Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023
FREE Monthly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-october-2023/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live.com and today we’re coming to you with November horoscopes with today what I’m going to do is I’m going to do a whole reading of all the houses in the astrology chart and that will go into yourself your money your home your romances your career your friendships and anything deep that you’re holding within that will all come out here remember it’s a general reading so it may not resonate with all but if you want a private reading then all the information is in the description below so go on to that okay let’s see what we have for Leo please Leo energy main energy for Leo first for November or peace Leo you want peace peace is going to be your main theme for November you want to be at peace within yourself peace with those around you you don’t want any waves caused you’re not in the mood for any um gossip you’re not in in the mood for any negativity nothing that’s going to shatter your peace and I feel here that there’s a Leo that just wants to be at peace with themselves and everything around them you may even go into nature to get that piece as well but it’s a cons you’re going to consolidate everything that’s taken place in 2023 and you’re going to think about where you want to go and where you want your life to be in 2024 November is a big month Leo it’s a month where every zodiac sign takes time out takes a step back and starts to plan how they see their coming year being for them what they’ve learned this year and what they’re going to take with them and what they’re not going to take with them so this is part of you doing your cleansing but getting the peace that you need in order to be able to do that effectively all right what else do we have one more message for Leo and we’ll go into all the Zodiac houses and what they mean okay Le one more message for Leo please what other message have you got for Leo oh two jeez and they came out quickly Leo a new life and cocreate oops there you go you’re after a new life that you want to co-create you want to bring in new things into your life in 2024 you’re sick of living the same old same old for someone here you want Adventure you want new you want to be able to be set free to do what you want to do without having any regrets or any uh boundaries with it with being held back it’s a a Leo here that wants to release from all the responsibilities that they’ve had up until now all the burdens that they’ve carried up until now and you’re going to co-create that and make that new life for yourself it’s something that you’re going to focus very deeply on in November how do I create a new life that’s going to bring me the peace that I’m after how do I do that let’s see what we’ve got in the 12 houses in the zodiac chart for you first house is self let’s see what Leo has and all they see themselves as being in no November or what are they bringing into
themselves who are you in November Leo the sun look at that the sun you are starting to look at yourself and understand and see clearly what it is that’s important to you you’re going to really take time to understand what brings you peace you’re going to think about how you can co-create a new life that brings abundance but at the same time brings you joy and peace so this is you looking at yourself in a different light in a light of prosperity in a light of abundance but in a light of Peace more than anything else money let’s see what we’ve got for house to money thank you the devil Leo you may spend more in November than what you imagined or you may spend more than what you’re making at times or more than what you wanted to spend be very careful with your spending in November as sometimes we get a little bit carried away and we look at it as a pacifier to make us feel better in some in some cases especially when we’re going through some things in life spend some people with spending money makes them feel good but it makes them feel good for that moment when they realize that they’ve spent all that money and they really didn’t need to that’s when the penny drops so to speak so in November just be careful that your emotions aren’t because you’re starting to feel at peace and good about yourself and feel this calmness around you in November you may feel that you want to splurge a bit more and reward yourself a bit more but keep in mind that it’s important that you buy what you need not necessarily everything you want okay let’s see and that was just a little bit of a um just be careful there Leo okay communication what have we got for communication for Leo house three house three communication for Leo November 2023 okay look at that the death card in communicating you’re going to transform the way you express yourself you’re going to transform the way you think the way you speak to others and the way you come across to others for some of you here you may even think about a different way of communicating that you’re not going to communicate things that don’t involve you because you want your inner peace remember in November and finding your inner peace means that your communication is going to be a little bit more different where normally you would get involved and say how you feel or say what you think and give your opinion I feel that in November there’s going to be a few Leos here that take a step back to keep their peace intact they’re not going to be the um the abundance person that they usually are which is beautiful in Leo I feel that they’re going to take a step back and be a little bit more subdued to what they say and what is said and how it’s said okay home how does Leo’s home look like in
November decisions Leo Two of Wands you’re going to make some decisions where your home’s concerned it may be to do with your family or it could be to do with your home as a whole and that could be are you going to stay where you are are you going to leave are you going to renovate where you are are you going to live it alone are you going to um do things a certain way that you didn’t do before it depends on what it is for you as a person Leo but there’s going to be decisions that you make around the home or to do with your home and family that’s number four so there’s going to be decisions that are going to be made around the family and the home in November I don’t know what that is let me know in the comments if that’s what you’re planning but there is a planning here of um you making a few decisions there let’s see house five is romance what’s your house five beautiful look at that the temperance the temperance is calling for you Leo it’s saying if you want romance Now’s the Time to put yourself out there be who you came here to be sorry I’ve got this light following me all the way be who you want to be there’s a calling here for you to set yourself free and be true to who you are are find your inner peace yes and bring that inner peace to others who need it as well I feel that there’s a Leo here that can be somebody’s um help in many cases you know there’ll be people wanting to be part of your life and what you’re living and they may ask for some
advice but here I feel that with this calling it’s like take control of your romance Leo if you’ve let your romance go especially if you’re married or in a partnership or a boyfriend um or girlfriend or just any form of romantic relationship it’s saying now is the calling for you to take control of that change it if you don’t like it change it for those of you that are single there’s a calling for you to go out go out into your Social Circle it’s now time to act act and go out there and put yourself out there show others who you
are okay number six which is Service and Health routine oh dear I got two cards here Leo here I’ve got the four of Wands and the Three of Wands of Swords sorry the three of swords and the four of Wands Leo someone here is taking time out after having their heartbroken or having some great disappointment in their life for some Leos here you’re now taking the time out to rejuvenate and refin yourself again you’ve lost yourself in a relationship that broke your heart had you um believe one thing when it was totally something different and now this Leo is taking taking time out to rekindle who they are get to know who they are again and also rekindle that Light Within them building their heart back up after a big heartbreak or disappointment that occurred in 2023 for this Leo it’s time now to take time out to rebuild who you are find yourself again and let go of that hurt that’s way deep inside that’s no longer your baggage to carry your your purpose now is to move on in peace and find your happiness and
peace taking time out also here Leo they time me to bring it back up again is that there is a Leo maybe just one here that needs to rest more you may have a card A cardiology problem and you need to rest your heart so it’s no find your peace and be in that peace don’t get involved in things that can upset you stress you out or take you to a a a place of having more problems with your heart please rest more you know who you are you know if you’ve got a heart problem or not and for this person here you need to rest more your heart needss to have some time to
rest okay what else Partnerships and relationships house seven house seven in Partnerships and relationships for Leo please oh no that’s too many you know what that’s way too many you’re giving me too much information only one card please one card thank you one card think oh no one card no one card for relationships and Partnerships there’s going to be I’ll tell you once this card falls out yeah there’s the moon where your uh Partnerships and relationships and that’s all relationships not romantic all relationships for some of you here you’re you’re questioning some of your Partnerships or friendships that you have right now for some of them they bring you a lot of excitement but for others they cause you a lot of chaos and I feel that Leo in November you’re going to separate the two very decisively you’re in order for you to keep your peace you’re going to decide who you want to continue seeing as your friends and who you’re going to move away from there is one particular person in that I I’m picking up here that every time you’re with them it’s either negativity or they bring their problems to you dump them on you and then you don’t hear from them for a while and I feel now that you’re saying to yourself no it that person brings me nothing but negativity and their energy is so heavy that after they’ve gone I feel quite heavy so I need to let go of that relationship in order for me to find my peace in order for me to be at peace with myself my new life now is going to be a life of less chaos if I can help it I’m going to co-create my new life to bring the peace that I need by the situations and people that I choose to have in my life okay what else have we got this is number eight house number eight is joint uh resources and intimacy and debt finances absolutely beautiful there three of of cards look you’re you’re in a good position with your debts you’re above board you don’t have much to worry about there’s very little Leos you yes there are going to be Leos that do struggle a bit but you’re not at the point where you’re about to lose your home and move out onto the streets I feel that everyone’s still got challenges in finances absolutely that’s life at the moment and more now than ever every country and every every society um in every country is feeling the pinch right now that they’ve got it tighten up all their wallets um because life is tough but I don’t I feel that you’re a bit okay over other people that are struggling really struggling I do feel here that Leo some of you here may even come into some small winnings through lotos or and don’t go out and spend a lot of money on Lotto if you’re meant to win it you will win it with one game only that’s how that’s How the Universe Works you don’t have to play a card of 50 rows for you to win because let me tell you a lot of people spend a lot of money on Lotto trying to win it but what they’re failing to understand is that if it was meant to be theirs they would just have to play one one set of line on on lotto and they would win it if it was meant to be
theirs pardon me okay spirituality house nine this is intimacy and um oh and spirituality okay the five of Wands Leo for some of you here you’re at Battle at the moment finding your spirituality finding what means a lot to you finding what brings you the peace that you’re after and I feel that in November you may battle with what’s right and what’s not right is religion right is it not is is it uh am I am I are my guides and mentors listening to me I’ve asked for something for so many for so long and so many times that I feel I’m being ignored is there a higher Creator there’s some of you here that will be an internal battle with your spirituality and finding whether where you fit in all of that but meditating and letting go of perceptions letting go of societies um drownings let me let me say that way like Society puts pressure on us to think a certain way be a certain way believe in a certain way and I feel the minute that you let go of all those pressures you’re going to find within your inner peace which will lead you to your spirituality to understanding what your spirit and soul needs and what you are all about who do you who what makes you you
although you’ll enter November with a a fighting an understanding of I don’t know what I want I don’t know what I believe in I don’t know um what to believe then I feel that as a month goes on in November Leah you’re going to find yourself and you’re going to find that peace that you’ve been looking for through either doing yoga going for a walk in nature looking at Birds looking at animals in different ways just it just really getting in nature and appreciating nature for what it is and how beautiful it is okay house 10 career what have we got for house 10 career for Leo the world Leo for some of you here you’re putting an end to a career that you’ve been doing for quite some time now in November like I said to you people start to think about what they want for the new year and I feel that there’s a Leo here that’s saying I don’t know if I want to keep doing what I’m doing it doesn’t bring me the peace that I want and I need I need to put an end to things that no longer serve me and if that means I need to find a new job start a new project invest into a new business do something take a hobby and and create a business from that hobby because I’m so good at it I think a lot of you here are going to do that new life cocreate your new life with a new career path and find your inner peace doing that whatever you choose it’s going to be something that excites you that you want to
do it’s no longer something you have to do it’s going to be something that you want to co-create into your new life that brings you the peace what else do we have have friendships let’s see friendships overall and this can be friends family Associates work people anything what have we got for house 11 for Leo
pleas The Chariot Leo in in November with friendships you’re going to find that you find new friends you may even join a new social group you may go to a new um like I said before a yoga class and you meet people there new people people that will be more in touch with who you are you may find that you want to do a hobby and go to classes or do something that’s going to put you in touch with people that have the same thinking as you the same passion as you and the same loves you so don’t be surprised if your Social Circle changes in November that November you start to do something that you like and it draws you to people that have the same interest as you the same belief as you more in tune with your tribe so to speak you you’ll be touch with people that bring you a lot of Peace because they’re not there to bring you negativity they’re there to discuss things that you love talking about you’ll find that you’ll find Your Inner Peace by talking with people with the same interest with the same with the same thoughts and feelings okay and house 12 which is secrets and things that you’re keeping inside that you may not even realize are worrying you or that you know you’re keeping things from others for a purpose and a reason and that’s something that you don’t want to discuss that what let’s see let’s see what comes up for Leo for Leo house 12 place has 12 Hidden feelings The Wheel of Fortune change Leo deep within yourself you crave change you want change you want to change the way you see life you want to change what you’re doing you want to change things about you and things around you and people around you and situations around you you really crave this change and you haven’t told anybody this and this is something that’s deep within that I don’t know if cuz sometimes it’s in your unconscious so I don’t know if you realize but the yearning that you have inside you is for Change and for many of you here you’re going to make that change that’s why this co-creating a new life didn’t come here by mistake together co-creating a new life that’s going to give you the change that you want you’re going to make the difference you’re going to to do things differently see things differently in in search of that new life that you
want beautiful Leo on the bottom I have the 10 of Wands which is heavy burdens that you’ve carried in the past you’re now wanting to get rid of those burdens it’s time that you put that load down and it no longer belongs to you you’re going to put burdens and things to bed that you’re not going to carry anymore friendships situations careers people all that that no longer serves you you’re going to give away that load to somebody else tell me if you’re enjoying this reading um and I will do it monthly if you get a lot out of it um but let me know what you feel about this reading Leo in the comments below what’s the message that we we got here for Leo please one last message for Leo thank [Music] you thank you love and let yourself be loved that’s finding your inner peace isn’t it Leo that’s finding your inner peace it’s loving and letting yourself be
loved and look at how she’s feeling at peace in Zen with her this energy is just in themselves feeling at peace feeling the love knowing that you deserve love and you need to love who you are be at peace with who you are beautiful Leo we’re going to do one more card for light romance one one just one card for Leo for romance please for November 2023 if there are any other messages for romance what else does Leo need to know about romance for November 2023 please what a beautiful card that heart Guardian is keep you know that heart Guardian is all about taking care of your heart careful who you give your heart to and careful how you treat your heart and here new love a new person has stirred your romantic feelings so for all you single Leos out there there is a new love coming your way there’s someone beautiful heading your way remember I said to you there’s a calling here there’s a calling for anyone that was wanting to meet love to get out into social settings and allow themselves to find that beautiful love that they so want and wish for it’s now time Leo to set yourself free and allow people to know the beautiful you that you are Leo I hope that that’s made sense to people here remember it’s a general reading and if you do want a personal reading there’s there’s details below but please keep safe and lots of love and light your way thank you [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)