Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

by | Jun 16, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into

[Music] you okay Libra let’s start off with some energies then we go into your cards and the final message so what do we have for Libra for June June what energies are going to come through for Libra in June let’s see what energies we have for Libra please for

June o two the fats is one having faith it’s like June is going to bring you some faith in things things that You’ given up on things that you had given up on happening for example you’ve been wanting something to happen and you’ve been asking for so long and you couldn’t see that happen or it didn’t come through when you wanted it to come through having faith is going to be Paramount in June it’s going to give you the faith and the will to keep going to keep believing to keep in your spiritual self the Fate that is going to present itself so you can still believe that things are all possible there’s nothing that’s impossible for you beautiful I like that and why why in June you may ask why in certain things you want to know why things happen the way they did why you went through what you went through why you’re going through what you’re going through and there’s going to be a lot of questions that you’re going to have in June you may have questions for other people or you’ll be questioning why the circumstances that you’re in or situations that are

happening it’s like you’re going to get information and answers in June you’re going to find out why things took place you’re going to understand that there was a process you needed to go through okay let’s pick three cards please three cards the first one is career career for Libra then we’ve got relationships and then we’ve got finances so let’s see what we’ve got for the first card the four of Wands in career there’s going to be a celebration here with your career maybe you’ve applied for a job or you’ve wanted something to happen in your job or career but there’s going to be a celebration here seven of Swords leaving a place that wasn’t making you happy 10 of Swords absolutely this is someone here who’s leaving AOW or leaving a place that no longer made sense to them in their career they’re starting something new or they’re going to do the same thing but in a new place in a different location with different people and here I feel that you you feel liberated it’s like you’re getting this huge liberation of leaving somewhere that made you feel stuck made you feel that you couldn’t

expand what else have we got for lib please Five of Swords a lot of headaches for some of you here this was causing you a lot of pain a lot of stress a lot of anxiety being in this place and here the main card is celebration you are leaving this place in June you are going to move to a new era a new chapter in your life a new career new business a new way of doing business the Moon you’re still very worried and very scared about leaving the unknown going to the unknown however you you as much as you’re excited to leave this place you’re also very scared or fearful of how the next place will be having to start everything new having to learn everything from new the way they do things the way they they collaborate as a team or what’s expected of you so there’s a huge celebration and excitement but also a lot of fear and worry it’s like leaving it com blanket look at that the victory card Libra you cannot go wrong where you’re going to now the new job the new career the new place that you’re going to is going to be exactly where you need to be exactly where you need to be it’s no mistake that you’re leaving this place this place here here taught you something you needed to know and I don’t know what experiences you had at this place or how that made you feel but it’s like you’re leaving that place with closing the door closing that chapter Having learned a lot and this new place now is going to was it makes you a little bit worried it’s also going to bring you a lot of Victory okay card number two what have we got for relationships for Libra in June what have we got with card number two for June for Libra oops card number two for Libra for June let’s find out what that is ace of cups a new love Libra for those of you looking for love get ready it’s coming for those of you looking for a new ex a new passion a new excitement in your life it’s there for those of you already in a in a um in a relationship it’s only going to get better so get ready for June Libra it promises to be a successful month with New Beginnings meeting new people and creating new new friends and make you may meet that person you’ve been looking for Ace of Wands look at that I I feel here for some of you you’ve been wishing for this new person to come into your life you’ve been hoping and asking for a new person to come into your life and you’re going to see that in June it’s something that you’ve imagined it’s something that you’ve meditated on it’s something that you’ve asked the Divine

for 10 of Wands and the 10 of Wands is you leaving it’s like you’re leaving a stage of being single you’re leaving an old relationship you’re you’re dis it’s like you’re disconect connecting from a past love you’re disconnecting from the feelings of being alone you’re disconnecting from anything that left you in the past um disappointed really this is someone who’s gone through a huge journey and now you’re on the right path you’re going to meet the right person you’ve left all the old behind you’re now ready to commence this new relationship and welcome it with both hands

the old stays behind there’s new stories for you here the Six of Pentacles it’s going to be a give and take this new person that comes into your life is going to give you as much as you give them it’s not going to be a take take take relationship no it’s going to be they will give you the love that you that you need and you want and you’ll give that back in return it’s going to be an even an even give and take a beautiful Rel look at that there is no mistake the lovers card you are definitely going to meet someone Libra for those of you hoping to meet somebody open up your mind in June and allow new people to come into your life there’s definitely new love on the cards for you Libra definitely new love on the card for you leaving the old behind that was two please I only want one one card please thank you no more battles you’re leaving behind all the arguments all the the chaos you had chaos in your life in the past relationships and you’re leaving all that behind that no longer belongs in your life you walked away from that what’s coming for you now is a beautiful balanced relationship with a lot of give and take so have faith that things are going to work out remember the FI card have faith that all is going to work out and the wise you’re going to probably question why did it take so long for me to meet this person why did I have to go through what I went through before I met this person and the why is that there were lessons that you needed to learn in order for you to have a more successful relationship and for you to personally know what you want and what you don’t want want nothing happens by mistake Libra but here look at that the celebration walking away from the old and going to Celebration you’re going to be excited you’re going to celebrate this new friendship this new cuz it’s going to be a friendship and a lover at the same time you’re going to have a huge Bond of give and take it’s not like you’re going to give all your attention and make the moves and you’re not going to receive any anything back everything’s going to be give and take third card finances let’s see what we have for finances for Libra what do we have for finances for Libra please main card Knight of Wands there’s going to be some money coming in in June for you I don’t know if you’re expecting some money to come through or if you’re waiting for something to come through but this could be a bonus a promotion that brings more money um a new job that you may be going to that pays you better than what you got paid before but there is a little bit of a celebration here as far as your finances go you may have some return on an investment seven of Wands you’re going to protect your finances in June it’s like I don’t want to spend money so I’m going to um do things that I don’t have to spend a lot of money people may ask you to go out and do big things you’re not going to want to do that you want to you you’re going to watch your your pennies in June I feel here that someone here may be saving for a particular item and that’s going to keep you very centered look at that Queen of Wands fantastic in control of your finances happy with what’s happening around you happy with any finances that are coming in I do feel here that you are going to come into some money and I don’t know what where that’s going to come from but there is a feeling here of you being excited about receiving this money and I don’t think you’re going to tell people that look at all that that just they want me to take it so the Judgment this is something you’ve asked for something you’ve hoped for there was someone here hoping that this would happen it’s a wish it’s like I want a good job that’s going to pay me well where I’ve got the the abundance of finances to do what I want to do moving forward look at that it’s it’s like there’s money coming from different directions for you or you could be doing something that’s going to move forward your finances you could be investing or you could be investing your money to make more money I don’t know what it is that you’re doing here but it’s like you’re moving forward in your finances it’s not going to be a drama in June and King of Swords you’ve been very very rational you’ve used your rational mind to to work out what you’re going to spend your money on it’s like I’ve I’ve thought about and I’ve budgeted it’s like someone here has been budgeting rationally and that’s why money is not an issue in June for you for someone else it’s ideas that you’ve had to make money and you may have had someone here instructing you where to invest your money or what to do with your money and that has been through a huge amount of of thought process and rationality you know how sometimes people get emotional and they go and spend money that wasn’t you and now in June you’re not going to be that you’re going to protect your money and you’re going to think about it rationally what do I do next to make more money or how do I make more money and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the king of Wands which is very in control of who they are and what they want they are very aware what they want and here have patience it’s like you’re waiting for some money to come through a payment to come through and they’re saying have patience because it is going to happen final message for Libra please for June what’s the final message o communicate clearly just flew out in June communicate very clearly with what you want don’t leave room for misunderstanding or don’t leave room for for you to be misunderstood so communicate clearly of what you want and what you expect and where you want to

go what have we got for Libra please don’t stop don’t stop what you’re doing you’re on the right path don’t stop and Don’t Stop Believing Have Faith remember the faith card here don’t stop you’re on the right path you you’re thinking the right way you’re you’re making the right decisions you’re you’re going down the right

path even though your question why you had to go through what you went through to get to this spot you’ll understand it back then it wasn’t the right time look at that remember I said you’re going to question why it wasn’t the right time that’s all you need to know it didn’t work out back then it didn’t work out with that person it didn’t work out in that job because it was wasn’t the right time you weren’t meant to find the right the right person or the right place at that time you needed to gain experience gain knowledge through everything that you went

through one more for Libra

please opportunity look at that what did I say there’s going to be a huge opportunity when money comes in that’s you with your hands opening open opening the the tunnel of success you are definitely going to come into some success in June Libra you’re going to welcome in the prosperity the opportunity that comes forward let me know in the comments is this you do you know if this is coming forward let’s see with the animal spirit what we’ve got for Libra please just two cards please only what two cards the animal spirit thank you one lay a solid foundation it’s now time to plan ahead it’s now time to put things in place to build your future later so lay a a solid foundation if it’s a new job start with the right foot and allow yourself to delve into this

new one more place one more for Libra thank you I want to give me two more so there you go sing your own song Don’t Wait for other people to uh say how good you are to give you those appraisals don’t wait for other people’s opinions to um to give you the okay you know who you are sing your own song do what you want to do and do it the way you want to do it appraisals from others people’s opinions or judgments don’t mean anything when we don’t believe in ourselves so here they’re asking you Libra to sing your own song You Know Who You Are you know how good you are and they wanted to give me another one so there you go time to collaborate it’s time to work as a team time to it’s time now to work with others at getting what you want make sure that you allow others to help you get to where you need to be collaboration is going to be important for you in June so when you do your planning plan and see how other people can help you get to where you are or where you want to

be trust the great mystery you may not know what June holds for you yet because we’re only starting it now or about to go into it but here it’s trust the mystery there’s a lot of mystery around you and there may be a lot of things that you can’t see right now but June promises to be a very successful month for you Libra enjoy and I hope that it all works out for you lots of love and light Libra thank you so much bye-bye


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