Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au so let’s go and get some energies for you today for the next 7 to 14 days let’s see what’s coming through and Libra the other thing um I wanted to say is if you would like to comment below if this resonates with you I would love that because I do read all the comments I do respond and I feel a connection with people when that happens also if you have your friends and family that may need to hear this message please pass it on to them okay energy for Libra please energy for

Libra embrace the in

between embrace the in between

slow and steady win oops sorry that just fell slow and steady wins the

race be loyal to what you love okay one more let’s see what’s coming through here I’m getting a sense of this energy already but a rebirth is assured look at that and on the bottom be

peace Libra you know what I’m getting here it’s like you’re fighting for something or you want something

extremely different to what you’re going to receive let me explain that it’s like you’re wanting something in plan b or let’s say you want a and there’s a b and c so you want a but you can also deal with C however B comes in between and it’s not what you had hoped for but it’s not as bad as what number c would have been do do you know what I mean it’s like B is still great and I have this thing here about your path may not be someone else’s it’s like there’s a comparison here but your path may not be somebody else’s someone might may get to may get to a or might might get a straight away where you got B but getting there quickly you can also fall quickly do you understand what I’m saying it’s like you someone got there before you or their Journey was a lot quicker than yours but you just plot along and you go step by step and you get there anyway in your time not their time your time and because you took your time getting there slower but along the way you learned a lot you learned different attributes about yourself you learned how strong how powerful how how to deal with things when they’re not so great how to deal with things when they are great you learned how to deal with the inbetween you learned how to climb a mountain

you weren’t shipped to the top of the mountain you had to climb that mountain but through your journey you learned a lot so by the time you get to the top of the mountain who’s more experienced the one that got to the top of the mountain first or you that had to go through all the obstacles to get to the top of the mountain does that make sense so it’s like you’re you’re trying to achieve something and everything is what’s going to come is not exactly what you had hoped for but it’s good enough and from there you can build and from there you can only go up where the person that’s up there the only way they can go is down does that make sense to somebody here it’s like embrace the in between and slow and steady wins the race look at

that and don’t question what you’re doing if you love it be loyal to what you love just because it hasn’t happened like somebody else’s Journey it doesn’t mean you’re not going to get there it doesn’t mean this is not your path it doesn’t mean that there’s no reason or purpose for you there it just means you’re doing it a different way you’re still going to get there and I know that for some it can be frustrating that you don’t get the results you want as quick as you you want them or you don’t get the platform that you want

but don’t give up especially if it’s something that you love keep going keep going this the the the thing I heard here the minute these three cards came down the the thing that came to me straight away and I heard was comparing don’t compare yourself to others and it’s very easy to do that we are humans we do that every day of Our Lives but what they’re saying here is don’t compare yourself to others because their journey is not yours and your journey is not theirs there’s a rebirth here look at that a rebirth is assured it’s like you’re going to find this passion and ignition in you again getting to be is going to reignite your fire again to get to

a so had you gone straight to a you may have thought oh yeah this is pretty easy and do we appreciate what’s easy no are we grateful and do we learn from easy no the most powerful entrepreneurs the most powerful people are the people that went through some hard times hit the hardest obstacles in their lives and became the best at what they were meant to be through knowledge through determination through power through that Journey the journey is the

success and be at peace look at that time to calibrate to co Coop collate be at peace and time to work together be at peace with who you are be at peace with where you’re at and collaborate with those around you collaborate at being better learn from them teach them it’s a give and take but be at peace with where you are who you are and what you have to

offer look at that you’ve been prepped prepped Libra to open overcome any obstacle you’ve had to you’ve had to go through obstacles and that’s why you haven’t reached a yet but you’re in B and that to get to bed you had to get through obstacles and you’ve probably got a few more to go but when you get to a there is no one or anything that’s going to be able to get you out of there because you’re going to have a lot more knowledge a lot more determination a lot more experience and any little obstacle you face when you’re in a it’s not going to face you you’ve already been through it

all let’s see what have we got Libra wow

does this make sense to anybody here and sorry for using a b or c I hope someone understood that page of Swords a message with truth here a message you may get a message that comes to you or there’s some truth in a message that comes to you

slow and steady wins the race here you’ve been given an opportunity and it may not be the one you want but take it with both hands look at the both hands accepting because there’s a purpose and a reason and the universe your guides your mentors want you to learn something else before you hit the top of the mountain before you get to Point

a there’s still something else you need to learn to be equipped with so don’t be

disillusioned the

Sun be loyal to what you love and the sun it’s important to do what you love because it brings Joy it brings happiness it brings empower M it brings tranquility and peace within when you’re doing what you love you’ve achieved more than other people have in their whole

life when you do what you love Libra it’s you achieving More Than People your

ancestors parents siblings

friends more than what they’ve

achieved a rebirth is assured it’s time to rest you need to rest to be ready to take on this new challenge that’s going to be offered to you you need to rest and be ready and understand there’s a purpose and a reason for every step that you take there’s a learning that needs to be learnt there’s an obstacle that needs to be

crossed look at that the tower look at that be careful Libra because when this comes you may be at odds with somebody who you love very much or loves you so this may cause an argument with someone who you were very fond of or who you thought a lot of be very careful to be at peace with your decisions be at peace with your decisions be careful not to let others try and manipul ulate you or convince you to do things that you don’t want to do or you don’t want to go for someone here you may be disappointed or disillusioned with how someone behaves when you make this decision you need to be at peace with yourself you need to be true to yourself and this not may not be what someone else wants or someone may eny what you have and I feel that this is going to be disappointing because it’s someone who means a lot to you and you never expected this to come from somebody who you admired who you felt very strongly

for I don’t know what that is Libra but someone here is as much as you’re going to be doing what you want you’re going to take this opportunity someone’s not not going to like what you’re doing look at the top card look at that

Victory getting out of a situation that you couldn’t see you didn’t think was ever going to happen to finding your

Victory Libra please what else have we got for Libra I hope this makes sense to somebody Libra here 10 of Swords you walk away you walk away from a

place that doesn’t serve you anymore to a place that’s still got more to teach you that’s still got more for you you walk away from a place that you don’t see yourself in anymore you’ve leared everything you had to there you’ve sacrificed this is a new beginning you’re walking towards a new beginning a new idea a new purpose a new reason a new proposal the emperor you’re taking control Libra this is not a mistake like slow and steady wins the race you’re going to conquer what’s been given to you you’re going to Master it and when you master that mountain and you go to the top of it and you get to the top I told you there is no stopping you

then the emperor is someone who is knowledgeable who is in charge of their life knows what they want knows who they are has experienced a lot has is determined

the emperor is above the Kings the Four Kings in the tarot he’s above those he’s already experienced all of that he’s experienced the emotion he’s experienced the the wealth he’s experien the thinking the

knowledge he’s experienced the the emotions

the two of

Swords some of you here never thought you’d be able to do what you love and I feel here that this has come to show you that everything is possible be loyal to what you love don’t do what other people want you to do do what is right for you even if they don’t agree you do what is right for you you may feel that everyone has opinions everyone is going to tell you what they think even if you don’t ask and they may confuse you so that’s why you don’t listen to other people they need to keep their opinions to themselves unless you ask them for their opinion listen to nobody and do what you feel is right

king of

Cups be at peace with who you are love what you do that’s the most important thing take time out there’s a rebirth here you’re going to start to love what you do again for someone here I feel like you stopped loving what you were

doing you stopped believing in what you are meant to be who you are meant to be you let others have their opinions look at that Libra you’re going to f f look at that that’s you transform that’s the transformation you’re making you’re letting go of anything in anyone that doesn’t suit you anymore you’re letting go of a place of people of a situation that no longer serves you and you’re going to your direction of light you are going to find your star you are following your star you just need to believe that on the other side there is

rebirth Libra get ready stay true to who you are stay true there is a lot here to be proud of a lot to be proud of focus on the positive focus on the positive and don’t let anybody tell you

otherwise let your fears dissolve if you’re scared then go with it if it scares you that’s because it’s taking you out of your comfort zone and that’s what makes you grow so if this opportunity this new that comes into your life scares you half the time that’s saying to you that’s great because after you’ve conquered what you’re scared of how better off are you embrace the flow of Life embrace it remember we said that accept it with both hands don’t compare to others follow your journey allow your journey to take you where it needs to to take you where where you need to go go with the flow of Life have faith that you’re where you’re being directed where you’re being pushed is where you’re meant to be

Libra I hope that can make sense to somebody here what a powerful reading I’m actually taking a lot of this energy to myself being a Libra and I’m so forever grateful for this message so thank you and all the best Libra bye-bye


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