Gemini Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today today we’re doing your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and here we’re going to do two energies plus two tarots and then at the end we’re going to do the messages that come through okay so let’s see what we have for you for the next 7 to 14 days Gemini if you don’t if you haven’t been on the site um just know that we’ve put out the 2024 horoscopes and the December horoscopes as well thank you to all the beautiful people that have subscribed and comment and like our videos every week so thank you okay main energy for Gemini please bring me main energy for Gemini thank you judgment it’s the Judgment Gemini which means that it’s a time for patience decisions taking your time to decide what you want where you want to go what you want out of life where you see yourself going what’s important to you now what’s not important to you anymore the Judgment card that’s your main card today let’s see what else we have what is it let’s see what else we have for gini B what else do we have for


purification it’s no mistake here Gemini that I have got a Gemini here that’s going through a transformation period trying to purify everything in their life making everything real I want what’s real in my life I want what makes me happy I want people in my life that are real I want the truth in what I do I need to feel at peace with who I am where I’m going and what I’m doing I want truth I want to be able to feel totally comfortable with my decisions and with people in my life and what I’m doing in my life needs to be exactly where I want to be this is a Gemini here that is to the point where they think Life’s too short to do things that you don’t want to be with people that you don’t like doing things that you don’t necessarily want to do looking at life in a different form and wanting change I want to change what I do I want to change who I am and how I react to others I want purification in my life I want to feel real I want real people people and I want to find truth in everything that I do tell me if this is you Gemini is this you what other what have we got for Gemini in the tarot thank

you eight of Swords moving forward I’m leaving behind things that are no longer right for me I’m leaving behind mind relationships Social Circles family thoughts and even careers that I no longer find interesting or bring me nothing but negativity into my life I am leaving situations that point to me and don’t nourish

me this snake in this judgment is you changing your skin it’s time and a decision that you’re making to say enough of the old and I want new it’s time for a new life new thoughts new ideas and a new career a new relationship a new

place I want to leave behind what no longer serves me

and there it is it flew off the table the rebirth look at that the death and rebirth there is no mistake that you are at a point in your life right now that you want to let go of things that no longer work for you let go of past situations that that brought a lot of pain to your life you want a new life a new era a new light in your

life the temperance it’s I’ve been patient but now it’s time for me to make that decision for me to be true to to who I am for me to understand what I truly want and listen to my intuition and My Soul and Spirit what’s it asking of

me very profound Gemini very profound

reading purification the new you now want new you want truth you want a new start a new vision a new thought a new cycle it’s like your your turning the page and closing that book that was now you’re opening up a new book for a new chapter a chapter of Truth

tell me if this is you Gemini tell me in the comments if you can resonate with this I want a happy family I want a beautiful relationship I want a cherished life where I’m happy with the people in my life I’m happy where I live what I’m doing that’s my ultimate goal that’s what I want for my

life that’s the new

me a childhood dream to find and build a family of Truth

protection and happiness and love pure love

purification I don’t want to play the field anymore or be with people that aren’t real or are there for a good time not a long time I want pure now I’m going to dedicate my time and my love to people or to somebody that I can have a future with and I’m willing to leave this place in order to find that I’m I’m willing to move locations I’m willing to move cities states countries I am in search of my life that I’ve always dreamt of I am in search of Tranquility truth and


[Music] big turn it’s like 2024 for me is a time to be real and the only way I’m going to be real is to change what I do change who I am and change what I look at what I look for I need real now oops jeez that’s too many too many if it’s meant to come it’s going to come oh look you know what all this makes sense but you know what I’m not doing it I’m not taking it there it’s throwing cards at me saying that that’s what it is and it was cuz I can tell you now but let’s see if it comes out again one out of time

please new beginning I find I will find my new place my new meaning my new purpose my new goal my new dream I’m going to find it and I’m on my journey now I going to move forward with the search of looking for what I want and what I

deserve Gemini

please I’ve worked extremely hard and now it’s my time to enjoy what I have put an end to things that no longer serve me move out of relationships and places that I’ve outgrown because they don’t understand me anymore and they don’t think the way I do anymore

I’ve come a long way you’re going through a transformative period Gemini which means that you may not see eye to eye with a lot of people that are not growing with

you I’m going to take this card cuz this is the one that was up look at that I’m deciding now after thinking about it that it’s time to go time to make it work for too long I’ve procrastinated I’ve decided I I’ve procrastinated on do I do a or b now I’m real now it’s time for me to stop procrastinating and move forward with my life in search of what I want of where I want to go and who else is out there for me what does life have to offer me I am willing to take a risk and a chance to move to another location another country another city another state in search of what I want and what I truly believe I

deserve Gemini please

I want to get away from people that lie that cheat that don’t speak truth that is

scheming Unfaithful Liars it’s a new beginning for me and I’m more aware of people that I meant to be careful of because of everything that I’ve been through but I do know this I want purification now I want people that are pure and true no more do I want to be dealing with people that are conniving manipulative and

narcissistic I free myself from that


if I want to have happiness fulfillment love nurture and care and build a family that I’ve always dreamed of I need to think big and act big which means no longer putting up with people that can only give me half of them it’s all or nothing I want to move forward with certainty I want to move forward with no doubt in who I’m with or what I’m

doing I don’t want to play the games anymore and the guessing games I want to know that who I’m with is real what I’m doing is real where I’m going is real I speak my truth and I want

truth back to the

purification I need to Stand My Ground in what my I believe in to the core of my soul and my spirit I have values and morals that I grew up up with and I need to stand firm with those I need to stand strong in what my beliefs are in what I want and what I’ve been brought up to

believe this is a huge transformation Gemini huge

transformation I move forward and I want what I want but I’m never no longer going to deal with people that come in and out of my life quickly and only leave damage behind I no longer want the one night’s dance I no longer want the Mr or Ms right for a day I want the Mr and Ms right for a lifetime I don’t want the fast life anymore

where anything was good enough anyone was good enough now I want what’s true and

real wow Gemini let me know if you can resonate with this

story someone here is going through this as we speak this questioning of what they want who they want believe in your good luck don’t give up Gemini the universe is saying to you believe in your good luck it may not have happened until now but there’s always the time and place that’s going to be right for you believe that you will find that person that place that career that possib ility that opportunity that changes your


life be humble be humble in what you want be humble in who you are be thankful for everything you have today and all the people that you’ve met even the good and the bad the situations you’ve been in the good and the bad because all of that made you who you are

today talk less feel more it’s time to let go of expressing what you want allow yourself to feel

it feel the love give the love talking anyone can talk even parrots it’s how you feel that makes the

difference Gemini I hope that this has made sense to somebody here I don’t know let me know even if I’ve if even if I got to one person that needed to hear this reading I’ve achieved what I wanted lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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