Pisces Horoscope | OCT, NOV & DEC 2023 (Next 3 Months)

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope for October, November & December 2023

FREE Weekly Pisces Horoscope for October, November and December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Pisces how are you today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 3 months October November December we’re going to see what energies come through for Pisces and with that remember it’s a general reading so it’s not going to resonate with everybody if it doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant sign thank you so much for being here also while I have you Pisces just letting you know that we’re starting again by popular demand the videos um so this video that I do here today is a general reading but if you want one made just for you for your personal reading we are doing that now and you can book that at www.ar readings live.com the details are below and um you can either choose to one have a reading with me via Zoom face to face or you can choose to have a video um reading that I will send you a link a YouTube link via you via email or Whatsapp that you can watch at whatever time you like and that will be a private reading just for yourself okay let’s go and see what we have for Pisces also Pisces if you have Aquarius in your chart in any area whether it be your your uh um ascendant which is the Rising Sun or your moon please go and see Aquarius reading it is a magnificent so anyway let’s see okay energies for Pisces please energy for Pisces thank you boundaries Pisces in the next 3 months you’re going to set some boundaries either boundaries for yourself or boundaries for others away from yourself I feel in the next 3 months that there’ll be Pisces here that isolate themselves sometimes when either one they’ve got to make a decision or they’re going to set boundaries of where people can come up to people always have opinions and judgment and this is you setting the boundaries saying your opinions matter but they only matter until here the rest of this decision needs to be made by myself this has come through a lot of growth that you’ve gone through you’ve leared that setting boundaries for people is important because it’s important that you do what it is that you want to do make your decisions the way you want to make

them another energy for Pisces please Darkness Pisces in the next 3 months you may find yourself in a period of not knowing what to do or see yourself in a situation that requires you to set some boundaries for certain people or certain situations in your life for some for someone here you may have to isolate yourself and look at the look at your paths and which way you’re going to go getting yourself out of the darkness that you you’ve lived up until now or getting yourself out of situation that a situation or getting yourself away from people that have brought you Darkness up until now you’re setting the boundaries now Pisces you’re taking control of what happens in the next 3

months beautiful taking control we love love that Pisces you’re very intuitive Pisces use that intuition to bring you to where you need to go and don’t allow others to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do and this is you walking away from Darkness from dark times in your life making decisions but setting boundaries for people or situations that are not going to be part of that decision making that’s what I’ve got here what’s the feeling I’m getting here the

Moon the Moon is when we question what’s happening around us when we look at all that we’ve been through when we look at why we’re scared to do what we’re scared to do what when we look at how the reasons why we feel the way we do this is you connecting with your fear your desperation your past it’s you looking at the darkness that was created in your life at some stage this is you looking at the path that you’ve left behind of

darkness in the next three months you will be looking at things from a different perspective A different light

five of water for many of you here it’s you moving away from people that hurt you from situations that um caused you pain and anguish at times from

uncertainties from situations that made you question who you were for many of you you may have felt lost in the last few months or even a year as far as a year a a year has come but this is You Now setting those boundaries to say no longer am I going to allow these situations or these people affect me in that way I have grown I am reassessing what’s important to me and I am now making decisions that are not that are that are not going to allow people or situations to affect me like they did in the past the three of fire you looking to A New Path a new life new decisions new ideas you are leaving a situation that brought you a lot of Darkness a lot of Doubt taking yourself out of that

situation I’m going to take this one because it was up the king of air you’re going to now make some rational decisions no more emotional decisions here Pisces for some of you here and underneath that I had the messenger of air that was the other card that fell with this one this is you now m looking at things in a rational way it either works for me or it doesn’t it’s either good for me or it’s not it’s that path I want to follow and not that one I want to be part of anymore it’s you looking at situations in your life or circumstances in your life that are going to make you think in a different way no more you’ve gone from being Pisces the beautiful little fish to being being the shark of the ocean that’s what I get here it’s you now taking control of how you do things how you see things and the decisions that you are going to make are not going to be soft they’re not going to be maybe maybe not they’re going to be very direct and very upfront and very

honest a Pisces becoming a

shark knowing how to set the boundaries to those around you and those situations that brought you a lot of

Darkness counting for PES here plays for October November December mixing for Pisces October November December thank you energies for Pisces please thank you I don’t know if this makes sense Pisces look at the destiny card how appropriate it’s you looking at where you’ve come from and the fears and where you’re going you’re going to set your own destiny by putting boundaries on things that no longer suit you or fit in your life no longer serve

you you are now looking at your destiny in a different

light not in the light anymore of what if

maybe been there done that now I’m going to take action and I’m going to do it with firmness and

directness being very aware that I need to watch out for things but being very real with where I

stand what did I say

Integrity standing very much with Integrity true to who you are and what you

want I’ve got to hide that card otherwise YouTube cancels videos with nudity so I’ll put that the other way around but we know that that card’s below does that make sense Pisces to somebody here is this what you’re going through what else do we have here for Pisces placee that one flew out the king of fire what did I say remember I said to you you’re leaving a situation that brought you a lot of turmoil a lot of questioning a lot of doubt this is you from the three of Fire To The King Of Fire you know exactly where you need to go you know exactly what path you need to take now this is someone that is not questioning anymore where they belong or where they need to go this is someone that is certain that they need to leave they need to go to a new new place a new location do something new follow their heart and their dream and their goal and Achieve what they came here to

achieve with truth and integrity and rationality you’ve got two kings here the king of fire and the king of air which is your rationality is going to take you forward to where you need to go you are not staying in the same spot there is a Pisces here if not more than one that is going to make some major moves in the next 3 months or make some major decisions to make major moves in the next 3

months the two of fire decisions decisions are going to be made and they’re going to be made in a rational way here the two of fire is emotions it’s it’s you looking at things and making a decision a or b yellow or red where am I going to go but you’re going to make these decisions in a rational way not an emotional way you’re going to put aside any fear that you have you’re going to put aside any doubt that is is in your mind you’re going to put away and aside any feelings of Despair and your past you’re leaving the darkness remember to find your way into a New Journey a new place a new

being and for some of you you are getting messages from your guides your mentors and your higher Creator listen to your dreams your Visions what you see what you hear but here it’s you feeling the messages coming from up from above when you’re meditating or when you’re somewhere and you feel that that intuition come about you your intuition is going to be super high in the next 3 months and Pisces is already an intuitive sign hugely

intuitive the king of Earth Pisces come on that’s three kings here and all three kings are different the king of Earth is your abundance and your Creation in your finances the king of Fire is you moving forward with certainty of where you’re going creating that passion that goal and be and letting that dream become reality and the king of air we’ve spoken about it’s you looking at things rationally and true to what they

[Music] are wow [Music] wow this new Journey this new you move is exactly what you need it to

be the destiny is taking you to your to where you need to

be there is no more doubt remember I said you’re leaving your doubt and your fears behind to follow where you’re meant to go and there you are abundant in that Journey you’re going to be financially secure in your next move in that next decision you

make it’s in your destiny you were met to make this move it didn’t come by mistake and I always say that nothing happens by mistake everything has a purpose and a [Music] reason three more cards for Pisces please thank you

body and mind Pisces it’s going to be important that with the Integrity card here which I can move now down here with this Integrity card and the five of water of not being sure where you were going or what you were doing or what the future hold held for you that now you see things for what they are but it’s so important that your body and mind are tune with one another that you don’t allow your mind to tell you stories that don’t belong or are not true sometimes our mind overthinks things and tells us stories and makes up soapies in our mind of what is of what of what it could be when it when it’s nothing like that so you need to have a clear mind and a clear body clear your yourself from emotional outbursts and overthinking things tune your B body and mind into peace into Clarity into being

honest two more cards pleas for Pisces two more

cards Pisces it’s no mistake there is a Pisces leaving for another location another opportunity that comes their way and another place there is a journey here there is a Pisces taking on a new adventure A New Journey a new purpose a new life making decisions that need to be made without fear and insecurities somewhere in your in your mind there may be a little bit of insecurity and you may be a little bit fearful but I feel that this Pisces is ready to make their move even if they’re scared even if they have insecurities they’re going to make their move and make it with certainty dignity and


in the next 3 months there is a lot of news here for a Pisces and you are going to set boundaries on people and situations you’re not going to allow other people to dictate what happens next to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do you’re very aware of what’s taking place you’re very in tune to what needs to happen and you within yourself know what you want next look at this the Six of Swords it’s you saying enough is enough I know where I’m going I’ve had all the intuition through my guides I feel strong and I know that nothing is black or white but I’m prepared here with my sword to fight anything and anyone that comes my way I am setting boundaries to others and other situations that stand in my

way I am going to fight a battle I’m very aware it’s not black and white there’s going to be hurdles but I’m ready because I’m centered I believe and I’m ready with my sword of Truth and

protection wow and look at the bottom of the deck this is you being your hero your own hero Pisces you are going to understand that nobody can tell you the way you should live your life no one can tell you what decisions to make no one can live in your shoes that you live in no one lives your life like you do so the only person that you have is you and only you can make the decisions that you stand for only you can make the changes you want in your life you control what you do or how you react what do decisions you make you control based on things that either one you can control or one you can’t control but ultimately you have your own free will to make your decisions you become your own hero in this

story beautiful beautiful let’s see what we have for romance for Pisces please thank you romance for Pisces for October November December marriage or partnership or looking for love thank

you calling in your soulmate your prayers affirmations and visualizations help you help bring you together Pisces it’s not a mistake when someone comes together there is a soul Journey for you and there someone else that’s why they’re called soulmates you’re meant to cross paths at one stage or another and it may not be in the timing that you want but it will be the timing that’s

right and for someone here I feel you calling in someone you you’re ready to meet your soulmate and you’re asking for that to come through

it is safe for you to love open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all Pisces for those of you that were unsure whether you should meet someone else whether you should allow someone else into your love into your life whether someone whether you should allow someone else to enter your circle of emotions they’re saying it is safe for you to love you deserve love and you’ve got a lot of love to give so allow yourself to receive love to get to know love to welcome love into your

life and on the bottom separation time apart from your partner is on the horizon for a Pisces here there may you may be struggling in a relationship and rather than walking away from that relationship for forever they’re saying separation may be a good idea I don’t know who I’m speaking to here but whoever it is will understand that rather than just leave and not give it another go they’re saying maybe separation is all that you need for both parties to understand the importance of the other

last message from the angels for Pisces please last message for Pisces from the Angels thank you one card from the angels for Pisces

please if it doesn’t fall I don’t take it Pisces let go this is you letting go of the old letting go of the darkness letting go of all the pain the uncertainty the fear Let Go free yourself to live your new life your new dream your new goal on your new path that you choose to be on let go of everything that happened in the past it’s time to free yourself from the torment and that pain and

uncertainty Pisces with that I want to wish everyone good luck thank you so much for being here please pass this on to a Pisces that needs to hear this and lots of love and light your way thank you so much [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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