Gemini Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December 2023

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello Beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot reading’s live today we’re going to do your forecast for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to do first here the energies that we have here for you then we’re going to do two lots of tarot and the last message coming through with the moon Oracle okay let’s go and see what we have for you and let’s start off with the energies for Gemini I have already um I have already done all the cards ready for you with your energy um and I’ll just give it a little bit of a before we start and let’s go for Gemini please we’re here for Gemini thank you what are Gemini energies for Gemini please thank you beauty Gemini in the next 7 to 14 days there’s going to be something that catches your eye that could be a person it could be a thing it could be a situation it’s something that you’re going to see brightly you’re going to see it as a miracle for some it’s like it’s like you look at something and think how grateful am I how lucky am I and isn’t that beautiful it’s so you’re going to be amazed or in not so much amazed but you’re going to be memor mesmerized mesmerized is the word you’re going to be mesmerized by this beauty and it could be a place that you go to it could be someone that you meet it could be a situation that you’re in and you’re going to see the beauty in that

situation okay let’s see what else we have for Gemini please start it off beautifully balance you need to find good balance in the next week or two Gemini and that is balancing your your career with your personal life balancing your Social Circle so it’s not what it’s saying is you need to find your correct balance to find the beauty in things so everything is balanced everything is good in moderation so if you work too much then you’re you’re not getting the Pure Balance and the beauty of having such a beautiful family or being part of a beautiful um group of friends it’s about finding the balance within finding the balance from what you want to do to what’s good for you getting out and exercising and allowing yourself to have all that life has to offer ocean with the waves something takes place this week Gemini for some of you and it’s like there’s a big chaotic uh action going on around you or there may be something chaotic that happens in your life but just know that waves come down nicely waves hit the shore in a calm way for some of you you may have been going through a an a a time in your life where it was chaotic where it was you were riding a wave of chaos a w a a wave of worry and that’s all going to settle you’re going to find the light and the answers and solutions that you needed for your problem and when that hits the shore it goes nicely when it goes back into the ocean it goes nicely so it’s just that interim so if you have anything chaotic this week Gemini just know that things are going to calm down don’t lose your cool keep it together and find the balance and the beauty in things Community for some of you you’re going to be part of a community Community or doing something for the community you’re going to be involved in contributing to Something in the community and it could be that you are sending messages or you’re part of for example you’ve got a YouTube channel and you’re communicating with a lot of people in communities or you have got a particular product that you sell to communities or you’ve got a podcast whatever it is that you’re doing is to help communities and that’s going to bring you a lot of growth appreciation and power within you’re going to be grateful for the knowledge that you’ve been given and who you are as a

person okay let’s see what else we have with the tarot let’s see what else tell us about the beauty for Gemini please what is it that is going to come in for beauty for Gemini please Beauty for Gemini please thank you

what is it with the beauty what else have we got what else have we got for

Gemini the king of cups for those of you that are looking for love it’s there for those of you that were looking for to be loved feel the love share the love it’s there you’re going to find the beauty in being part of an amazing person or someone new com into your life Gemini there’s a lot of love there to come through there’s a lot of love there to give what else have we got for Gemini please Gemini thank

you transformation the death card there’s something that you’re doing that’s out of balance at the moment Gemini you’re either working too much and not enough play or you’re playing too much and not enough work or there is you’re not not socializing or getting out into the community enough there’s a Pure Balance that you need to find for for health reasons it’s more than just what you want and don’t want to do it’s actually impacting you so you need to transform something that’s not right an area of your life that is not right it’s finding the fine balance of doing everything that you need to do but at the same time allowing yourself to get out there look at that there’s going to be some changes that happen in the next one to two weeks Gemini and that may cause a bit of chaos it may cause a little bit of frustration it may cause uh chaos in in your in your family in your life in your Social Circle but that that change is going to settle the change is coming in for a reason it needs to change whatever it is that’s happening in your life whatever it is that the change is taking place in the next 7 to 14 days go with the flow go with that wave go with that flow because if you fight the tide if you fight that wave you’re going to be in Strife because the wave is bigger than and and more forceful than what you can be so in other words go with what the changes are bringing you go with the to and accept that every change that takes place is there for a reason and a purpose now I understand why you got the wave because the changes are there so you if if you decide that you don’t want to change it’s going to force you to change either in a big way or if you decide to go if with the flow you’ll finish off smoothly you know when you try and battle a wave it it takes you and it’s either you go with the current or you go against it and when you go against it you get you get dunk into the ocean and you don’t know where you

are so there are there are going to be changes that come here Gemini changes that you need to accept and changes that you need to go with the flow just keep in mind that all those changes are going to bring you out on the other side oh look at that the empress please you’ve got you’ve got a beautiful line here of you being able to be creative determined see the beauty in everything look at that see the beauty in everything you’re going to be nurtured cared for or care for um and you’re going to find your abundance you’re going to find that whatever it is that you’re doing you’re going to be part of a community that appreciates you that cares for you that nurtures you it’s like you’re helping the community with a particular problem or a particular issue because you’ve got the knowledge and the KN how to work this out so go with the flow go with the flow and the changes isn’t that funny because underneath we’ve got flow absolutely I got that go with the flow with any changes that take place change 3 and two is five which means change going with the flow nothing happens by mistake here it’s saying see the beauty in everything that you do see the beauty in everything that happens and find your balance so you’re not taken out of whack find a Pure Balance that is going to allow you to be more uh healthy more appreciative of all sectors of your life and if the wave or when you’re riding the wave go with the flow don’t fight it everything has a purpose and a reason and you’ll understand that why you’ll understand that later if you don’t already okay what have we got for Gemini what else have we got for Gemini I just want you to see the bottom cards as well Gemini please what else have we got for Gemini thank you two

Knight of Pentacles for some of you not only are you going you may meet somebody but you’ll meet somebody that brings you a new beginning that makes you see life for what it is a new relationship that will eventually be the relationship that you dreamt of you’re going to see the beauty in this relationship you’re going to see the beauty in this person not only are they sharing the love and the care and the nurture they have for you but they’re also growing with you it’s someone that you’ll grow with it’s not a person that just comes and

goes here we have the Eight of Cups and this is you leaving a situation that you’re currently in for someone here in Gemini you may be do you know what I’m finding Gemini with your reading today and it didn’t happen with anybody else you’re all over the place it’s like this reading is all over the place and with the others it was very straightforward with this one it’s ups and downs ups are you feeling this way are you feeling like you’re up and down and you’re here and there and and you you’re finding it hard to solve things finding it hard to get Solutions and answers for things because that’s what I’m feeling right here here some of you are changing a current situation you’re finding find in the balance of what is good for you and you’re walking away from things that no longer serve you so some of you may decide that you’re no no longer going to drink smoke um stay out night heaps of nights work too much whatever it is that’s going on Gemini you are walking away from certain things that you know are not good for you you know that are damaging your health or your mind or your body you’re going to find a balance of what’s good for you and whatever it is isn’t good for you whether that’s people situation or health you’re going to improve everything by getting the right balance tell me about this change so I’ve got three people here this there’s three groups here you don’t know how you feel about this change there’s a change coming for you and it’s going to cause some chaos in order for that change to occur but you’re not you’re not secure with how that change is going to work out you’re not comfortable with making that change you don’t want change to happen you’re scared and you may be fearful of making change Gemini the unknown is keeping you back it’s blocking you from seeing the possibilities that it could be so for those of you here that are going through this wave of change the Wheel of Fortune you’re finding it hard to accept you’re finding it hard to see and there is no mistake you’ve got the empress not once but twice Gemini you have got all the creativity all the abundance that you need you have got what it takes to be so abundant that without mistake you you are going to do some great things in the community you’ve got a product that people want people want to hear you they want to see you you need to be part of that Community you’ve got a lot to offer and you’re going to get a huge amount of love and nurturing and Care back for those of you that want to be a mom or be a dad High High super high chances of falling pregnant or getting that pregnancy to work for some of you here you’ve tried and tried to fall pregnant and you couldn’t well guess what you’ve got a double whammy here if you don’t want a baby I’d be using things to stop you have you falling pregnant so get on your pill don’t forget to take one or get on whatever it is that you use not to fall pregnant because the f ility is huge here this is a mother card for some of you as well for some of you as well and I need to say this is you may have a situation that you’re not comfortable with and that may involve a

mom I don’t know Gemini if you’re dealing with your mother or a mother figure here but but for some of you you’re going to walk away from a mother figure or you’re going to walk away from or you’re going to leave your mother behind in order for you to start something new in another place in another city in another state and you’re not you’re you don’t know whether that’s a good move to leave and leave your mom maybe your mom’s

elderly I don’t know what that is share it with me Gemini can you does this resonate with you cuz this has been the most difficult reading I’ve done

today it’s like I’m talking to three groups of people here even four but whatever it is that you’re going through there are changes coming if you’re single and looking for love there’s love there as well and it’s important that you find the balance that’s going to suit your life


conclusions are within reach so if you are looking for an answer or you are waiting for an answer to come through a contract or anything like that it’s going to be concluded you’re going to find your answer and your solution that you so so

need and isn’t that funny cuz our full moon at the moment is in Gemini so I can see why all this communication is all over because you rule communication Gemini your house three and here it’s like all this has to be said there’s so much to be said there’s so much to be

done show the world the real you show the world what you are capable of and how how much you have got to offer show the world and the community that you can help them through things that you say things that you do things that you sell it’s show the world what you’re capable of because something that you’re doing is going to be Paramount to make the world a better place you’re solving a lot of issues that the community has right now you’re doing things that are going to be the answer for others I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but keep going with what you’re doing keep doing it because whatever it is it’s going to be prosperous you’re going to find your abundance in this Gemini I hope that’s helped somebody here please like the video share tell me if this resonates and I hope that this makes sense to somebody lots of love and light your way thank thank you so much

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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