Gemini Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies Tarot Leo Normard deck and then we’re going to finish off with the moon and the reason we’re finishing off with the Moon is because we’re still in 2023 which is being ruled by the moon until March so in 2024 comes in sat Saturn which amplifies everything Gemini so I don’t know if I said it last week but be aware of Saturn because if you vibrate in a negative energy it’s going to bring you more of that everything that happens we’re going to go through ups and downs in life because we all do and that’s life but it’s how we look at how things work or how things played out that makes the difference so if you’re vibrating in a negative energy or giving out that vibration of negative negativity thinking negative thoughts there’s more of that that will be returned to you it’s like everything we put out it’s going to come back okay all right Gemini what they God for Gemini energies for Gemini creation what are you creating Gemini what are you creating there is creation taking place it’s like you’re looking at certain things and you want to create something new or you’re invol D in a big Creation in your mind or physically you may be creating a new a new business a new place a new it’s like you’re doing something that and you’re looking at it like I need to create I need to invent I need to do this creation and you’re very

creative so someone here is creating something or involved in wisdom Gemini you’ve learned a lot in your life in your experiences in where you’ve been and what you’ve done and the wisdom that you’ve gained is going to be able to take you to places that others can’t reach and that’s because one you’re a master at what you do 22 you’ve got you’ve got certain skills and vision and thoughts that not very many others can match that with you you see things differently you you look at things differently you see opportunities where others don’t see it and you create amazing things through the wisdom that you’ve

gained hunger someone here is hungry for success and it’s like you’ve got this idea and you want to put it into place and in the next 7 to 14 days things that are said things that you see things that you hear are all going to make you think about the creation that you want to achieve they’re going to make you realize that there’s certain things that need to be done that others aren’t doing it’s like a vision you’re you’re visioning what needs What’s missing it’s like there’s a gap in in the community a gap in the world a gap in in socials a gap in a YouTube channel whatever it is you’re creating something that’s going to be amazing and you’re hungry to do something different you want change through the wisdom that you’ve gained and the vision that you have it’s like it’s it’s instilled this hunger in you to create new things

tell me if that’s you Gemini is that you at the moment wanting to wanting new wanting to move things Gemini

please what comes out the king of Pentacles you want to sit in your throne being financially stable

you want to create things that are going to have a huge impact and a big

return whatever it is that you’re creating Gemini it’s going to bring you a lot of success at times you’re not sure if you’re on the right path at times you’re not sure if things are going to work out the way you see them there’s questions there there’s

uncertainty you need patience as you need to look at this project as one step at a time not the overall picture because if you get frustrated in wanting to have everything finished yesterday it’s not going to give you the return that you want you need to spend the time and the patience and the love put love into it Gemini it requires love and energy and a different vision and patience the moon you’re you’re questioning whether it’s going to be right or not you’re questioning your ability you’re questioning whether you’re on the right path you’re questioning whether what you’re investing your time and money into is going to work there there’s still some doubt about you something is still you’re still in doubt about that creation whether it’s it’s viable whether it it can work

the decisions your need to make decisions and I feel that for someone here you may be working alongside someone that you love or you’re working with someone that means a lot to you you could be sharing ideas or plans with someone of importance your partner but there decisions that are going to have to be made for some of you you’re working with your partner at achieving something and you

cretion for others it’s you wanting to find the stability so that you and your partner can live a beautiful happy and stable

life look at that don’t doubt Gemini whatever decisions you make just know that you’re being guided here you’re there’s some celebrations coming up for you and you and your partner or you and someone else are going to be celebrating a success

here someone may come and offer you a proposal money for your project money for your

creation what else have we got

here family look at this for those of you that want to create a family or for those of you that want to have a child it is here you’ll be celebrating some great news you’ll be celebrating the pregnancy of um your first child or a child and that’s going to bring a lot of Celebration to a couple that just wants to create their own family I don’t know how many people that’s going to resonate with but it’s there it’s like you’re going to celebrate for others you may get engaged or married and want to create your own family but within the the next 7 to 14 days I feel here that there’s going to be some news of a pregnancy of a celebration between a couple creating their own

family and it’s something that you’ve wished and hoped for for quite some

time eight of Wands your moving forward with decisions that you’re making and new ideas financially for a new career a new job A New Path a new creation you’re going to move forward and that’s going to be quite successful for some of you you may even Implement your product in another city state or country it’s like you’re you’re expanding whatever it is that you’ve created or you’re creating you’re going to expand that make the decision to expand it to other places to other countries other cities look at the

tower for some of you here and it could be just one person it’s like you have tried to either put a creation into place have tried to have a child before have tried to make a relationship work and it didn’t at the time but now you move forward with things you may have gone through disappointments Gemini in the past in regards to pregnancy in regards to business in regards to a a a partner you may have gone through quite some dis quite a few disappointments here where your your life was turned upside down that all now ends with the decision that you make and the patience that you have you understand that with patience will come

celebration you’re thinking rational look at that another king for some of you here you may be dealing with another Libra Aquarius or you may have that very strong in your sign but there is no question here that whatever you decide and how you decide to go about it you’re going to think about it rationally you’re not going to put much emotion into this creation if you’re creating a project or a

business for others here it’s a plan to to maybe have a family have a

child the four of cups in the past you’ve had disappointments whether that be in business in love or in um wanting something so badly but this is the opportunity that’s coming forward Gemini there is an opportunity coming for you that’s going to change everything and you will see that in the next 7 to 14 days either you will get news of something or something comes forward to you that only makes you hungrier and you use your wisdom to achieve what you need to achieve something becomes apparent to you in the next 7 to 14

days let’s see what else we have for Gemini please what else do we have for Gemini there’s the ring a new Bond a new marriage a new proposal a new family bond don’t give up the patience is required there’s patience required here I know you’ve been through some tough times but there’s celebration here and patience is going to be required it’s all going to fall into place Gemini the sacrifices you’ve made a lot of sacrifices in your life you’ve made there’s been there’s been times of Tears worry stress

anxiety It’s Made You hungrier to have the best and be the best to create that dream to have that dream person after everything you’ve been through everything comes through now look at that the prosperity that follows the

Tranquility the abundance it’s here it’s here Gemini the sacrifices that you went through using your wisdom and your


those people getting married engaged or forming a bond financially it’s going to be successful and it’s going to bring you a lot of peace and Tranquility so please don’t fear

that there is a bond that is very peaceful and tranquil there’s a bond that’s going to be celebrating like we said here after some hard

TS do I need to say what that is Gemini after the sacrifices you’ve made now you see the sunshine you’re going to understand that this s these sacrifices Gemini is what brought you the hunger to be better and see things differently had you not gone through those sacrifices had you not done what you did you had a hunger for something to come through you had a hunger to

achieve there’s some really good news here as well in a family and it’s in regards to either someone getting married or it could be that there’s a huge celebration for a couple here in regards to a child there could be a huge celebration in regards to a child of yours they’ve pointed that out and probably go

back new decisions new places new countries new cities wherever you want to go whatever you want to do with this creation of yours you’re going to expand it you’re going to travel you’re going to allow yourself to be hungrier and hungrier to see and do and handle different things number 11 for some of you here you’re going to cut out things that no longer works for you things that only brought you down and stopped you from achieving what you had to achieve that chaos that was in your life at one stage no longer is you cut either people out of your life or situations that brought you a lot of pain a lot of questioning and didn’t believe in you

you just want a tranquil peaceful life now without disruptions without confusion the child the child the new that brings the light back into your life look at that for those of you that are wanting a child I told you there’s a child there for others that are creating something new that’s exactly what that is make no mistake Gemini that after what you’ve been through there is new here for you no only one only one changing of SK I have to they’re telling me take it and they’re not telling me take it for no reason the snake is the transformation and changing of skin so do not give up number seven believe Gemini that you are on a home run you are going to achieve that goal that dream that vision of yours and with that comes Prosperity both seven 77 look up 77 angel number in Google or number seven you have got what it takes to change your life around whatever happens now Gemini in the next 7 to 14 days the news that you get the propositions that you get something that happens or you hear or you see or you do changes there are new times Coming For You a change in how you thought how you saw how you felt a new life and prosperity so don’t give up don’t feel like it’s never going to happen that Moon card came out to say you’re doubting yourself you’re doubting your your capability you’re doubting your your probability of it working out you’re doubting projects you’re doubting your cre don’t doubt is what the universe is saying here you’re amazing Gemini you’ve got what it takes stick with what you know and with what you’re doing nothing is by mistake what’s the last message we have for Gemini too many cards and you’re going to be jumping for joy here those cards came out so nicely and they just jumped out release your block anything that is blocking you or making you think negative take that out of your mind don’t allow any negativity to come into your mind release anything that’s blocking you anything that’s you know our mind is our most most powerful tool but it can work for the most amazing things but it can also destroy us so don’t let it destroy you use your mind to create positivity

and belief release the blocks of what’s holding you

back think it through think things through when things happen don’t give up and put your arms in the air and say that’s it it’s not going to work think it through it may just be a tweak it may just be something else that needs to happen it may just not be at the right time think it through and you’ll find a solution and an

answer speak your world into being and what’s that mean Gemini it means that I will achieve I know this project is going to work I know I’m going to have a baby I know I’m going to create my own family and I am so forever grateful for you helping me get there talk like it’s already happened speak your world into being if you want it act like it’s already here thank you for bringing this beautiful child into my life thank you for making my creation be the most abundant it could be and being great enough for me to spread the news and what I have to the rest of the world thank you speak your world into

being Gemini I hope that’s helped somebody here that needed to hear this lots of love and light and thank you so much for your support


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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