Libra Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Li thank you so much for being here today beautiful Libra um I would like to welcome you to our next reading for 7 to 14 days my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me we’re going to start off with two energies two lots of tarot and lastly but not least some messages from the Moon to our oracle cards so let’s see what we have I’ve already mixed these for you in your energy and let’s see what comes out today for beautiful Libra I’m excited too as you all know I’m a Libra as well so let’s see okay what energy do we have for Libra the magician Libra the magician the one that creates all the magic it is your time now Libra if you haven’t thought about where you want to go what you want to do and how you’re going to get there Now’s the Time in the next 7 to 14 days there’s going to be something an idea a an answer a solution that comes your way that makes you think I can do something with this or this is what I want to do this is what how I’m going to change what I was working on this is what I want for my life it’s you creating the magic and the dream that you want for your life the magician has got everything that they need to put into practice they can create whatever they want they’re creative and Libra is very creative and abundant loves beauty is beauty but at the same time sometimes there’s Libras that need a plan A and A Plan B and that’s what takes the longest to decide and it’s not that we’re indecisive we’ve got the magic we know what we need to do but we always like to put our foot forward with certainty so when other people say our Libras can never make a decision yes we can and yes we do but we do it with certainty we do it with absolutely Assurance our scales need to be on par all the time we don’t function when our scales are out of whack another energy for Libra please one more energy for Libra what magic are we creating what magic are we going to create what is it that this is trying to tell us Libra please thank you wow persistence persistence how appropriate Libra don’t give up you you will find your stability in in what you want and where you’re going if you keep persisting don’t give up you’ve got what it takes to be the best you can be at what you’re doing or where you’re going persistence is going to be key here it’s a new beginning here number number one there is a New Journey waiting for you it’s going to bring you a lot of stability you’ve got the magic to make it work and to get there to get to that Finish Line persistence is going to be key for you Libra in the next 7 to 14 days keep persisting if one door is closed knock on another eventually one door’s going to open and that’s going to be the key that you need the door that’s meant for you will open keep persisting even you may have been knocked down a few times but it’s not how many times you get knocked down it’s how many times you get up that counts said the beautiful Rocky soes stillion in the Rocky movie so you have the magic you are the magic don’t let anybody take you off your path remain focused and persist persist until you reach your goal and your dream I don’t know what that is Libra tell me in the comments if it’s not too private but or or just say to me I don’t want you to tell me what you’re working on because sometimes it’s good for to keep quiet what you’re doing until you get what you want so just say this resonates and I will understand that I got to one person at least that needs to hear this reading but this is somebody that’s working extremely hard at something that they want to achieve that they want to conquer it’s like a

conquer it’s like you’re ready to conquer but anyway let’s see what the tarot brings could be something totally different but that’s the first feeling I got it’s like someone’s on a mission

here the Five of Cups disappointment

disillusioned for some of you here you’re doubting your capability you’re doubting you’ve got what it

takes you’re doubting that you’re ever going to find love that you’re ever going to reach your dreams and your goals that you’re ever going to find that dream

career you remember I said to you it’s not about how many times you fall I’ve got that I felt that it’s how many times you stand up this is someone that has lost motivation may have been um on a path and it didn’t work out the way that they had wished so you’ve lost a lot of confidence a lot of

self-belief you’re wondering whether those goals that you had were even ever going to be achievable the path that you set yourself on whether that’s for you or

not it’s like someone here has been in a place of disappointment

of suffering even depression maybe

anxious what else have we got for Libra

please what else have we got for Libra this could also set for one person here you may have lost a loved one you may have lost that love of your life and you’re in

mourning but for the majority here it’s you being disappointed that something you wanted so much or you wanted to achieve didn’t work out the way you had

planned the king of Wands what did I say Libra they might knock us down a 100 times but we’ll get up 101 this is someone that although you were disappointed although you lost confidence lost sight lost Focus dedication motivation the king of Wands comes in and let me tell you about this energy the King Of Wands this is an energy of perseverance of power of strength and determination to get up dust yourself off and forward is the only way it’s an energy of no one no one tells me what I can and cannot do I am in control of of my destiny and I and only I will make this

work the

magician you’re tired for some of you you’re tired and you need your rest make sure that you rest your mind your body and your soul because when when you go through when you go through a

disappointment a Mourning or anything that tests us saddens us disappoints us that’s energy that we’ve lost and a lot of

it and if we’re ever going to have the courage the strength and the determination to move forward we need to be well rested we need to be in Focus we need to have our body our mind and our soul aligned and that’s what we talk about with chakras all our chakras have to be

aligned persistence isn’t that funny that we got the persistence card look at that you know I know now and I understand why this persistence card came

out the two of Cups you either meet someone beautiful in the next 7 to 14 days or you meet a really good friend that’s going to be a friend for a while you align yourself with a good partnership that can help you get what you want this is a partnership a relationship a friendship that means a lot you’re both on the same path you both think the same feel the same you’re on the same Mission you have the same values those cups not one of them is up or down it’s like our scales they’re exactly on par you’re going to meet someone and whether that be a relationship a a partner a uh a boss or someone that you meet here that’s going to help you keep persisting that person is going to see eye to eye with you have the same Drive have the same value the same reason the same purpose as

you sometimes we need to go through disappointment in order to find what’s Meant For Us you’re going to move forward there is no backward action here there is only one way for you and that is you’re moving forward the persistence that you have within your soul and your spirit are going to take you forward Libra there is no looking back here for some of you you may be taken overseas to another country city

state but this persistence is going to keep pushing you

forward you either have help from somebody here that helps you with this forward movement with this persistence I feel that this is more a partnership uh a bond that you have with someone that is helping you and it could be their job it could be their job to help you get what you want but you’re both on the same mission on the same purpose talking the same language and it could be a relationship for some you finally meet that person that you can relate to you finally meet that person that thinks like

you you’re working extremely hard Libra it’s not a mistake this I feel this is this one here is to do with work so I do feel that a lot of you this could be a partnership to do with work career a bond that you form on a project some something that you’re both achieving you both want the same thing and you’re going to move forward it’s going to be hard work but you need to persist you need to keep going you you don’t give up Libra does not give up even if we have to take time out librans do take time out to rejuvenate to Reign themselves to get their scales back in working order but they don’t give

up determined librans determined and on the bottom of the deck is the Knight of Cups for someone someone here it is a relationship you’re going to meet somebody beautiful that comes in peace in love and Tranquility for others here that I’ve been talking about there is an offer that comes for you and it’s not going to be an offer that is easily rejected it’s going to be an offer that you’re going going to be you’re going to love being a part of still look at all the paperwork and make sure all the terms and conditions are right for you but I feel here that if this is not a relationship because for some of you it will be for others it’s a new offer a new proposal a new opportunity that comes your

way okay what else have we got for Libra please let me know in the comments if this is resonating with you Libra let me know in the comments if I can reach one person I’ve done my job look at that those two cards that they want they wanting me to take it for some of you here you work as a team or you work in a team environment but you’re about to take the lead from this team you’re about to light your fire and go elsewhere it’s like your either one being promoted or two getting an opportunity that takes you away from the current team that you’re in you’re going and to somewhere else somewhere new you’re creating your

magic so for someone here it’s you are leaving a group or a you are leaving a group or a team of people to go it alone it’s it’s like you’re you’re going to somewhere alone you’re you’re doing this for yourself you you’ve got this like you need to do this for yourself even though you are part of a team the team’s not going it’s it’s you going forward you’re moving forward you’re losing your fear there’s a lion standing there and this man is totally ignoring that and saying I’m I’m on a mission tiger lion whoever comes my way I am on a

mission and isn’t that funny you’ve got two King Of Wands in both different decks in both different cards one under the other make no mistake Libra this is someone that is moving forward with all their determination all their capability and they are not giving up let me know if this is you look at that King Of Wands King Of

Wands what can you resonate don’t worry about telling me what because I don’t want you to share it with anybody if you’re in the process of making things work don’t tell anybody but just say to me it resonates that’s all I need to

know what else have we got for Libra it’s it’s an opportunity you you’ve got some after you are rested you’re going to see clearly and think rationally about a new proposal a new person a new place that you’re going to you’re going to make decisions with a more clear mind very

centered and you’re going to be in control of your your mind you’re not going to allow things to disrupt you you’re not going to let your feelings get involved you’re going to look at something from a very business perspective not

emotional and and that’s a Libra you know King of Swords Libra Gemini Aquarius yes you’re going to use your your intelligent

mind there is a partnership that you are walking away from or a relationship you’re walking away from and you are starting a new partnership or a new relationship here it is the death which means it is a past relationship a past partnership or someone you’ve been dealing with which no longer will be part of your life and you’re going to the new you have got a new Mission a new partnership to move forward with whether that be in relationships career projects whatever it is that you’re doing there is you’re leaving an old behind and you’re taking on the

new persistence look at that it’s no mistake here that you are leaving 100% leaving a place of that caused you a lot of pain a lot of turbulence in your life a lot of chaos a lot of worry much anxiety you questioned yourself many times it was a place that was a bit more toxic you you couldn’t see eye to eye with the people here you’re now moving to the new leaving an old place behind me moving to a new city a new team it could even be just a new team a new place a new employment a new career a new country a new city a new state of all of the above a new home new

location there’s definitely movement here Libra in the next 7 to 14 days you either will move or you will make plans for that move

Libra you’re working hard and you are going to be the master of your life you’re you’re going to have ah an achievement with whatever it is that you’re working hard on the emperor is above all it’s the king of all Kings it’s the energy of an emperor is in charge of their empire they are very sure of themselves they know what they want they know what they need to go and get they know what needs to happen and they’re going to be secure in where they are who they are and what they’ve achieved look at this person sitting back relaxed totally different to this person that’s been working extremely hard with ripped

clothes that’s you all those seeds that you planted are going to be take you to that next level take you to that platform that you once dreamed about I’m not saying that that’s going to happen in this next 7 to 14 days because that’s a huge move but you’re on the way there this new move this new opportunity this new Bond this new persistence the magic that you create is going to take you to that level and on the bottom of the deck look at that the 10 of Wands the end of a road that was tiring that was exhausting that was chaotic that was toxic and end of a road that now means nothing to you you’ve crossed the worse you’re now heading to feeling that energy of Amazement of Love of gratitude you are going to be so grateful to have come from there to

there Libra what a what else do we have for Libra please what else do we have for I love this reading Libra love this reading I’ll take it I will take

it relax just relax and let things happen new moon in cancer we are in cancer at the moment we are in sorry we are in the moon phase at the moment 2023 was ruled by the

moon which is a cancer energy yes relax relax in 2023 and get ready for

2024 Release Control understand Libra that we love and I don’t know about you but I know that I like to control everything I like to be on top of everything I like to have my scales on par with one another if they’re out of whack then I don’t function so Release Control Just Watch What Happens although we like to control it’s time for us to take a step back relax and let the show start because the universe from what I see here is about to put on the biggest show that you’re going to be grateful for and it’s not going to be given to you for nothing you’ve worked for this you’ve put in your bit you haven’t sat around watching TV eating popcorn like I always say you’ve put in your bit and the universe is saying you deserve it Libra be real full moon in Aquarius be real with what happens be real with yourself about everything in your life if you look at things for what they truly and really are there is no one that can tell you otherwise there is no one that can convince you otherwise look at the true in

everything be real about what you’re feeling be real about what you experience be real about what you want just be real and persistence because you Libra carry the magic I hope that this has reached someone that needed to hear this lots of love and light lots of love and light Libra your way thank you all the best

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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