Pisces Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 1st 2023

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope for 1st June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next seven to ten days if you haven’t seen it already I have posted all the June 2023 horoscopes for you so please jump on board and go to the channel and have a look at your June reading for 2023. also remember that this is a general rating if it doesn’t resonate check your ascendant and your moonside as there may be messages for you there if these messages don’t resonate with you send them back to the universe and all is great let’s see what messages we have for Pisces for the next seven to 14 days thank you universe one card thank you wow that was meant to be

Unbound releasing Soul patterns contracts and past lives setting yourself free Pisces setting yourself free from what has been

tying you down as such I feel that we’ve got a few Pisces here that felt that they were bound to a certain thing bound to a certain place bound to certain people bound to a situation and now you are freeing yourself from that a lot of Pisces in June especially within the next seven to 14 days are going to feel a freedom an absolute freedom of now I am free to do what I want to do for some reason some of you were feeling blocked or Bound by something that you had signed agreed to or put yourself in and now that comes to an end the universe is saying it’s time to release you from that teaching it’s time to release you from that learning you have gone through the test of time and now we’re going to release you and set you free and let you be who you came here to be

birthing a new age birthing New Creations dreaming a new world into being what did I say you’ve been released from this burden this contract this agreement or something here that was keeping you down for some reason something that was uh you were feeling that you couldn’t move away from something for some reason and now the universe says now it’s time to birth new Energy new ideas and being new you we are releasing you into the universe with this new intention with this new power and determination and we’re going to bring you new things for you to discover more there are new teachings here Pisces for a lot of you and you’re not going to feel like you’re bound to anything you’re not going to feel like you cannot move anywhere you’re actually going to feel that you can be you and you are going to enjoy these new experiences that are coming your way

wow tell me parties some of you are bound what were you bound to what was the agreement you were bound to a lot of you too feel like you were bound to a family you’ve been bound to looking after someone because that’s what you do you abound to your parents or bound to a circumstance in a in a relationship or a family Circle you need to do things certain ways because that’s how your your parents taught you the culture was that way and I feel that a lot of you are escaping that now you’re letting go of some of the culture that was that was uh blocking you from moving forward blocking you from being who you came here to be for some Pisces here it’s absolutely got to do with maybe religion belief culture and you’re you’re now freeing yourself from that you’re freeing yourself to be yourself

you’re giving your life the rebirth that it needs your way not not your ancestors way not your grandparents and your parents way you’re doing it your way dreaming a new world into being your new world what that looks like I don’t know but it doesn’t look anything like the past it doesn’t look anything light like what you grew up with a lot of Pisces here um for some Pisces it could be just one but I feel that there’s an urge here to break the mold break the mold for a couple of Pisces here you want to break that mold you want to be different to what your family was you want to be a success you want to be your own person your own your own Make Your Own Story That’s What It Is You Want To Make Your Own Story not live the story of others how it used to be what you were taught it needed to be you’re making your own story let’s see what else we have

the five of cups some of you have been through a battle you’ve tried to do this before but you seem to get somewhere and then someone knocks you down or judges you or brings you back to your knees and think this is not who you’re meant to be but what you’re not noticing is behind you there’s two other cups I feel this may be this could be to do with with someone in your life with a relationship that maybe your family is not agreeing with and you seem to be distraught that you can’t be with who you want to be with because you need to be someone with someone that your parents will agree with or a culture a culture presence there Two of Wands making decisions what will you do will you go down the path of the old or are you going to create your new path for some of you here you’ll be having an opportunity um to make a choice between two choices for others it’s a it’s a matter of what path will I take which way am I going to take choices seven of Cups you may have to make choices when it comes to love you may have to make choices when it comes to loved ones around you making choices to either be who they are and fit into their world or making a choice to be who you want to be and and separating yourself from those that you love there are choices there to be made Pisces

for others there are other Pisces here too that you have been through a battle of lessons you have been through a time of challenging times for you and that could be in your career or your education or something that a goal or a dream that you had what you’re not noticing is that there’s two other calves behind you there are two brand new opportunities coming towards you and you’re going to have to make that choice look how those cards correspond two cups two parts you are going to have to make a choice between two things and I feel that these two things are going to be two things that you do like and you’re a bit confused about what path to take what will be at the end of each part is the question you’re asking

and the choices that are absolutely going to have to be choices you need to make there the hangman a lot of you may choose to give it more thought a lot of you may choose to stand still and not make any decision right now what you want to do is look at all the pros and cons the plan a and plan B and how things look if you’re also going to have another opportunity going to have two opportunities look very closely at what those opportunities bring you and what they bring you in future as well the three of Pentacles you are now starting to see things come together after being bound by certain people situations or or something you are now starting to see that you can move forward

these opportunities that come your way now start to make you feel like there might be a possibility for you to move to a new place a new job a new career

three of Cups celebration whatever it is that you decide there will be celebration around you that they may not accept people may not accept your decision straight up but they’re gonna if they love you they will always celebrate your happiness your well-being for others here it may be that you were um you could be in a marriage for another group here and I’m getting that now is that so one one or two Pisces here you could be in a marriage that you know your partner is being unfaithful but you are bound to that marriage by your religious beliefs

it might be only for one Pisces but I’ve got that message here so if you’re the Pisces that’s in a marriage that you feel that you’re stuck and bound to that person but yet you know that that person has got someone else or um or is seeing someone else behind you or there’s been news or should you suspect you can this could even be a suspicion that they’re having an affair then you are going to make a move you’re going to release yourself from this circumstance you’re going to Unbound your being stuck and you’re going to find your new life like I said that might be just for one person but it came through so I had to say it

okay eight of swords look at that in some circumstances Pisces you’ve gone through a battle you’ve had to stay still and today you may find yourself in a position that you still can’t see where to go you have been stuck in something for so long that now you’re finding it hard to Unbound yourself from a certain situation you’re feeling an emptiness because even though you weren’t happy where you were or who you were with it still gave you some some as much as this sounds

um a little bit different it still gave you some stability does that make sense even though you weren’t happy in this situation it still gave you a belonging or a purpose where now you are bounding yourself and you finding a new life the life that is all new for you that’s scary and that’s making you feel like the eight of Swords you’re feeling you’re actually not stuck but you’re feeling a bit scared you’re feeling as though um you cannot Release Yourself like these swords are just all around you I don’t know if you can see that there you’re actually not stuck by them they’re not touching you but you feel like you’re worried about making that move worried about what if it doesn’t work and that’s the self-doubt starting to make starting to kick in once you you can release yourself from something you’ve known for so long it starts to get a little bit scary but just know that that choice is going to take you places look at this the King of Swords is very rational that’s what they’re saying to do Pisces with your choices take the rational approach don’t be emotional about it go with what is right go with what your mind is telling you the thing is when you look at all the prospects and when you look at all the decisions that need to be made and you look at all the informed decision informed information that comes to you once you gather that all that information and once you gather all the pros and cons you were making a very informative decision on what to see what path to take the decision becomes easier once you think through it clearly without emotion you can’t get yourself emotionally involved otherwise that emotionally involved will or may look over things that you’re not seeing so when you’re signing contracts when you’re making new alliances when you’re changing your life from unbounding yourself from what you know to a new life that’s going to require some analytical thinking it’s going to require some uh information

overloads really and then you need to take a step back that’s where the hangman comes in and you need to sit back and analyze you need to use that rationality to make that decision but don’t make any decisions until you’ve thought it through

decisions aren’t always lazy but if you think about it in the correct manner you’ll see that you’ll go you’ll get the right decision for for those of you that are going to have a lot of choices for those of you that create this new life you’re going to be given a lot of choices there are going to be celebrations and here you’re ready to move forward so it for some Pisces here you’re already on the Journey of unleashing from the what caused you to be bound you’ve unbounded yourself from the Customs the the religion the contract anything like that you’ve left that and you are now ready to start the new you’ve had quite a few choices to pick from you are going to celebrate and move forward the Chariot does not look back that once you get on that Chariot there’s only one way and that is forward Pisces so I feel that this price is here is ready to go

there are Pisces and different Journeys there are Pisces that are at different levels in their Journey


look at that look at that you are being spiritually guided to a new beginning and you will go in love you’ll find people that are accommodating people that will look after you in this new place so make no mistake even though it was a tough choice to make you once you make that decision and you get that guidance and that intuition within you to move forward there is no stopping you after that there are new beginnings new projects new careers new people new Social and you you will meet people that complete you you will meet people that speak your language you will meet people that only want the best for you and you will go in love and you’ll find that your loved ones even though they may not have agreed with you they will still love you the same because at the end of the day blood is thicker than water and if they love you they will always support and Champion your decisions that might not do it straight away but it will take place okay two cards here from the Gypsy the Pisces let’s go I’m bound tell me about Unbound Gypsy thank you the Sun the minute you release yourself from all those um how do you put it once you release yourself from all those contracts those those expectations um then you will start to see your son you will start to see the light back in your life because you’re not leaving somebody else’s life you begin to live your own life in your own light

and that makes a huge difference when we’re happy with what we’re doing tell me about the birthing of a new age please thank you oops

we have here a message from a man a message from a man Pisces that gives you the opportunity to start this new thing so they gave me two cards and this is dreaming our new world into being and you may receive Pisces for some of you here you may receive a message from a man and that message is going to give you the opportunity to start your new life and not just any life your life your way your light huge difference to living a life that of um uh trying to please others trying to make do with what others want you to do this is you living your life this man brings a message to you there will be a male figure or a male energy um or a masculine energy that brings you notice that brings you news or an invitation or a proposal to you a contract even that allows you to live your new life Pisces release and live your life the way you want to live it that’s what that expectation is that’s what the universe wants you to do live your life the way you want to live it what Angel are you going to send Universe what Angel are you going to send to Pisces until are you going to Center Pisces to help them through this through this position

very direct angel of imagination for those of you that are struggling to make that move for those of you that are struggling to see how you’re going to make this work they ain’t pardon me the idol of my imagination is going to guide you through those changes going to guide you through the steps you need to take see that there are going to guide you through what you need to do next so you will have dreams or you may get messages or you may see something that gives you that imagination on how things are going to work the angel of imagination also brings new thoughts into your mind new intuition into your your wisdom within and allows you to start thinking different allows you to make different decisions that are really going to make an impact on you bringing the new life into your world your way

passes if this hasn’t resonated please see your ascendant and your moon sign because as I said these messages aren’t for everyone however please send this to other Pisces that may need to hear this message lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here today bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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