Leo Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December 2023

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Free LEO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month of December 2023

FREE Monthly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-psychic-forecast-for-november-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-by-marie-rose-for-the-next-6-months/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next month which is December 2023 we’re going to do a round table so please let me know in the comments if you like this layout it brings a lot more information for you for the month and it also um brings you to different houses in the zodiac chart in the as ology chart so we’ll go through each house we’re coming we’re going first with three main energies for the month beginning mid and end then we’re go to the tarot which lays out every house in the Zodiac ch um in the astrology chart and then a final message for Leo remember Leo that if you um if it doesn’t resonate at all to check your moon and your ascendant sign as this is a general reading for all private readings details are below in the description okay hey Leo just a quick message as well um after I’ve done all the uh December horoscopes and the 2024 predictions which are out next week we’re also going to do a set day and time for all Leos at a particular time I am going to reschedule everything so I do horoscopes in particular days and then I need to do my private readings which I have for clients on every other day because I’ve been working lots of hours and I really need to pull that back a little bit okay let’s see what we’ve got for Leo main energy for the beginning of December please main energy for the beginning of December thank you main energy you may hear something shortly Leo you may hear something cuz I’ve got a really itchy ear which is a bit bizarre but there’s something coming towards you in the next week or to uh at the beginning right at the beginning of December there may be some news that you’ve been waiting to hear so there you go protection at the beginning of December you’re going to feel protected you’re going to feel like there’s a a guardian angel protecting you or someone that’s protecting you you’re going to feel at peace and have this sense of Tranquility that no matter where you go or what you do that you’re being protected for some you may even feel like you’re being watched or you may feel you know a certain touch on your body or you may feel like someone’s just gone past you you may sense some some some type of uh how do I say that without sounding too scary for some because some people don’t know how to take that but you may feel like um you thought you saw someone walk past and it wasn’t um so you feel a presence that’s what I’m trying to say you feel a presence at the beginning of December and that could be from people that have passed that just want want you to know that they’re with you you’re not alone it could be from your mentors or your guides um so just take that on as being protected someone is protecting you at the beginning of December okay what else have we got for Leo please mid December mid December for Leo thank you so much the unexpected Leo so something unexpected is going to take place in mid December and four and three is don’t give up so don’t give up on stopping something or doing something because something put you off a little bit sometimes things happen for a reason and as much as there are pain when it takes place just know that had you gone or had you done that at that time at that place something could have happened so in a way just be blessed that um if it didn’t happen just know that something didn’t happen for a reason there was a reason for that to happen Okay and being protected it’s like someone’s looking out for you something’s watching someone’s watching your your well-being someone’s preventing you from falling into traps or uh preventing you from being in accidents or falling over or whatever it is but um just know that um something unexpected could take place in December and I don’t think it’s anything bad if anything it will just be annoyance um on your part but just know that that is not happening by mistake okay that it’s happening because it had to in order to save you from being in another place doing something else where you where it wouldn’t have been good for you okay last the end of December pleas for Leo end of December for Leo end of December for Leo thank you Darkness Leo in at in the holiday season or festive season sometimes it’s a dark period for some people that have lost loved ones during the year it could be a dark place that reminds you of not having those beautiful people in your life anymore it could be a a place of so much is going on and it’s so expensive that you feel uh an emptiness or a darkness that you can’t buy everything you want to or be part of everything that you want to for financial reasons or for health reasons at that so for some people it can be a little bit dark at in the in the festive season or holiday season but just know that things will always everything’s in Cycles just know that you’re being protected you’re being protected from falling into things that you shouldn’t and and as much as it’s sad absolute that maybe focus on the happy memories that you had the focus on what what was but in in a good sense and don’t look at the sadness of it look at how much they fulfilled your life how much memories you got to have with them and how your life became so much richer for being part of their lives okay all right let’s go Leo for each house of the zodiac

please and it’s okay to mourn and to have a good cry if you need to there is nothing wrong with that we are not always meant to be happy we can be sad we can be down it’s all part of life and allow yourself to feel get in touch with your emotions okay so what have we got Leon for the first house about self how will you feel about yourself in December Leo house one is all about self so how will Leo feel about themselves in December how are you going to feel in December about yourself and where you’re at what you’re doing about self I’m not taking the turn cards what’s ever on the table the four of Wands for a lot of you here you’re either going to enjoy time with family or you’re going to feel fulfilled by your family you’re going to know that you’re loved and you’re going to know the amount of love that you have to give for others it could be a time where you look at yourself and think about where you’ve come from how far you’ve come and how people in your life that may be here or may not have impacted you and impacted your life how much they’ve taught you how much you’ve grown gr and how far you’ve come a sense of belonging a sense of appreciating but there’s there’s a sense here of you feeling um at peace to a certain extent that you are blessed in many ways and you are blessed in many ways to have the people that you have around you today okay income and finances the house two house two for Leo please income and finances what got for you house two incoming finances December please thank you for Leo the king of Cups you know what you’re actually going to be okay you’re in a beautiful spot of love you’re going to want to share some of those Inc that income and finances with the people that you love and that may be the the buying of the gifts in the festive season or the holiday season sharing your finances and your income with those that you love and you’re going to feel the love with others you’re going to feel the appreciation that they have for you and you’re going to feel um a quite strong love about sharing your your capability um with finances with others for those of you that do have it to share communication what do we have to communication for December please house three oh jeez it’s going to be a huge amount of communication Leo in December there’s going to be a lot of communication Queen of Pentacles it’s going to be quite fulfilling you may have communication in regards to your finances you may have some Communication in regards to how you’ll invest your money what you’ll do with your money how you’ll make that grow um what you’re going to do with finances about career you may have a new proposal that comes to you in in um December in regards to starting a new job in the new year for those of you looking for a job there’s a proposal there so you’ll start the new year on a good foot but December’s going to um be there’s going to be a bit of communication around your finances your abundance where you stand with things what you want in your life that sort of thing so you’ll be communicating a bit as far as that goes in regards to that home life number four CL four what have we got a house for home life for Leo please for December the three of Pentacles it’s like you’re building building on things at home you’re building on um creating your Tranquility building on creating peace you’re uh investing in your home slowly it’s something slow but it’s effective you’re looking at your home as your temple and you’re going to you if you’re making changes to your home right now in December you’ll be putting things in place where they belong you’ll be looking at what you want to spend money on in your home and how you’ll go about that and a lot of people during their holiday season um they invest in their home and how they can make it either one more comfortable or um you don’t need a lot of money to make a big difference in a home like painting a home you know yes paint is expensive and it costs but it will make a big difference in your home so it’s little things like that investing into the home investing into your family life putting money back into what makes you happy romance what have we got for romance for cancer please house five Romance for cancer in December please

Romance the beginning of a romance for some for those of you that are single there’s a new partner that comes along and this partner may may broeno broaden your horizons teach you things that you didn’t think of or give you knowledge that you’ve you’re going to be very appreciative for for others here the romance is going to um be ignited by spending a little money on both of you spending that weekend away or that week away which is going to be fantastic for both of you to get out of routine to get out of the chaos the environment of work and UH responsibilities a little money goes a long way when you’re you’re together and you’re spending it with your partner so you can actually have a romantic getaway or do something romantic that doesn’t cost you a fortune and I feel that in December you’ll you’ll spend a little bit on your partner and and spend a little bit on really re igniting that romance into the into giving a bit of ignition to that romance again and for those of you that are that are looking for romance there may be like I said that beautiful new partner that comes along and um broadens your horizons to many things in life yeah okay Wellness your health health how s is health for Leo please standing firm Leo you’re standing firm in your health you know what’s good for you you know what you need to be doing you know that taking time out is vital for you to feel better but you’ll feel empowered you’re actually going to feel empowered in your health Leo you’re going to feel a sense of relief and and at the same time a sense of Peace it’s like I needed this break I needed this break for me to gain my strength and my actions again so I know what to do next and a clean mind thinks of brilliant things and a a uh a rested body can achieve Lots so it’s you recuperating and looking after your health looking after what you eat maybe doing some exercise going to the gym and feeling powerful where your Health’s concerned feeling quite good about

yourself okay what have we got for partnership and friendships remember this this um house seven isn’t necessarily about romantic Partners it’s just partnership in total Associates that you work with Partnerships that you have or friendships that you have in your life house seven for Leo place what have we got for Partnerships in house 7even for December house 7even thank you the world for some of you here you’re you’ve had a really good think about certain friendships that you hold in your life certain Partnerships or Associates and you’ve decided that it’s come to the end of a cycle with some or one person that this person no longer brings you any benefit or and when I say that I don’t mean it in a rude way it’s just someone may be so negative that they don’t bring you anything positive anymore and you’ll decide to end that relationship you’ll decide to end that friendship by moving in your way not that you’re going to go out there and cause an argument no in your mind you know who’s good for you and you know who’s not and there’s certain Partnerships Associates and friendships that we accumulate along the way that sometimes we get to a point where we think well I don’t I can’t see myself relating to that person anymore I’m totally different today and I’ve grown to another platform and not because you’re better than them but because you see things differently differently so a lot of you will be uh reassessing the friendships and Associates that you have around in the Partnerships you’ve

created okay what else have we got what’s intimacy and Joint resources things that you share with others things that you hold dear to your heart with others how does that come across in December house eight what does that do joint resources how are you thinking how does that affect you what people are sharing with you people in the family your partner things that you’ve got together what sort of thing is going to H oh okay oh okay look at that they’ve told me to take the two I usually take one only here in joint resources Leo you’ve got the star and you’ve got the seven of Pentacles which is everything you’ve given to others and everything that you’ve done for others will come back you’ll find that people are very grateful for what you’ve done for them and the way you’ve helped them either financially or supporting them in some way shape or form you’ll see that in December people are going to give you that back and tell you how important it was at that point in time that they had your help it’s going to be very clear for you what Partnerships what joint resources you want to keep in your life and which ones you don’t but for those of you that you do keep there’s going to be you may have um created something with someone or you’re doing something with someone that’s going to be very profitable and that’s going to be something that you’ve either worked on together or you’ve created together or you’ve thought about together so that’ll be very clear in December that that’s going to be quite profitable and it’s worth keeping worth having in case some of you were doubting whether that was worth worth your time and effort whether that person was worth keeping or working with okay adventure and higher communication which rules house n so house n is about Adventure and learnings and what you’re learning and how you’re taking that forward Leo in December let’s see what house nine has for Leo for adventure and higher learnings what is Leo doing in their Adventure or higher learnings what are they going to put into place what is something that they’re going to learn change wow Leo in December you want your your expectation of Adventure and learning is going to be different you want new things you’re craving a new uh Lear new learning you’re craving getting to know new things learning new things maybe learning a new language you know you’re putting in place a plan and this may not be for December because December is so full on but you may be in December planning what you’re going to study next year what you’re going to learn next year what Adventures you have in mind next year you may be planning a trip for next year in December and paying for it in December or you may know what you want to do sometime next year but all that adventure and and learning that you want to accumulate is going to take place in December the thought and the conversations will take place in December so you want change and you will voice your opinion and your thoughts in December about that change or what you want to learn or how you want to go about things okay house 10 career career for Leo please house 10 for December for Leo thank you some of you Leo are not in a good place as far as your career is concerned some of you have had enough of where you work right now and you want change some of you have been losing sleep thinking I I can’t work where I am right now or I need to find something new that’s going to excite me for those of you that are unemployed remember I said to you when it came to finances you’re going to have that opportunity and you job comes your way and it may not be for you to start in December or you may but it it is definitely a job that comes here for you for someone that is unemployed so for those of you that are unemployed there’s a new opportunity coming for you in December for those of you that want to change your job then you’ve got the change card here in your um adventures and in your learnings you know what you want to change you know where you want to go so it all looks positive there Leo for your career whether you’re changing jobs whether you’re getting a new job or whether you’re wanting to do something totally different it’s there okay long-term wishes what have we got for long-term wishes what’s something that Leah has been wishing for for some time what are your long-term wishes that come through in

December unsure for some of you you’re unsure about which way to go in a particular thing or you’re unsure what you really want in your life right now you’re looking at at life and saying what do I need to put into place or start that is going to excite me again what is it that I wish for where do I want to be in 5 years time in 3 years time in one years time it’s like you’re you’re having a balancing act of do I want this or do I want that am I going to work on this or am I going to work on that which path is going to be better for me which one will I choose what do I want for my life it’s like a a reassessment of where you want to go next really okay unconscious what’s on your unconscious mind you know we hold things inside that we either one put on the back burner cuz we don’t have time to think about it and we don’t have the the time to stop and and evaluate what’s really hidden inside us but in December what is it that you’re by the one keeping dig down in your soul and thinking about or you haven’t realized that this thing is affecting how everything else works so let’s see what’s on your unconscious mind Leo in

December strength for some Leos here it’s you that’s your card here the lion is strength for some of you here you’re very unsure about how much power you’ve got Within in about how strong you are about how good you are for some of you it’s you doubt yourself you doubt your capability you doubt that you’re capable of achieving something you doubt that you’ve got the will power and the strength to do something and I know I don’t know what it is cuz for everyone it’s going to be different but in your subconscious mind you’re wishing you had the strength or the power or the will to do what it is that you want to do or to be who it is that you want to be and you are Leo the problem is that you’re keeping that deep down and not allowing yourself to give yourself the chance to have the strength to face on people headon that need to be faced challeng taking on the challenges that need to be challenged doing things outside of your comfort zone thinking outside the square and doing things totally different it’s you in a way wanting to find the strength to be able to do things and be someone that you want to be but really deep down you are it’s you finding that you’re questioning your your capability and you’re doubting your success for some of you you’re questioning whether you’re capable whether you you’ve got the capability to achieve

Now’s the Time to face that and put yourself out there Now’s the Time to make things work if you don’t look after yourself Leo no one will find that strength and that power to be the best you can be okay let’s see the final message for Leo please no not that many cards thank you thank you my beautiful ones just one thank you one card for Leo please what’s the last message for Leo for December 2023 thank you be brave and

honest Leo we just spoke about that that strength card didn’t come out by mistake in your unconscious be brave and honest is time to face what you really want and how capable you are of achieving it be brave in going outside your comfort zone be brave in in attempting things that you didn’t think were possible allow yourself to dream and Follow That Dream you are more than capable you’ve got the strength that you need you’re the lion of the zodiac and no one messes with the lion when you’re in action so be brave and honest about what you want and how you’re going to to achieve that and not giving up on who you are or how how capable you are Leo I hope that’s made sense for somebody here if it has then that’s fantastic I’ve reached the one person I needed to at least I hope I reach a lot more but if I reach one person every week I am more than happy and for those of you that this doesn’t resonate with or you can’t sort of see things that I’ve said then go to your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun and see what’s there for you lots of love and light Leo thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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