Leo Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024
FREE Yearly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive
We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/
and https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your horoscope for 2024 what have we got for you for 24 Leo also remember Leo that this is going to be a bit of a lengthy reading but not too long I don’t want to keep you very very long but we’ll go into energy first for um 2024 overall energy times three we’re going to do um the lad Gypsy cards from January to December we’re going to also do the tarot from January to December and a final message at the end okay so let’s see what we’ve got for Leo remember to share like and comment and subscribe if you haven’t as that helps the channel immensely to get to other people that would love to hear this message so thank you for helping in advance okay Leo what have we got what’s the energies for Leo please for 2024 energy for Leo for 2024 thank
you thank you for Leo thank you higher power Leo higher power using your intuition it’s a year of you using your intuition when it comes to decision making when it comes to thoughts to movements to anything that’s blocking you use your intuition your intuition is going to be super high this year in 2024 use that higher power that you’ve got that communication that you have with your mentors your guides and your angels listen to that inner voice the whole year if you listen to your intuition you can’t go too far wrong remember that what’s another energy please for Leo another energy for Leo not for you you’ll find that in 2024 something that you are working on or someone um is not going to be for you so and it’s you’re going to make that call you’re going to realize that something you’ve invested some time in whether that be in a relationship or work you’ll see that in 2024 it’s going to be very evident that something that you’re doing right now or someone that you have in your life right now is not for you and it may not be a relationship it may be a friendship it may be something that you’re doing with something else it may be your career it may be a project that you’ve started it may be it could be whatever everyone’s story is different and the fates everything that happens in 2024 is absolutely for a purpose and a reason have faith that your guides your mentors and your higher Creator is looking after you you’re getting messages whether that’s in dreams whether it’s in seeing different things along your path you will be getting messages all year this year that say you’re on the right path or that’s that watch that person or watch that situation don’t get involved with that person don’t get involved with that situation that’s not for you remember that’s not for you everything will become very very clear to you this year and have faith that all the messages that are coming through are coming for a reason and a purpose Leo you will be guided this year you will be given opportunities that are that are going to be perfect and you’ll also be shown what’s not so perfect for you this year okay let’s see January to December for Leo please thank you January what have we got for January for Leo 2024 Leo we’re cutting for Leo please thank you beautiful the horse the man on the horse or the the horse the new beginning February please February the Man March March for Leo please March
March the woman I’ll go into it as soon as we got all the cards down there March April April for Leo April for Leo thank you the Sun April May May for Leo
the tree June for Leo June June for Leo
no oops the four cloet June July for Leo please July July for Leo thank you fox July August August Leo Place August the bouquet beautiful August September oops September the birds October for Leo October the paths beautiful October November for Leo the cross and December one more please one more December for Leo oops the Moon the Moon okay all right Leo let’s see what we have with the tarot so I’ll put one tarot card for each of these cards and we’ll go into it and I’ll explain each month each month for month what it means for you okay Leo what’s the horse in January please okay I’ve got one already no that’s two that’s too many cards okay horse for Leo in January please thank you The Chariot wow get ready Le get ready January’s coming okay February February for Leo pleas February thank you the four of Raphael okay February March with the woman Place Mar with the woman thank you three of Gabriel
ail the sun the
sun the five of
Michael okay April May May with the tree oh okay may with the tree May with the tree what does that mean for Leo thank you seven of Gabriel June foro tune for
the page of Michael the fox for July for Leo fox fox for July what does that name Fox for July for Leo Solutions beautiful okay July August bouet August oh okay four of Ariel look at
that okay August September the birds September the
birds the night of Ria October with the parts October thank you page of Ariel November with the the cross November with the cross than you November with the cross what’s November with the cross
what Leah just remember that you can save this video so you can watch during the months to make sure you get what the information you need the nine of Arial for November and the last one December we’ll go through it okay December for the moon thanks oops oh my Lord look at that look at that okay let’s go all right Leo in January get ready you are starting something new I don’t know if you’ve applied for new jobs or you’ve you want to do something new or start something new in January but it is coming it is coming in full force you’re not only going to move forward you’re going to race forward you’re going to start something or something new and new opportunity something happens in January that’s going to make you go for it without question you’re not going to think twice it’s an opportunity of a lifetime or it’s something new that’s coming into your life so you will be blessed in January whatever it is Leo that you’re going to you you may be applying for it right now or putting it into practice or you want to start in January go for it it is going to be prosperous so don’t let go go with your thoughts go with your mind and use that intuition that’s so high use that intuition for making decisions the whole year through it is going to serve you absolute you’re going to see that something’s not for you and for some of you you’re leaving a current job that wasn’t for you and you’re starting off on a brand new foot with different people different circumstances a different location a different career path but whatever it is it’s prosperous and it’s go go for it they saying go for it in February for some of you here you may be disappointed by a man in your life and it could be a boss it could be a brother it could be a father it could be a spouse husband boyfriend whoever it is but it’s definitely a male figure and you’re going to they’re going to leave you disappointed you expected more from this person you expected more from what they had to offer and your going to see that your um you’re going to see that whatever it is that they did it was actually a blessing in disguise although they’ve got you worried and really questioning your worth and your character and the way you saw them you will see that in future it’s actually going to help you so in February whilst you may get a disappointment um from a male you’ll see that this was a teaching for you to know later on what to expect and what not to put up with okay so there’s a male in February that’s going to disappoint for some reason and I do feel that that relationship will be over whatever it is okay in March some there’s going to be a woman that helps you reach something you’ve wanted to do and it’s someone that helps you this can be a new boss it can be a new promotion that you’re taking on this could be a boss it could be a mother could be a sister could be a wife a spouse a girl girlfriend but it’s someone that helps you get something that you’re going to celebrate with it’s something that you move forward and become very excited about moving forward with so they either come to you with information that is going to be vital for your happiness and and information that you’re going to want to be part of and move forward with so I don’t know what it is but in March that woman is going to bring you news that is longer waited for or you’ve been waiting to hear in April here you’re going to find that something is not for you April there’s no mistake here you’re going to see clearly either a person a situation a job or some aspect in your life is not doing you any favors and you’re going to decide in April to not go with this person or this situation anymore it could be to do with that February thing however in April you make that calling you will know 100% sure that you’re going to cut someone or something or a situation out of your life that no longer serves you it’s definitely not for you and that becomes clear in April okay so that’s definitely there okay in May in May Leo we have a situation that you may have someone in the F family that challenges you someone you live with or someone that um that’s in the family and they may challenge what you’re doing or how you’re thinking or the way you’re approaching a situation you need to stand up and believe in yourself you need to believe that your stability and your Reliance on yourself is the biggest thing that you’ve got the changes that come through in May ago it may challenge you or people May challenge you but you need to stand firm in your beliefs you need to stand firm with what you want to do with your opinions they’ve got the right to have their opinion and they can judge as much as you like but you need to go forward believing that you are right in what you do and how you think and what you feel so don’t back off doing something because someone else doesn’t agree so that that’s there and they may challenge you in May but it if you stick and stand firm then you you’ll be fine you’ll be fine okay in June in June you’ve got some luck coming your way there’s a new beginning there’s something that challenges you but you succeed through this it’s a new beginning and it’s a new idea that you may have go with your intuition remember this card go with your intuition on any new ideas any new thoughts any new processes that you want to put in place you’re not getting these thoughts and these ideas from nothing they are being directed to you directly from above so if you come up with new ideas don’t question it go with what you feel is right have faith that you are thinking right and you’re feeling it right so you may get new documentation that comes your way that’s going to be for a new job and you proposal buying a new home doing something but there is documentation things that you’re thinking about and putting into practice and you’ve got Harmony and abundance here in this month so June whatever it is that you want to do use your intuition to make those decisions and if it feels right it is Leo if it doesn’t feel right it’s not okay in July in July you’re going to sus things out and you’re going to make changes that are going to be the solution to problems you’ve had in the past so you may have had problems in the past or people with problems in the past and you’re going to be the solution maker here you’re going to find solutions to anything that needs to be changed if things aren’t working out then you’re going to find ways of making them work out you’re going to look for answers you’re going to be curious about how things work how what the answers are that you need and you’re going to move forward in July with certainty but with curiosity to find out the answers to everything that you need to know so July is going to be a month of solutions of getting your answers listening to your intuition and having faith that all is going to work out in August there is a beautiful gift here that comes your way and this may be you may get an offer from someone that is an admirer or someone that shows a lot of interest in you and you may feel like um you may feel like you don’t deserve this person or this thing but you’ve given a lot in the past you’ve looked out for everybody else Leo now it’s time for someone to look after you or someone to give you something in return so accept what others give you if they if you need help accept other people’s help if you need answers accept other people’s um other people’s opinions but then you choose what you want to go with or not you’ll be there’ll be a lot of give and take in August and I do feel that people are giving more to you however you’re finding it hard because you’re always the giver and you’re used to giving giving giving but not receiving well in all August it’s your time to receive and that is around your birthday time so I wouldn’t be surprised if you get a gift that is exceptional this August and it’s something that you’re going to find hard to accept but it’s just the universe returning to you what you deserve does that make sense so be ready for August to be a very uh prosperous month and a giving month from others showing their appreciation for who you are in September um you’re going to get some news of someone wanting to commit so you may find that you’ve met someone and it’s coming and going coming and going but in September you may find or get news that someone is extremely interested in you and wants to know more about you for all you that is for everyone that is single for every everyone here that’s married you may get news of a new um thing that your partner may want to do and that is going on a new holiday buying a new home moving forward with your relationship for those of you that are engaged you’ll probably get married in September for others you may meet someone that’s beautiful and you’ll hear that news come through the grap Vine of someone that’s really interested in you and for those of you that are married it’ll be news that’s very good to very good to have and you’ll be glad that you heard this news and it’s a It’s News that’s going to be um a blessing in disguise so so to speak and it’s like a faith have faith that everything’s going to be okay have faith that you’re going to meet the right person have faith that there is someone out there to
love it’s it’s whatever’s coming through is good and and it’s not a bad thing at all okay in October there are New Paths new opportunities that come your way Leah so for those of you that want to change October is a big month for change it’s New Paths that you want to take new projects you’re going to master what it is that you want to do for some of you you’ve been learning you’ve been studying you’ve been doing all sorts of things and in October that’s going to be the changing month for you it’s going to be a pardon me a month where you have learned everything you’ve you learned in the past you’ve gained all the knowledge that you needed to gain and now you make way to find your new path in whatever it is that you’ve been studying for others it may be that you go back to study you want to learn new things New Paths and that you will do but in October it’s going to be a big a big uh hurdle overtaken in October with new learnings that you’re going to put into place into um what you’ve learned and into a new job a new project and being part of a new
Society so that comes there in the November in November you’ve had a lot to deal with Leo in the past you’ve sacrificed a lot for others you’ve gone through relationships that left you torn apart you’ve gone through situations where people disappointed you you’ve gone through um times where you just had yourself and no one else now that’s going to change in November you’re going to have something beautiful happen to you and that is all because you’ve gone through the bad times Leo there are no more bad times here for you for those of you that I’m speaking to that have gone to the bottom of the barrel there is only one way up and that is up you’re going to find the light at the end of the tunnel that rainbow that you’ve always wanted that answer that solution to your problem that new job that new relationship that new career that new project something that comes to Delight you after everything that you’ve been through that new solution to your health issues anything here that you’ve gone through you will find a solution for okay here in um December in December here we’ve got the moon and six of G Gabriel that is you after everything that you’ve been through you may find that there’s a change that comes through something that was daunting something that was worrying you something that was fearful you now find solutions to that you get Victory out of something that was always going to be a battle for you you find the victory in everything that you once worried about so December is you finding solutions to anything that you were worried about in the past let’s see what your last message here is Leo December is you winning the battle any changes that you make in December is going to be a winning for you okay let’s see the final message for Leo please final message for
Leo Leo you got my favorite card learn from spiritual
experiences Leo if you were in ever any doubt you’re going to find answers solution peace and Tranquility this year everything that worried you in 2023 is going to come to the Forefront for you to deal with in 2024 but you’re going to put a stop to anything and anyone that ever burdened you created chaos in your life made you suffer that’s all now going to
fall it’s a time of you listening to your intuition your inner soul and your inner spirit and your guides your mentor and your higher Creator whoever that may be connect with them this year meditate and allow yourself to be at peace with who you are Leo with that I want to say lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here let me know in the comments if you’ve liked this keep this video so you can go back to it and thank you so much for being here
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)