Gemini Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 2

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 2, 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days I’ve already mixed all these cards so we’re going to start off with some energies then the tarot then lad and then a message from the angel Oracle for you okay let’s get

started let’s do what we’ve got to do for Gemini I’ve already gone through the intention Gemini if you haven’t seen already we’ve already got the December forast and the 2024 predictions on site on our Channel if um you haven’t seen it it’s all there for you energy for Gemini please remember to subscribe like and share and comment as that all helps us and I’m so forever grateful trust in the Divine Purpose Gemini in the next 7 to 14 days you may be hoping for something or wishing that something happens and there or you’ve asked for something and they’re saying trust in the Divine Purpose everything happens for a reason and a purpose and if something is taking time don’t give up it’s only taking time because it’s not the right time right now even though for us we want everything yesterday as humans if it’s saying the universe knows the right time and the right place for this to happen so don’t lose Faith don’t lose hope and more than anything don’t give up don’t give up on believing it’s going to work don’t give up on believing that it’s meant to be look at this this flew out stay the course stay the course even though you can’t see the results right now you will look look he’s showing you it’s there it’s going to happen you just need to believe and don’t give up on um your dreams or your goal or that project or that career or that wish that you’ve got for something to happen because it is going to come in its right Divine time and don’t panic look at that he says Don’t Panic you’re not on the wrong path you’re just having a bumpy start learn from your experience and keep going remember I said to you here don’t give up three and four is seven which is don’t give up it will happen in the Divine time what else have we got for Gemini please what’s the other message for Gemini so I don’t know what you’re waiting for Gemini but whatever it is or you’re working on or you’re wanting so much but it’s coming increase your knowledge it’s now time for you to gain extra stability and knowledge through going back to study something or learn more of what you know right now learn more take it to the next level if you’re for example if people that know their job and know it inside out it’s time for you to expand your knowledge expand your markab ability for you to be more marketable in the workforce or anywhere the more you know the better you are at getting what you want knowledge is King knowledge turns into Financial stability the more you know the better you are we’re always learning as humans we’re always learning and it doesn’t matter how old you are it’s never too late to learn learn it’s never too late to go back to a goal or a dream that you had as a child or as a teenager learn more learn a new language learn something that’s going to benefit you in the long run open your heart it’s time now for you to open your heart no one is perfect stop judging yourself and others and let love heal this situation for some Geminis here you may have dealt with someone or had or had an argument or a falling out with someone who you love and they saying open your heart and let go of the hurt and the pain open your heart and realize that people are not all the same they they don’t have the same morals or the same altitude of responsibility as you do it’s time to open your heart and accept that others are different and that others have faults like we all

do so I don’t know who that is who that’s for Gemini everyone is going to be different but someone here will know what I’m talking about okay what is it that we have for Gemini l m let’s see what we

have the tree changes to the home changes to the family changes that are happening or changes that you’re wanting to happen in the family or in the home they’re coming there there’s going to be stability when this change comes through you’re going to find the love and understand why things took the time that they did the bear the energy of the bear stay the course that came underneath stay the course which means that take the bear energy the bear doesn’t give up on its prey the bear doesn’t give up it keeps going and it’s strong enough to withhold anything or withstand any weather it’s determined it’s encouraging it knows what it’s what it wants and it’s got a strength of a

wall no one gets near a bear when they know how strong that bear is stay the course use that be energy to keep going the child I knew there’s someone here remember I said learning something it’s never too late to learn something I heard here learning and a child it is never too late to learn something that that you’ve always wanted to learn it’s never too late to go back to something that you wanted to do as a child or as a teenager and you didn’t have the opportunity to do so it’s never too late never too late it doesn’t matter how old you

are and this is ringing a bell for me Gemini I don’t even have Gemini in my um Moon ascendant or um sun sign but I can tell you I’m going back to learn something that I always wanted to learn and I’m going to do that and here that’s exactly what that is saying to you so someone here is in exactly the same thing the mice changes you may have dealt with someone in the past that betray your trust or misled you and now the universe is saying open your heart to that matter open your heart and let yourself see that others are different it’s accepting people for who they are but you don’t have to go back to seeing them all the time being with them all the time no it’s about you just letting go of that past hurt and that pain that someone that disappointed you in the past

someone that did wrong by you it’s time to let that go and you’re going to see things clearly look at that you got the Stars you’re going to know that this person did do the wrong thing by you or said the wrong things to you and it’s very clear that that was wrong however what it’s saying is open your heart and allow yourself to forgive even if you don’t forgive them personally but don’t carry the baggage

anymore it’s time to set yourself free from that hurt from that pain it doesn’t like I said it doesn’t mean that you have to take them back but at least um Let Yourself Go you don’t want to carry that energy for some of you it might be a partner

what else do we have for Gemini please Gemini thank you Gemini please thank

you for some of you you’re feeling that you are waiting on something to happen and you you’re not sure what’s going to happen you’re not sure where you’re going You’re not sure what’s happening next you can’t see forward because you’ve got this cloth around your eyes you don’t feel like you’re able to be free and do what you want something is holding you back someone is holding you back and I feel that it may be within the

family you’re on the path you’re on the correct path just keep believing although you may not see things right now you can sense it in a way cuz you’re quite intelligent G and I you know that what you’re doing is going to work you just don’t know

when you can’t see a Finish Line and that’s what’s worrying

you the Queen of Wands the queen of all queens the queen that moves forward the queen that doesn’t give up the queen and this could be a male or a female it doesn’t have um a gender it’s energy this energy is an energy of moving forward not giving up doesn’t look back there’s only one way and that’s forward and I’m not going to rest until I’m done until I’ve finished until I’ve accomplished what I’ve come here to do until I’ve accomplished that goal and that dream that I’ve got I’m going to use that bare energy and this huge potential that I have within me to force myself forward no matter how long it takes no matter how hard it gets what are you working on Gemini let me know let me know in the

comments another card for Gemini please not for energy for

Gemini for some of you here there was a time where you wanted to learn something and you wanted to learn something that was really important to you and unfortunately as a child you didn’t have the capability or the the encouragement that you needed to learn something here here you take on this new learning after being unable to do so when you were younger for others here for others and they’ve told me that this could be for one person listen for one Gemini here you’re going to learn something from your childhood that’s going to take you out of Center what I mean by Center this is a person that’s suffering here with in in they’re disillusioned by someone or something they’re upset and they’re torn by this Revelation that happened when they were a child or something from your child childhood comes to the Forefront now I don’t know what that is Gemini but it may just be for one person here but something is going to be revealed from your childhood that upsets you and I need to tell you when it’s good and when it’s bad for others it’s you learning something that you’ve always wanted to learn as a child you know that course that job that you always wanted to do and you never could look at that Gemini I really think here for one Gemini in especially I feel that here you’ve been misled by somebody in your family and now they’re saying although they did you wrong although they lied to you and and gave you wrong information find it in your heart to forgive your childhood Hood find it in your heart to move forward from that childhood that left you disillusioned and

disappointed things will become clear now and you will move forward for those of you that are waiting on something to happen make no mistake about the timing the timing we don’t know nobody know that but is it there absolutely it is you’re about to move forward with a new project a new career a new job something that is truly important to

you last two messages for Gemini I hope this has resonated with someone here Gemini let me know in the comments what’s the last two messages for Gemini please thank you ask your angels ask your angels when you’re in doubt ask your angels when you want an answer just because you can’t see them Gemini doesn’t mean that they’re not there it’s like when we have loved ones that pass always speak to them they can hear you your angels your guides your mentors can hear you the higher Creator God Buddha Allah whoever you believe in can hear

you ask your angels for that message for that answer for that

solution one more one more message please for Gemini please one more message for

Gemini no no more messages for Gemini no that’s it Gemini they just want you to ask your angels that’s it they’re not going to give me another message that’s all you need to know on the bottom meditation brings answers look at that that’s it ask your angel ask your angels for the answers and meditation brings your answers so when in doubt ask your angels and meditate that’s all they’ve got for me to give you lots of love and light your way Gemini thank you so much and all the best

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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