Monthly Leo Horoscope for AUGUST 2023 By Marie Rose
FREE Leo Horoscope for the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also encourage that you look at the Leo Horoscope video for the Next 6 Month Forecast, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me and we did some cards that we brought out energies for the month of August for Leo and yours was the Fates the fates card layer is number eight which is all about power and strength about you having faith in the power and the strength within making your world be what you want it to be using that power and that strength and knowing that things happen for a reason there is always faith and there’s always a reason and a purpose for everything and this card just comes to say Leo in August just understand that things happen for for a reason and there’s always a purpose but have faith in yourself above all have faith that you are able to achieve whatever it is that you want and have faith that your power within is stronger than what you can ever imagine you’re a Leo you know that the lion is huge it’s the the king of the jungle you have what it takes to be the best you can possibly be and to be who you want to be above all you also have here woman holding a coin and that can be many things however this one really comes and makes me want it I I’m an empath obviously and I feel that this here is someone that comes to help you financially or give you an opportunity of a lifetime in August to allow you to earn more money it’s either a raise that gets given to you or it is a possibility or an opportunity that you will have that’s going to create stability in your home and in your well-being your life in August is going to improve and that’s through a generous offer or an opportunity that’s going to allow you to grow your financial status so let’s see what we’ve got there’s so much information with all these cards that I’m going to lay out and I’m going to do it all and then I’ll explain what we’ve got okay let’s see what comes out for Leo thank you there please what do we have for Leo thank you first card is the world completing a cycle let’s keep going Leah I also want to say to you that it’s important that you um that [Music] there’s a lot of information coming through this reading and anything that doesn’t resonate that’s fine release it back to the end to the universe but there’s a lot of information so at some point some may resonate and some may not so just see how you go but check your ascendant and your moon sign as well as there may be information there as well [Music] beautiful look at that so we’ve got the world we’ve got the eight of Wands we’ve got the empress the beautiful Empress we’ve got the Two of Wands we’ve got the emperor so you’ve got a couple here on the table you’ve got the Queen of Wands you’ve got the moon card what else have we got another three four cards thank you Leah thanks thank you
you’ve got our beautiful you’ve got the three of cups what else have we got you got the six of Cups you’ve got the Two of Pentacles and last but not least you’ve got the beautiful page of Swords so let’s see what we have here okay Leo there’s a couple of things here so you’ve got a couple and I said that a very very powerful couple on the table at the empress and the emperor are the highest you can get in the tarot and this usually represents a couple so I feel that we’ve got a beautiful powerful couple here um and there’s a conclusion to something that you’re both doing I the what I see here is that there is a huge powerful couple here that are going to make changes um in the near future and in August you’re going to start to put that into practice you start to put an end to where you are right now and you start to want to move to another location another place this also could be in regards to um a new business that you’re both doing together but I feel here that you’re working together to make something work and it’s a change that you’re putting into place it’s about moving forward and there’s going to be some choices that you need to make that’s the first couple the second thing I see here is that there is a couple here that may have at one stage um separated but now you’re starting to come back together and discuss how you’re going to move forward in that relationship it’s not for everybody there may be just one Leo that’s going through this with their partner and wanting to put plans in place to move forward with more security together they did fall apart and now they’re coming together and moving forward together there’s going to be some decisions that you need to make though the third instance I have here is that there’s a couple that comes together and I feel that it’s an older couple here and when I say by older couple I don’t mean you’re old um but it’s it’s a couple that’s very established and here I feel that you may want to move being together at the moment you’re living apart and now you’re trying to conclude this relationship to move forward but there are some significant decisions that need to be made here so um and that could be who lives where what who pays for what what happens whatever it may be but there is movement between a couple here you and your partner or your partner and you if you’re watching and you’re not a Leo but you’re watching your partner’s um stars this is you and your partner that are going to make this move so I don’t know what that is but there’s a huge powerful couple there [Music] I do feel that you may meet someone in the next in the next month and in August and sorry I’m videoing this at the end of July so I feel that you may meet someone and they don’t live close to you so there’s going to be a decision there where you need to make a decision on where you’re going to live and I do feel that one of you here are going to move to the other location it’s going to be a United party here in a United decision but there is decisions that need to be made for others here Leo I see that there is going to be an end to something this could be a situation it could be a relationship it could be to do with your career but you are going to end a situation however it says that whilst you want to end something just don’t make any major decisions right now stay still no major decisions because something inside you is asking you to do this move but there may be changes that are going to happen in that workplace that will allow you to to start to change sorry what I’m getting all this information I’m trying to make sense of it so what they’re saying is that this one Leo at least here that wants to leave their career and they want to leave it because they’ve had enough they don’t want to stay where they are and there’s an opportunity that’s coming up for them however what it’s saying here is be just wait until something changes because something is going to change and that could be that you need to look into your paperwork to make sure that you’re giving enough notice otherwise you may lose some of the money that’s due to be paid out to you I don’t know why they’re telling you that but that’s there for others here I feel that while you’re on a holiday if someone here is going to be on a holiday and you’re going to meet someone you have taken this holiday to get away from from everyday chaos and everyday life and on this holiday you’re going to meet somebody and this somebody’s going to be totally different to everyone that you’ve had in the past it’s going to take your interest this person and you’re going to feel the passion straight away like the butterflies in the tummy and the nervousness all those emotions are going to come up and you’re going to feel excited about this person and I do feel that this could be a person that later on if you’re not from the same place you will move to where that person is or that person will move to where you are but there’s definitely something about a move and a better relationship here okay for others here I do feel you’ve got the empress for some Leos here you’ve been trying to have a baby you’ve taken the time out now and you know where you are you know your body you’ve done everything right and I do feel that there’s going to be a child that comes into your life for those of you that want children this is a good month for you to keep trying and don’t give up don’t give up because the universe is helping you with this beautiful creation and it’s been something that you’ve wanted forever I do feel that it’s something you’ve wanted since you were young you wanted to be a mum or a dad and don’t give up because whatever it is that you’re doing is going to work the rest it’s important for you to rest um so you’re able to conclude what you want to conclude here and that’s obviously to have a baby but I do feel that this is a childhood dream of yours and please don’t give up because it’s very strong here the people here for other Leos it can you’re going to make a choice and this choice is going to deal with you leaving a certain situation or a certain location I there’s someone here that is going to pack their bags and make a move and it’s going to be an adventurous move Leo I feel here I’ve got some layers that are ready to go and work overseas or work in another state or city but you’ve had enough of where you are you don’t seem to be happy where you are nothing seems to complete you in any way shape or form and there is a move here for one or two Leos or even a couple of Leos I don’t know but I do feel it’s over water so wherever you are it’s going to be um a move that that contains over water the other thing I see here as well is that there is a powerful couple here that is going to make a new start there’s a new relationship here for me and this person whether it’s you or your partner is going to be very how would I say opinionated about what you want you’re very sure about what you want but the only thing is Leo that I think you’re meeting your match here whilst you’re very strong and I don’t know who I’m speaking to but I’m passing on the information whilst you’re very strong you’re going to meet someone that challenges you and that’s going to be exciting it’s going to be exciting because you’re used to getting your own way however this person is not going to allow that because they’re quite strong as well so you’re going to find that a challenge you’re going to find that exciting and I do believe that this couple is going to be a Powerhouse of a couple you’ve got someone here that’s very sure about who they are they’re very mature they know what they want but then I’ve got here another person who is exactly that way wants to move forward with certainty in those who who they are exactly and knows what they want and both of you together is going to create this exciting um dynamic because you’re going to challenge each other sometimes that may Clash but I do feel that you’ll be able to speak speak your your um your truth in this relationship and be open with your thoughts I really do believe in that because I think you’re mature enough to be able to speak your truth and say how it is overall Leo um I I do feel that some of you here there’s there’s someone who’d started a relationship and in a way you’ve given up you’ve given up on on looking for a relationship because you don’t seem to find exactly what you want however in August you’re going to meet somebody and it’s someone that’s totally out of of um right field you know you’re not going to see it coming and when they always say someone special comes into your life when you’re less expected and this is exactly that case I feel that it’s someone that’s taken time out of their surroundings their socials their friends to really understand what it is that they want but I do believe that you’re going to meet someone here you’ve walked away from a bad relationship in the past but just stay strong and stay in your power remember the fight card everything happens for a reason if you do meet someone it’s signed his time in your power don’t allow someone to just come into your life and change it overnight stay with who you are and if it’s the right person guess what they will work together with you at changing not changing you but changing the the Dynamics to include two rather than one but don’t yeah what it’s saying is stay in your power don’t let someone just come in and change your world overnight that’s not who you are today you’ve learned a lot from your past there’s another situation here that some Leo here it could be one or two or even a group of you there’s there’s
you you’ve wanted something for quite some time and and you were doubting whether you were going to get this and I really do feel that it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do however now that you achieve it you’re excited and it’s something from a childhood dream it’s something that you used to dream about but now you’re going to be able to do that and I do feel that that’s going to um that’s going to involve travel in that and that’s going to be a huge message that comes through to you in August so stay tuned to that because there is a lot of information coming through in August I don’t know if you’ve resonated with that but I’ve got some more so let’s have a look and see
some of this may resonate with someone some of it may not whatever doesn’t resonate with you let go and check your ascendant and your moon we’ve got the clouds which is number six there what else have we got for Leo thanks beautiful we’ve got the sun number 31
so someone’s coming out of a very dull period in their life and you’re starting to find the light and not only are you going to find the light but you’re going to have this beautiful gift given to you I really feel that it’s this person that’s going to meet someone whether it be on your holiday or whether you just meet this someone that comes along but this person is going to fulfill you in other ways which you didn’t know it now someone here you imagined having a beautiful relationship and I do feel that this person is going to bring you that going to bring you the sun back into your life the Sun that you’ve been missing at the moment you’ve been through clouds you’ve been through relationships that left you disappointed you’ve left um people that just disappointed you and gave you a heartache but I did feel that in August Leo there are a few of you meeting the right person at the right time for others of you here you may have um for a woman this is for a woman that’s something that you wanted to achieve that you’re going to achieve in August I don’t know what that is this could be the pregnancy that you’ve wanted to be uh become pregnant it could be the job that you that’s that someone’s getting here but whatever it is it’s a female here and this is the key in August it’s a spiritual key so not only are you going to get what you want but this has been brought to you for a reason and you need to live this it’s a dream that you’ve had and there’s only one way and that’s forward for some of you here it’s a new relationship that you’re going to start like I spoke to you with the tarot but for others it’s an opportunity of a lifetime it’s something that you’ve always wanted and now you’re just going to go full on head on and do what it is that you need to do this may be as well for someone here that you take on an opportunity overseas and you finally get to work overseas and find a new place in the world that you love and and the adventure and the knowledge that you gain from that is going to be superb so there is that here I hope that that’s that’s given someone some news here but um check your ascendant and moon sign and I hope it’s resonated with somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love Leo bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)