Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast January Week 1 2024
FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days Libra I just wanted to tell everybody that we’re now going to accept memberships in our Channel and for those that want to become members all the details are below in the button below and for those that don’t want to become members nothing will change for you the videos will still be posted and everything will be the same if you do want to become a member there’s three uh categories which is bronze silver and gold obviously the gold get gold members get more perks and that involves me doing Zoom calls with you um and all the members and you can ask questions you can um jump on and ask anything you like and I’ll answer that for you I’ll also be picking members where I send a personal video out to you um based on your information and that you can watch at any time via a link that I’ll send you there’s also getting videos first up before anybody else little perks like that so go on to it if you want to become a member if you don’t then that’s okay too let’s see Libra let’s see what we have for you cuz if I can help one person every week then I am ecstatic Libra what have we got for you thank you first chakra Archangel Michael Libra here it says to me that for some reason in the next 7 to 14 days your base chakra is unsettled and what I mean by that is something has come through or someone has come through and unsettled that chakra now that’s your base chakra which means that that if the base is not right the rest of you is out of proportion and especially when we’re talking about Libra because Libra scales need to be on par when they’re not on par it’s either way too good or way too bad it’s never unless it’s balanced there’s something going on so here your base chakra is is what is the main chakra that holds everything together so for someone here it’s either your feeling a little bit offish as far as um that also rules the B chakra also rules the intimacy the feeling of intimacy belonging nurturing you know it’s that base it’s what we we we need as our base to function let’s see let’s see what comes up let’s have a look
what are we talking about for Libra here the first chakra why did Libra get first chakra
here let’s see what we’ve got for Libra please first chakra what is it that Libra’s going through show me what Libra’s going through right now celebration the celebration Libra you are celebrating something but that’s thrown you off it’s like you didn’t expect something to happen or the way it happened so quickly someone else had this today who was it cuz you may have that in your sign or you’re dealing with someone like this I think it was Pisces you may have Pisces in your sign or you’re dealing with someone that’s a Pisces but this is a celebration it’s not bad at all this is something that comes it shakes you up it does because you weren’t expecting it it’s like when you least expect something or you’d given up on something that’s when it happens that celebration is this celebrating is going to be through something of a surprise that you weren’t
expecting you may have been expect expecting something but either one you you’ve given up waiting or
two that wants to fly that card what don’t one
say the five of cups look at that this could be to do with someone it’s like it’s like somebody here has given up on love and or given up on a situation or a relationship from working out because in the past it’s just been it’s been aches and pains and sadness and disappointment however you meet someone that’s unexpected in the most unexpected place at the most unexpected time when things are meant to cross our paths Libra they do and it doesn’t matter where you are or how fast you run or if you believe or you don’t if Things Are Meant to cross our path they
will they’re saying here for someone here for one Libra alone for one Libra here you may have found out this is the other side of the coin of the three of Cups right so there’s a good side and a bad side a more challenging side but for someone here you may have found out that you are involved D in a relationship that included somebody else as well and that has taken you to a place of Despair and
unbalance Libra your Bas has been shaken with something that you didn’t expect but for most for most it’s the other one for most librans here it is is absolutely meeting someone when you least expected after giving up on love look at that look at that what did I say you got the lovers
card after all the disappointments that I’ve had after all the sadness there’s two beautiful opportunities here that I didn’t see
coming there is one in particular one person that stood out and you meet them when you least expect it and that throws you off because you don’t know what to do with that now it’s like I wasn’t planning for this you know like sometimes you plan it all out and you think it all through but it doesn’t happen because it wasn’t meant to at the
time for someone else here this could be a bond as well or a partnership that you’re building when you had given up looking for work or when you had given up believing that you were going to meet someone to partner up with in a project in a career in a business Prospect it happens the two of Cups it’s decision time I feel I really feel Libra that you’re not only going to meet one person but two you’ve you got two there and there’s two elephants here the two of Cups and the Five of Cups there’s two options here for you it’s like you’re going to be given two options here and that’s going to shake you up a bit because not only did you think that it was never going to happen you and you got the lovers too as well it’s like you’re going to be given two choices three cards with twos in them look at that so you got the two cups there two elephants and two Scorpios there it’s like you’re going to be given two choices and with those choices it’s going to you’re going to have to make a decision that’s going to not be easy for you I feel here that you’re not going to know which way to go which will put you off balance which will put you way off balance your base is going to be rocked a little little bit what decision do I make and how do I make the right one how do I know which one’s
right the king of Pentacles for someone it is a job it’s a job offer for others it’s you in a relationship meeting a king of Pentacles like Pentacles is Earth which is Virgo Capricorn and Taurus so you may meet a Virgo a Taurus or a Capricorn and king of Pentacles doesn’t have a gender this is someone that comes to give you options or be that one that you didn’t think you were going to meet be that one that you didn’t expect to meet at that time it could be a Virgo a Capricorn or a Taurus that offers you a proposal two proposals two opportunities and says you need to pick
one it’s like there’s a decision here to make there is an absolute decision here to make Libra I feel it I feel
it the nine of Pentacles with whichever you choose go with your intuition and use your heart and your intuition at the same time have take time out but this is how relieved you’re going to be when you get to do this when you’ve made that decision and you know what’s right for you when you make that choice when you make or you get that person or you get that opportunity that proposal or that job you will know you’ll feel at peace with yourself knowing that you’ve accomplished something that you didn’t imagine
happening it’s not going to be easy Libra I can tell you that now whatever it is that’s coming through is not going to be easy to choose from or it’s going to take you by surprise that’s going to put you that’s going to stun [Music] you it’s going to shock you the devil look at that the Devil comes in because it’s what are you going to do now Libra what are you going to do now you’ve asked for things to
happen you’ve got Financial abundance it’s like it’s like you prayed you prayed and you wished for either someone to come into your life with a lot of passion sexuality abundance romance or you asked for that career that was going to make you well known with abundance in in finances in in
stature you ask for it and the universe is saying be careful to always stay grounded Libra stay grounded don’t let don’t let the passion the fire the the financial hung
hunger make you sway to do things that that are not you stay true to who you are in all this decision making because that’s going to be the secret to making the right
decision and when you get this Prosperity or this person stay grounded don’t let that ego come out in a an obnoxious way which I know librans aren’t but sometimes you know when you achieve something that is unbelievable you can all of us as humans can be a little bit and I’m a Libra myself so I’m not judging you in any way shape or form but sometimes when you conquer something you go yes I knew I could do it it belonged to me it’s like be careful and always stay grounded be very grateful for whatever comes through but remember to nurture it and look after it and be humble because as as quick as it’s coming come in it can be taken
away Six of Swords you leave behind a place or a or a location or a person of pain a situation a period of pain disappointment and you swim to new Waters to new surroundings to New Opportunities you allow yourself to leave a location that no longer serves you and you look for better you follow your heart and your
instinct the Six of Swords is about you being absolutely okay with what’s taking place grounding yourself use water if if you can go for a swim go for a swim if it’s a heated pool if you’re in win if you’re in Winter countries at least get wet your feet ground yourself on grass ground yourself on soil but here water is the main element here for you five of Pentacles for too long you couldn’t see where you were going for too long you stayed in a place that brought you Solitude loneliness and not much to live on it was like you had to budget for everything or you had to watch other people have beautiful relationships while yours was not the relationship you dream of not the job that you dreamt of not the opportunities that other people had
here they’re saying Libra this time is over the time of loneliness the time of um you hoping and wishing and looking at what others were doing it’s now going to go just be be careful to stay grounded
always be careful to always stay grounded your this is the most beautiful card in the world that’s you resting in peace with the decision you’ve made of abundance of Love of cherish of prosperity as a whole and leaving a location to swim to a better place of Tranquility of
Peace you find yourself Libra after hardships you’re finding yourself and it takes you by surprise that’s the beauty of it a Libra look at this look at this the new beginning Libra look at that Lotus it’s like you are a gem that’s rare you know some people sometimes don’t notice precious because they don’t understand don’t understand it don’t know what to look for don’t know how to take them and that’s you it’s like you are a special Gem and only very few people will appreciate you and see what others don’t see this is you finding your your world in a new place of abundance and seeing things that you couldn’t see before living a life you didn’t have before remember I said here the five of Pentacles is a card look at these two hours look at them this is the difference I want you to see this is before this is
after I know which hour I’d want to
be this one here has little coins on its own and looks scared looks alone this one has got the Lotus of power look how powerful it looks and look at the big gold coin on top you go from that to that Libra when you least expect it just when you had given up just when you doubted yourself thinking you couldn’t go on you couldn’t do this it was never going to happen for you you’re never going to find the right love you’re never going to have the the opportunities others do you’re never going to get that career that you’ve always wanted it’s here Libra that’s your last card we close with it is here
no wonder now I can tell you why I understand why your base Shakra has been shaken you’re out of whack when this happens because you expect a change I I I’m getting here that someone here expected that something would come up eventually but not only did it come up what came through was bigger than what you could imagined was better than what you could
imagined and look at that the king of
Wands this is you sorry the Knight the Knight of Wands for some of you here you may meet someone of a fire sign which is Aries Leo or Sagittarius be aware of this person you know how we said you know how we said we’re going to have two choices two two and two one of them is don’t go there if we’re talking about relationships here there’s going to be one that’s either an Aries a Sagittarius or a Leo and that’s not for you Libra you will pick the second that has more more of what you are looking for more of what you need more of what you want but this person here will be in and out of your life as quick as they came
in in the in the career just be careful if you have two proposals that one of them one of them may be offered and they may not be but they may be offered by a a fire sign which is an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius and that offer is not going to be right but you’ll know that you will know that do you know why because you will see things for what they are this is not someone that doesn’t see a gem they know the Rarity of this beautiful gem when they see it they know the Rarity of this person of this opportunity when they see it take time to decide and don’t rush don’t make quick decisions remember the devil here don’t make quick decisions take your time at picking which path you’re going to swim to what area you’re going to pick who you’re going to pick what opportunity you’re going to
pick perfect Libra I hope that this makes sense to somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)