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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 2 2024
Pisces FREE Weekly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For January Week 2 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today we’re about to do your horoscope for the next one to two weeks thank you so much for all the beautiful subscribers all the comments that I receive and everybody that likes the channel to you I send you lots of love and light your way may 2024 bring you lots of happiness joy laughter and health thank you once again for being here with us my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today like I said we’re going to do your horoscope for the next 1 to two weeks we’re going to do two energies then going to the tarot and followed by the last message from the Moon deck so let’s go and see what we have for Pisces thank you beautiful Pisces I hope everybody had a nice time off and nice entry to the New Year it’s a year that’s going to be full of surprises full of Adventures is it’s going to be a year of success for those people that work hard let’s see what we have what are the two messages we have here for you Pisces the first one navigation the stars with navigation and that is number 10 which means there’s an an end to a cycle Pisces here you’re coming to an end of a particular cycle whether that be in your in any part of your life there’s going to be a cycle that you’re finishing off and it’s not an ending that brings a lot of um sadness no I don’t get that here I don’t get that energy it’s like you’re you’re moving towards the Stars you’re you’re following your goals and your dreams you’re putting something to to bed something you’re finishing off something in order to start something new that’s going to be working towards your goals and your dreams the St STS in navigation beautiful what else have we got for Pisces
please it’s an end of a cycle so you can begin a new one and this new one is going to have a lot of intention of where you want to go oh we got two I’ve got two and they told me to take it number 11 Radiance and number 33 Pisces it’s no mistake these are both both of these are Master numbers number 11 is you finding your Radiance your confidence your will to be determined you know where you want to go you know what you want to achieve and I feel here that you within your heart know that it’s time that you now start to action what you really want in life you now have a purpose and a reason and there is no way anybody is going to stand in your way you’ve also got the love card and for those of you that are in a relationship or looking for a relationship there’s going to be a lot of love in the next one to two weeks things that get spoken about cemented you’re both on the same page you both want the same things you’ll be working towards something together there’s no separation here your love life is going to be radiant your partner is going to surprise you there’ll be different things that happen along the way that’s going to bring you a lot of love a lot of abundance and a lot of prosperity for those of you looking for love this is the ideal time to meet that beautiful person you’re going to be radiant people are going to recognize you they’re going to be drawn to you it’s like you’re going to be somewhat of a magnet people are going to take notice of you take notice about the way you stand the way you speak how you see things your opinions it’s going to count Pisces it’s like you’ve got this beautiful Aura and Radiance about you that people listen to you they want to know more about you they are intrigued by you so anyone looking for love now is the time now you’re going to get that beautiful beautiful um I said two but they gave me three so I’m going to take
it that’s beautiful what a beautiful start Pisces the energy here is amazing it’s like you’ve turned a page in a book you’ve closed a chapter that now no longer belongs to you and you’re starting to look forward to a new life a new life with somebody else a new life in another place a new life how you want to live it you may not leave to go anywhere else but you will start a new Journey does that make sense is anyone feeling that here let me know in the comments because I feel here that the the Pisces I’m connecting to is more determined now than ever to make it count what have we got for Pisces please what have we got for Pisces thank you the hangman this is your card the hangman let me see what else we have and then we’ll go into
it the four of
Wands one more please the seven of Cups beautiful Pisces here what I see is a Pisces that the being this being your card that rules Pisces the hangman it’s about you being staying still and in the past you looked at things in a different way this new chapter of your life you’re going to start to see things for what they are you’re going to see things people opportunities everything that you couldn’t see before now becomes clear for you you’re going to see the Beauties in life it’s like you were at a standstill in one part of your life in in the last couple of months where you didn’t know where to go you were a little bit lost lost about whether you take this path or that path what you want some of you are questioning about what you want in life others were looking at things and couldn’t see an answer or a solution to something they were looking for however this is your present card you’re now starting to celebrate life you’re now starting to appreciate what you have what you have achieved and where you’re going next it’s like you found yourself over the period of this break and the new year you went from being very confused maybe lost at times not knowing which path to take to now having a very clear perception and idea of what you want in your life the time off was fantastic for you and if you’re still in that doubt period put yourself in nature and go for a swim even if it’s if you’re in a cold country it’s a quick dip in and out but that’s going to revive you that’s going to cleanse your aura and it’s going to allow you to start seeing things differently get into nature listen to your inner voice your intuition in 2024 Pisces is at a high it’s now time to take advantage of that so if you need to make decisions now is a good time but this Pisces I’m connecting to had time out had a time where they stood still made no moves no major moves and really thought about what they want in their life where they want to go who they want to be who they are you got to B in a clearer understanding of who you are today than what you did a month ago or two months ago tell me in the comments if you can if that resonates with you you’re now going to open in very soon you’re going to have choices that come your way this is opportunities that get that you’re going to receive either people bring you opportunities or you’re going to create opportunities you’re going to look at things and think I’ve got options here I am in control of my own destiny my own path and what I decide it needs to be about what I want where I want to go what I want for my life it can’t I can’t keep going on waiting for other people to give me answers waiting for other people to love me I can’t keep going on expecting things to fall in my lap I need to get up I need to dust myself off and I need to look forward to what I want and create choices and opportunities that are going to open doors for me to then have choices I’m going to knock on every door until one
opens beautiful Pisces what else have we got for Pisces please what else have we got for Pisces
the temperance it’s about patience you were very very patient you’ve been patient about things in the past you’ve been patient with people you’ve been patient about opportunities coming your way you’ve been patient and wanting to make everything right with everybody else in the past you had a lot of patience you dealt with a lot of things that required you to have patience you may have been dealing with some that require someone or something that required you to have a lot of
patience at times your your patience was was tested tested by the
universe Pisces please
look at you there Pisces you may have an air sign in your birth chart which is Libra gemini or Aquarius or you may be dealing with a Libra Gemini Aquarius but this is a time where you now know and you have thought a lot about where you want to go you’re you don’t want to fight for things you want to make your own decisions make your choices that are going to be right for you for a long time you put your things on hold for others you put your things on hold waiting for things to happen now it’s you appreciating where you are realizing how far you have come and how capable you are for some Pisces it 2023 was a year of growth a year of understanding who you truly are and that you don’t need a lot of people or things to be happy you don’t need people to prop you up and say how good you are you had an understanding of what you were capable of and how much you can achieve it’s like you had this realization of of in the past I had a lot of patience for other people and situations today I make my own choices and with that I am totally comfortable with I’ve realized how much I have How Lucky I Am to understand where I am who I am oh
you may have been abandoned you may have felt like you’re abandoned and for some Pisces here you may have felt like you were left alone you were abandoned you are on your
own and you had to do things for yourself when you needed help there was no one there when you needed Financial boost there was no one
there that all came to teach you that you are more than capable on your own you’ve got a lot of prosperity and abundance within you that you don’t need other people to give you those opportunities to make you feel
whole it was a time of digging deep within yourself within your soul that period of loneliness of Abandonment even though you you may not have been abandoned you felt that way but today you’re going to create opportunities and choices you don’t want that feeling of not being able to have fin an es in order of try of budgeting for every scent today you want opportunities that are going to give you the abundance financially internally and above all you’re confident that you can you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to it’s like you turn the page Pisces to someone that that’s going to be bigger and better for the time that you took out for some of you here you may still be struggling financially you may still feel lonely and abandoned but what the universe is saying here is Pisces don’t feel lonely abandoned and in a place of Despair you have choices your decisions are what’s going to take you out of here notice notice Pisces how this card here there’s a key here and there’s the key to opening that door to opportunities to circumstances to new people new social new opportunities in career the key is there you’re just not looking at it so the universe says to you Pisces for those of you that are still feeling abandoned feeling alone feeling a bit of Despair Financial despair it’s saying you have choices you’re just not looking in the right places or communicating with the right people you have
choices and look at the bottom of the deck look at that the fool it’s now time Pisces to take that leap of faith whether that be in love whether that be in career in life in general take that risk take that leap of faith that’s going to change where you are today there’s going to be something that comes up a message a phone call something that happens in the next one to two weeks take the opportunity that you’ve been given it’s not by mistake that that message that that opportunity that that person is coming your
way look at that on the bottom of the deck you had the fool which is taking the opportunity the Queen of Wands it’s a fire sign someone from the fire sign may offer you an opportunity and that’s Aries Leo or Sagittarius you may know someone in those star signs that offers you an opportunity of a lifetime that’s going to give you choices and get you out of this situation but there are opportunities coming your way you can change this Pisces you can change this you’ll be given those opportunities it’s time to leave leave your comfort zone it’s time to leave what you
know to take on the
new wow okay let’s see what else we have
here they don’t want me to use this deck so I’m going to put this away they’re saying focus on the three focus on the three for Pisces okay here navigation it’s the time for you to navigate it’s the time that navigation card to the Stars didn’t come out by mistake remember that Radiance you need to find that within you love for yourself love for others and you will find love you just need to believe those are your three key elements that they wanted me to focus on more than anything you navigate your future close that chapter that no longer serves you and be ready to navigate out of that situation use your Radiance to shine and believe and the love that you have for yourself for others and for what you want to do in life follow that start
that okay last message from the Moon deck please last message for Pisces two cards please I only want two cards to close
it thank
you Pisces can you read
that have faith in your dreams have faith that you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to who said that you couldn’t do it walk away from that anyone or anything that ever gave you the indication that you’re not good enough that you’re not capable walk away from that situation or that person you are more than capable of being the best that you can be you’ve got the best intuition in 2024 your intuition is going to be on a super high Saturn is ruling 2024 Pisces it’s now time to get up and put things into action if you want it you need to go and get it it’s not going to fall in your lap you need to have faith that those dreams are not impossible that your dream is every bit
possible Pisces
Place New Moon in Gemini communication is key don’t be afraid to voice your opinion don’t be afraid to say what you want remember I said to you before create your own choices open doors knock on doors until one opens two open three open have choices communication is key who you speak to what you speak about and communicating what you want is the key to your success don’t be afraid to ever voice what you
want look at that look at the bigger picture don’t give up because something hasn’t worked in the past don’t give up because things haven’t gone your way or the way you pitch it or the way you dreamed it would keep focused on the bigger picture nothing happens overnight no success is ever granted overnight you keep work at it working at it you keep believing you keep opening
doors don’t forget what your goal and your dream is and don’t what they’re saying here is Pisces don’t give up don’t give up you’ve got what it takes to go until that Finish Line you are amazing and you have got what it takes with that Pisces thank you so much for being here lots of love and light your way and thank you for letting me share that energy bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)