Leo Horoscope |Powerful Forecast For January Week 4

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Free LEO Horoscopes | 0 comments

Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have for Leo please for the next oops centered Leo that came out very quickly it’s either now time for you to Center yourself or you’re going to feel centered it’s like you’ve got this feeling or you will have this feeling of everything is coming together to the one

point what else do we have [Music] hurricane Resurrection look at that it’s like everything happened things have taken place situations have taken place dealings with people have happened for you to be able to re

regenerate it’s like a resurrection of who you want to be it’s like this is the new me after everything that took place everything that I was involved in people situations career it all comes to this one point of me being able to resurrect myself making something of myself after everything that I went through after everything that I’ve put up with I find

myself and I Feel

Complete there’s a new there’s a phoenix here coming out it’s like this new rebirth of who you are this understanding everything that you went through didn’t happen by mistake it brought you to a point of you resurrecting who you are

today finding the beauty and being a master number 22 of who you are today the load disappears out of nowhere but it’s not out of nowhere it’s out of the most dirtiest Waters the most dirtiest circumstances this beautiful Lotus appears so after everything that you’ve been

through the hurt the pain the

disappointment you resurrect to be the best that you you can be but not only that someone with a lot more experience knowledge and knows who they are and knows their value

today let me know if this is you Leo let me know if this is

you it’s like there’s a resurrection here there’s a a new start a new beginning after everything that went on after everything that was said and done look at

this you may have been dealing with a Scorpio a Pisces here or a cancer but this is you ready to blaze you know who you are today you know what you stand for you know your value your worth your person I’m ready for the fight I’m ready to reinvent who I am I’m ready for that

Resurrection Phoenix the Phoenix

Nots and this is the king of water so you may have been dealing with someone that’s a Pisces a Scorpio or a cancer someone of a water sign that played with your emotions that that told you things that was never going to be or never had intention of being emotionally

emotionally it was a hurricane a hurricane with your

emotions or you may have Pisces Scorpio or cancer very strong in your sign as well Leo nothing was black or


what I get here is like Leia this when you went through this it was it’s either good or it’s bad there’s no in between there were good times but there was also very dark

times you were


something here someone here made you feel that you were

divided the four of water that’s you looking into a mirror and seeing something totally different someone totally

different for a long time you questioned who you were you questioned your value you questioned your

worth you afraid to look at the person that was looking back at you in the mirror because of everything that you’ve gone

through for some of you here you may have even given up on looking after yourself for a while not doing your hair not putting on makeup or looking after your

appearance the

desire your desire today look at

that talked about the Phoenix the eagle the power the strength the desire to resurrect To the Beautiful

You Leo

place you’re planting your seeds now now you’re nurturing yourself and everything that belongs to you you’re looking at how far you’ve come and what you’ve done and now you see growth you see that this Resurrection is you starting to

grow this is someone that has come a long way

both emotionally physically and

mentally you stand firm you stand strong and you’re not scared anymore you’re not scared to stand strong this is your card Leo this is you not taking any rubbish emotionally from anybody else anymore this is you knowing who you are your worth your place your purpose I’m not scared of what stands behind me

anymore with my strength with my dedication with my knowledge I know who I am

today took a long time for you to nurture yourself back to where you are today took a long time to for you to understand that you weren’t what people portrayed you to be you know sometimes when we’re with the wrong person in the wrong relationship in the wrong job we can believe sometimes what other people say to us and we forget who we truly are but this is you looking back at yourself saying what they said I was was is not who I am I know who I am

today I’ve got Divine Divine Healing I know how to love and I deserve to be loved I know I’m not alone and I know that I’m

loved you are getting a lot of guidance from your mentors your guides and your higher Creator so I don’t know who you believe in Leo for everybody it’s going to be different but make sure you say thanks because you got guidance here from going from the darkest part of your life to finding your light and your balance and your truth you had guidance and you’ve got help someone is looking after you someone guided you through that Journey that

hurricane layer

please six of

Cups you may have a lot of distorted memories about what what once

was and you may have still memories that leaves a lot of hurt and

pain but just know this Leo that it takes time but you will find the inner peace that you’re looking for

you’re here looking out and knowing that there’s so much out there for you to live so much out there for you to experience so much out there for you to

be this Resurrection is only the beginning of your new Journey this Resurrection is now the beginning of your new life your new adventure and whatever awaits out there for you in the world for some of you you secluded yourself away from others situations and people while you were hurting but this is now you understanding although I’ve still got memories of what happened I’m going to move forward with my life and I’m going to resurrect what was broken what was taken and what makes no sense anymore to me

today I’m going to celebrate my life I’m going to do what it is that I want to do and I’m going to be who I want to be tell me if this resonates with you Leo does this resonate with you if it doesn’t Please Release the energy check your moon and your ascendant you’ll find something there what else have we got for Leo

please a time to give rather than take and this is you it’s a time now to give to yourself rather than let others take or take more out of you

give yourself the permission to do what you want to do when you want to do it how you want to do it don’t let people take that away from you don’t you give that away your power is

yours look at the bigger picture every things going to make sense the minute you look at the bigger picture when you for some of you here you may still be hurting and you still may be in doubt whether you’ve made the right decision and if that’s the case look at the bigger picture you may be going through a hard time right now but in the long run that’s what’s going to

count nothing is yet set in stone take your time to plan where you want to go what you want to do what what your future looks like what your next steps are nothing is set in stone yet so you can change anything you

want part of the Resurrection is you analyzing what you want where you want to go and don’t set anything in stone if it doesn’t feel right you call the

shots I don’t know if this makes sense to anybody here but I hope it does and it gets the right person I want to send you all my L of Love Your Way Leo thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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