Gemini Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast for 2024

FREE Yearly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for 2024. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for 2024 can you believe we’re nearly in 20124 where’s this year gone a Gemini I hope you’ve had a great year in 2023 if not then let’s hope 2024 brings better Vibes abundance love and health your way comment in um the comments below and let me know how your 2023 was Gemini we’re going to do your yearly forecast so we’re going to start off with three energies then we’re going to do January through to December and we’re going to double up with two lots of cards so one is going to be lomad Gypsy deck and the other one’s going to be the tarot so that will give us a very clearer understanding of what to expect month to month okay let’s go what energy for Gemini please three energies for Gemini First Energy is mending Gemini in 2024 you’ll be mending something that needs to be mended so you could be mending your heart you could be mending relationships friendships um things that you’ll be

mending whatever it is don’t give up on what you’re doing mend with certainty and with love and don’t give up don’t give up on trying to mend something don’t give up on trying to feel that mend feel that heart that needs to be mend feel that relationship that needs to be mended okay what’s another energy for Gemini please I feel like here you’ll be mending things that in the past haven’t worked out or you’ll be mending yourself after having to go through certain things building blocks it’s you building New Foundations Building New Foundations to goals to dreams to your career to relationships it’s you building a new life or building a new way of being and seeing things so whatever it is that you’re doing in 2024 it’s all about building your foundations building a new life for yourself a new way of living a new health regim whatever it is it’s You’re Building as a new thing in your life one more energy please for Gemini thank you fork in the road you you’ll need to make at least one decision in 2024 and when I say one you’ll probably make a lot of decisions in 2024 but one of them will be significant and it’s going to be a major decision that you need to make about which way to go do I go that way and try that or do I go that way and do it another way there’s going to be one significant decision in 2024 that sets you up whatever path you choose is going to be the path that you need to deal with and live with and that could be exactly what you needed it could be the right path for you let’s see what we have with LOM M for each month now this are we’re going to do January to December the two cards so be patient with me while I do these okay January what have we got for dece for sorry January for Gemini in 2024 January the bear energy the hunter the getting the going finding your stability February February for Gemini please thank you the Stars seeing things a lot more clearer in February March March please for Gemini March for Gemini March for Gemini the bond the ring April April for

Gemini the man some of you may get proposed to in March April May what have we got for May May for Gemini the birds communication May June June for June the rats the mice July July Gemini Place July the whip August August please August the Gemini August the

garden okay September for Gemini please September September for Gemini thank you the

moon October for Gemini Place October the

clouds November please the Gemini November the Gemini November for Gemini please

November sacrifices the cross and December please December for Gemini thank you the stalk okay there’ll be news coming through in December all right let’s go so what does the tarot have to to complement these cards what’s the tarot message to complement these cards for Gemini please January to December we’re cutting for Gemini so give me Geminis and I want the bear well you got the bear for January thank you we’ve got the page of Ariel for the bear what have we got for for the stars in February Stars thank you we got the three of Ariel something becomes very clear for you Gemini let’s March March with the wiing thank you the emperor beautiful beautiful March April April for the men the men April for Gemini April thank you the lovers beautiful I like that Gemini starting to look good okay the birds what does that mean for May May for the birds what have you got for May the birds the

moon okay May May June tune for the mons thank you queen of

Ariel June July July for the Whip please July for the whip the the whip juine the Gemini please the whip the Whip if it doesn’t fall I’m not taking it thank you the sun mhm okay July August the garden it’s not looking too bad Gemini thank you Epiphany for the garden the moon September oops blw

it justice justice for the moon no okay and October October for Gemini please October with the clouds clouds for Gemini thank you nine of

Ariel okay we got the cross in November cross in nov November what have we got for the cross in November thank you peace beautiful and the last one the stalk for December stalk for December please for Gemini you the queen of Gabriel beautiful beautiful okay all right let’s go all right Gemini January here you start the new year with in a very particular way you’re looking for your stability you’re working hard to get stability into your life but also you may find a new opportunity that comes your way those of you that have been working extremely hard to stabilize your income to stabilize your life or to make um something work in your life you you may find sorry I’m trying to find this without a light you may find that whatever you’ve been hunting for or whatever you’ve been looking for and working hard for May come your way it’s time to put everything you have in starting in continuing this project looking at this project in a new way with different eyes and finding stability in what you’re doing believing in what you’re doing and this here is you will learn something in January that could just give you the solution or the answer that you’ve been looking for you’ve been hunting for so someone here is putting something into place or working extremely hard on something that they may find themselves in a block and in January you get that answer to that solution or you get that answer to begin that new with a more um accurate way of looking at things a more balanced way um and you’ll do that via things that you learn okay so that is in January so January looks like you’ll get answers to your Solutions in February you’ve got the stars and the three of Ariel you need to find what it is that you love doing you need to see things clearly for what they are and for many of you here you’ve been dealing with careers um that you haven’t been happy in in February you have this urge Gemini to start to look for things that interest you or get into an area that interests you you may change career paths you may even change career locations but you have an urge to look at things differently and find new things looking at things differently or finding new opportunities is going to be very Paramount for you getting your way um and finding your way in 20 2024 so in February you’re on the lookout you’re you want to see things truly for what they are and you want to improve what you know and get more

information okay I don’t know what that’s going to mean for everyone it’s a different story for everyone depending on their journey in March you you come together for some of you here you’re going to either one you’re going to get proposed to in March and that’s going to be from someone who is very calculated very opinionated very in control and shows control attributes they like to think that they are not controlling but they know what they want and they you may find that in March you get proposed to by someone of that nature who’s very calculated knows what they want and is very determined to get what they want for others of you you are working on a project or something that you’ve been working on and you may form alliances and when I’m saying that you may form Alliance anwers with another company with another person with another group but whatever it is it’s going to be positive you’re going to manage this group or manage this project very effectively with very much knowing where you’re going and what you’re doing but people may complement what you’re doing and you may find Partnerships in this field or someone that comes to uh be a partner with you in something that you’re doing if you’re not getting being proposed to in April some you single Geminis there that are looking for love then April’s your month there’s a beautiful person coming into your life and this beautiful person comes with a lot of passion a lot of sincerity and wants to share their life with you in honesty they want to be part of who you are and they’ll accept you for who you are they come with genuine genuine influences and genuine uh attributes your way okay so for those singles um in April you may find the person that you either one destined to be with or two is meant for

you okay a May let’s see what we’ve got for May May the moon you may get some news Gemini in May that leaves you a little bit I’m certain with doubts there may be some gossip that you hear about or news that comes your way and while that may bring you a lot of growth it’s going to bring you growth because you haven’t faced something which you’re going to need to face in May so something comes your way in May that not only brings you information that you need to deal with but it’s also going to make you grow up a lot in the way that you see things or you see people you may doubt or you may have fear about actioning this but it’s going to call you to action this in 2024 we’re ruled by Saturn which means that Saturn holds us account Saturn wants us to solve things that we’ve been putting on the back burner so here in May that’s you being tested Gemini there okay my June in June here you’re going to have change es your way you may find that a few changes happen along the way and it’s you trying to find your place you you trying to find a new way of looking at things and the queen of Ariel is all about you looking after yourself you need to look at different situations that present themselves and in in June you may have changes that come your way that you may need to deal with but you need to take control of those and look after you go with love in everything that you do in June but know that these changes are coming for a reason these changes in these people and these situations may need to be faced with love in order although they’re trying to maybe take advantage of you or they’re behaving in a way that they shouldn’t you’re going to see that you acting in love and and being Superior to what they’re doing is going to bring you a lot of success does that make sense Gemini it’s you not doing with their games not playing their games not being pested although you may find pests along the way in June you need to look at that in a loving way if possible okay in July halfway through halfway through and this is part of The Mending that that card there with the mice that’s all part of The Mending you’re going to see and there with the birds and the moon those two months both um May and June are going to be The Mending months yeah that’s why we got that card it’s going to be about mending here we’ve got you’re going in July you’re going to cut things out of your life that you see clearly a no longer part of your life and that means that you’re going to cut out a lot of things that don’t make sense to you anymore you may cut a lot of things out that you don’t see fit your life anymore and you may even cut a lot of situations people um or circumstances out of your life that are not what you thought they were everything becomes clear in July who’s with you and who’s not where you stand with people and where you don’t what situations suit you and which

don’t July is going to be a very discovering month and it’s funny because we’ve got July straight on the building blocks so you’re building stability here you want truth you want protection and you want people and situations that are going to complement what you’re trying to do complement your life and bring certainty into it August August for you is about you growing in more ways than one it’s about you connecting with yourself connecting with those around you connecting with your inner peace and your stability Epiphany is all about you will get what it is that you want all the answers all the solutions that you need in order to make things grow a certain way you may have planted seeds and in August you start to see things uh come to fruition you start to see answers through meditation through um asking your guides your mentors or your angels they will guide you through the paths that you need to go on they will guide you to find your bliss and your peace and your Tranquility they’ll help you to find the answers and solutions to what you’re trying to achieve that’s in August so if you need help in August you need to ask them and forking the road is the Justice look that remember we pulled out forking the road this is it so September is going to be a testing month for you it’s going to be a month where you need to fight for justice you need to make a decision on how you’re going to change things there is change coming through you’re not sure how this change you’re not sure how you feel about this change you’re not sure why this change is happening but the the universe is saying to you it’s Justice it needs to happen this change that you’re unsure about or brings you doubt is things that needed to happen don’t give up on the changes that are coming don’t fight the changes that come through in September for you they’re there for a reason and it is just that they happen they’re happening for a purpose and a reason and although you may get to September and not realizing why these changes are taking place or why certain things are happening at that time then understand that go with the flow and don’t fight the tide yeah because if you fight the tide you’re going to be tired exhausted and maybe disappointed at the end of it so that’s September make sure you Sav this video um so you can look back through these months because you’ll see that as the months go on you may find information there that makes sense okay in October in October you’ll see that a lot of uncertainties that you had throughout the year a lot of uncertainties that you went through along the year now the clouds are starting to move you’ll see that you may have been tested in some things in life through relationships through circumstances or situations that you’ve had to face and although you felt like there was a dark cloud there you’d never be able to get out of now is the time your stability comes in you will understand why the changes took place here you will understand why things are going the way they are and you will understand that these clouds had to happen for this to take place you start to see the sun behind the clouds in in

October in October you’ll start to understand why certain things happen the way they did in November in November Gemini through a lot of sacrifice reassessing where you are today reassessing the people in your life reassessing your circumstances in November you find your peace you may have gone through some issues that you didn’t want to go through you may have faced things that you didn’t want to face through this year and I mean with Saturn in with Saturn in ruling 202 4 it’s going to ask you to look at things that you ignored before it’s going to ask you for truth and with that come some sacrifices disappointment um may come some questioning but you’re going to find your peace in November you’re going to understand why things took place the way that they did and you’re going to understand that everything happened for a reason and a purpose and you eventually find your peace in November so here we have in December there is going to be some news that comes through for you which is fantastic you will feel that you have been although you’ve had a couple of months of testing times to finish things off to mend that heart to um build your blocks and now that you’ve got you’ve made that decision and that fork in the road you’re now going going to be at comfortable with where you are you’re going to get some information that is going to be quite great for you you’re going to find you’re going to have a sense of independence of achievement of things that you wanted to achieve that you did and although some challenges happened along the way in 2024 you’re going to feel in December you’ve accomplished what you came here to do you’ve accomplished things that you wanted to complete and you you are going to feel more secure in December 2024 that everything that’s happened happened for a reason and you are in a better place in that time than what you have been in the past with uncertainties with people that weren’t real with situations that weren’t for you everything is going to be clear for you in December you may get a message as well that comes your way that makes you happy passionate and C you find that your your charismatic uh charismatic attitude will expand your peace will expand your Tranquility you’ll feel more at peace in December and more content with how things work okay what’s your last message for Gemini please last message for

Gemini I hope you got a lot out of that Gemini remember to save the the video and you can always come back to it now um if you haven’t so already like the video share comment let me know what you think and let’s go from there last message for Gemini is oh sorry stay determined and move forward be prepared for any possibility environmental activism so it’s about you being prepared for anything that comes up in 2024 it’s also about you moving forward with what you want to do it’s about you understanding why things took place and understanding that things all have a purpose and a reason one more message please for gine thank you one more

message the sun enjoy success and happiness enjoy success and happiness Gemini it’s by no mistake that things happen for a reason so enjoy it enjoy the success and the happiness that comes your way and here surround yourself with with Pro protective energy when you accomplish a lot Gemini there are always going to PE be people that wish they were you but they don’t realize how much you’ve done and how much you’ve worked to get to where you are so here it’s saying enjoy the success and happiness that you’ve worked and sacrificed yourself for but surround yourself with protective energy surround yourself with people that are genuinely happy for you not gen not people that um have Envy towards you or or are negative towards you surround yourself with people with the same mindset the same attitudes and that are truly happy for you in all your achievements Gemini I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here thank you


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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