Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

[Music] being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to bring you the May horoscope for 2024 remember to release the energy if it doesn’t resonate with you and check your moon and your ascendant sign so I call in your guides mentors and angels to bring in the information with my guides angs and mentors bring us the information that we need to know for the zodiac sign of Libra please please tell us what message you want us to pass through and if it doesn’t resonate remember Libra to release this energy and check those Moon that moon sign or the the ascendant sign as there may be more information for you there so we’re going to start off with two oracles and then we’re going to go into the tarot so let’s see what we have for beautiful Libra Place Beginnings that’s the one that was upside down look at that if it’s meant to come it’s going to

come what are the energies that we have for beautiful Libra please what do we have for Libra change Libra there’s going to be some changes coming your way and you may be going through quite a lot at the moment and a bit of chaos a bit of conflict a bit of uncertainty about which way to go what to do next and here this change is going to be so welcoming let’s see what else we have what else do we have for Libra please bringing a change of Vibrance back into your life it’s like you’ve lost the the vibration in your life you’re feeling a bit down you’re feeling a little bit dull you want some new to come in creation what are you going to create Libra you are the Empress of the tarot which is huge creation you’re ruled by Venus which brings a lot of love and creation into anything that you do so here I have a Libra who’s screaming for change wants change remember I said the first feeling I got with this card was I need more vibration more color more life into my life I need to create more I need to allow myself to think outside the square I need to be as big as what I can be I’m done with fitting into small places being the small person that I’m not fitting into people’s lives because it suits this is a Libra that wants to just let go of it all and go with the

flow that’s what I’m getting here Libra what else have we got for Libra please the masculine and I I had this feeling that this card was going to fall because the masculine energy is about you releasing your emot tions when we’re emotional we become um needy we become attached we become um soft within ourselves which Libra has got a huge side of that but when we get the musculine energy into US Libra it’s like you as much as you love other people around you and you love and you appreciate your life you want more so you’re going from the feeling of emotion to the feeling of let me free let me escape let me do what I need to do a masculine energy is a a rationality your thinking rational okay what can I do to expand what I need to expand what can I do to get more life into my life and you’re not worried too much about how you the emotions how other people are going to feel about your ideas you’re not worried about that right now you’re planning in May I see this huge energy of Let Me Be Free don’t stand in my way don’t block me from who I am don’t stop me from doing what I came here to


resistance many of you here may have resisted change in the past and now you’re go I feel that this card here it’s underneath it’s like that’s the past now I resisted change I resisted moving I resisted going to the unknown when now I’m calling for all of that and more does do can you resonate with that Libra is that you wanting to bring and create a new life with new

changes I’m recreating my story that’s you here creation I want to recreate my story I want to create a new

story my past is my past but now I create the future I plan what I want for my future

look at that word the

resurrection and that’s exactly what we just spoke about it’s you resurrecting from a place that no one expects and no one would ever imagine it’s you resurrecting who you are who you are today not who you were five years ago you resurrecting who you are today resurrecting from the swamp that nearly ate you the swamp that took some dreams away from you the situations the people that drained

you you’re you were in a place or with people that

didn’t it never made sense for you to be there you felt out of

place and the Lotus is the change that you’re going to make it’s like I need a change that’s going to resurrect the real me I’m going to make a change that’s going to resurrect the way I think the way I feel and how I plan my life from here on in May is going to be a month of you looking at how where you’ve come from where you are but more where you’re

going where you’re going is going to be your plan

diversity and Ro look at that you’re going to do things that are totally different you’re going to diversify into places you hadn’t even thought of let’s


breakthrough I’m going to break through every belief everything I know everything I have been taught I’m going to break through everything who said I’m not capable of doing that who said I can’t do

that the expectations people put on you the beliefs you grew up with the person you were molded to be you’re going to break out of that

mold this is you leaving behind an old you your old thoughts your old beliefs your old you in May there are plans you’re going to put plans in place for a huge breakthrough and what does that mean that means that who you were before you’re no longer now you’re not going to pretend to be someone you’re not you’re not going to try and fit in with a group of people that no longer make sense you’re no longer going to go to certain places that you don’t want to be you’re no longer going to live where you live now if you want to move all those changes are going to be planned

out the Breakthrough the

Breakthrough for someone here you may create something Libra that they’re trying to say here for someone here you may have been totally confused about what you were doing and where you were in investing your time and even your money and in May you create something that is going to be a breakthrough it’s going to be exactly what your purpose and meaning is so you may have been working for somebody you may have been working on a project or you may have been doing something that wasn’t fulfilling you it wasn’t right it didn’t feel right but in May you’re going to create something that is going to be the Breakthrough that you needed to make

changes what else have we got here for Libra please thank

you oh Libra look at that

regeneration the caterpillar that became the butterfly that’s what that

is you’re going to grow in such a way that you’re going to surprise yourself Libra in May it’s like where you’ve come from what you’ve done what you’ve learned is all part of where you’re going to go to you couldn’t have done it without learning that bit you couldn’t have done it without being that person you couldn’t have done it without all every lesson that you’ve had in the past everything that you’ve experienced that you’ve learned that you’ve touched that you’ve felt all brings you to here so nothing is a waste of time nothing was a mistake even though at the time it may have felt like it was it brought you the growth that you needed to turn that caterpillar into that butterfly the Regeneration of you are now going to shine the plans that you put in place not only are you going to gain the power internal internal we’re not talking about EGO power here the internal power that this gives you the thoughts the mentality the growth in mentality in Vitality is going to be

enormous you regenerate it’s like it’s like exactly the Lotus from a swamp that you you least expect this beautiful flower to come from is exactly where it’s going to come from so a situation that you have got that you may have worked with or you have an idea and where you least expect that that’s going to be

your Prosperity that’s what’s going to happen does does that make sense it’s like this this change that’s taking place that’s going to take you to another

level and you’ve been resisting making this change you’ve been resisting because you’ve either been worried about how it’s going to turn out how people are going going to accept you how you’re going to look and what if it doesn’t

work and look at that on the bottom the dolphin listening listen to your higher self look at this number three number three listening to yourself listening to your intuition listening to the thoughts that’s going to be your success of

growth there are messages here and rather than resisting listen look at the vibration Dolphins listen to vibrations look at that vibration around that dolphin it’s like listen to the vibrations that Circle you your mentors your guides your angels your higher Creator is going to be sending you messages listen to the intuition and the thoughts that come to your mind out of nowhere out of nowhere you’re going to get

information Focus look at that Focus

Libra I hope this has made sense cuz it’s been powerful and it’s going to be a huge month for you so tell me if you resonate with

this Integrity look at that I need to cover this card sorry and it’s not because I worry about it it’s because YouTube will take down the video Integrity stay true stay true to who you are in all of this remember I said that you’re going to get out of this this preconceived ideas that you were taught that you lived you’re going to set yourself free stay true stay true to who you are because very it’s very easy for us to um allow other opin others opinions change our minds and that’s why they’ve got to stay focused focus focus listen and focus so important stay

true Libra I love what I do Heaven to Earth messages that come from up above to you here on Earth

you’re communicating with your higher being you’re communicating with your guides and your mentors and you may not even realize that that you’re having this connection you’re having these thoughts that are out of the ordinary you hadn’t thought of this before stay with that listen to what they’re trying to tell you

this resonates Libra this resonates with me look at that wisdom use your wisdom to find your light whatever comes through in ideas in intuition and everything that you’ve learned up until now is what’s going to bring you the success

I don’t know how many people are going to resonate with this reading remember it doesn’t release it and check your moon and your ascendant but this is somebody that’s going to come out of nowhere it’s going to be somebody that has this huge idea and is going to implement that in May and you’re not going to look back after that it’s going to take you to a new level a level of prosperity of

abundance stay true remember the Integrity card stay true to who you are and focus on your mission and on what you want to achieve lots of love Libra thank you so much bye-bye


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