Gemini Horoscope | Weekly Psychic Insight October

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insight for October 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Insight for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days or there a bit after for those of you that haven’t gone in yet there is the October forecast and remember today is all a general reading so it may not resonate with every everybody you can only do that through a personal reading so today’s very generalized if it doesn’t resonate at all release the energy and visit your moon and your ascendant sign or your Rising Sun which some people call them let’s see what we have for Gemini please messages for Gemini today thank you

Universe time to go Gemini first one is time to go what else do we have for Gemini


why time for a

nap and round and round is the bottom card Gemini very clearly here there’s someone here that um has contemplated either in a relationship or in a situ ation that you’re in for some of you you’re going to leave that situation or you’re going to leave that relationship after a lot of of thought and the processes that you went through a lot of you are asking why things turned out the way they did that you didn’t see it coming or if you did see it coming it was a process that took a lot of learning a lot of constructive um constructive learning as far as why was someone the way they were why did things change why did things work out the way that they did why did I let myself be in this situation what did I do that required or that in invited this situation to happen many of you are questioning the whole process that took place did you miss something and you’re asking yourself why did things change why did I have to go through this why what’s the purpose of me going through this hurt this pain this anxiety why did you give me this to deal

with and here the universe is saying it’s time for you to take time out because taking that time out out will bring you a lot of answers if you’re true to yourself Gemini when you look back at all that happened in that situation or in that relationship you’ll see very clearly that there are a lot of signs or red flags there that you ignored at times like we all do and this is not a judgment this is just saying that we all ignore certain things and there’s things that we go through that sometimes we turn our turn away from and think no it’s only an imagination of mine or I’m not seeing things clearly or I’m imagining that they’re that way but they’re really not and sometimes because we love someone or we love a certain situation that we’re in or we love or we give ourselves to someone or something we want to see the best that they have to provide we want to see the best in in the person or in the situation that we’re in because we don’t want to see things that we don’t want to see and sometimes that then brings us to certain disappointment it brings us to certain um places in our life where we think I should have seen that when it happened I I knew that that was happening and I turned a died to it I ignored my intuition when it was so

strong and here your many here someone is saying why didn’t I not see that why did I let myself stay in that position stay in that relationship stay in that

situation when you take time out now to recover after you’ve asked all your wise a lot of Things become clearer a lot of things that when you go back in time and think through certain situations certain conversations certain actions that took place they’re all going to make sense for many of you you felt like you were on a a merry go round that sometimes it was good and then bad good and then bad and as much as this person apologized or this situation felt like it was getting

better you hung on to the good times and Tred to forget the bad times or try to forget the more challenging times I should say because everything that we go through we go through for a purpose and a reason and I always say that but now you’re at the time where chopping wood is it is being real seeing things for what it is chopping wood is about you know chop wood is all about breaking things down understanding the process that the processes that took place the questioning the questioning why oops sorry the questioning why is chopping wood is you fundamentally going back to your situation in that circumstance with that person and understanding pece by peace why things turned out the way they did the signs that were there that were ignored to a certain extent because you wanted to see the best in that person or that

situation now you’re starting to understand that it was always bad bad then good bad then good there was no constant there was no Tranquility in your life and peace it was it had it its highs and lows in extremes every relationship or every situation has its highs and lows but I feel that this situation was either really good or really bad there was no in

between let’s see what else we have for Gemini please what else do we have for Gemini here other energies for Gemini please thank you surrender many of you here someone here is surrendering to the truth surrendering themselves to understanding that it was never going to work the the the circumstances that took place the ups and downs is that really how that’s meant to be you’re surrendering to understanding now that it’s not normal to feel that way or go through that process in that way and that’s what’s making you understand that it’s time to go you’re surrendering to the fact that things are never going to get better they’re always going to remain the same you’ve given chances for this to

change you’ve expressed your feelings you’ve expressed how this makes you feel and whilst nothing’s changed you’re now surrendering to it never will change it’s always going to be around and around a merry go round of emotions of of a situation

the beauty you saw the beauty in a lot of what you had you looked at things in the most beautiful way possible the decisions you made were all because you found that this person or this situation was beautiful in some way and you looked at the beauty rather than having a look at the whole picture you saw Beauty in this situation and in this person at one stage you saw how beautiful they could be but you weren’t ready for the other side of that beauty that showed

themselves you wanted to always see things beautiful for what it was you wished that things would change and be beautiful all the time

one more energy for Gemini

please realization when you take time out when you take time out for that nap there’s going to be a huge realization Gemini a realization that the world that you are living in the round and round world that you were living in was not the ideal world that you wanted that now you’re going to realize that what’s out there and what you can see now is that what you were living was not what you imagined now you’re going to see things a lot clearer the minute you take time out to dissect that relationship or that situation you’re going to understand that it was always going to remain in a place of uncertainty you will be able to now see the key that things are a lot clearer and a lot more precise in how you understand them today you know when we’re in a situation we can’t see things the minute we walk out of a situation or the minute we allow ourselves to see things for what they truly are is when we understand that it was never what we imagined it to be we wanted it to see we wanted to see a situation a certain

way and understand the balances on the bottom now you’re going to see your balance you’re going to see the balance of what life has for you once these clouds part of this nap and this realization is you removing these clouds now removing the clouds will bring you the time for the nap and the realization is going to allow you to remove those clouds REM see things truly for what they are and you’re going to find that your new world is a lot different to what you are living your new situation when those clouds are removed when you walk through that path from the dark to the light from the clouds to what you’re holding you’ll see that what you got and what you deserve are two totally different things you deserve the best Gemini and what you were getting was very cloudy was very up and down was very

distraught a huge realization of what you deserve versus what you are receiving tell me in the comments if this makes sense to you let’s see what the tarot has for Gemini

please the king of Wands I feel that this person or this this situation that you were dealing with this person you may have been dealing Gemini with a fire sign and that’s Aries Leo or Sagittarius and this person was quite strong in their beliefs in who they were they Pres presented themselves as really charming and passionate and that’s what captured you the charm the the personality the abundance the go-getter that they were the driving force behind them attracted you to this person but you finally now surrender to the that was all in an interest that was

theirs their their interest for their needs and wants was above

yours what else have we got for Gemini please

Gemini look at that the 10 of swords the tarot doesn’t lie this is this is the question why I feel that this Gemini here has been taken to the ground and you felt like your world just fell apart your world was dying slowly and falling apart but when you realized what was going on and how much this had impacted your life you understood why you felt the way you did every day the questionings that you had every day the doubts in yourself that you had every day this high and lws that were taking a toll on your health mentally and physically and you couldn’t see a way out of this because as much as you wanted to hang on to this person or this situation you knew deep down that they weren’t good for your soul that you deserved better

Gemini Gemini

please cards not going to fall I’m taking that card thank

you now you’re work working extremely hard look at that you’re working extremely hard for many of you here you dedicate yourself now to your work for you to find yourself again and for you to get over what you’re going through or what you’ve been through you found you you found your your worth in your job you give your work everything you have because you’ve now realized that after everything that you’ve been through and the situation that you’ve gone through that the only happiness or the only fulfillment you were getting was through your job or through what you were creating you get a sense of fulfillment and worth through your work in order to deal with the situation that was taking place at home or in a social setting or with a certain

person the moon you questioned your yourself quite so many times you feared the known you knew that this relationship or this situation was not doing you any good physically or mentally how we spoke about before but you questioned whether it was you making or seeing things more than what they were because you were made to feel in some cases you were made to feel at some time in your life that you were being silly that you were seeing things or you were making trouble or you were being the trying to be the victim or that you were winging and you were

complaining and you self- sabotaged yourself many times thinking that that you may have been seeing things in a different way to what they really were for many of you or for someone here you questioned whether it was you going mad whether it was you that was picking a fight whether it was you that expected too much because this person or this situation made you feel that you were the


let’s see romance for Gemini please romance for Gemini let me let me know if this makes sense to you Gemini because some Gemini has gone through this and if this doesn’t make sense Please Release it back to the universe and check your moon and your ascendant sign as you may find something there Gemini please for romance thank you Gemini for Romance

forgiving and learning as you release and heal the past you experience more love in your present moments Gemini you may have Leo or you may be dealing with the Leo here and we did say that to begin with with a fire sign because this card came out for Leo as well so you may be dealing with a Leo as your partner and this situation um but this is you forgiving everything forgiving yourself forgiving the other person even if you don’t tell them but forgive them so it releases you from that burden let them carry that baggage they created it they need to own it they need to carry it you need to release yourself from that heaviness from that energy that that stalled you that brought you a lot of pain of um questioning yourself release that energy so that you can get on with your life knowing what you know today being the stronger person that you are today through all your

learnings one more card please for Gemini one more

card thank you soulmate you will meet your soulmate and when your soulmate comes you’ll know because it’s not going to be how it was in the past for some of you here you may have met somebody and you’re questioning based on what you’ve been through whether this person’s real or not many of you here or someone here is questioning whether this new love that they have found is going to be exactly what the old one was and they’re saying no yes this is your soulmate if it feels good and it is good know that it’s good for you your intuition will tell you that don’t let your rationality of your past experiences come and override what your intuition is telling you deep down listen to that intuition and not the negative thoughts that the past has brought

you okay one last message for Gemini please and we’ll conclude I hope this has made sense for somebody here but you’re on the you’re on the path now to your growth you’ve surrendered and you’ve let go of something that was destroying you a situation or a person that was destroying

you one last message for Gemini

please new moon in Virgo trust all will be well Gemini it doesn’t come by by it doesn’t come by mistake that this card came out trust all will be well now that once you’ve left that situation for some you may have left this situation or you’re thinking of leaving for others you’ve left it already and for others again you’ve left it a while back and you you’ve met someone else but trust that all will be well that things happen for a reason and a

purpose Gemini I hope that’s made sense lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here today


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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