Pisces Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 12 2023

by | Jun 13, 2023 | Free PISCES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Pisces Horoscope for 12th June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

hello beautiful Pisces how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and here we are to show you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days I hope everybody’s well remember that this is a general reading and it’s not going to resonate with everybody however if it doesn’t resonate go to your moon and your ascendant sign message for Pisces please message for Pisces for the next 7 to 14 days confidence is your key to success you need to believe in yourself Pisces you need to believe that you are capable you need to believe that you can do this and you have got this sometimes lack of confidence is what gives us fear and here the universe is saying no don’t have the fear use that confidence as that is what is going to take you to success any Pisces here that does a huge Readjustment of changing the fear to believing in themselves the confidence will shine and that is going what’s what’s going to bring you to success so confidence is key to what you’re doing Pisces

another one is it’s time to release negativity absolutely and I spoke about that until you release those negative thoughts and those negative I cannot do that or I what if this happens what if that happens I can’t do it this way I won’t be capable of doing it this way that’s got to go release the negativity confidence is going to be the key you’ve got to let go of that fear change that fear into passion to succeed that will bring you confidence

someone that is scared about someone something here someone that is doubting themselves that you’re not capable of doing it and what the universe is saying you are capable start believing in yourself because the only person that doesn’t believe in yourself is you your confidence is going to be the key to getting you where you want to go emotions are running high so you may be doing something in the next couple of in the next week or two that bring some emotions forward that is very it’s something that’s very big for you or something that you’ve always wanted and here the universe is saying whilst your emotions are running High don’t forget how strong you are

don’t forget don’t let those emotions go to the fear side take those emotions you’re feeling and bring them to the confidence side step out of your comfort zone at the moment I I get a feeling here that this Pisces here that are doing something that they don’t normally do and with that brings nerves fear doubt you know all these emotions that run High but here it’s about time to ground yourself ground yourself Pisces and that will allow you to look at things in a more passive way how do you do that you meditate meditate morning and night if you have to but ground that mind of yours take the negativity in out of that mind rest that mind because the mind will rule what happens the Mind rules your emotions and although it’s rational the mind is all about rationality the heart is about emotions the mind will overtake the emotions if you concentrate on something that you’re doing or concentrate on how it’s making you feel just remember that that you can change what how you feel by what you think the fear can all be taken away if you think positively and change the way of thinking from Fear to I can do this positive affirmations meditation and you know you can do this start believing in yourself


take the magician attitude you’ve got what it takes to create your magic you just need to use it you’ve got you’ve learned everything you need to have learned you know what you need to do you’ve got everything the problem is all your confidence your confidence is the only thing that is stopping you from creating that magic nothing else the magician doesn’t come onto this table to tell me that they’re an apprentice no the magician is not an apprentice the magician is who creates Magic who has all the tools necessary to create and to combat any situation

there’s a figure out there which is the lucky sign there’s all the elements there you’ve got what it takes you just need to believe Pisces Believe full stop believe in who you are and what you’re capable of doing that’s it there’s no other answer

there is nothing you need to learn nothing you don’t know that is stopping you from succeeding apart from your confidence and that’s you questioning who you are and what you’re capable of doing

the page of cups

cut go in love to what it is that you do you love what you do Pisces take that with all the love you can give it give it love not fear give it belief not doubt

you need to change your mindset get rid of the negativity that keeps pursuing that mind of yours the first car that came out was this one Six of Pentacles weighing up all your options weighing up what you’re going to do and what you’re not going to do weighing up what’s right and what’s wrong weighing up your thinking too much and a lot of it at the end of it all is how successful am I going to be can I be successful is this going to take me to success I don’t know if I’m capable of but doing that I’m weighing up all my options I’m looking at every different angle and you know what the problem here is Pisces let me tell you right now the problem is you’re thinking to too much about what ifs and what what nots about yes or no about do’s and don’ts and you’re not and through all of that you’re starting to lose your confidence you’re starting to forget who you are you are the magician here do not question who you are that’s not the problem the problem is get rid of the negative thoughts get rid of them because you are a master you know that but you doubt it you question it

and your emotions are going to run High yes they’re going to run High because you’re going into something a lot of you may be going into something that you’ve always wanted to do that’s been a dream of yours

and that’s going to make your emotions run High you you got this opportunity because you deserve it because you’re the master of your magic you’re the master of magic you create Magic you make things happen

and The Chariot it’s time to move forward it’s time to stop doubting which side you’re on it’s time to really put that to rest and it’s time to believe in Who You Are believe that you are the master of all go with your intuition see here the third eye how it’s highlighted go with that intuition let your intuition guide you look at that can you say that there just there see how he’s got a star on his forehead lead that go with that intuition you know what you need to do you’re not an apprentice you’ve got the figure eight saying you’ve got everything you need now it’s time to go forward but just not go forward just like that it’s time to go forward with certainty Pisces with certainty get out of your comfort zone and go with certainty certainty about who you are about what you can achieve and know that you are the magic know that you have the magic the magic that others want they don’t want someone that’s going to be scared to be part of their team to be on their team they want someone with confidence that’s going to bring them results you need to be confident about bringing your own results don’t do it for others do it for you that takes more of the pressure off when you know you’re working for you that’s when all the magic will happen but when you think about how others will react or what others think or that you’ve got to impress others that’s where your World falls apart

well sorry I want to mix that

and that’s the bottom of the card it’s time to take time out it’s time to understand why you’re here your purpose and it’s time to understand the only person you owe your truth to is you swords is all about truth it’s about being true to who you are and the minute you lay on your bed think of it as I need to be true to me if I let these negative voices conquer my mind the only person I’m letting down is me not everybody else you because you had been given gifts that only others wish they had you have been given opportunities that only others wish they had

use that confidence to make your mark in the world use that confidence to move forward with certainty

wow wow

that is a big message Pisces for someone out there big message I don’t know if this is going to resonate with everybody but if it doesn’t check your ascendant and your moon sign but I just got lost in that reading so this message here is meant for someone from for a group for a bunch of people I don’t know I’m just telling you what comes out The Hermit reassessing where you’re at The Hermit is all about finding the light at the end of the tunnel understanding Who You Are and what your purpose in life is for some of you the Penny’s gonna drop and you’re going to say I know who I am I know I am here because I deserve to be I know I have this opportunity because I worked hard to get here the penny will drop for many and those they’ll see the light you will see why you were here after you reassess everything that’s happening around you

take time take time out for yourself away from others and reassess why you’re there reassess what you’re doing

patience be patient with yourself sometimes we expect too much out of ourselves very quickly and they’re saying no there is a lot of change coming your way things are going to change for the better and there is going to be a lot of change there but know this that when that change happens it’s going to give you the truth of why you’re there look at that one on four is five which means change and the patience you need to be patient that things will fall into place don’t the other thing they’re saying here Pisces is don’t focus on future don’t focus on past be in your present situation with your present self I hope that makes sense don’t know what that is and look at that the king of air take the emotions out of the situation take the doubt out of that ego that’s inside you because we all have the ego that comes to scare us take the scare ego away think rationally know why you’re there no you your opportunity no your position and know your purpose and your reason take the King of Swords and know why you’re there be very clear with yourself and be very precise with yourself nobody else you are there because you deserve to be you get opportunities because you deserve them you are amazing you are the person for the job for the promotion for the purpose for the reason you are it know that and speak your truth to you nobody else just you

Pisces what can I say about this reading there is no doubt in my mind that this Pisces here is on a journey is going to conquer something they’ve always wanted or they’ve got this opportunity that’s an opportunity of a lifetime but they are scared they are thinking of what ifs and how know that people don’t give you things by mistake

everything has a purpose and a reason Pisces and you were given this opportunity and I don’t know what that is so please but put that in the comments I’d love to know what it is you were giving it given an opportunity or something very important in your life that only you now can believe you can do it because everyone else around you the universe believes in you people around you believe in you they’ve given you an opportunity you now need to believe in Who You Are what’s underneath this

the two are there

and the two of air looks one way and the other should I should I not I’m good am I really is it a yes or a no say that do you see the battle that’s going on within you can I I can do this can I really

let go of that battle look at this

call the universe is calling for you you asked for this for some of you this is a dream that you asked for and the universe gave it to you they’re giving it to you they’re calling you saying Pisces we have given you the opportunity we can’t do it for you we’re giving you the opportunity you asked for what are you going to do with that

would you called we answered what are you going to do with that opportunity of a lifetime that we gave you

wow wow wow I want all those cards here on this table because that is an amazing amazing call

Pisces it’s taken me to a wow that I’ve actually just been able to look at these cards and think and now it’s up to you now it’s up to you the platter has been given to you what you do with it is up to you lots of love and light your way thank you Pisces let me know in the comments what this means for you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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