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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast Horoscope for AUGUST 2024
Pisces FREE Monthly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For August 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your August forecast so thank you so much for joining me today let’s see what energies we have for the month of August for Pisces please what’s oh that was quick there is always enough there is always enough so in August Pisces remember that there is always enough it is never going to be a place or a month of you feeling that you’re missing out on something that there’s more to be had there’s always enough I feel here that you’re about to understand that there’s always a place for you no matter where you are or what you’re doing there’s always enough enough for everybody and don’t look at things as in I need to compete I need to put excess pressure on myself if there’s always going to be enough some people here are super stressed about the financial status and yes they’re saying there’s always going to be enough please don’t worry you may go through some ups and downs absolutely we go through huge curves where we’re making a lot of money or we we feeling more abundant and then there’s other times where the cycle changes and that’s okay too because it’s going to turn around again any situation that you’re in there is always an answer for a solution for everything the only time we don’t have a solution is if we’re in a critical place of health and there is no way out that is where there’s no solution and sometimes doctors and nurses try so hard but at the end they know deep down that they’re just trying to revive something that they know the inevitable for that but when we’re dealing with day-to-day issues there’s always a solution and an answer for everything okay and and it’s always going to be enough let’s see what we have in three sections so we’re going to do your financial then your relationships then your um career so let’s see finances for Pisces please finances for Pisces and the only reason I started off with finances is because there is always enough so that tells me that some of you here are worried about your finances so let’s have a look at what August brings for you finances please for Pisces finances for Pisces three cards three cards for Pisces pleas in finances first one the empress remember I said to you there’s always a solution the empress here is all about abundance it’s about um creating things creating the inevitable the caring the nurturing towards a project a career or something that you want to expand Now’s the Time to be creative and give it your all believe in what you can achieve and your finances are going to change there’s a feeling of abundance here what else have we got for finances for Pisces please finances for Pisces for August eight of Wands look at that you’re going to move forward Pisces in August for someone here you may actually receive a a proposal or an opportunity or even be promoted at work it’s like you’re being moved forward spirituality is moving moving you forward spirit is moving you forward and saying go Pisces go go and Chase your your richness go and Chase your gift go and do what you want to do and have to do to turn your finances around go and enjoy that opportunity or that that uh project that approaches you take it with both hands move forward in August it’s about you moving forward not staying still don’t don’t stay still it’s about you putting things into practice to turn the finances around the five of cups look at that feeling unloved Pisces you’re feeling unloved you’re feeling alone you’re feeling like you’re on your own and here they’re saying you’re not move forward Pisces don’t stay in this vibration the vibration of nothing works out nothing happens for me I can never find anything why am I not abundant every time you ask a question like that the Universe serves you more of that because that it believes that that’s your mantra for the month and they’re saying no get out of that space get out of the space of of um not feeling that you deserve or not feeling that you can achieve or not feeling that you belong out of there you need to move forward with things for things to progress okay so that’s your finances and on the bottom we got the page of cups look at that there’s an opportunity coming your way so remember I said to you if someone here is going to receive an opportunity a job proposal or you’re going to receive an opportunity that allows you to get out of this heads space of not deserving not deserving what else have we got here let’s see what we’ve got here now we’re doing relationships what do relationships look like for Pisces please relationship for Pisces three cards please I only want three cards relationships for August please August for Pisces relationships August for Pisces
please the devil the devil Pisces look at that the devil is the first one what are you attached to or what is it that you doing that’s not good for you what is it that the hierophant look at that okay one more card please and I’ll tell you that’s two major Arcana cards here someone here Pisces is um looking at things from a different perspective if you’re wanting to find love you’re either one not moving and you’re not doing anything to put yourself out there to find that love or the other group here is looking at different people as who can I conquer who can I have rather than just waiting for the right person to come along what else have we got August please be careful in August the strength card look at that and on the bottom the star look look at that the star card here for you look you know what Pisces this is what I’m going to say to you now is what in in relationships in Romance or normal relationships you’re going to be you’re going to be um tested or you’re going to be uh wheeled in to or convinced to do something and they’re saying Get out of your comfort zone get out of your comfort zone some some of you are on the border of depression of feeling like you don’t belong and no one and you’re never going to find someone you you’re in a place of everything that’s happened to me in the past is less desirable and I don’t want to find that again I I actually don’t believe there’s someone out there for me everyone I meet is uh only after one thing or they conniving or the manipulators or they’re narcissists so you’ve had bad experiences in the past but I feel that in August you may actually meet the person with a lot of passion and that’s only going to come when you settle your mind and really ask yourself what is it that you’re after because if you’re after a casual fling there’s going to be lots of that if you want that but if you want someone who’s going to be centered who’s going to be responsible who’s going to be exactly the cherry on the cake your cake then you may find something you need to be strong you need to be strong and believe that there are people out there for you and not only that you need the strength to pick yourself up from past relationships that tore you apart you involved some of you were involved with the most malicious person with a narcissist that made you feel that you are not worth much and they say have the strength to get up again Pisces have the strength because you’ve got everything you need you’re going through a period of understanding who you are but you will find that you are connected to the Divine and to the earth look at that so every wish that you put out be careful of your words because exactly what you ask for is exactly what you’re going to get and be open-minded don’t say I don’t want this because you know what that’s exactly who you’re going to be attracted to so have an openminded and open yourself up to be loved again because there is a star in that’s coming what else do we have let’s have a look at career what do we have for career please what do we have a look at career I’m going to use this key the career let me see what I’ve got in
career okay career for Pisces please career for Pisces thank you career for
Pisces Pisces does that say it all the career your career is going to be abundant in August there’s going to be a lot of money around that you’re going to be able to close a deal or you’re going to be able to get a new job or close that project or sell something or do something that brings in a lot of wealth and if it doesn’t bring it up if it doesn’t bring it to you straight up just know that it is going to come so you’re about to involve yourself in something that’s going to be very prosperous in August or you sell something there’s a change here remember there’s always enough there’s a change coming for you in August in your career and it may be that promotion that opportunity that you were wanting and
needing what else do we have look at that good news there’s good news on the horizons as far as your career is concerned there is absolutely good news coming your way so don’t despair for those of you that were giving up on that area of your life that nothing was working out that nothing was ever going to happen get ready because there’s good news and that good news is going to bring you Victory and bring you
abundance okay something that you’re doing here are you spending a lot of money are you eating the wrong things are you smoking a lot are you drinking a lot and this may come because you’ve been stressed if you’re stressed or have anxiety and you’re in a place of Despair as far as your career is concerned because you’re unemployed you know you can’t seem to find the right thing or you’ve given up looking or you’ve put your application into so many jobs and not one has called you’ve turned to something that’s not doing you well and this doesn’t have necessarily have to do with food smoking uh drugs um alcohol or anything like that this could also be that it’s your self self-d distracting yourself in some way you’re turning to something for uh comfort it’s like I’m turning to this for comfort and if that’s what you’re doing you need to change that some somewhat you need to change the vibration so that you allow the good to come and that could be mind your mind may be playing games with you and telling you that you’re never going to achieve that there’s nothing out there for you that you’re not good enough that needs to change Pisces that VI vibration needs to change and here we have news from afar so you may receive news from afar that changes your career you may be involved with people from overseas another country another city another state you may be involved in selling your product overseas you may be involved in travel work that involves travel but here there’s news coming from afar not from where you’re at it’s from somebody else somewhere else so there’s news there for you Pisces in August okay what’s the last closing card for Pisces please I hope you found that interesting Pisces please leave a like or subscribe or leave me a comment and as that all helps the channel lots of love thank you let’s see what what card do we have for Pisces please what’s the last card for Pisces Pisces what does that say success success p is in August there is Success so please don’t doubt yourself don’t vibrate in an area of you’re not good enough don’t vibrate in that area of not having enough there is always enough remember your first card there is always enough for everybody do not fear and do not doubt success is part of what’s coming okay I hope you got a lot of that out of that lots of love and lot in light in August and all the best Pisces thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)