Pisces Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast JULY Week 1

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast Horoscope for JULY Week 1 2024

Pisces FREE Monthly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For July Week 1 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-july-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Trot Readings live we’re here to do your reading for the next week to two weeks sometimes it can take up to three weeks so if this doesn’t resonate with you remember to release it back to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign let’s see what comes up for Pisces please what would you like to tell us for Pisces please thank you the Knight of Wands the four of

cups can you see that Pisces don’t know if you can see that let me have a look we had this issue last time I think I need to change the that’s better a little bit better tell me if you can see that [Music]

seven of

Swords what else have we got for Pisces the moon one

more eight of Pentacles and on the bottom we’ve got the Justice card Pisces okay this is what we’ve got so with your knight of of Wands it’s like you’re waiting to go somewhere you’re you’re hoping to go somewhere you’re ready you’re ready and you’re waiting and here the Knight of Wands says I’m ready to take this next step I’m ready to make this next move but it’s not coming I’m waiting and waiting and waiting and all I get is false promises I don’t know if you’re waiting for somebody or for something but the middle of your deck the middle card here is a seven of Swords it’s it’s like you’ve had to battle for things in your life you’ve had to stand up to certain people or situations to get what you want nothing’s ever been easy and I feel here that you’re starting to collect those swords you’re starting to say well if I if I don’t get what I want this way I need to try something else and I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but you’re working extremely hard there’s the moon card here so some of you here are doubting yourselves you’re you’re you’re doubting your capabilities you’re doubting that this is ever going to take place even though you’re ready to go forward you’re ready you’re here the Knight of Wands is I’m here I’m waiting to move I’m waiting for the goahead I’m waiting for this information I’m waiting for this answer but nothing seems to be coming through what you don’t see Pisces is this that above you there’s a cup and that cup is what’s coming next so don’t don’t give up right now there is something coming towards you unfortunately the universe doesn’t work on our time so at the right time when they feel that it’s the right time you’re going to be given a new opportunity which will allow you to head forward and for some of you here you’re doubting whether that’s ever going to happen you’ve had to battle through certain things but like I said you do work extremely hard you’ve given it your all and the justice is here with the page of cups look at that the universe is saying it is only just Pisces that you get what you deserve we know how hard you’ve worked and now here is your gift so make no mistake there is definitely something coming towards you it’s only a matter of time and I know that sometimes we get a bit disillusioned and think really but it’s not happening why isn’t it happening in my time like I said the universe doesn’t work on our time so unfortunately it’s um it might take a bit of time but it’s going to be something that’s going to be worthwhile let’s see what else is coming up for Pisces please what else do we have for Pisces thank you the Page of Cups there you go there’s the offer remember I said the page of cups is here as well look so you’ve got two page of cups and here it was underneath which which means it it hasn’t happened yet it’s it’s going to happen Pisces please don’t lose Faith don’t doubt don’t doubt yourself look at that the star everything’s going to make sense soon and I know that you can’t see that right now I know that you’re losing your hope but don’t lose hope they’re saying because it is coming and I know that for some of you here I’ve been saying for a long time Pisces there’s going to be changes there’s going to be changes and this is here it’s here Pisces look at that the seven of Pentacles I feel that between one to you’re here now I think between 1 to two weeks you’re going to get some news and that news is going to bring you a gift that brings you uh fruits it brings you Prosperity it brings you abundance when you least expect it that’s when it’s coming through but I would give it one to two weeks and someone here is going to get some really good news so come can tell me if this resonates with you page of Pentacles look at that the page of Pentacles is slow it brings the money and the abundance and the and the prosperity but it’s slow and you know why it’s slow because it’s stable it’s steady and here even though you’re doubting that this is going to happen it’s here Pisces exactly what it is that you want someone here is hoping for this new opportunity this new job this new proposition to come come through this information that’s going to allow you to get this

money look at that the hangman just hang tight hang tight this is your card Pisces and it’s hang tight don’t do anything yet keep working keep working hard keep focused because it is definitely going to be here oh look at that look at that if you doubted that look at this that’s the Chariot you’re ready you’re going it’s you’re gone you’re absolutely going to have what you need and what you want Pisces and I know that you’re that you’re thinking when is this going to happen but it’s definitely here definitely here look there’s the doubt and here it’s coming it’s saying here you are this is what you’ve been waiting for this is what you were questioning one to two weeks Pisces one to two weeks you are going to get news you are going to celebrate what else do we have here for Pisces place it’s so clear here I I get what you’re feeling I can feel it you are you are disappointed you’re starting to lose Faith you’re you you have anxiety attacks of is this ever going to happen am I ever going to get out of out of this mess a look at that nine of Cups the prosperity the celebration it’s all here the contentment the wishes fulfilled make no mistake Pisces look at that you need to be strong you know you’ve gone from being very doubtful and not seeing this opportunity to being very clear here with the star the star is bringing light to the situation it’s like it’s you know you wish upon a star that’s here and the star is saying I hear you here’s the magic coming from above and going down to you so the magic is there Pisces and look at that just be strong don’t give up whatever you do don’t give up it’s not time now to give up you just wait and

see queen of Cups a present that comes your way for some of you here if if you were looking for love there’s also love here and I feel that you may have had a fight with somebody a past partner or someone in your love life who was very very important to you and there’s been a disagreement in the last week or two that’s got you thinking but they are very much with you and they are genuine the queen of cups is is someone who’s who’s going to be happy for your for your your growth your Prosperity look at that the tower the universe says Pisces when you doubt we send you the tower this is going to happen so quickly Pisces that it’s not that you’re actually going to be shocked and then you’re going to be put in a situation where you’re going to have to make some decisions is this transition going to be easy maybe not but nothing that’s worth it or good is so that’s why they’re sending you the strength card here whatever happens you stay strong stay strong because sometimes things don’t come out how you plan them to sometimes things take take turns and twists to come to us and here the tower is saying Pisces you asked for it we’re giving it to you but not in the way that you asked so keep your mind and your heart open you may have applied for a job and you applied for a certain position however they may have found an applicant that is more more suitable for that position but they liked you so much that they called you back for another position so things have t twists and turns and it may not be the way the what you expected but it will definitely be something

here Ace of Swords there you go the battle is the Breakthrough the battle the truth it’s what you’ve been waiting for it’s what you’ve been hoping for for you you’ve been waiting to just go for it the New Prospect the new idea the new the new opportunity here and look at the bottom the death card you leave every everything behind that no longer makes sense to you and you take on a new challenge and under the death is the devil look at that materialistic the material things are all going to come to the fruition the material things you’re all you’re going to have Pisces and there’s the Queen of Wands the magic of the magic happens it’s not by mistake that this happened it’s not by mistake at all Pisces this happened for a reason and for a purpose here and I do feel oh that’s better now you can see the cards um and I do feel here that this here that you’ve been waiting for you’re about to get what’s the last message we have for Pisces please last message for

Pisces please come back and tell me if this happens or if it’s happened enjoy growth and reap rewards look at that enjoy the growth and reap the rewards how how how appropriate that that card comes out now after everything we spoke about it just comes to confirm embrace the energy of Peace you’re going to have your peace Pisces as much as you don’t have that now or you’re doubting it’s ever going to happen you’re going to get your wish come true and you’re going to have peace and Tranquility once this all happens and on the bottom we have see your seeds grow everything that you planted is about to start taking taking a turn it’s your seeds that you planted the wishes that you asked for they’re about to start happening and from here it’s only going to get better Pisces I hope that this makes sense to somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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