Pisces Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Pisces. This week’s Pisces Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Pisces Horoscope can also be viewed here https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-by-marie-rose-june-2023/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days if this doesn’t resonate remember to visit your ascendant and your moon sign as I can only tell you the messages that come through so I have no control over that let’s see Pisces what’s your main card main card for Pisces Place universe no my card for Pisces one card for Pisces please
what’s happening Pisces thank you so much the universe was very particular about that because I shook it through time patience
patience Pisces there is change coming one in four is five which means change what the universe is saying here pay it prices is be patient be patient Pisces be patient he is um be patient there is something that some of you here may be waiting for and answer you’ve been waiting for a particular area of your life that’s unsettled because you’re waiting for something to happen maybe this is a new job maybe this is a relationship that you’re waiting for it to to happen maybe this is something that’s taking place around you right now in the family and what they’re saying is the change is coming please be patient be patient as things are going to come through sometimes we want everything yesterday Pisces however we don’t work on the universe time our time is not the universe time our time is yesterday their time is when the timing is right things need to be finalized things need to be put into place for when it does come it’s right so look at it that way if it hasn’t come yet that’s because there’s still things happening behind the scenes that you’re not aware of the universe is working on some things still but when it’s right you will know about it you will be the first one to know about it so patience is a virtue here message for Mark Angel oh my message from Archangel Michael your loved ones are safe let go of your fear and worry for your loved ones I am looking after them Pisces this could also be for some of you that you are dealing with someone right now that is not well and you are losing hope that this person may ever get better or you are losing hope um on this person’s health or situation and that’s giving you a bit of anxiety at the same time let me put some light on one set we need light for this reading and I don’t need that candle to go off at this time but for some of you here you are dealing with someone that is not well and someone that needs a bit of prayer and light therefore we need to do this light for them you want that person to be a lot better than what they are or you’re worried sick about something that um that person is going through maybe it could be a child for some of you for some of you it’s a child that’s not well or a parent that’s not well but someone here is really worried about someone’s health
for others I really feel that you’re waiting on an answer for something to move forward in your life and see here we’ve got four in one which is change and here are 14 which is change so they both equal five have a look at 55. see what the Angel Number 55 is saying to you
what other messages do we have [Music] some of you here are going through some tough times right now some of you here are have gone through either a disappointment or you’re grieving somebody or a heartbreak someone near you may have gone through a heartbreak or is going through a very very hard time right now and that is worrying you but what the universe is saying is please be patient your loved ones are safe for some of you here you may have left a location due to your broken heart and you’ve left to another location to allow yourself time to heal some of you are here on a healing process some of you are here going through a heartbreak of somebody’s Health that is worrying you extremely and like I said for some it may be apparent or it may be a child and that is it is putting you in in a place of uh a disappointment of how this could happen or um worried sick that what’s going to happen
the nine of cups give your love to this person that’s all you can do be with this person share the love with this person and tell them how much you love them because that’s going to help them heal a lot quicker when someone knows that people are right beside them they will they will heal a lot quicker for some of you here you’re worried about a friend or a family member that’s gone through a divorce and you’re worried about them in an extreme way be patient with them know that they’re going to get through this show them the love that you have to get them through this
someone here has got a broken heart and it may be yours or it may be someone around you that means the world to you Pisces
abundance for some Pisces here I feel that this patience card has got to do with you getting a new job a new promotion and new possibility a new a new opportunity that’s going to bring you a lot of success and an opportunity that you need to be very very grateful for you’ve asked the universe to attend and they have
they’re bringing you what you asked for
for some of you here you with this broken heart you can’t see a way out of this you are disappointed for some of you you may have found out that a partner may not have been as loyal as what you thought for some of you here it’s to do with that health and you can’t see how you can help this person for others here you are dealing with someone that has got a broken heart and you just don’t know what to do to help this person apart from give them the love there’s really not much more you can be there for them express your love and your gratitude for their beautiful friendship and their love and be there for them and I know that sometimes we feel like our hands are tied in certain situations in helping others but just know that you being there and showing them the love is going to make all the difference for others here that have this this new job you are now going to celebrate you’ve carried a lot of burdens in your life you’ve carried and done things in your life that are really had heavy effects on your body in mentally and physically you are exhausted there are some places here that are ready for this move ready to go on to New New Horizons new opportunities that are coming their way and you want to you want that yesterday you wanted that yesterday but the universe is saying patience change is coming
the Queen of Swords speaking your Truth for many of you here you may be dealing with a very strong woman and for some you may be dealing with two women or two possibilities here you may be having two people come to you with opportunities that are going to give you abundance and give you certainty and stability you may be dealing with two energies here or two options that you need to make a decision about and that is putting you in a bit of despair you may find that you meet someone who is very calculated very successful and very out there the other person you may be dealing with Pisces is someone who is very rational very little motion shown and you’re not going to know how to take this person but just know that each one of these people hold the key that you want the answer you’ve been waiting for but they both have good intentions for you one you will know which one the one with a lot of money is because you will see it in the watch that they wear how they dress the suit that they’re wearing and how they position themselves the other person is going to be very well noticed as well because they’re going to be very Stern not showing much emotion but wanting to know more before they offer you what what you’re wanting
whatever it is Pisces whatever the circumstances just know that the scales are going to be balanced in both these situations whether you’re dealing with someone that’s not well you are going to find a balance you’re going to see that things are going to work out it’s going to balance out the who the person you thought was breaking down and is is is going to not recover then think again because they’ve got a lot more fire in them than what you you’re giving them credit for they are super strong and they are not going to let you down you are going to find that they are going to really balance out how they feel
for others here you deserve this promotion you deserve this opportunity after everything you’ve been through you are now going to cheer and say thank you I am so forever grateful Universe for the opportunity you have given me here
it is coming crisis it is coming please know it is coming the king of Pentacles there you go not only do we have a Queen of Pentacles but we have a couple here that is helping you and I feel that this couple here could be um a couple that has a lot of interest in you a lot of love to give you but they will help you financially they will help you reach your goal they see that you’ve worked hard and maybe this is a family business or this could be parents that are beside you helping you financially reach that goal that you so desire
but we do have a very influential couple here
the Knight of Pentacles here it is here is your answer Pisces that you’ve been waiting for the people that are looking for that opportunity of a new job a new career A New Path a new business or project there it is he may be slow but it doesn’t let you down this this horse here is very slow and comes with certainty remember I said to you that the Universe gives you the opportunity at the right time and the right place it’s not your time it’s theirs that’s because this this horse here is very slow but steady and is very promising your answer is here and it’s coming make no mistake you are going to find the answers within the next 7 to 14 days Pisces 7 to 14 days Pisces you will hear news and you will have offers that come your way let me know in the comments if you haven’t got it already
and look at this celebration the three of cups is saying to you it is now time to celebrate Pisces your loved ones are safe Archangel Michael is here to cut away anything that is making them sick anything that is stopping you from reaching where you need to reach your loved ones are safe Archangel Michael is my beautiful utmost precious Archangel I talk to him every single day and I tell him how I appreciate him ask Archangel Michael to use his sword to cut through any situation you’re facing Pisces for those of you here that are going to find this new opportunity have this answer come to you you are going to celebrate my darling you are going to celebrate and you are going to be so forever grateful that these opportunities have come your way there are going to be decisions you need to make but just knowing that you have somewhere to go something to do and something that’s going to be prosperous in your life is going to be a huge amount of weight lifted off your shoulders celebrate and don’t carry those burdens that you’ve been carrying for quite some time now it’s time to lift that glass of love and say thanks because you are now in the celebration mode
for some of you here you went through some heartbreak times where you didn’t know which way to go but the balance is here and make no mistake this person here may just bring maybe a lady introduced you to this man it could be a man or it could be a very masculine energy because sometimes women have strong masculine energies but this woman here this couple this woman has introduced you to this man who has brought you this answer this opportunity
okay let’s go what else what else do we have what Angel are you going to send Pisces what a beautiful reading and just to know that your family is safe and the love and your loved ones are safe Pisces amen thank you and here that you’re going to get an opportunity for those of you that were waiting for this to happen again thank you to the universe thank you universe and Archangel Michael hahaha
no other butt the angel of gratitude can you say that we spoke about that Pisces so I’m not going to go into this card this card speaks for itself you will be grateful once everything falls into place and you know that your loved ones are safe and these opportunities come to you there is every reason for you to be grateful [Music] Pisces with that reading I am absolutely in awe and I know that you will be in a different place very very soon thank you for being here and thank you for allowing me to do this beautiful reading for you all the best Pisces bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)