Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June Week 4

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 4 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and Psychics we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days or even 3 weeks for somebody it will last that long if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your moon and your ascendant sign let’s see what we have for Gemini please what is it that we need to know for Gemini let’s go what have we got for Gemini please thank you the nine of Pentacles focusing on money finances abundance Gemini what do you creating what are you working on the Five of Swords for some of you here Gemini you’re going to have arguments and I feel that it’s arguments either at work or arguments about money but there’s definitely something here about arguing with somebody else in regards to finances or you’re arguing with somebody at work what else do we have here disagreements or someone is bullying you at work 10 of Pentacles look at that you may have got a promotion of late from here you’ve gone from the 9 to the 10 and in between we’ve got arguments it’s like you may have been a appointed a new position in your in your career or you’re doing something totally new and here there’s been some backstabbing bullying or F feeling that you didn’t deserve that position people at work that are going to fight that decision or are going to tell you that you didn’t need that but don’t worry look at that you’re the magician you produce the magic you make it happen what others think doesn’t matter for some of you here you may be having an internal battle thinking can I do this and they’re saying absolutely you can Gemini don’t question yourself you’ve got all the wisdom and everything that you need to make this successful so if you’re being promoted you’re being promoted for a reason you can do this wow the five of Wands upside down look at that for some of you here it’s like a a battle of who who’s right and who’s wrong I feel here you know what I do feel here that there’s going to be some upheaval at in your job or your career or in your organization and I feel here that some people are not that thought they were going to get promoted and not going to get promoted it’s actually going to be you and that’s going to bring a lot of upset to some people but don’t you worry about that because you’ve got the five of Wands upside down which means I don’t really care what other people think I’ve been given this I know I can do this although sometimes you might doubt yourself but you know that you’ve got the magic that can do

this Eight of Cups look at that for some of you here you’re a little bit disappointed look at that nine of Cups Gemini you’re gone from the Eight of Cups to the nine of Cups and under the moon don’t be fearful don’t question yourself get in touch with your emotions allow yourself to live this experience you deserve it this is not for someone here you’re questioning whether you deserve to be um promoted for somebody else here this is family it’s like there’s going to be an argument here about some money within the family and although you’ve created something and you’ve made it work people are going to feel isolated or they’re going to challenge you and you’re actually going to be disappointed thinking that you gave everything that you had to your family and and they’re questioning you you’ve got two moons here it’s like they’re making you feel inferior they’re making you feel um guilty for being successful they’re making you feel guilty for being and giving the best that you had at the time or

now for some of you it’s at work for others it’s a family that’s involved in regards to finances some some people are questioning your finances in the family or an inheritance here and there’s going to be some arguments over an inheritance here Gemini before we go on to the next lot of tarot I was just going to tell you that we have got audio reading now so if you would like an audio reading of your how your next 12 months looks like and the three questions that’s important to you now that you want to ask the audio reading details are below in the

description look at that a new love for someone here you may you may come across someone who is quite interesting or interested in you someone who’s going to give you love appreciate you give you the the love and the nurture that you deserve and for some people they’re going to see that as someone wanting to get into your finan aners so I don’t know which part you’re in but for someone here it’s like you’re going to find this new person but however your family is not going to appreciate them they’re going to question their motive are they with you for your money or are they with you because they like you eight of Earth look at that that’s you being happy with where you’re at finding your gem it’s like everything I have today is great but finding this person to share my life and my love with is exactly what I was looking for it’s like you’re going to meet somebody that takes your breath away and your family is going to be worried that you’re you’re too involved or too um too passionate about this person to see that that there may be other motives does that ring a bell for anyone here because that’s what came up your family is questioning this person that you’ve just met look at that there’s no lie that’s the lovers card there’s a question here with in regards to you and a partner or somebody that you’ve just met a relationship that you just got into and as much as you see them as being someone that’s going to add a lot of value to your life your family is questioning that and there’s arguments here with you and the family because the family feel like they are after you for one reason and it’s not because they like you it’s more to do with your

finances the sage for some of you here you’re going to go away and you’re going to take time out you don’t want the chaos and the conflict within your family you’re going to move away from everything and everyone you don’t want people’s opinions anymore I’m old enough to make my own choices I see what I want and I know what I want and here I do feel that you’re going to take time out away from people to get your head together but you know what you’re going to see this person as a red gem it’s someone that you meet when you least expected someone that you met when you least wanted to meet someone or where you didn’t even care if you met someone or not this rare person has cross your path for a reason this rare person and this gift that’s been brought to you is in your life for a reason and a purpose and I do feel that you’re going to walk away from the arguments in your family or with someone else and you you’re realizing that what you have is actually precious what you have is actually destined to be that’s how you’re going to feel

and there may be arguments with your family Gemini in regards to this person that you’re seeing what else have we got for Gemini please New Path 22 is the is the spiritual number I see some Geminis here taking their own New Path moving away from people that keep on causing them chaos and conflict building a world of your own somewhere else moving to another like vacation for some of you here you may meet this beautiful person while you’re on holidays or you may move with this new person to another location away from the

family sacrifices look at that the sacrifices you have to make in order to be with someone who’s very very important to you even if it is that the family doesn’t agree with them doesn’t agree with them being in your life you’re making sacrifices to be with this person

for some of you here look at this there’s there’s a partner look at that I really like this person I love this person and I don’t understand why my family doesn’t accept them I feel that I need to make sacrifices and move away from them or move to another location to be with this person the other person here as well is moving to another country another city or another state to be with this partner and their family is very against them them leaving their whole life behind for this one

person there you go look at that Gemini you’ve gone through some ups and downs in your life and this person has actually brought you some light they’ve actually brought you some excitement and passion back into your life and after all the hard relationships or the hard times that you’ve been through you’re actually going to enjoy what this person brings for

you tell me if this makes sense Gemini let me know in the in the comments if this makes sense what else have we got forini please thank you be brave and honest be brave and honest with yourself whether other people agree with what you’re doing or not whether people like your partner or they don’t whether people agree with you or not about you picking up your things and moving to another country or another city to be with someone of huge interest be brave and do what you need to do but be honest with yourself that’s what they’re asking here Gemini it’s time to be brave and honest about the New Path you want to take feel loved and comforted and I think that’s exactly what you’re going for you’re feeling loved and comforted they make you feel special this is the person you want to get to know you want to be with even though there’s family and friends that totally disagree with what you’re doing you know how you feel and you’re willing to make the sacrifices to have that love beside

you ignite your passions and that comes with the partner here ignite your passions and I think that’s exactly what you’re going to do Gemini it’s they’re going to ignite your passions make you feel alive again make you feel that you’re important and and you’ve got something to live for the igniting of the passions this person is going to bring you with no mistake and on the bottom take note of intuitive messages you’re going to receive intuitive messages along the way you need to listen to those and if that feels good then it may be if it doesn’t feel good you’ll know Gemini so listen to your intu messages don’t ignore any gut feelings that you get along the way don’t ignore what messages they’re trying to send you well I hope that’s made sense to somebody here Gemini lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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