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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January 2024
Pisces FREE Monthly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For January 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
More Pisces Horoscopes for the Month of January and the NEW Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and the Yearly Forecast Horoscopes as it may make more sense as time goes by, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today um I am blessed to do this reading for you and this is for us to start the brand new year in January 2024 with that we’ve got um Archangel Michael which is my favorite um giving us some advice to begin with then some two tarot and then at the end we’re going to finish off with the moon because we’re still in the moon sign until March like I explained last week so Pisces let’s see what we have for you I have um shuffled these cards with your energy and let’s see what uh January brings for you so let’s see what we have for Pisces beautiful mentors guides players accompany me and thank you so much for allowing me to share my gifts with Pisces thank you Pisces also just um a very quick one um this is going to be different I’m not doing the round table because I want to get through all the star signs today and um I’m totally booked out I’ve got a couple of Windows in January and I’m not I’m not um then available until March after the 13th or 15th I think it is that I’m booked out until um as all my clients are in holidays in January and then they come back and they want to know where the years going so if you want to book um there’s still a couple of Windows for January um but the rest is all going to be from March onwards okay let’s go and for you to book you can go to tarot readings um and book through there um directly straight through PayPal or you can send me a message on WhatsApp or um um on Facebook whatever it is and I’ll get back to you with an appointment but yeah Facebook is really busy and I always get a th000 messages through there so maybe do the website or send me a message on WhatsApp if you’re in Australia you can directly ring the number that comes up on the screen okay let’s see what we have for Pisces please thank you recognize the signs from above Pisces in January there’s going to be some signs that are sent to you and if you are questioning what direction you should go in what you should be doing is this right for me is this the right path you’ll get those signs sent to you and that’s going to bring you a lot of insight and a lot of knowledgement a a notot of a lot of knowledge for you to be able to ve to what path needs to be the card says angels are sending you messages now but you’re too distracted to notice stay alert and open to Divine guidance so allow yourself to meditate and be aware of duplicate numbers feathers that appear from nowhere birds that are intriguing and capture your attention coins that you find on the street so if you’re asking questions to the universe and they’re sending you these signs then know that that’s answering your
question Okay so we’ve got some signs coming through one more just one more message please from Archangel Michael what else is that you want paes toight open your heart no one is per perfect Pisces stop judging yourself and others and let love heal this situation so open your heart to forgiveness and to allow others and accept other people make mistakes and they may regret it later so open your heart to those people that may have done wrong by you allow yourself to cleanse yourself from that energy of dens density and that energy of anger and remorse so it’s it’s asking you Pisces in January to start fresh start new open your heart and let it be that’s a master number 22 it takes a special person to allow someone to hurt them and then to open themselves up to this person but Pisces you’ve got it in you and usually we find that when we let go of hurts from the past or what people have done to us that we feel that we’ve allowed ourselves to move on so it’s not only helping them it’s us helping ourselves more than anything it’s us allowing ourselves to go um to go to A New Path with clean slate all right Pisces please Pisces for January oops this one wanted to come out run out look at that nothing’s black or white look at that it’s you seeing the middle of a story seeing the middle of what someone stands for understanding that not everything is Black or White that there sometimes are gray areas and that sometimes we either say they’ve done the wrong thing by me or they haven’t done the wrong thing by me there’s no in between but sometimes there is an in between and they’re saying open your heart to understand that people sometimes do things without thinking and thinking about the
consequences so that’s one now I can divide look at that the king of fire the king of fire is you taking control it’s like you’re ready to move on to a new a new chapter in your life in January it’s like you you’re saying to yourself I know who I am I know what I want this year and I’m not going to allow other people to stop me I’ll forgive other people that have hurt me in the past that have stopped me that have blocked me but now I I make a decision it’s up to me to find that fire and passion within me to move forward and move forward with a clean heart so
important intuition use your intuition in any decisions that you have to make in January please use your intuition it’s going to be key to you finding your answers your Solutions and you might say Marie how do I use my intuition I get confused between what I think it what I think I’m hearing and what I’m feeling well the thing is this if you meditate and relax your mind to the the best state possible automatically you will know does this situation how does this situation make me feel if it makes you feel great then go for it if there’s doubts and buts find out what they are and is that you self-sabotaging or is that you um looking to get out of something go with your intuition if it feels right it is if it doesn’t then question it
for some of you here you may either meet someone here that um offers you something but just be careful to look at the paperwork and fine detail you may have an offer a new job a new career that comes forward in January and a proposal or even someone offering you themselves just double check and and I’m not asking you to question everybody and everything but take a step back take a step back and ask yourself is this person real what are the red flags are there any red flags or is it that no one’s perfect everyone’s got a story everybody’s got a story you remember no one is perfect stop judging yourself and others this is this is you with in one hand you want to go ahead cuz you got the grapes in one hand which is prosperity and Fortune and in the other one you’re ready to cut so you’re a bit confused about a certain situation you don’t know whether to go with it or to cut it out and here it’s open yourself up with a nice clean heart Pisces and allow yourself to see things for what it is allow yourself to let others have a second them chance if you feel that they they deserve it that’s up to you if you feel that they deserve it one more card please the three of Earth for some of you here you’ve been nurturing an idea a hope a dream and you’ve been planting the seeds you’re going to start to see that in January things start to look up or communication that comes through starts to look promising it’s like you’re nurturing something something to to grow you you want this idea to expand you want this thought to develop you want this feeling to develop you’re nurturing and caring for a thought a process or an idea that you’ve had that you want to prosper in
2024 and on the bottom we’ve got the eight of air and and what’s that saying to me is that sometimes you’re really unsure Pisces and whilst you think sometimes you’re great you the next day you get up and you’re not so great so it’s about finding the balance between remember I said it’s not all black and white it’s about you finding the balance of some days you you’re going to be great some days are not but it’s controlling your thoughts your mind and the processes around you so it doesn’t drag you down so you don’t feel like you’re drowning one day and swimming the next it’s about getting an even um an even stance on everything in your life it’s about understanding why things are working out the way they are why they’re not working the way you wanted them to or why they are working that way so it’s about getting an a balance between everything in your life balancing out your life prospects perfectly that’s going to be your key
element bringing balance don’t let your mind self don’t self-sabotage yourself and don’t let your mind race into things that aren’t there sometimes our mind can be our most powerful thing but sometimes our mind is the most Destroyer as
well sorry Pisces I just had to have a bit of
[Applause] drink what else have we got for Pisces please what other messages do we have for
Pisces Pisces with someone here you may have been betrayed by someone that you cared about you loved or you gave your Hope and Dreams to or your faith and here you see these circumstances black and white there is no in between they either betrayed me or they didn’t they either hurt me or they didn’t and for some of you it’s very hard for you to open your heart to forgiving this person but I’m going to say this Pisces it’s not about forgiving them for what they did because what they did is their baggage to carry in January what your proposal here is forgive so you can free your heart to love others to share love with others and be loved that’s what that is it’s open your heart to allowing yourself to free yourself from that broken heart you don’t have to forgive someone and bring someone back if they’ve hurt you and there is no way you could even forgive this person face to face that’s fine but forgive them within your heart and so that you can move on their baggage is not
yours look at that there’s a new proposal a new career or a new job offer coming to you in January or it’s you looking for a new career or a new job but some I feel here that it’s you in control of exactly what direction you want to take and you’re going to chase that in January you’re going to allow yourself to look into what what your dreams and goals are how you go about getting that what you need to do what you need to study to be able to do that it’s like you’re you’re gathering information in how you’re going to move forward with this dream and with this goal of
yours and there’s a proposal for some of you here you get a job proposal in January which will set the year out to be a
beautiful intuition and it’s the two of Cups so use your intuition when it comes to meeting new people use your intuition about old relationships that have hurt you that much that is hard for you to forgive or trust allow yourself when you meet someone new open your heart and just because someone in the past has hurt you doesn’t mean that this new person that’s coming in Pisces is going to hurt you use your intuition and look for the red flags for any anyone that wants any advice on some of the relationships I have put a few articles up um on psychics which is also our website so we own two we own tarot readings and we own um psychics on there there’s some interesting read about relationships about um how to look out for red flags how to go on a first date what to look out for so if that’s you it’s it’s worth your while going on to psychics and there you can have a read through all the articles that we have there which might give you a bit of insight but it’s you using your intuition you’re undecided this card crossed over with the two of Cups which means that you’re very very undecided in regards to someone that you’ve just met or you’re very undecided about a relationship that you already have it’s something that’s that’s not making you happy or you’re doubting there’s a lot of Doubt here about this new person about this new about this new person or this current relationship they’re not fulfilling your needs they’re not they’re not allowing you to be who you are or they’re not offering you what you deserve and that’s bringing a lot of question into that relationship in January the four of cups there you go look at that you’re not you’re deciding whether to cut this new person or this relationship out if you’re already in a relationship you’re deciding do I keep this relationship because in the past people like this got me nowhere I only ended up hurt or do I cut it out now and start new do I start new and wait for the new that the universe is going to bring me the new person that I know will come into my life what am I going to do is it worth staying in this relationship or is it wor time to leave for those of you that are meeting a new person you’re going to um be very judgmental at first because um in the past you’re you’re worried that you’re going to meet someone that resembles anyone of your past but the universe is saying to you open your heart Pisces allow yourself to see things for what it is nobody is per perfect yeah everyone’s going to have one or two red flags but are they red flags that you can live with or are they red flags that are nonnegotiable only you can answer
Pisces Pisces make no mistake something that you’ve been nurturing something that you’ve been taken care of comes to fruition a dream a goal something that you’ve been working extremely hard at now comes to fruition it’s your creativity your determination your creation you’re going to start to see things become fruitful now it’s an abundance it’s you finding your your your space it’s you finding that everything that you’ve worked hard for it’s starting to pay off it’s starting to come to fruition your starting to make plans there’s proposals there’s contracts there’s new coming
through beautiful and on the bottom remember we said here that the eight of Swords here sometimes you have a good time sometimes you don’t have a good time it’s an unstable place or relationship that you’re in it’s time to Free Yourself Pisces free yourself from things and people that no longer bring you happiness not sometimes but that you doubt you don’t know what you’re going to get each day it’s one day it’s good the next day it’s not so good you need to find that balance of what do you deserve what do you want for your life do you want good sometimes or do you want good most of the time you’re not always going to get good it’s not always going to be be good always never because nobody has that nobody so good most of the time is good is better than good sometimes so what are you going to do
Pisces it’s a decision of how much do I want to be in this relationship or how much time do I want to give this person if it’s only good sometimes do I free now and start new because my emotions which is water yeah that’s your sign Scorpio pises cancer ruled by water is the emotions of it it’s drowning you sometimes it’s taxing it’s really um
heavy and I see a Pisces here that says you know what as much as I love this person I don’t know if I want the sometimes good sometimes not let’s see what other message we have for Pisces please let me know in the comments if you resonate with this reading Pisces Unleash Your kindest self and that’s allowing yourself even if you don’t forgive what’s happened to you in the past the people the situations that happened at least free them from your heart allow yourself to be free of those just know that whoever hurt you it they’re carrying that baggage they’re going to have to answer for that baggage it’s not yours to carry so you need to drop that baggage that you’re carrying right now and allow yourself the freedom to move
forward what else we got for Pisces okay Pisces look at that open up to change open up to change change is good change is what makes us grow change is what everyone wants change changes a lot of things and unless we grasp the change and we move with the change we’re always going to be stagnated or blocked or stuck in a position that we don’t want to be in open up to the change that comes in for you and just know that whatever happens and what what this is all positive in January Pisces what the only thing here that they were asking is for you to open your heart allow yourself to walk away from the broken heart and the black and white
mentality sometimes is not good enough to be good most of the time is always probably will never be because nothing’s ever perfect remember no one is perfect Pisces I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of and light and all the best for January thank you
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)