Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 5 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 5 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi beautiful Libra how are you today thank you so much for being here today and let’s see what we have for your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see Libra what are your energy for the next 7 to 14 days what have we got for libras I’m finished Symphony but they’re saying no they’re saying no don’t take that card okay let’s mix it again it’s a bit bit of agitation here Libra why are you worried why are you stressed there’s agitation

here okay first one Yin bring love to the situation if you need to make a decision within the next 7 to 14 days please bring love into that decision into that situation with that person what they’re saying here is if you come in with love rather than anything else you work things

out making decisions in a nice calm tranquil way I don’t know what that is come to the edge take the risk make the decision but go with love make that decision and go and do what you need to do take that risk but take it feeling good about yourself being in a very tranquil place a peaceful place don’t be agitated don’t worry everything’s going to be okay that’s what they’re saying here I don’t know what you’re going through right now Libra for everybody it’s going to be different but someone here is really worried about something that’s taking place or somewhere that you have to go or something you’ve got to do there’s a lot of agitation here what are you feeling

is it a job offer is it a I don’t know let’s see we’re going to have a look at past present and future so let’s have a look at what Libra is going through right now what are you going through what have you been going through up until now what have you been going through up until now one more please thank you the hangman the hangman so you’re waiting waiting on ah the 10 of Pentacles and look at that the Judgment someone here is waiting for this opportunity to come through and it’s like you may Libra you know what I’m getting here the agitation I understand that now it’s like you’ve gone for a job interview or you’re running for a particular something you’re putting yourself out there to gain something to get something you really want this thing and you’ve applied hi for it or you’re you’re putting yourself out there like a competition and there’s other competitors as well that’s what I get here it’s like this huge agitation of what’s going to happen like am I going to be chosen I feel that this is a huge goal or or vision of yours that you want to achieve something you really want this thing you really want this to happen and that’s why it’s coming to to agitation and I can feel the agitation but they’re saying take that risk for some of you here you may be afraid to apply for something because you’re thinking it’s too too hard to get or there’s too much competition or I’ve got no hope of getting that and they’re saying no go to the edge take that risk and go with love what have you got to lose Libra what have you got to lose put yourself out there unless you put out there you can’t expect to get this so what they’re saying is you you’ve been waiting you’ve been contemplating applying for something or doing something but you’re worried and you know now is the time to do it where where’s Libra at right now where where are they at right now where’s their head at now where’s the head at what are they thinking now H eight of Wands look at that making a move the four of Wands and the Moon look at that I I feel here Libra that whatever it is that you want so much part of you wants to go for it because you know it’s going to bring you a lot of Happiness a lot of abundance not only for you but for your family as well but here there’s you’re scared there’s a fear here there’s a ah doubt you’re doubting your capabilities you’re doubting who you are you’re in fear because there’s other competition you’re in fear because this this is hard to get so you’re you’re already on the back foot even before you’ve tried you haven’t tried yet and and already you’re in a place of I’m not going to get it anyway it’s like you’re looking at at at this situation at this opportunity as an opportunity that’s not going to be yours that’s how you’re looking at it and they’re saying take that risk what have you got to lose what have you got to lose someone here is is wanting to start something or wants an opportunity but you’re worried you’re worried that this is not going to work out or you’re you you’re you’re some of you even are contemplating not even going there but but you want this so much so okay what’s what’s coming up for Libra does this make sense to anybody here what’s coming up for Libra Ace of Pentacles Libra the opportunity begins it’s

here please put yourself out there Libra you know what you’re not one to back off you know I know your scales are out of balance at the moment but if you want this you need to put yourself out there you’ve even been losing sleep over this it’s like you’re going to lose sleep waiting for an answer waiting to see if you have made it and they’re saying Libra there’s a new beginning here look at that The Wheel of

Fortune Libra there is changes here if you put yourself out there and you take that risk and you go in love and light go out there and put yourself out there unless you do you will never know and what do you have to lose would you rather stay where you are today and always wonder it’s not about how we do things it’s about the things that we don’t regret don’t have regrets give it a go and if you don’t get it then which I think you will but if you don’t get it put this in your mind if I don’t get it what have I got to lose at least I one have a regret I tried it’s the things that we don’t try that we’ll

regret and what I mean by that is it’s successful things obviously um so give it a go because there’s there’s something new here and it’s change it’s Chang and you you’re losing a lot of sleep in in desperation look at that King of Swords in control in control of your future in control of what you want in control of what what what is yours the King of Swords is I’m not taking any rubbish and I’m not letting anybody stand in my way I know who I am and I know what I deserve this is you Libra King of Swords Libra gemini or Aquarius in control doesn’t put up with

rubbish doesn’t let other people put fear into them doesn’t let other people get the best of

them Libra it’s the end it’s the end of a torment it’s the end of you not knowing how capable you are you’re going to give this a guy whatever it is you’re going to take the bull by the horns and you will even surprise yourself Libra there is a huge surprise for you here Libra you need to believe you need to no you’re you belong on that Throne you belong on that [Music]

Throne the end it’s the end of sleepless nights look at that the transformation it’s the end of sleepless nights

wondering maybe some of you are waiting for an answer here of some kind but it it’s definitely going to happen look at that you’re on your way

you you now look the opportunities in the eye you now make the choices you now make the

decisions and I do feel that you’re going to be one of two oh sorry one of three and I and either there’s three people here choosing who stays and who gets this or there’s three opportunities here or there’s three places here and I really feel that you’ll be one of them and the other thing is Libra that here it’s going to change your life and you know that it’s something you’ve wanted look at that walking away from an from people or a place that you no longer wanted to be in this this new is going to going to allow you to walk away from a place that made no more sense to you

people that cheated you people that lied to you people that that did wrong by you people that talked about you you’re leaving all that rubbish

behind Libra what have you got to lose what have you got to lose tell me if this is you if you’re worried about something you really want something but you’re

worried forming new bonds a new Bond a new relationship a new place this is new you’re forming new bonds whether that be in a relationship whether that be in a career you’re going to form new bonds new people new groups with people that make more sense to you look at that I know they’re saying the changes here look at that one and four is changes are coming believe don’t be afraid don’t stand back form that bond with with certainty Libra look at that the light at the end of the tunnel the answer and the solution you ask for the opportunity you ask for lies in that star and look at the bottom of the deck look at this the bouquet it’s yours Libra are you going to take it are you going to put yourself out there and give yourself a chance of getting this opportunity of a

lifetime Libra tell me if this makes sense to you lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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