Pisces Horoscope by Marie Rose | May 26 2023

by | May 26, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope for May 26 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello Pisces, thank you so much for being here today my next video is from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and also be aware that the June horoscopes will be out sometime beginning of next week let’s go what have we got for Pisces goddess of the moon the goddess of the Moon Pisces is the person that holds the energy that holds this beautiful moon of ideas of values of morals of uh knowing the knowledge the determination that the moon brings us the moon brings us light it brings us knowledge it brings us um

the mood that we’re in and the goddess of the moon is someone that brightens up people’s lives brightens up um things that they want in their lives their goals their dreams are very lit up they’re very precise in what they want and how determined they are number five and seven sorry number five and two is seven which is don’t give up don’t give up on your dreams don’t give up on your goals and don’t give up on the things that you want most because you are more than capable of bringing that to light [Applause] the goddess of the moon is someone that you know we are in the year of the Moon ruled by moons this year in 2023 so this year you’ll find that you have an enormous amount of impact in what happens in your life this year the amount of um opportunities that you get given this year is going to be more than any other year so make the most of what you’ve got coming towards you Pisces one more energy Place one more energy thank you the world how appropriate Pisces the world you know two and nine is eleven which is a powerful powerful number and you should never break that number down it’s a number of an amount of huge Force but if you do break it down it becomes two which is decisions the decisions you make this year are going to be very very important Pisces that is going to set the scene for the next few years in your life the goals that you set for yourself the way you go about things and the paths that you set this year the seeds that you plant are going to bring you fruits in the coming years ahead and in the next seven to 14 days it asks you to really think about what it is that you want to bring into your life I’ve got goosebumps everywhere it’s amazing what what are two amazing cards because the world speaks about the world is your oyster you have what it is that it takes you you can the world is what you want to make it it brings you possibilities opportunities different ways of thinking of things and different ways of doing things know that the force and the power you have Pisces in the next seven to fourteen days of decisions that you may have to make or things that you put in place are going to be very fruitful very powerful let’s see what we have with the tarot what two amazing cards Pisces what two amazing cards you have

Tara what have you got for past this place thank you working as a team whatever it is that you do it’s going to comfort you if you work as a team you’ll find that you get a lot more done and Things become a lot easier for you if you gel into a team if you create team and if you bring people together I feel that some Pisces may be bringing people together and whatever it is that they’re doing and the high priestess you’re getting information from above follow your intuition the wisdom that you gain the in your dreams you’ll have dreams that give you the information that you need to the questions that you have today now you have guidance from above take advantage of that beautiful guidance ask the universe if you’re unsure about anything but you will be given a lot of knowledge um coming down from above

sometimes you’ll you may think oh I didn’t think of that before and that may be that you’re being given thoughts and information that are coming to you from from nowhere really for those of you that want a beautiful love story then there you have it the two of Cups and the Knight of Cups coming together beautifully and it’s not only going to be just a plain relationship it’s going to be a relationship that brings a lot of unity a lot of respect and a lot of love into that bond that you form so there is someone new for all you single Pisces out there that are wanting to find someone new

one more card please thank you you may find that the internal battles that you had before are all going to now just go away and just um sorry I’m trying to find the word but they’re they’re just going to be taken away you had internal battles you had to battle through things before Pisces but things become a lot clearer now and through the the world card that you have and the goddess of the moon you are now going to take control of what is coming to you all those times of Anguish are left behind you’re on the boat and you’re leaving all that turbulent all those turbulent moments and water behind foreign

I feel here a huge amount of impact coming for you there is a huge amount of learning and knowledge coming your way take advantage of asking your guides and your mental to put you on the right path ask your archangels to show you the path and the way because you’ve got two enormous amount of forces coming in

the answers will come the two of cups look at that make no mistake if there is someone there looking for love you will find it that is twice that it’s come up the two of cups is shown in abundance meeting that beautiful person that brings a lot of love it could also be people making choices between two the Judgment card decisions that are going to have to be made decisions that you’re going to have to make and I said that to begin with there are going to be decisions that you need to make in order for you to find your your place that you’re looking for

your place in that world the world of abundance and opportunity

page of Swords the beautiful new ideas that come to you and you know you will find at times that sometimes you may find that people um may not agree with your options or your your decisions but at the end of the day it’s you that needs to live by them you need to make those decisions and you’re very intelligent and equipped to make those you’ll be getting the information from above and people will wonder where did you come up with that you’ll find that you in the next seven to 14 days you’ll come up with different ways of thinking different ideas that you couldn’t see before or options and opportunities are drawn to you the three of Cups celebration the decisions you make and then and the the paths you set for yourself are going to bring celebrations so for some prices here you’re about to embark on a new beginning a new way of saying things and a new way of driving your own life into what you want it to be taking all those opportunities with that Moon holding that moon in the year that is that is that is lit by the moon in 2023 we have got the moon as a major element and here you’re holding that holding all your options

the ace of cups the new beginnings in love and security helping people giving you love in all sorts of direction from your family to your friends and finding that new person to spend the rest of your life with the person that’s going to respect you and love you for who you are

and the Ten of Wands you’ve had your problems that you had to deal with you’ve had the times of wondering when things were going to change well Pisces now it starts now put those seeds into place so you can get the fruits later on now is the time that things start to change the internal anguish now starts to anticipate and here you may find that people start to look at you in a funny way and go wow where did Pisces come from why is all this Good Fortune now starting to happen for Pisces well that’s because Pisces what people didn’t see is when you were going through the tough times when you had your times of Tears when you had your times of Anguish and anxiety no one saw those but this is where it all starts to turn and the King of Swords the King of Swords is the king that knows what they want sees things differently has different ideas Above the Rest that’s going to make the change that’s going to make the difference in where you go next Pisces stay true to you stay grounded and with that King of Swords is think rationally don’t act on any decisions that you make emotionally it needs to be a rash it needs to be rationally with your mind clear and making decisions in with informed information within information that is accurate to the best that you know it to be informed decisions are going to be vital to setting the path to your new Direction

what Angel is the universe going to send you today what angel financial crisis because this is a huge turnaround from where Pisces has been in the past of the anguish and the pain disappointment it’s starting to turn Pisces invite your love life you’ll see things start to change the angel of inspiration Pisces if you were not inspired you will be you will be inspired to change to change what you need to change in your life to take advantage of the world and the goddess of the moon is there to light up the way the inspirational Angel sent to you is there to reassess one in eight is nine which is reassessing everything that you have in life today and what you want to change now you will be able to change

and the angel of wisdom look at that I did say you are very intelligent and you are going to use all your wisdom and make informed decisions decisions that are going to be very well thought out not emotionally because sometimes we let our heart rule our mind but this needs to be using your wisdom your knowledge and your experience of your past this is going to help you make the wise decisions that you need to take next and the angel of wisdom is going to be there to just make sure that all the choices you make are the right ones for you Pisces what a beautiful reading I am overwhelmed and I wish you all the best lots of love and light your way stay tuned for your June reading which will be out next week lots of love bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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