Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For October 2023
FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Libra how are we today thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to share with you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days let’s see what we have for Libra remember it’s a general reading so if it doesn’t resonate release back to the universe check your ascendant which is your Rising Sun and your moon sign okay Libra what have we got for Libra what have we got for
Libra thank you great teacher Libra the great teacher Virgo just got this card too so if you’ve got Virgo in your major sign in your chart that this message could be for you so learn from spiritual experiences things that you do things that you believe in things that you want to do spiritually inside learn from them and experience them allow yourself to learn your spiritual being and what that means for you for many of you here you may teach spirituality you may be very involved in your spirit side and they are saying saying learn from your spiritual experiences learn from what you’re you’re meant to be doing learn from your intuition inside that inner voice that speaks loudly loudly that sometimes we ignore star ancestor follow the voice of your soul how beautiful is that Libra how beautiful is that follow the voice of your soul so not only did you get the great teacher you’ve also got the star ancestor many of you here either are very spiritual or have a huge in intuition which lians often do they have a huge intuition sometimes they may not listen to their intuition as much as they should but your spiritual experiences that you experience through your lifetime are going to teach you a lot
and follow the voice of your soul you don’t need other people to tell you what to do and what not to do what’s right and what’s wrong you have that within you follow your intuition as you will never go too far wrong so believe believe that if something doesn’t feel right that’s because it’s not if something feels right then go for it if you’re in intuition is telling you that is for you then let it be eight of Raphael there is something better waiting for you do what you know is right for you a spiritual
Quest Libra there is no question no question here spirituality and you are very much aligned it’s whether you listen to your intuition Within and your spiritual Soul within that takes you to the places you’re meant to
be there is something better waiting for you do what you know is right for you a spiritual Quest it’s something that you’re yearning to do that is your spirit is asking for something that you want to do that if you allow your spirit within you and your intuition to speak to you loudly and clearly you will know what it is you’ll know the answer for someone here could be an answer whether they should stay in a relationship or not it could be the answer of should they start that new job should they go to this place should they leave what they’re doing should they move from where they are whatever it is everyone is on a different journey and for everyone it will be a different question but the answer is within you you’re very spiritual go spiritually guided and very spiritually
protected perspective There’s A Better Way pause for reflection and insight dare to be
different if that’s an answer you needed to hear that is a great great indication that is them saying to you there is a better way for you for something that you’re doing or s or a situation that you’re living right now there is a better way pause for reflection listen to that
intuition pause for that reflection and insight the Insight is your intuition dare to be different don’t be like everybody else dare to be different and be you true to being you being the same old same old will just get you the results that everyone else has got being different is what’s going to make you Su successful in whatever it is that you’re doing time to be different Libra time to be
people pay for difference they don’t pay for the same same old same old people don’t want that what can you do that someone else is doing or that you want to do that is different it’s your way it’s the Libra way what is it that you can do different let’s see what else we’ve got for Libra please stirring for Libra Libra there’s a bit of flip-flopping here you’re not sure about something you’re flip-flopping on ideas you’re not sure which way to go look at that the Two of Wands for some of you here it’s leaving to a new location a new country starting a new life in a different way in a different place with different people for others it’s looking at what you can do do to reach to reach everything you want to reach King of Swords this is you Libra this is you you may be dealing also with another Libra a gemini or an Aquarian who wants to do this with you that wants to may want to do this adventure this new thing with you that is there to support you in your ideas of moving forward moving to new place a new location for some of you it’s you speaking your truth and saying I want to start new in a new place a new location I’m going to speak my truth and not everyone will agree with me but now is about me being true to who I am me listening to my inner soul and spirit and feeling that I need to go to a new place
receiving and giving for some of you here you’ll be receiving some news or receiving something that may put you in this position of wanting to do something different look at that family the 10 of Cups Libra there’s someone here that is going to receive something in the next couple of weeks uh either receive a proposal some news or something that comes to you that is going to make you think rationally about a new idea that you want to implement and that may be that you want to move closer to family move to a new location move to a new country but whatever it is that you decide to do this proposal this opportunity this news that comes to you is going to be very very exciting for the whole family I don’t know what it is for everybody as everyone is going to be different and for those beautiful librans that are celebrating their birthday happy birthday and happy birthday to everyone that celebrated their birthday before but this is a a proposal or an opportunity that or news that comes your way that you start to think very seriously about moving and whatever this movement forward is it’s going to be a movement forward that is going to be very good for the whole family it’s something that you’ve been thinking about or even feeling in your body something has crossed your mind in the past but this becomes stronger from this new opportunity or news that comes forward what else do we have for Libra
please the Queen of Pentacles it’s you taking hold financially you’re in a very good place financially or you’re going to a new place or proposal or job that’s going to pay you well the king of Wands look at that this this person that offers you this uh opportunity you may be dealing with a fire sign which is an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius someone comes to you and offers you something Libra offers you something that makes you to a new place a new location and that’s going to bring a lot of excitement to your family it’s something to do with finances you will be very financially rewarded for this move and you may be getting this from someone that is an Aries Leo or um Sagittarius this
offer the five of cups for some some of you here it’s going to maybe tear you apart and the reason for this upset or sadness is that you know that making this move taking this new opportunity or taking this new proposal that comes to you means that you’re going to have to leave people and loved ones behind it’s a new life somewhere else it’s a new opportunity elsewhere and whilst you want to take this opportunity you you also are very sad to leave your place of comfort of stability of love for someone else you get some news and this is I’ve got to tell you what it is Libra you know me I’ll always speak my truth but for someone here you get news in the next one or two weeks of a passing now this doesn’t have to be of someone very very close but you will hear of someone passing someone that you know and it doesn’t necessarily have to be your own blood family but it will be someone that you know well and will make you sad and this news comes to you via other people other friends or family members number five fighting there’ll be for some librans here there’s been some there’s only this is for one or two librans but there has been some fighting in the family and that fighting has brought you a lot of sadness information that you received about someone in your family is now causing a lot of Anguish and pain and that was you thought you never thought that someone in your family your partner or someone would upset you in this way and that’s causing a lot of arguments with people that you love for some others if it may be to do with money that you’re fighting with a partner to do with money look at that the eight of Wands that’s you you’re going to take this opportunity for some of you or one of you one person here is going to take an opportunity that’s going to take them to another place another city or another country and you’ve got two kings here one is the swords which is the air sign which is Libra gemini or Aquarius and the other king here you may have two offers coming to you Libra there may be two offers here that are going to come your way and one of them it will be from someone that is a Gemini Libra or Aquarius and the other one will be from an Aries Leo or Sagittarius or they have very they have that very strongly in their sign but there’s two offers here that come to you and you may be sad in a way you may be sad that making this decision is going to take you away from your family and this internal Battle of what do I do the
fool Libra make no mistake there is someone here taking the leap of faith whether people agree with or not I’m going to take this opportunity I need to speak my truth and I need to be honest to who I am I need to do this this this giving this giving of this opportunity is spiritually given to you remember I said there was a lot of spiritual energy around here follow the voice of your soul if you’re ever in doubt follow the voice of your soul that’s what you need to do there’s your answer whatever your soul is telling you to do is what you need to do and look at that there’s a better way pause for reflection and insight dare to be different dare to be different and I do feel that this is an opportunity of a lifetime that will come to
you I feel that this Libra one Libra that I’m connecting to here at least is going to take an opportunity that’s way too good to be true is that going to bring internal battles
absolutely for some of you here you’ll have an internal battle about making the decision to take on this new opportunity for others here it will be an internal battle that you’ll be going through after the news of a loss of a loss someone that was very important to you the the new of of losing that
person look at that the ace of cups Libra for many of you not only are you going to have this opportunity of a lifetime to change your life financially securely listen to your intuition above all else that’s the biggest biggest message here but you’re also going to start a new relationship there’s going to be a new relationship coming into your life and this may be that you are for someone here it could be that you are unsure about making this move but whatever it is that’s happening right now it’s a move that you need to make and and whilst it’s causing internal anguish and making you fight with important people in your life it’s going to be it’s going to be a decision that’s going to make the family happy and at the same time bring the stability that you
need there you go again look at that there’s another card of moving to oh look at that whilst you’ve got a broken heart of someone that has either passed or that you’re leaving people behind you are going to a new location that’s going to give you opportunities and possibilities that you wouldn’t have had had you not left this location there is definitely a new location on the horizons that you’re going to and with a heavy heavy sad heart you’re going to make that move because deep down in your heart you know that this move needs to be made in order for you to follow your dream follow your goal remember follow your intuition you will never go too far wrong if you follow that
intuition decisions decisions Libra very sad that there is that there that that news that’s not so comforting but you will get notice of someone is passing unfortunately okay let’s go uh what have we got for Libra for ooh and sorry because I while I’m saying that I’m a Libra as well so I’m looking at that thinking wow okay but it’s not for everybody so you know Retreat it’s time to dis disconnect from the world for some librans here you need to take time out with your partner if you’re in a married relationship ship or you’re in a relationship that you’ve been with your partner for a long long time we get complacent and we forget how important it is to love each other and give time to one another and here it’s saying it’s time to retreat away from everyday life the busyness that that brings us the chaos that that brings us on a day-to-day um living and take time out to be with our partners just them and us and just rekind Le that fire ignite that passion that that relationship once had and has been you know a little bit quieter of
late getting to know each other as you Reveal Your innermost selves to each other your bond deepens for those of you that meet someone new it’s important that you get to know each other and the only way to do that is to have conversation and be honest and upfront about who you are what you want and what you stand for and if they like it that’s fine if they don’t they’ll tell you and they’ll move on but um always when getting to know someone open up and let’s let them in little by little soulmate yes this is your soulmate for those beautiful people that are going to meet this beautiful person here the new beginning of a of a relationship that may have turbulence in the past you may have been seeing each other before and you had a fight that caused a bit of turbulence and upset in your world there may be that may just be your soulmate and they may come back into your life Libra thank you so much for being here lots of love and light and thank you [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)