you’re going to feel the Fulfillment The Joy the belonging that you haven’t felt in a long time
Pisces mark my words what’s coming next is to take you away from where you’ve been let me know in the comments if this is you if you’ve been hoping for change for something to change grow within your current situation if you are facing a difficult situation right now like we said here the tower has brought you to your needs in some cases but that wasn’t by mistake that’s for you to now grow within this situation that you’re in for you to see how resilient you are how much strength you have how capable you are and for you to realize that people didn’t recognize you for for the worth and the value that you
have sometimes when we don’t see things the universe says okay that’s fine I need you to realize that where you were or what you were doing or what you were going through is only to bring you to a stronger period a stronger platform to deal with whatever here is coming take time to reflect that’s what they want you to do that’s two cards saying the same thing they want you to take this time now Pisces after this chaos that’s happened or this this thing that’s happened in your life they want you to grow from that situation they want you to take time to reflect on how that’s made you stronger on how that’s made you who you are today on the lessons that they taught you that experience wasn’t in vain that experience was to make you stronger to make you value things in life more and when you get to this platform here of the new the new abundance the new life you’re going to realize how lucky you are not only for what you’ve received but that you’ve experienced things that taught you a lot in life ignite your passions get in touch with what your passion is Follow That Dream follow that goal and go with passion don’t let people get you off your don’t let people speak down to you don’t let people treat you less than what you are Pisces and more than anything don’t let anybody stand in your way this is your Victory to have this is your change in life that you’ve asked for ignite that passion and follow through with what your dream and goal is lots of love and light thank you so much bye bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)